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Trick Bag Snowboarding 1.0
Created by professional snowboarder Nick Hyne,Trick Bag is used by professional snowboarders from all over theworld to help them progress, and give them the edge. Now it is yourturn to get that edge!Rammed full of easy to use features, Trick Bag is bound to surpriseyou and show what you are really capable of in this incrediblesport we call SNOWBOARDING.Just like how using a shopping list makes shopping easier, usingthe Trick Bag makes learning tricks easier. The Trick Bag acts likea silent coach, but most importantly it’s actually FUN. Start oneasy features and move your way up.Trick Bag is the most comprehensive Snowboarding app on the market.A lot of thought has been put into the Trick Bag in regards to EASEOF USE. There is tons of integrated video content and features tohelp you improve your riding.Trick Bag Features• VIDEO CONTENT – There are over 95 different trick videos inthe Trick Bag. These are all exclusive to the Trick Bag App. If youare Regular, the videos will be shown in Regular. If you are Goofy,they will be shown in Goofy. This is key to helping you visualiseeach trick.• RAILS – 53 videos and 5 different levels of progression fromBasics to Spins In- Spins Out.• JUMPS – 31 videos and 10 different levels of progression fromStraight Air Grabs and 180s through to 720s and ONE FOOT 540s.•GRAB CHALLENGE - Sick of spinning? Don't spin then!12 detailed videos from Straight Airs to Canadian Bacons..Canadianwhat?The Grab Challenge requires no terrain park, no special set-up,nothing but a little bit of freaky deaky arm action and a wedge ofsnow to boost off.• SNOWNERD QUIZ - 60 Questions of Snowboarding Nerdness.• MY WISHLIST – Easily create your own trick wish list straightfrom the Rail and Jump trick lists. This is your opportunity togive yourself a goal. This is how real progression begins. You canthen SAVE and NAME each wish list you create. You can also shareyour wish lists to Facebook.• MY LANDED LIST – This is where all of the tricks you havelanded from the Trick Bag end up. It is an awesome way to see whereall of your hard work has gone as your list expands.• REPORT CARD – In here, all of the Rail and Jump tricks arebroken into their levels - from Basics to Bonus. A score is givento show exactly how far through each level you are tracking. Ie.Regular Jumps – Basics - 4/6.• TRICK SCRAMBLE – Can’t decide which trick to try next? Putyour faith in the ‘Trick Scramble’. You decide exactly which kindof tricks you want scrambled and the ‘Trick Scramble’ spits out anoption. There are NO repeats and each trick pops out in list formabove the previous trick creating a ‘Scramble History’. Betterstill, just by tapping each trick’s name, you have a video link tohelp you envisage each trick before attempting it.• TRICK BATTLE – This is where you can take on your friends in atrick battle. It is set up just like a game of SKATE. You cancustomise the word, but if you don’t land the trick that is set bythe Trick Bag – you get a letter. You can play this with up to 10people. Throughout the game you can see exactly which trickseverybody has been dealt in the ‘Trick History’ section.• DOWNLOAD – You can download the trick videos right to youriPhone so you don’t need cellphone reception or Wi-Fi to help youvisualise each trick you want to learn. This is ideal for up themountain at your favourite feature or jump. To save you space onyour phone, you can download as many or as few trick levels as youplease.Having video to guide you through each step of the way, theTrick Bag makes growing your trick list easier than choosing to download and install this app you take FULLRESPONSIBILITY for any injuries, property damage, losses or deathrelating to the use of this App.Start now and get stoked on making your way up through thelevels. This is the beginning of YOU becoming a bettersnowboarder!
Trick Bag Snowboarding Free 1.0
Get Tricks Limited
Created by professional snowboarder Nick Hyne,Trick Bag is used by snowboarders from all over the world to helpthem progress, and give them the edge. Now it is your turn to getthat edge - for FREE!Rammed full of easy to use features, Trick Bag is bound to surpriseyou and show what you are really capable of in this incrediblesport we call SNOWBOARDING.Just like how using a shopping list makes shopping easier, usingthe Trick Bag makes learning tricks easier. The Trick Bag acts likea silent coach, but most importantly it’s actually FUN. Start oneasy features and move your way up.Trick Bag Features• VIDEO CONTENT – In the FULL version of Trick Bag there are 96different trick videos. In the FREE version here, you get 18different trick videos and can easily upgrade to the full versionat any stage.All videos are exclusive to the Trick Bag App. If you are Regular,the videos will be shown in Regular. If you are Goofy, they will beshown in Goofy. This is key to helping you visualise eachtrick.• RAILS – 10 trick videos and 5 different levels of progressionfrom Basics to Spins In- Spins Out.• JUMPS – 6 videos and 10 different levels of progression fromStraight Air Grabs and 180s through to 720s and ONE FOOT 540s.•GRAB CHALLENGE - Sick of spinning? Don't spin then!2 of 12 detailed videos from Straight Airs to CanadianBacons..Canadian what? The Grab Challenge requires no terrain park,no special set-up, nothing but a little bit of freaky deaky armaction and a wedge of snow to boost off.•QUIZ - 20 Free Questions to nurse your snowboarding nerdnessoff the mountain.• MY WISHLIST – Easily create your own trick wish list straightfrom the Rail and Jump trick lists. This is how real progressionbegins. You can then SAVE and NAME each wish list you create. Youcan also share your wish lists to Facebook.• MY LANDED LIST – This is where all of the tricks you havelanded from the Trick Bag end up. It is an awesome way to see whereall of your hard work has gone as your list expands.• REPORT CARD – In here, all of the Rail and Jump tricks arebroken into their levels - from Basics to Bonus. A score is givento show exactly how far through each level you are tracking. Ie.Regular Jumps – Basics - 4/ is the FREE version but if you download the FULL versionyou get all of the above, plus the following:-96 Trick Videos, yes 96 DIFFERENT trick videos to guide you andhelp you visualise each trick! 53 Rail videos, 31 Jumping videosand 12 detailed Grab Challenge videos!• TRICK SCRAMBLE – Can’t decide which trick to try next? Putyour faith in the ‘Trick Scramble’. You decide exactly which kindof tricks you want scrambled and the ‘Trick Scramble’ spits out anoption. Better still, just by tapping each trick’s name, you have avideo link to help you envisage each trick before attemptingit.• DOWNLOAD – You can download the trick videos right to yourPhone so you don’t need cellphone reception or Wi-Fi to help youvisualise each trick you want to learn. This is ideal for up themountain at your favourite feature or jump. To save you space onyour phone, you can download as many or as few trick levels as youplease.• TRICK BATTLE – This is where you can take on your friends in atrick battle. It is set up just like a game of SKATE. You cancustomise the word, but if you don’t land the trick that is set bythe Trick Bag – you get a letter. Throughout the game you can seeexactly which tricks everybody has been dealt in the ‘TrickHistory’ section.Having video to guide you through each step of the way, theTrick Bag makes growing your trick list easier than ever.By choosing to download and install this app you take FULLRESPONSIBILITY for any injuries, property damage, losses or deathrelating to the use of this App.Start now and get stoked on making your way up through thelevels. This is the beginning of YOU becoming a bettersnowboarder!