برنامه های ابزار - صفحه 1
WiFi Free
With a hundreds of millionsoffreeWi-Fihotspots keys shared by our users globally ,getfreewifianywhere! Based on your location, WiFi Free offersyounearbywifihotspot password. All wifi passwords shared byrealpeoplearoundthe world and the availability will beautomaticallydetectedbyWiFi Free.Wi-Fi Free Function:-Free wifiBased on your location, WiFi free offers younearbywifihotspotpassword within 5 kilometers.-Easy to findYou can take the initiative to find the wifihotspotyouareinterested in area such as cafe, hotel, city,country.-AvailableAll wifi passwords are shared by users, and theavailabilitywillbeautomatically detected by WiFi Free.-Around the worldNow available wifi password over ten million, allovertheworld,including the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil,America,Europe,Asia,Russian and all former USSR Countries, MiddleEast,Oceaniaandother countries and regions.-SmartUsing the reminder function for a wifi hotspot, WiFiFreewillremindyou, when the wifi hotspot is available.-SecurityWiFi Free will never initiatively record anywifihotspotinformationon your phone unless you initiatively shareaWiFihotspotpassword.
Security Master - Antivirus, VPN, AppLock, Booster
The original CM Security upgraded to thewhole new Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM, Cheetah Mobile)and redefined the scalp of Phone Security: protects not only yourphone but also your privacy. Instead of providing all the popularfeatures, Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) introducedIntelligent Diagnosis to detect your phone status and advise neededsolution, including Antivirus, Junk Clean, and Phone Booster(Battery Saver, and CPU Cooler) in time. Furthermore, westrengthened the protection of privacy by creating a shield for allonline activities through SafeConnect VPN.★SafeConnect VPNSecurity Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) presents the mosteasy-to-use free VPN, proxy & unblock solution. Apart fromother VPN, SafeConnect VPN partners with “Hotspot Shield Free VPNProxy” and was designed for everyone. SafeConnect VPN establishes asecured cyber environment as you need to block out hackers. WithSafeConnect VPN, you can apply virtual location to enhance securityand freely access favorite contents. Security MasterAntivirus&VPN(by CM) now protects not only your device, but theprotection extends to online data transmission to prevent leak ofonline banking information, private messages, and browsing history.(Will be available worldwide soon.)★Intelligent DiagnosisOur famous big button design upgraded to intelligently diagnoseyour most needed solution. All solutions to keep your phone safe,clean, and optimized like a new one, including battery.Antivirus - Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) equips thecertified #1 antivirus engine. It detects 100% of virus &malware by customized scan and removes virus & malware. Itprotects phone and also your personal information against malware,spyware, and hackers.Junk Clean - Phone stores junk files automatically from time totime. Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) detects this issueand frees storage when needed. One tap to clean cache & junkfiles at once. The smartest way to clean and optimize phone.Phone Boost, Battery Saver, and CPU Cooler - Your phone can nothave the best performance if it stays at a high temperature or highmemory usage. Especially when charging battery and playing games,it watches out phone & battery and keeps your phone cool, fast,and saves more battery life.★Message SecurityWorry about others peeping your message notifications? SecurityMaster Antivirus&VPN(by CM) hides notifications timely toprotect your privacy by Message Security. It gathers all chatnotifications into one and makes them easier to read &manage.★AppLockSecurity Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) protects the privacy ofapps by AppLock. You can lock anything you want to protect, such asBluetooth & Wi-Fi switches, incoming calls, recent apps,settings, photos, WhatsApp, or any apps you choose. Furthermore,the preview of notifications can be also locked so that no one cansee which apps you are using or who you are chatting with.With Applock, you can lock apps with a pattern, PIN code, orfingerprint. Fingerprint lock is supported on Samsung or Androiddevices 6.0 and above that are equipped with fingerprint sensors.You can also customize the re-lock time to re-lock at device screenoff so that no need to unlock each time you launch an app.Intruder Selfie - Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) protectsapps privacy from snoopers. If someone tries to unlock your appwith a wrong password, the photo of the intruder will automaticallybe taken and the intruder alert will be sent to you by e-mail. Itkeeps your phone safe and further tells who the intruder is.Disguise cover - Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) disguiseslock screen so that no one is aware of you are using AppLock whilekeeping your secret & privacy safe. You can protect yourprivacy without your parents, partner, or children knowing.Theme - You can choose style of lock screen from hundreds ofAppLock themes or customize with your photos.
Air Lock Screen - Open Screen
Would you like to free your power button, lockand unlock your device without touch it?Just try Air Lock Screen! Swipe your hand on top of your phone andsee the magic!FEATURES:- Lock/Unlock screen with hand swipe.- Three lock mode supported (desktop only, all apps mode and whitelist mode).- Enable/Disable app in notification center.- Disable in landscape to prevent screen lock when playing game orwatching video.
Undeleter Recover Files & Data
Scan for and recover deleted files from memorycards and internal storage on rooted* devices.Without a jailbreak/root* access, Undeleter can only scan appcaches for images. READ BELOW FOR INFO ABOUT ROOT.For free, the app will restore all supported image file typesand all types of data, including SMS, call logs and WhatsApp orViber conversations. It will also shred and secure delete.Unlock it to recover other supported file types, remove ads andenable background scanning.*ROOT/SUPERUSER PERMISSIONS require that you modify theoperating system on your device, visit this website for moreinformation: http://www.androidcentral.com/rootApp caches can contain images that would not otherwise bediscoverable: you may find photos that were shared with you onsocial media but you never opened, or lower quality copies ofimages you have now or have deleted in the past. They may alsocontain images that have been preloaded by your browser or otherapps on your device - even images of people you don't know. Theycan be filtered out using "Hide extant files".File types: Journal scanning can discover files with anyconceivable extension. Essentially these files are still on yourvolume with their data in allocated sectors. Journal scan is onlyavailable on EXT4 and derived file systems.Deep scan heuristically scans for and recovers the following typesof files: BMP, JPEG/JPG, PNG, MNG, JNG, GIF, MP4, AVI, MKV, MP3,OGG, OGM, WAV, FLAC, AMR, MP4A, PDF, SXD, SXI, SXC, SXW, ODT, ODG,ODS, ODP, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, ZIP, JAR, APK, EPUB.Data scanning is available for a select number of apps, includingthe system phone and SMS applications. Data will be recovered inthe form or HTML files for WhatsApp and Viber, as we cannot mergethird-party catalogs.Shred/secure delete: Files found on free disk areas can be erasedpermanently in bulk using the Shred function. You can also use thesystem-wide Share menu to securely erase files directly through anyother app, for example by opening the gallery, selecting a numberof images, pressing the Share button and selecting Securedelete.ACCOUNT - needed for Google Drive and Dropbox uploadCALL/SMS - needed for app data scanner - deleted SMS and calllogsLOCATION - for ads
Kepard VPN
Kepard is easy to use solution to secureInternet connection and protect privacy using VPN technology onyour Android smartphone.Using our application you can:-Hide your IP. Nobody will know your real IP and where are youcoming from.-Encrypt/secure data sent over Internet when you are at home or inpublic place (over hotspot)-Access sites blocked in your country/school/university-Download torrents and p2p (on selected servers only)You can try our application for free for 7 days (first sign uponly) and earn up to 180 days by inviting other people to use it(details: http://www.kepard.com/faq/)
Data counter widget - usage
Data counter widget keeps track of how muchnetwork traffic your mobile uses.Danish, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanishand Swedish translation available.Discreet and simple widget that can be placed on your home screento keep an eye on your network usage. Shows wifi / wlan and 4G /LTE / 3G / GPRS traffic.Try out the new quota in the pro version. :)You can customize the user interface and configure widgetsindividually - just take a look at the screenshots.Please report any bugs. :)Pro version features:- Quota- Turn off display of cell/wifi individually- More background colours- More font coloursIf you want to become a beta tester of Data counter widget and stayahead of the rest, please check outhttps://plus.google.com/communities/115029169945937176952 :)If you want to see Data counter widget in your language (or maybeyou've seen a few words missing translation) please go tohttps://datacounter.oneskyapp.com/collaboration/project?id=161481to help with the translation. It is very much appreciated. :)covfefe
Interpreter- translator voice
"Interpreter" - voice translator acquires textby your voice or by the keyboard in real time, translates it andreads it for you into one the 60 (*) available languages.Main features:- Listen your voiceRecognizes what you say through the advanced vocal recognitionsoftware.- Translation into more than 60 languagesUnlimited and immediate online translator.- Read textAutomatic spoken interpretation into the desired language. Thetext-to-speech features its capabilities.- Keyboard useIn text field you can insert or modify the text to be translated bykeyboard. You can also use this interpreter without the vocalrecognition feature, we have made every effort to make the processas simple and efficient as possible.- Translation historyEvery translation is recorded on device and is available offlinefor later reading.- Quick sharingQuick sharing of translator texts via social network, mail or otherapp without closing the application. You can move the text to anyother application by using the Copy to Clipboard function.- FullscreenBy long press on translation you can see text maximized.- Create documents from the translationTranslations can be exported and downloaded in Adobe PDF format forlater reading. You can customize header, footer and font size ofexported document.- Facebook shareFacebook share option allow to translate and send text throughfacebook.- Speakerphone optionSpeakerphone option allow to read translation in highervolume.- off-line reader text optionthe voice translation engine is now integrated with thedevice.if you have any questions or issue about Interpreter voicetranslator app, send us an email to support:theinterpreterapp@gmail.com(*) Available languages for translator are :Afrikaans,Albanian,Arabic,Armenian,Azerbaijani,Basque,Belarusian,Bengali,Bulgarian,Catalan,ChineseCroatian,Czech,Danish,Dutch,English,Estonian,Tagalog,Finnish,French,Gallegan,Georgian,German,Greek,Gujarati,Haitian,Hebrew,Hindi,Hungarian,Icelandic,Indonesian,Irish,Italian,Japanese,KannadaKorean,Latin,Latvian,Lithuanian,Macedonian,Malay,Maltese,Norwegian,Persian,Polish,Portuguese,Romanian,Russian,Serbian,Slovak,Slovenian,Spanish,Swahili,Swedish,Tamil,Telugu,Thai,Turkish,Ukrainian,Urdu,Vietnamese,Welsh,Yiddish(*) The available languages for spoken text for Interpreter voicetranslator are :Afrikaans, Bosnian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, German, Greek,Spanish, Finnish, French, Croatian, Dutch, Hungarian, Hindi,Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Kannada, Latin, Latvian,Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,Slovak, Serbian, Swedish, Swahili, Tamil, Turkish, WelshFor support contact us :- interpreter voice translator mail :theinterpreterapp@gmail.com- Twitt Interpreter voice translator :https://twitter.com/@interpreterapp- Follow and like Interpreter voice translator on Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/TheInterpreterApp- Interpreter voice translator Blog :http://theinterpreterapp.blogspot.com- Interpreter translator on Skype :skype:interpreter.translator.voice- Interpreter voice on G+ :https://plus.google.com/118257491135678783066- voice translator on Apple appstore http://goo.gl/KSCC1i- Interpreter voice translator on LG appstore :http://goo.gl/EhfRdS- interpreter voice translator on Chrome webstore :https://goo.gl/t4XFx0- interpreter voice translator on Firefox webstore:https://goo.gl/TD3jGb- interpreter - voice translator on instagram :https://www.instagram.com/theinterpreterapp/- interpreter - voice translator on pinterest :https://it.pinterest.com/theinterpretert/###################PRIVACY TERMS##################Your privacy is safe with Interpreter voice translator, data,translations or geographical position are not collected.For more details go to Interpreter voice translator privacypage.Keywords: translator, translator for Android, OnlineTranslator
AppLock - App Lock & Protect
AppLock protects selected apps from unauthorized access by faking acrash whenever someone tried to access the protected apps.After you have secured your apps with AppLock , you can gainaccess to your protected apps by tapping on the fake crash dialogbox a preset number of times and entering a secret PIN.Complete list of AppLock's features:-Control the level of protection required. Protect apps via Fakecrash only or PIN only or a combination of the two methods.-Fast and smooth user interface with quick searchfunctionality.-Completely free!Bonus feature: AppLock features a built-in Fast Uninstaller forquickly uninstalling multiple apps!Download AppLock and secure your apps now!***Upgrade to AppLock PRO for the following premiumfeatures!***1)Stealth operation mode. AppLock Pro's launch icon can behidden from the app drawer. You access the app by calling a secretnumber or via an innocent looking calculator widget!2)Disguised as a calculator app. AppLock Pro is disguised as acalculator app. Launch the app by entering the PIN and tapping onthe calculator number display.3)No Ads!
Any Soft Keyboard is an on screen keyboardwith multiple languages support.This is one of the most customizable keyboards available.To activate: Launch 'AnySoftKeyboard Settings' App, andfollow the instructions.Main features:* Multi languages keyboard support via external packages.* Completion dictionaries for multiple languages.* Also completes your typed words from you contacts names (Android2.0+)!* And, learns your typing behavior to provide next-wordprediction.* Multi-Touch support (as in, pressing SHIFT along with othercharacters).* Extension keyboard (swipe your finger all the way up out of thekeyboard).* Voice Input support (Android 2.2+).* Compact/Phablet Mode.* Gesture support:** Swipe left or right to switch layouts** Swipe up to shift** Swipe down to close the keyboard.* Theme support (comes with a few built-in skins).* Build-in user dictionary words editor.* Build-in abbreviations dictionary: create shortcuts for words andsentences.* Utility keyboard (swipe up from space-bar):** Clipboard actions copy, paste, select-all, select selectively(long-press select and use arrow keys).** Voice input** Arrows** And others.* And many more features!Support at:https://plus.google.com/communities/106050362696748221135
Wi-Fi password reminder
Do you always forget passwords from wi-finetwork?The app "Wi-Fi Manager passwords" will help You, to add,save and share all networks which You use.Network sync between devices using your accountSupports 2 types of authorization: using a Google account orregister on email-password.The application allows:◉ add, delete, or send your access point◉ copy password of the selected network to the clipboard◉ send to other applications text data: network name (SSID)and password◉ to create a picture with QR-code of wifi networkconnection settings◉ quickly find a known network in the list◉ quickly connect to a known network◉ create a backup copy of the file to wp_export.csv◉ import the history from the filewifi_pass_export.csvThe app works as a password manager for wireless networks, alsoinclude with additional functions, this app is free, works withouta Root. An early version was called "Reminder passwords fromWi-Fi"Is compatable with the file of history importwifi_pass_export.ksv saved.This app is not a password cracker of Wi-Fi networks and doesn’tallowed pick a passwords on the router.The application is absolutely legal and allows you to work with thealready known to you wifi passwords.Attention! If you accidentally delete network from device, youcan easily restore and connect to the network, right through theapp.Comfortable and functional application "Password Manager from Wi-Finetworks" allows you to quickly and easily view and share thepassword.Synchronise through your account will save your time, andtransports the previously listed network to other devices.Additional functions in the presence of ROOT rights on thedevice:◈ the application automatically adds the used earlier Wi-Finetworks to the application◈ each time a new networks is connected, the app will update thelist of saved passwords on the device◈ in the case of the removal of one or more networks fromapplication and administrator will request a permit for add thereversing, because the data on these networks are stored on yourdevice.Our group VKontakte: vk.com/rusdelphiAll your passwords are in one place!
Seek Thermal
**Featured as Best Product of the Year byPopular Science and This Old House**Featured Best of the Best New Products by Field &Stream**Featured in more than 500 Global press articles this yearSeek Thermal is the best way to experience and visualize thermalenergy while on the go, at work, indoors, or in the outdoors. Withthis free app and a Seek thermal imaging camera, you can quicklyand accurately detect, inspect, measure, and visualize thermalenergy from your smartphone and tablet.With the official Seek App, you can easily:• Turn your phone into predator vision with connect & detectconvenience• Capture and easily share, store or document thermal photos &videos• Take spot temperatures and thermal images detailing the entirescene• Accurately inspect, diagnose, and assess the source quickly• Safely examine any object in daylight or total darkness,including through obscurants like fog, smoke and light brush• Easily navigate between multiple viewing modes and color palettes– ensuring multiple options to gain the best thermal image• Use with your smartphone and tabletSeek lets you get more done, faster and ensure productivity.Some advanced features are not available to entry-level Compact andCompactXR models like Span & Level and Emissivity.
Intercepter-NG (ROOT)
Intercepter-NG is a multifunctional networktoolkit for various types of IT specialists. It has functionalityofseveral famous separate tools and more over offers a good andunique alternative of Wireshark for android.The main features are:* network discovery with OS detection* network traffic analysis* passwords recovery* files recoveryWARNING! If you face any problems reinstall busybox andsupersu!
Best Apps Market - for Android
The easiest way to the best new Android Apps!BAM discovers new apps & games and recommends the best for you.Focused on FREE Top Apps & Top Games, BAM brings new apps youwill love!Now powered by Fetch, your smart personal assistant for apps andgames. Fetch uses our team of Android experts and the technology ofApp Genome Project to find the best apps that match yourlikes.We test and review dozen of new apps and games every day so you canquickly get to the best ones. Optimized for speed: Fast to open,fast to browse & fast to search, no clutter!- FREE: New Top Apps & New Top Games, everyday- REVIEWED: Android experts test and review the best apps foryou- PERSONALIZED: our algorithm learns what you like and bringsmoreInstall the best alternative to the Android Market. It's thebest discovery tool in the Market, including personalizedrecommendations based on app you have installed.We organized the applications in ways to get to the best apps &games quickly & we have tools for expert Android user:- Top Apps & Top Games: 100+ editorialized lists with dailyupdates- Apps of the Day: hand-picked top apps every day in yourfeed- Better Search: Quick suggestions as you type & humanoptimized- My Apps: The fastest App Manager! Move2SD, Easy Uninstaller& Share, App updates coming soon- Widgets: Last Installed Apps, App of the Day, Apps youLiked"BAM", now powered by Fetch, is the Best Market App for Androidto search Google Play! Update Today! Start with Top Apps & TopGames: it’s like the editorial lists in iPhone for the AndroidMarket. BAM is the best way to find a new app & new gamewithout wasting time searching through junk!! Our editors reviewmany apps & actually play games, then create useful lists ofonly the BEST ones for you. We have the best for each type: you'llonly see one "poker" app or the best antivirus for Android or thebest camera app, not many similar ones. Each has quotes on why welike it & we make our lists useful & practical: "OptimizeMy Phone", "Pranks & Jokes", "Best Themes",etcMAIN FEATURES:1) TOP APPS LISTS• Top Picks from Google Play• Optimize Your Phone• Organize Your Life Apps• Shop Near You...Many More2) TOP GAME LISTS• Our selection of the most fun games on Google Play• Action & Adventure• Classic Arcades• Multiplayer• Strategy and Simulation3. FEED• Powered by Fetch• Brings Games and Apps selected for you...Many More3) UNIQUE WAYS TO FIND FOR APPS AND GAMES• Filter by 100+ categories, paid/free, ratings & installs.Combine filters to explore the best apps in the market.• Sort by Recent, Best, Popular and Trending4) HOT AND TRENDING UPDATES• See trending up app & games installed by the community• No sign-up required, but pick a nickname to be recognized5) APPS FOR YOU: Personal app recommendations based on yourinstalled apps6) MY PROFILE• Easily access apps you favorite here• App wishlist. To add apps to your wish list, tap on theheart7) MY APPS: All your installed apps• Apps Manager: See apps that are movable to sd card. Moveapps2SD / Move apps to the phone• Quick Uninstaller: Uninstall apps with 1 click• Share/Send with friends or post on Facebook, Twitter,Email• Sort by installation date, sd-card availability, size &name8) APPS OF THE DAY - Daily suggestions in your feed9) COOL WIDGETS• Last Installed Apps Widget: recently installed apps, easilyaccessible• Apps of the Day Widget: new apps every day tested by us• NOTE: BAM must be on phone for the widgets to work, not on SD.Move & restart phoneLearn more about Fetch at FetchMobile.coPowered by Fetch and the App & Game Genome Project (beta forAndroid only)http://www.gamegenomeproject.comBest Apps Market is also known as "BAM"http://www.BestAppsMarket.com
DeuterIDE - Compiler and IDE
A mobile based programming text editor, onlinecompiler, and integrated development environment built for Android.Complete with virtual keys for commonly used programming symbols,syntax highlighting, and support for over 40 programming languages,writing code on the go has never been easier.For a demonstration of the new syntax highlighter, downloadDeuterium Editor here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.didactic.syntaxhighlighterDeuterIDE takes its name from the anion of hydrogen-2 isotopedeuterium, known as heavy hydrogen. You'll find, however, thatthere is nothing heavy at all about this fully functional editor.This application was made with one thing in mind – fulfilling theneed of a lightweight, easy to use way to write code on the go.Applications just like this start with a flash of inspiration; withthe mobile platform provided by DeuterIDE, you’ll be ready.DeuterIDE - [Li]ght platform, [H]eavy coding.No account required to compile and run. Ideal for use on tablets orother devices with large displays.Internet connection required. DeuterIDE only supports consoleprograms, standard libraries, and std. input/output.Pre-Honeycomb devices will no longer be receiving official supportpast version 2.0.Features:- Online source code compiler and run results for over 40languages- Develop on this mobile IDE with syntax highlighting, automaticindentation, and bracket matching support- Open text files and use as default text editor- Facebook and Twitter integration to share code with yourfriends- Search and replace, undo and redo, jump to line, auto indent,copy and paste, and other editor functions- Virtual keys for commonly used programming symbols- History of compiled submissions- HTML previewing- User defined templates- Option to use your own ideone loginSupported languages :Ada CompilerAssembler CompilerAWK CompilerBash Compilerbc CompilerBrainfuck CompilerC CompilerC# CompilerC++ CompilerC++0x CompilerC99 strict CompilerCLIPS CompilerClojure CompilerCOBOL CompilerCommon Lisp CompilerCSSD CompilerErlang CompilerF# CompilerFactor CompilerFalcon CompilerForth CompilerFortran CompilerGo CompilerGroovy CompilerHaskell CompilerHTMLIcon CompilerIntercal CompilerJava CompilerJavaScript CompilerLaTeXLua CompilerNemerle CompilerNice CompilerNimrod CompilerObjective-C CompilerOcaml CompilerOz CompilerPascal CompilerPerl CompilerPHP CompilerPike CompilerProlog CompilerPython CompilerR CompilerRuby CompilerScala CompilerScheme CompilerSmalltalk CompilerSQL CompilerTcl CompilerUnlambda CompilerVisual Basic .NET CompilerWhitespace Compiler
Wnn Keyboard Lab
Wnn Keyboard Lab is pre-release version ofiWnn IME (Japanese keyboard) which is standard installed a lot ofAndroid devices in Japan.Wnn Keyboard Lab has stable basic IME functions and plug-in modulesfor customization.* Main features- Add the shortcut area of setting items to the menu bar ofkeyboardShortcuts of setting items could be placed on the menu bar ofkeyboard.These items could be called a single touch without launching"WnnLab setting menu".Shortcuts could be customized by user's operation.When the setting icon (that is placed left end of menu bar) istouched, IME will enter to the shortcut customize mode.- Add the paneled quick setting UI Major setting items are appearedthe as icons on the keyboard areawhen keyboard is entered setting mode.- Improved UI[the Add word dialog] The target language could be selected afteradd word dialog was shown.[the enlarging candidate] "Extend" button and "Delete Learning"button changed from word to icon.- LauncherTap an icon to open the app.You can send a text to the app by one action.It is easy to share URL, e-mail address and any text in a textfield!The apps can be changed by long-pressing the icon.- Applying Material DesignIf you need old Keyboard Design, try Old KeyboardImage(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.skin.standard_old).- Full IME functions of iWnn IME (Japanese / English input)- Multi-language input by using "Wnn Lang Pack"Chinese (Simplified(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.zhcn) / Traditional(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.zhtw) ), Hangul(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.kokr), Czech(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.cs), German(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.de), Spanish(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.es),French(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.fr), Canadian French(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.frca), Italian(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.it), Dutch(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.nl), Norwegian(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.nb), Polish(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.pl),Portuguese(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.pt), Portuguese(Brz) (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.ptbr), Russian(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.ru), Swedish(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.languagepack.sv)- Emoji input (Unicode emoji)- Input extension plug-in (Mushroom compatible)- Extra conversion plug-in- Switching keyboard image plug-in- Floating keyboard- One package for smart phone and tablet- User dictionary backup* NOTICE- This free version includes tiny dictionary for conversion.Converting precision is inferior to the commercial version (iWnnIME).- Please install additional "Wnn Japanese Ext Pack(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.omronsoft.wnnext.cloudwnn.ja)" for better Japanese conversion.* Purpose of access permissions[Full network access]- Only for displaying ads. No input data is sent outside of appunless using external modules.[Storage access]- For importing text dictionaries on the storage.
Unique Android tool with real time screen recording featureFeatures:- capture/record screen with your own gestures- NO annoying UI elements and special areas on device'sscreen- various video quality settings (half/full screen, FPS etc)- NO root requiredDevice restriction:ASC works on non-Tegra devices.UPDATE: Latest version (1.0.9) works on Tegra (Nexus 4, Nexus 7,ASUS Transformer, etc) with Android 4.4 (KitKat) and higherNote:On devices without root access free activation from PC or MacrequiredPlease find activation detailed instruction and download linksathttp://benzul.com
Screen Off FX
This widget has the function of the powerbutton.---------------------------------------[Notes on Uninstall.]"Force Lock" should want to disable.Can not be uninstalled if enabled.Alternatively, can be disabled in the menu[Settings]->[Security]->[Device administrators].---------------------------------------Tapping the widgets, the effect turns off the screen.The notification bar is displayed while the effect of wiping.Widgets or can be launched from a shortcut.If your device is Android2.2 or later, "Force Lock" Please toenabled.Older versions will take about 5 seconds to Screen-off.Please place this widget on your home screen.Setting appears in the following operations.(Please operate it during a screen effect.)- Double-tap the screen.- Press the Menu key of the device.- Select Settings in the notification area.[notice] Some devices may not operate.You can choose an effect.Vibration can also be set.You can also choose the color and design and size of theicon.( 12 colors of 4 styles and 3 size. )Adjust position of the widget.and, "Force Lock" configuration. (Android2.2 or later)If the device is difficult to press the power button, pleaseuse.If you want to launch from a shortcut, please tick the checkboxes in the initial screen.When the initial screen is no longer, this app will run directlyfrom a shortcut.Note:You can not change the color of the shortcut icon.- Don't move to SD card.- Internet permission is only used for ads.---------------------------------------[Notes on Uninstall.]"Force Lock" should want to disable.Can not be uninstalled if enabled.Alternatively, can be disabled in the menu[Settings]->[Security]->[Device administrators].---------------------------------------[Screen Off FX] -----------------------
WiFi Passwords Recovery Pro
NEEDS ROOT!WiFi Password Recovery shows you passwords to WiFi networks towhich you have connected before. Do you need to connect your newandroid device to your home network, but forgot your password? Wantto share a 32-symbolic wifi password of random characters with yourfriend? Download WiFi Password Recovery and do this in twotaps!This application DOES NOT CRACK or HACK wifi networks!WiFi Password Recovery MAY not work on some newest Samsungdevices.If you want to help me with a translation of WiFi Password Recoveryto your language - please, email me at evg.babnikov@gmail.com.Thank you.
Avast Anti-Theft
Best free cell phone tracker helps you findand track your lost or stolen phone, making ‘lost’ Androidphones/tablets a thing of the past.No need to think “How can I find my phone?” – its cell phonelocator features find and control it remotely.TOP FEATURES■ Locate and Track your lost phone or droid on a map throughour web-based mobile phone tracking feature (uses GPS tracker andother triangulation methods).■ Control your cell phone remotely, manage your device via aweb-based interface or SMS if the phone is stolen (to do this, goto: http://my.avast.com).■ Remotely lock or wipe the phone memory, to keep your datasafe.■ Remotely take photos or listen to audio of the phone’ssurroundings.■ Set up a SIM-card-change notification to another device.■ Stealth Mode automatically hides the app on your phone wheneverAnti-Theft is activated, so that a thief is not even aware of itspresence.REMOTE FEATURE HIGHLIGHTSYou can trigger remote features via SMS command from a friend’sphone or via our web interface at http://my.avast.com■ Remote lock.■ Find my phone and display it on a map. (locate thephone)■ Wipe and erase the phone memory to keep your private datasafe.■ Activate a customizable siren or alarm.■ Custom locked-screen text (e.g. show rewards for itsreturn).■ Send an on-display message to the phone.■ Have the phone call you elsewhere to listen to surroundings (withblacked-out screen, so invisible to thieves).■ Have calls and messages forwarded to a different phone.■ Device manager to manage your device remotely.FEATURES HIGHLIGHTS★ Remote identification: Takes a picture of the thief, known asTheftie, when he/she tries to unlock the device (can use front orback camera, with face recognition). Also can listen to and recordaudio and locates it.★ Password check: Marks the device as stolen if a wrong lockedscreen password is entered 8 times.★ Remotely send SMS: Your device will send them for you.★ Remote data retrieval: Retrieve call logs, SMS messages, andother personal data from your phone – e.g. before remotely wipingits memory.For a full protection install Avast Free Mobile Securityhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.avast.android.mobilesecurity
Antivirus Free - Virus Cleaner
★ Fast and Professional, Antivirus Freegives you the most effective dual-engine protection - CompletelyFree!Highlights:►Professional engine: Professional search algorithm both ondevice and Cloud enables rapid scanning and in-depth virusdetection.►Lightweight and low power consumption: Consumes very fewphone memory and power.Features:►ONE-TAP SCANOne simple tap to start the scan, which takes only a couple secondsto finish.►CLOUD SCANCloud engine rapidly reacts to latest threats, keeping your phonesafe all the time►REAL-TIME PROTECTIONThe scan is automatically initiated when an app is installed,keeping your devices safe.
AppLock Theme - Football
This theme belongs to Privacy Lock, please download it here atfirst: http://goo.gl/z6Th5NWhy do I need this App?PRIVACY LOCK is a reliable safeguard to protect and secure yourapplications and private chats from WhatsApp and other messengers -Hike, WeChat, Line, SMS, Viber, BBM, Facebook... Additionally, italso helps to lock your photos & videos and provides strongerprotection for your Android.Now you can heave a sigh of relief and not worry about:Girlfriend/boyfriend trying to go through your messages when you’rein the shower.Parents/kids curious about your gallery and FB status.Colleagues accidentally see “private” pics/videos when you let themuse your phone.……What do Privacy Lock do?Lock Down Your Privacy:Easily and quickly lock/unlock yourApps & messages, a simpler way to protect your privacy.Uninstall Useless Apps:Detect Apps that consumes moststorage space and data usage, uninstall to cleanup your device.Backup & Restore:Batch backup your APK files andsettings to the SD card, quick restore after rooting yourAndroid.Hide Your Videos & Images:Keep your personal video& images hidden and protected, double-secure your gallery andprivacy.Customize Your Themes:Multiple cool designed themes areselectable, enjoy a colorful lock screen!PRE-TEST USER REVIEWS-“This app lock is really good, it consumed a lot less space,really light size app it is, well there's nothing I didn't like byfar, best part is the boost, and good design too. I prefer passwordlock than pattern though, the unlock is much user-friendly.” —K**al(Student from University of Delhi)-“It look good and clean. Love the lock/unlock idea, the boostfunction and the inter face for password page.” —Fi**l (Fishman -IT Engineer)-“Great job u have done. Most of all it’s user friendly andeffective, easy with PIN to unlock, and backup is terrific. Goodprotect for your mobile” —L**tha (Fishman - BD Manager)For more info:Website: http://www.leomaster.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/App-Master/1709302419294051?fref=tsTwitter: https://twitter.com/Privacy_LockGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109812241250582068738/postsYouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/AppMasterFun
Google Translate
• Translate between 103 languages bytyping• Tap to Translate: Copy text in any app and your translation popsup• Offline: Translate 52 languages when you have no Internet• Instant camera translation: Use your camera to translate textinstantly in 30 languages• Camera Mode: Take pictures of text for higher-qualitytranslations in 37 languages• Conversation Mode: Two-way instant speech translation in 32languages• Handwriting: Draw characters instead of using the keyboard in 93languages• Phrasebook: Star and save translations for future reference inany languageTranslations between the following languages are supported:Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani,Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cebuano,Chichewa, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Corsican,Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian,Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, Georgian, German,Greek, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi,Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Indonesian, Irish, Italian,Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish(Kurmanji), Kyrgyz, Lao, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish,Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Maori, Marathi,Mongolian, Myanmar (Burmese), Nepali, Norwegian, Pashto, Persian,Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, ScotsGaelic, Serbian, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovak,Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tajik,Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese,Welsh, Xhosa, Yiddish, Yoruba, ZuluPermissions NoticeGoogle Translate may ask for permission to access the followingfeatures:• Microphone for speech translation• Camera for translating text via the camera• SMS for translating text messages• External storage for downloading offline translation data• Accounts and credentials for signing-in and syncing acrossdevices
Social Blade Statistics App
With the Social Bladeapp for android, you can keep track of thestats of your youtube channel (or your favorite youtube creators),twitch channel, and instagram channels. The Social Blade Androidapp brings the power of the Social Blade website to your androidphone, at long last!Targeted Platforms:- YouTube- Twitch- InstagramSocial Blade App Features:We've tried our best to replicate the best of the app featuresacross all platforms.YouTube Features:- Searching YouTube Usernames.- Summary Page with statistics (views, subs, overall grade,etc).- Check out their monthly statistics and recent videos(*new*)- Favorite and Track your top YouTube creators so you can come backto them later.- Top Charts (Top 50 YouTube Users by SB Rank, Subscribers, andViews - more to come later)- Change your local currency between USD, CAD, EURO, andPOUNDS.Twitch Features:- Searching Twitch Channels.- Summary Page with statistics (followers, channel views, overallgrade, etc).- Check out their monthly statistics- Favorite and Track your top Twitch Gamers so you can come back tothem later.- Top Charts (Top 50 Twitch Users by Followers)Instagram Features:- Searching Instagram Profiles (Must have over 5 followers and be apublic profile).- Summary Page with statistics (followers, pictures uploaded,following count, etc.- Check out their monthly statistics- Favorite and Track your top Instagram Profiles so you can comeback to them later.- Top Charts (Top 50 Instagram Users by Followers)Favorite Features:- The ability to set favorites by "hearting" them on YouTube,Twitch, and Instagram- The ability to sort your favorites on supported devices (someearlier android OS may not be compatible)This version of the SocialBlade app is ad supported. If you everwanted to know anything about any Youtube user, Twitch User, orInstagram User: You can use this to track their YoutubeStats/Statistics, Twitch Statistics, and Instagram Stats!Developer/Support Website:- http://SocialBlade.com
Message Lock (SMS Lock)
★ Lock your messages from prying eyes ★Do your friends always borrow your phone to play games? Do youconcern your short messages may be read by people you do not wantto?SMS Lock helps you out!SMS Lock is a light tool to protect your personal shortmessages (SMS & MMS).The cute lock is designed upon Android system level, to providefully privacy protection to your short message box (Messaging).After enabling SMS Lock, there will be lock pattern protection whenopening short message apps.
Vim Touch
VimTouch is a open source VIM port on Android.It supports full vim syntax and finger touch gestures to help VIMmuch more usable on touch screens.WARNING!If you got any issues with the latest version. Please download andinstall the v2.5r2 here!https://code.google.com/p/vimtouch/downloads/detail?name=VimTouch-2.5r2.apk&can=2&q=#makechangeshttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.momodalo.app.vimtouchhttps://github.com/momodalo/vimtouchhttps://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!forum/vimtouch-generalFeatures- root permission access- Touch to move cursor- Fling to scroll- Swipe to zoom- Siding Menu File chooser- Two-fingers gesture to zoom in/out- Unicode and multi-byte- Single tap to send "ESC"- Read email attachments- Single instance to open multiple files in vim windows- Real VIM runtime- Customizable VIM runtime (ex: can install syntax, doc,plugins)- 256 Colors