Electric Black Sheep برنامه ها

Tractors - On The Road (Demo) 7
Electric Black Sheep
Tractors : On The Road is a fun and uniqueracing game!You like play dirty? Win the race by taking the first place or youcan eliminate your opponents. There is no strict raceline, at leastnot the classic "fenced around" environment. You can push yourenemies into houses, trees and any kind of obstacles (or into theabyss). Do anything to slow them down, it's your choice. You caneven cut off a few corners. A little "healthy" cheating istolerable. :)No real animals, people or tractors were harmed during the creationof this game! The events are accidental..The demo includes:-1 Race track- 3 opponents (1tractor)- 1 SoundtrackDownload the full version from:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.electricblacksheep.traktorsontheroad
Judo Bácsalmás 1.1
Electric Black Sheep
Ez az alkalmazás segít megkeresni aBácsalmásiSprint Sportegyesület Judo Szakosztályának edzőtermeit aGoogleMaps térképen.This application willhelpyou find the Bácsalmási Sprint Sport Judo Association Sectionofgyms in Google Maps.
Tractors - On The Road 5
Electric Black Sheep
No real animals,people or tractors were harmed during the creationof this game!