1.0.1 / August 25, 2013
(4.8/5) (10)



Here is the best travel guide to enjoy the beaches,heritage,restaurants, bars and nature of the village ofBanyalbufar(Majorca). Here you will find, through a virtual 3Dfly-by,practical information about the municipality dividedintocategories: WHAT’S WORTH VISITING - Beaches and coves,culturalheritage, fishing ports, wineries...; WHERE TO STAY -hotels,hostels, guesthouses; WHERE TO EAT - local cuisinerestaurants,signature cuisine, Mediterranean cuisine, grills,tapas, bars,cafes; SERVICES - town hall, health centre, pharmacyand municipalparking. In short, Banyalbufar, the must-see sights isessential toknow and get the most out of this village located inthe heart ofthe Sierra de Tramuntana.
Banyalbufar is well known for its terraced landscapes, wheretheexcellent regrown vineyards -as our ancestors did in thepast-produce the renowned Malvasia wine and the tomàtiga deramellet (alocal variety of tomato hanging on strings), highlyappreciated inMajorcan cuisine. Banyalbufar is also a traditionalfishingvillage, and this is reflected in its rich cuisine, whichcan betasted on the terraces of the hotels and restaurants thatoffergreat views of the vastness of the Mediterranean Sea anditsbreathtaking sunset .
The municipality offers several alternatives to enjoy both theseaand the mountains, as well as hiking trails throughout thelengthand breadth of the Sierra de Tramuntana, declared a UNESCOWorldHeritage Site.
Reminder: Navigate through Banyalbufar, the must-see sightsandenjoy yourself. Let us help you live an unforgettable experienceinthe Sierra de Tramuntana.
A user-friendly and appealing interface.
3D Fly-by Interactive Tour: Check out the location of the placesofyour interest and learn how to get there with just oneclick.
40+ points of interest: find the sites you are interestedinfiltered by layers.
Detailed information: for each point of interest, you will findadescription as well as identifying pictures.
Multilingual: the application and its contents are fullytranslatedinto Spanish, English, German and Catalonian.

اطلاعات برنامه اندروید Banyalbufar

  • نام برنامه
  • نام بسته
  • تاریخ بروزرسانی
    August 25, 2013
  • حجم فایل
  • حداقل نسخه اندروید
    Android 2.0.1 and up
  • نسخه
  • توسعه دهنده
  • تعداد نصب
    100 - 500
  • قیمت
  • دسته بندی
    Travel & Local
  • توسعه دهنده
    Visit website Email info@virtualware.es
    Usausuaga 7 48970 Basauri Vizcaya España
  • Google Play Link

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Download VIRTUAL SEA for Android!With this experience promoted by the Group for Fisheries SectorDevelopment (GDP) of Western Almeria you'll enjoy the species foundin the ecosystems of the coasts of Adra and Roquetas de Mar inAugmented Reality.Open the virtual hatch, click on any species and discover itssecrets. If you want you can take a photo and share it with yourfriends #virtualsea #adraroquetas #gdpwesternalmeria.IMPORTANTIf you want to see the virtual sea in Augmented Reality you justhave to point your phone at the mural on the wall of the WesternAlmeria GDP (in the Roquetas de Mar port). If you can't get thereyou can use this photo as marker: http://gdpalmeriaoccidental.es/marvirtual/escotilla.pdfNOTEYou need Android version 2.3 or newer with an ARM7 or newerprocessor.
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¡Descarga la nueva aplicación de tiendas EASY2014 para Android!Con esta aplicación podrás inspirarte y darle forma a tus ideas,renovando tu hogar de manera virtual y gratuita.Además de los productos e ideas que te proponemos en las páginasdel catálogo, con esta aplicación podrás ver en Realidad Aumentadauna selección de nuestros nuevos artículos, ¡atrévete! Coloca elartículo 3D en tu espacio y visualiza cómo queda tu composición. Silo deseas, podrás sacar una foto y compartirla con tus amigos.Ven y sorpréndete con todo lo que puedes hacer con cada espaciode tu hogar.IMPORTANTESi deseas ver los muebles en Realidad Aumentada necesitas elcatálogo impreso de EASY o las hojas del catálogo que podrásdescargar en nuestro FanPage.NOTASe requiere versión Android 2.3 o superior con procesador ARM7 osuperiorKEYWORDSeasy, cencosud, muebles, ra, ar, realidad, aumentada,catalogoDownload the newapplication store for Android 2014 EASY!With this application you can inspire and shape your ideas,renewing your virtual home and free.In addition to the products and ideas that we offer in thecatalog pages, with this application you can see on AugmentedReality a selection of our new items, dare! Place your product in3D space and visualize how your composition is. If you want you cantake a picture and share it with your friends.Come and be surprised with what you can do with each room inyour home.IMPORTANTIf you want to see the furniture in Augmented Reality need EASYprinted catalog or catalog sheets that you can download from ourFanPage.NOTEAndroid version 2.3 or higher is required ARM7 processor orhigherKEYWORDSeasy, Cencosud, furniture, ra, ar, reality, augmentedcatalog
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