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Petrol 4.1.2
ALL NEW AND REDESIGNED APP FROM PETROL! NOWWITH TRAFFIC INFORMATION AND TRAFFIC ALERTS FOR YOUR DAILY ROUTETrack your fuel usage and other expenses for your vehicle(powered by poraba.com). Check for traffic jams or road closures onSlovenian roads, set up alerts for problems on your daily routes.Check Slovenian fuel prices and their history or find the shortestway to the nearest currently open Petrol service station andmore.SET UP SCHEDULED ALARMS FOR TRAFFIC PROBLEMS ON YOUR DAILYROUTESWith Petrol Traffic module you can check traffic conditions onSlovenian roads. You can check if there is traffic jam, roadclosure, roadworks, traffic accident and others. You can also setup alarms for you daily routes and you will be notified if there isspecial event on you route. Don't want to be late to your work? Setup alarm 20 minutes before you usually start your trip and bealerted if there is traffic jam on your route!FUEL PRICES PUSH NOTIFICATIONBe the first to know the new gas prices (for Slovenia). Petrol willtry to make sure application users get the price change informationeven before it’s published elsewhere. Notifications can be turnedoff in settings.TRACK YOUR CAR EXPENSESIf you know your fuel consumption statistics you can learn to drivein a way your fuel consumption lowers. You can seamlessly sync datawith Poraba.com, a web community where more than 15.000 Slovenianusers track, share and compare their data.USAGE STATISTICSEver wondered what is the average consumption of Renault Megane,Diesel 1,5, year 2008 to 2010? With Petrol app you can now getinformation like: “This car average is 5.6 L. Consumption has beencalculated from 218 entries from 15 cars”. You can do this for anycar, engine, year or horse power and can really help you whenbuying a new or old car.FIND THE NEAREST GAS STATIONApp uses Google Maps, GPS and live Petrol data to help you withyour trip in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo,Montenegro and Serbia. Enable GPS location tracking and the appwill show you the shortest route from your current location to thenearest gas station.HOME SCREEN WIDGETS FOR FUEL PRICES AND TRAFFIC JAMSAdd widget with road events for your route, so you are always ontrack what is happening on the road. Add widget for price of yourtype of fuel too, so you can check it anytime and anywhere.SERVICE LOCATORLocate the nearest station offering LPG, cash Machine (ATM), Marcherestaurant, convenient Store (Hip-Hop), car wash service, bakery oranything else you might desire.TELL PETROLPlease comment our app or any of our services using “Tell Petrol”feature in the application. We will get back to you promptly.SPECIAL OFFERS AND DEALSFind which special offers are available on Petrol gas stationsMore about Petrol social and mobile features:http://www.petrol.si/mobilno-druzabno/predstavitev
Petrol (stara različica) 3.3.1
POTISNA SPOROČILA Z NOVIMI CENAMI GORIVBodite prvi, ki boste izvedeli za nove cene goriv (zaSlovenijo).Petrol se bo potrudil, da bodo uporabniki aplikacijeizvedeli zanove cene goriv še predno bodo objavljene kjerkolidrugje.Obveščanje lahko tudi ugasnete v nastavitvah.ZAPISUJTE STROŠKE VAŠEGA VOZILAČe poznate statistiko porabe svojega vozila, se lahko naučitevozitiše bolj varčno. Porabo svojega vozila lahko sinhroniziratesPoraba.com, portalom, kjer več kot 10.000 uporabnikov beleži,deliin primerja svoje podatke.PORABA VAŠEGA VOZILASte se kdaj spraševali kolikšna je povprečna poraba RenaultaMegane,Diesel 1,5, letnik med 2008 in 2010? S Petrolovo aplikacijolahkopridobite informacijo kot je: “Povprečna poraba tega vozilaje 5.6L/100Km. Poraba je bila izračunana na podlagi 218 vpisov15avtomobilov”. To lahko storite za katerokoli vozilo, skaterimkolimotorjem in za katerikoli letnik, ter si s tem pomgatepri nakupunovega ali rabljenega vozila.SEZNAM BENCISNKIH SERVISOVPoiščite najbližji bencinski servis, ki ponuja točenjeLPG,bankomat, Marche restavracijo, avtopralnico, pekarno alikarkolidrugega.POVEJ PETROLUKomentarje o aplikaciji lahko oddate preko obrazca Povej Petroluvaplikaciji ali preko spletnega obrazcana:http://www.petrol.si/povejVeč o Petrolovi mobilni aplikaciji in socialnih omrežjih:http://www.petrol.si/mobilno-druzabno/predstavitevPushes messages withthenew fuel pricesBe the first to hear about new fuel prices (Slovenia). Petrolwillbe tried, so that users can find applications for new fuelpriceseven before they published anywhere else. Notification canalso beturned off in the settings.Keep a record of your expenses VEHICLEIf you know the statistics on the consumption of your vehicle,youcan learn how to drive more economically. Consumption ofyourvehicle can be synchronized with Poraba.com, portal, wheremorethan 10,000 records, parts and compares their data.USE YOUR VEHICLEHave you ever wondered what is the average consumption ofRenaultMegane Diesel 1.5 year between 2008 and 2010? Petrol'sapplicationcan retrieve information such as: "The averageconsumption of 5.6l/100km vehicle. Consumption was calculated onthe basis of 218entries 15 cars ". You can do this for any vehiclewith any engineand any year, and with that pomgate when buying anew or usedvehicle.LIST OF SERVICE BENCISNKIHFind the nearest service station that offers LPG refills,ATM,Marche restaurant, car wash, bakery or anything else.TELL PetrolComments on the application can be submitted via the formTellPetrol in the application or via the online format:http://www.petrol.si/povejMore about the Petrol mobile applications andsocialnetworks:http://www.petrol.si/mobilno-druzabno/predstavitev