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Maritime World Ports 1.3
Maritime Logic Ltd
WORLD PORTS The International Maritime Organization estimates that90 % of the world's trade is moved around the planet by sea. Getinformation for world ports easy and fast. This applicationcontains more than 4000 ports in 191 countries. Fast searchingcapabilities by either country or port search selection aided byquick sorting tooltips. ·Position (latitude/longitude)-retrieved onMaps (internet connection is required). ·Access to Port’s website(if available) for more information, (internet connection isrequired). ·Publication number of the NationalGeospatial-Intelligence Agency Sailing Directions describing theport or area in which the port is located. ·Chart: The number ofthe best-scale chart issued by the NationalGeospatial-Intelligence. ·Harbor characteristics by size &type. ·Entrance Restrictions by indicating existence of tide,swell, ice etc ·Water Depth generalized into 5-foot units, with theequivalents in meters, for the main channel, the main anchorage,and the principal cargo pier and/or oil terminal. ·Pilotageavailability either compulsory or advisable. ·Tugs available fordocking or anchorage assistance. ·Quarantine: If a quarantineclearance is required by the First Port of Entry For vesselsarriving from overseas. ·Communications: types of communicationsavailable in the port and/or nearby area. ·Loading & Unloadingarea where normal port operations are conducted. ·Lifts &Cranes whether there are cranes available and what type, and itslifting power in tons. ·Port Services available. ·Suppliesindicating availability of provisions, water, and fuel oil.·Repairs that can be carried out to ocean going vessels. ·Dry-dockindicating size and type of the largest underwater repairfacilities in the port. ·Railway & other services.