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CNN MoneyStream
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The NYTimes app for Android is built responsively and is formattedfrom 4” phones to 12”+ tablets. The app works on all devicesrunning Android OS (4.1+).The NYTimes app requires certain permissions to provide you withthe best possible reading experience. Here's a little bit aboutwhat each one does:* In-app purchases: This allows you to make purchases within theapp.* Location: In exchange for the free content provided through theNYTimes app, we compile demographic information about our readersin accordance with our Privacy Policy. This information is no morespecific than the state in which you are located.* Photos/Media/Files: This permission allows the app to cacheimages locally, reducing load times for pages you revisit.* WiFi connection information: This item gives the app permissionto use available WiFi networks rather than your mobile network. Inthe absence of trusted WiFi networks or if WiFi is disabled, theapp will make use of your cellular network (if available). Normalbandwidth and usage charges apply as detailed in your serviceagreement with your wireless carrier.* Device ID & call information: These settings turn phonenumbers in NYTimes articles into clickable links.Feedback? Suggestions? Issues? Please contact our support team atandroid@nytimes.com. We’ll do our best to assist you. Your feedbackis important to us.* Promotional offers for new subscribers only. Smartphone andtablet apps are not supported on all devices. Does not includeaccess to the print newspaper. Prices shown are in U.S. dollars,and local pricing is available in over 55 countries. Otherrestrictions apply.
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Astro AEC Evening Edition
关于Astro AEC《新闻报报看》节目:AstroAEC《新闻报报看》每天综合马来西亚各大报章的新闻,替观众每天汇整各大报的主要内容,分别由主持人颜江瀚、龙纹敏、何海其、关萃汶及陈韵传轮番与观众见面。主持人将跳脱新闻主播报读新闻稿的方式,以轻松谈说的方式,将新闻及时事处理得更直白和简洁。更多关于《新闻报报看》及其他精彩节目内容资讯,请浏览www.astro.com.my/zhongwenAbout Evening Edition Application:This application provides daily live content of ‘Evening Edition’simulcast from Astro AEC.About Astro AEC - Evening Edition:Catch the latest local and international news headlines as depictedin major Malaysia newspapers, each from a range of differentperspectives. Hosts: Gan Jiang Han, Loong Boon Min, Ho Hai Chyi,Kuan Chue Weon & Tan Yunn Chzuan.For more information about ‘Evening Edition’ or other programs,please log on to www.astro.com.my/zhongwen
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BuzzFeed has it all: the stories and quizzesbuzzing on social, the news you want now, and the recipes and lifetips you didn’t know you needed.FEATURES:• Never be bored again with a great mix of the best News, Quizzes,trending articles, fun videos and delicious Tasty recipes!• Use the explore tab to dive into your favorite verticals.• Use the Trending section to see what stories are about to goviral.• One tap to share stories with Email, Messages, Facebook, Twitter,Pinterest and more• Quickly catch up on the News with our quick summaries at the topof the News tab.• Share individual images and videos from within stories. Just tapthe image for options!• Bookmark posts you want to come back to and sync them with allyour devices• Get push notifications for trending stories so you’re always inthe loop• Comment on a post or click the reaction button to share youropinionIf you have any trouble with your app please email us atsupport@buzzfeed.com so we can help!And don’t forget to check out BuzzFeed.com when you’re on yourlaptop!
Hespress - هسبريس
Hespress est le 1er journal électroniqueMarocain, ayant un contenu riche, varié et sans tabous.Principale source d'information du Maroc et del'international.التطبيق الرسمي لهسبريس، الجريدة الإلكترونية الأولى في المغرب.Hespress is the firstelectronic newspaper Moroccan, having a content rich, varied andwithout taboos.Main source of information in Morocco and abroad.التطبيق الرسمي لهسبريس, الجريدة الإلكترونية الأولى في المغرب.
Samaa News App
SAMAA TV News App brings you Pakistan News,Breaking News, World News, Entertainment News, Sports News, TwitterReactions, News Headlines, Facebook Viral Videos. Also watchuninterrupted free Live streaming, reality shows, political showswith Nadeem Malik, Shahzad Iqbal & Paras Jahanzeb. Also catchup with LollyWood and Bollywood news. The App’s content isavailable in Urdu & English both in the same download.
Välkommen till Aftonbladets app!Du har kommit helt rätt – för från och med nu får du alltid detsenaste och bästa inom nyheter, sport, nöje och allt annat som dukan tänka dig att läsa om. Dessutom kan du alltid varva läsandetmed nyheter, klipp och egna program från Aftonbladet TV.Har du några idéer eller synpunkter?Bra – då kan du höra av dig till mobilt@aftonbladet.seHälsningar från Aftonbladet--Du som accepterat platstjänster avseende Aftonbladets applikation idin Android-enhet godkänner att Aftonbladet använder sig av såkallad geo-targeting, vilket innebär att Aftonbladet löpande samlarin uppgifter om din geografiska position.Uppgifterna används för att kunna ge dig platsanpassad informationoch marknadsföring via post, telefon eller elektroniskkommunikation såsom sms eller e-post. Informationen kan också kommaatt användas i utvecklingen av nya produkter och tjänster och föratt ge dig anpassat innehåll i våra digitala tjänster, såsomartiklar och annonser som är mer relevanta för dig. Uppgifterna kankomma att lämnas ut till andra bolag inom Schibstedkoncernen.Aftonbladet sparar och kan komma att använda uppgifterna upp tillsex (6) månader efter att uppgifterna samlats in.Genom att du laddar hem, alternativt uppdaterat Aftonbladetsapplikation samtycker du till behandlingen enligt ovan. Om du intelängre vill att Aftonbladet ska kunna samla in uppgifter om dingeografiska position kan du när som helst slå av platstjänster pådin mobiltelefon. Du har också möjlighet att, en gång per år, fåinformation om vilken information som finns sparad om dig, genomatt kontakta Aftonbladets personuppgiftsombud.Personuppgiftsansvarig är Aftonbladet, organisationsnummer556100-1123, Västra Järnvägsgatan 21,105 17 Stockholm.--Welcome to Aftonbladetapp!You've come to the right - for from now on you will always get thelatest and the best in news, sports, entertainment and everythingelse you can think to read about. Moreover, you can always unwindreading the news, cutting and custom programs from AftonbladetTV.Do you have any ideas or comments?Good - then you can get in touch with mobilt@aftonbladet.se Greetings from Aftonbladet-You who accepted location services for Aftonbladet application inyour Android device to accept Aftonbladet uses the so-called geotargeting, which means that Aftonbladet continuously collects dataon your geographical location. The data are used to provide you with customized information andlocation marketing by mail, telephone or electronic communication,such as SMS or e-mail. The information can also be used in thedevelopment of new products and services and to provide you withcustomized content in our digital services, such as articles andads that are more relevant to you. The information may be disclosedto other companies within the Schibsted Group. Aftonbladet savesand may use the data for up to six (6) months after the data wascollected. By downloading, or update Aftonbladet application, you consent tothe processing described above. If you no longer want toAftonbladet be able to collect data on your geographical position,you can at any time turn off location services on your mobilephone. You also have the opportunity to, once a year, getinformation about what information is stored about you, bycontacting Aftonbladet's Privacy Officer. Privacy Manager is Aftonbladet, corporate identity 556100-1123,Västra Järnvägsgatan 21,105 17 Stockholm.-
Tin tức trong ngày 24h
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RSS ticker (free)
Thank you for all comments.Please report requests and issues (if you want of course) viamail.Your contribution is appreciated. Thank you!Please note: this is not a widget and will never be. It's notpossible at the moment because of Widget API limitations.Tip: You can add new RSS feeds by using Android Web Browser - goto the RSS feed page and use "share" feature. Select "Manage feeds"item."RSS ticker" is RSS news aggregator. RSS titles are presentedvia news ticker at the bottom of the screen.Features:- digital clock visibility can be configured- custom image, transparent background supported- fullscreen window supported- news ticker size and speed can be configured- software and hardware rendering modes supported- new feeds can be added by web browser- RSS urls catching- clickable RSS feed itemsDefault RSS feeds:- BBC Top Stories- CNN Top Stories- Al Jazeera- France24
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手機版 - Oriental Daily News
Oriental Daily News, MalaysiaOriental Daily News is a newspaper with quality content。 It waslaunched on September 29, 2002 in broadsheet format. On July 1,2007, Oriental Daily News had a new facelift into a compact-sizeChinese Newspaper which is worldwide trend, easy & convenience,attractive & artistically .Today, the paper has established a reputation for an independentnews reports, in-depth analyses and impactful commentaries.Therefore, within a short span of less then10 years, the dailyhas chalked an impressive more than 180,000 copies dailycirculation, which is the fastest growing Chinese daily inMalaysia. Our sales are mainly via subscription, which createsconsistency.To date, Oriental Daily News also provide breaking news viaShort Messaging Service (SMS), e-paper (NewspaperDirect andhttp://www.ebrowse.com.my), news portal service(http://www.orientaldaily.com.my), Faccebook,Twitter and mobile app for our widely distributed readers. Thenewspaper has become a trusted information source for theChinese-speaking community.Oriental Daily News owned by the KTS Group, other publicationsin the group are See Hua Daily News《诗华日报》, The BusyWeekly《資匯》財經周報,《 The Borneo Post 》英文婆罗洲邮报and 《Utusan Borneo》馬來文婆罗洲前锋报。
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Cheats for Minecraft PS4 is an application which has been made tohelp you play Minecraft PS4. We update the application daily withnew content all about Minecraft PS4.We Cover:- Cheats- Seeds- Maps- Mods- Resource Packs- Building Designs- Skins- & More!The app will keep on giving you new content to help you playMinecraft PS4! It is a must download if you want to be a Minecraftpro! So download today!It’s FREE!Cheats for Minecraft PS4 is an unofficial App for Minecraft.This application is intended for educational purposes Cheats forMinecraft PS4 is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets areall property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner. All rightsreserved.
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Linda Ikeji Blog
This an excellent application from Linda Ikeji blog .It would helpyou read updates and latest gist from her blog.News, Events,Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Cooking, Technology, Beauty,Inspiration and yes... Gossip!Disclaimer: This app simply lists as well as arranges top blogspost for simple access and it is not related to any norimpersonating any. If you have any concern, kindly send us an emailat designafric@gmail.com. Your request will be responded asap.
Wedding Flowers Magazine
Wedding Flowers is the UK's only consumermagazine devoted to big day blooms. Every issue is brimming withbeautiful ideas alongside practical and expert advice, making itthe ultimate sourcebook for both brides-to-be and the nation'sflorists. The latest flower trends are interpreted to createshow-stopping bridal bouquets, chic tablecentres,floral-embellished cakes and delicate buttonholes, along withplenty of inspirational real-life weddings. Wedding Flowers isavailable bi-monthly, offering pages of stunning floral creationsto endlessly inspire and excite.------------------------------------This app offers a free trial period, activated when you take outany new subscription within the app.The free trial included with all subscriptions includes thedownload of the latest issue and any issues released during yourfree trial period.With a subscription, future issues will automatically be addedto your account on their release date. Within the app you can alsopurchase older issues individually if you missed them when theywere first on sale.Users can register for or login to a Pocketmags account in-app.This will protect their issues in the case of a lost device andallow browsing of purchases on multiple platforms. ExistingPocketmags users can retrieve their purchases by logging into theiraccount.If you have any problems at all please do not hesitate tocontact us at help@pocketmags.com--------------------You can find our privacy policy here:http://www.pocketmags.com/privacy.aspxYou can find our terms and conditions here:http://www.pocketmags.com/terms
KSL News
With the KSL News app, you can connect witheverything KSL:* Read the latest Utah news, watch relevant news video clips, andinteract with the community thinks on the comment boards.* Get the current weather conditions for over a dozen cities inUtah, and see the forecast provided by the KSL Weather team.* Watch live streams of the KSL TV newscast and local high schoolsports games.* Listen live to BYU games via the KSL Newsradio stream* Did you take pictures of an important news event? Upload thosephotos to KSL from your phone.* Receive notifications about major breaking news situations.
TN - Todo Noticias
Diseñada especialmente para tu Android, lanueva aplicación de TN te trae las mejores coberturas con relacióna los temas relevantes de la actualidad nacional e internacional.Informate en todo momento sobre lo que está pasando en la políticanacional, novedades económicas, información deportiva y lo másdestacado del espectáculo nacional e internacional.Presentamos un diseño nuevo que facilita la visualización denuestros contenidos y una navegación pensada para los hábitos delos usuarios de Android.Mirá la transmisión en vivo de TN y todos los videos con la opciónde verlos con reproducción automática.¿Qué vas a encontrar en nuestra aplicación?- Nueva navegación nativa de Android- Recibí notificaciones con las noticias más importantes deArgentina y el Mundo- Accedé a una innovadora experiencia inmersiva a través de losvideos de TN 360- Estructura renovada en las portadas para mostrar las noticias másrelevantes- Escuchá la transmisión de TN en formato solo audio en TNRadio- Nuevo diseño de la página de artículos para facilitar lalectura- Soportamos todos los contenidos de redes sociales en nuestrasnotas- Más opciones multimedia: galerías, videos, transmisiones en vivoy GIFs- Acceso rápido a todos nuestros micrositios: TodaPasión, La Viola,Tecno, Show, Autos, Con Bienestar y TN y la Gente- Prendé o apagá la reproducción automática de videosSpecially designed foryour Android, TN new application brings you the best coverageregarding the relevant issues of national and international news.Be informed at all times about what is happening in nationalpolitics, economic news, sports news and highlights national andinternational show.We are introducing a new design that makes viewing our content andnavigation habits designed for Android users.View the live broadcast of TN and all videos with the option toview them with autoplay.What you will find in our application?- New native Android navigation- Receive notifications with the most important news of Argentinaand the World- Instantly an innovative immersive experience through videos TN360- Renovated structure in the front to show the most relevantnews- Listen to the transmission of audio only format TN TN Radio- Redesigned page for easier reading articles- We support all content on social networks in our notes- More multimedia options: galleries, videos, live broadcasts andGIFs- Quick access to all our microsite: TodaPasión, La Viola, Techno,Show, Cars, Con Welfare and TN and People- Turned on or off autoplay video
RTL info
L’actualité en images pour tous lespublics.ACTU | SPORT | PEOPLE&BUZZ | VOUS- Se tenir au courant: les titres de l’info en Belgique et dans lemonde.- Se détendre: le sport et nos exclus foot, les derniers potins desPeople, les Buzz les plus drôles- Se rapprocher: vos histoires, vos témoignages, vos photos grâce ànotre service Alertez-nous.- Voir ou revoir: les vidéos d’actu, les sujets du 13h et du 19h,les éditions spéciales, les matchs de footCette Appli offre la garantie d’un contenu riche et varié grâce àl’expérience et la rigueur de la rédaction de RTL Belgique. Cetterédaction multimédia rassemble plus d’une centaine de journalistesqui travaillent en télévision (RTL-TVI), en radio (Bel RTL) et surinternet (RTLinfo.be).AVIS aux utilisateurs Androïd 2 et 3 - La nouvelle application RTLinfo n'est pas compatible avec vos smartphones et tablettes. Lesystème vous installera néanmoins l’ancienne version del’appli.News in pictures for allaudiences.NEWS | SPORTS | PEOPLE & BUZZ | YOU- Keep current: the titles of the info in Belgium and in theworld.- Relax: sport and excluded our football, the latest gossip of thePeople, the funniest Buzz- Getting closer: your stories, your stories, your photos throughour Alert us service.- View or review: The news videos, topics on the 13h and 19h,special editions, football gamesThis App offers the guarantee of a rich and varied content with theexperience and rigor of writing RTL Belgium. This multimediawriting brings together more than a hundred journalists working intelevision (RTL-TVI), radio (Bel RTL) and internet(RTLinfo.be).NOTICE Android users 2 and 3 - New info RTL application is notcompatible with smartphones and tablets. However, the system willinstall the older version of the app.