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Trek een tarot dagkaart 2.1.4
Spirit4u heeft de gratis App "Trek een tarotdagkaart" speciaal voor jou ontwikkeld.Welke wijsheid heeft de tarot je vandaag te bieden? Ontspan je,adem rustig in en stel in gedachten een vraag Trek dan eentarotkaart door op het tarotdeck te klikken. De kaart die jevervolgens trekt, zou je kunnen helpen bij het oplossen vanproblemen.De tarot zet mensen aan het denken, helpt hen om de voors en tegensvan de situatie tegen elkaar af te wegen.Wat is tarot?Het Tarotdeck bestaat uit een set van 78 kaarten die door middelvan beelden een eigen taal spreekt. Die 78 tarotkaarten samenverbeelden het leven, met alle ups en downs die het te biedenheeft. Beschouw tarot als een losbladig, 78 prenten bevattend'prentenboek van het leven'. Alles zit erin!De 78 kaarten zijn verdeeld in een Groot Arcana (22 kaarten) eneen Klein Arcana (56 kaarten). Wanneer het woord 'Arcana' vervangenwordt door haar betekenis 'geheim' , wordt al snel duidelijk wat dekaarten ons tonen: antwoorden in verband met ontwikkelingsprocessenof processen in het dagelijks leven.Tarot is een uitgebreid systeem met zoveel diepgang dat je erniet op uitgekeken raakt. Juist dit maakt tarot zo boeiend. Desymboliek, archetypes, getallen, kleuren en de vier elementenverhullen kennis uit een ver verleden. De vele lagen in de tarotbieden een uitgelezen kans voor studie.De lagen van betekenis bieden echter ook de mogelijkheid om dekaarten te gebruiken als 'spiegeltjes' om te kijken naar de zakendie ons nu bezighouden. De beelden roepen iets bij ons op.Tarot is een flexibel en krachtig instrument om snel inzicht teverkrijgen op allerlei gebied. Een Tarot dagkaart geeft een beeldrond het thema wat je bezighoudt. De kaart die op je scherm komtheeft betrekking op dat wat je bezighoudt te midden van jouomstandigheden. Er wordt iets getoond wat waar is ('waar-zeggen')over innerlijke en uiterlijke gegevens, over valkuilen en te lerenlessen, over angsten, ambities en mogelijkheden, over sterke enzwakke kanten.De herkomst van dit mysterieuze spel is, ondanks de veleverhalen, nog steeds in nevelen gehuld. Toch heeft het mensenvanuit de meest verschillende achtergronden en culturengefascineerd, bewogen en steeds tot nieuwe gezichtspuntengebracht.De rijke symboliek van de tarot en de beproefde referentiekadersvan de diverse legmethodes staan garant voor het aanreiken vanontelbare aanwijzingen en impulsen, waarmee een ieder die bereid isom met open geest, hart en ziel er naar te kijken en te luisteren,inzicht geboden wordt.Spirit4u the free app"Draw a tarot day pass" specially designed for you.What wisdom does the tarot you today to offer? Relax, breathecalmly and set in mind Pull a question than a tarot card byclicking. The tarot deck to The card can then pull, could help insolving problems.The tarot makes people think, helps them to weigh. The pros andcons of the situation against each otherWhat is Tarot?The Tarot Deck consists of a set of 78 cards through picturesspeak a language. 78 tarot cards that depict life together, withall the ups and downs that it has to offer. Consider tarot as aloose-leaf, containing 78 prints' picture book of life. "Everything is there!The 78 cards are divided into a Great Arcana (22 cards) and aSmall Arcana (56 cards). When the word "Arcana" is replaced by itsmeaning 'secret', it soon becomes clear what the maps show usanswers related to developmental processes or in everyday life.Tarot is a comprehensive system with so much depth that you getdo not get tired. Precisely this makes Tarot so fascinating. Thesymbolism, archetypes, numbers, colors and the four elementsconceal knowledge of the past. The many layers in the tarot offeran excellent opportunity for study.However, the layers of meaning also offer the possibility to useas 'mirrors' to look at the issues that concern us now. Cards Theimages conjure up something at us.Tarot is a flexible and powerful tool to obtain in many areas.Rapid insight A day pass Tarot depicts the theme you engaged. Thecard that comes on your screen that covers your concerns amid yourscircumstances. It is shown something is true (which say ") on innerand outer data about pitfalls and learn lessons about fears,ambitions and capabilities, on strengths and weaknesses.The origin of this mysterious game, despite the many stories,still shrouded in mystery. However, the people from the mostdiverse backgrounds and cultures fascinated, moved and alwaysbrought fresh perspectives.The rich symbolism of the tarot and the proven frameworks of thevarious installation methods guarantee pinpointing of countlessclues and impulses, which anyone who is ready with open mind, heartand soul to watch and listen, insight is offered .
Your Tarot - Daily New Free Card Reading Meanings 1.4
Your Tarot app provides free daily Tarot card readings. Get freeTarot insights on love, money, spirituality, career & much moreby choosing one or more Tarot cards. Guidance by way of TarotReading is now at your fingertips. Your Tarot app lets you connectto a professional Tarot reader to get a live explanation of yourpersonal spread (coming soon!) Your Tarot offers the possibility tosend these personal spreads to a professional Tarot reader. To geta 1op1 live explanation and answer to your questions. Theprofessional Tarot consultant will provide in-depth readings ofyour personal spread, no more guessing of your Tarot card meanings.The expert Tarot reader will guide you and answer your questions.No matter the Tarot card spread, our professional Tarot cardreaders will provide a meaningful answer to your questions aboutlove, spirituality, money, career, or any other topic in life! YourTarot app will help to get clarity about your present situationThanks to the information you are presented with, you will be ableto make truly conscious choices and take full responsibility foryour decisions. Tarot cards are about mirroring your soul and innervalues. Trust your inner guides while you select your card!Features of Your Tarot - Daily New Free Card Reading Meaning: ⚫️Create free Tarot readings ⚫️ Send personal Tarot spreads toprofessional Tarot readers (coming soon!) ⚫️ Get professional 1on1live explanation of your Tarot spread to answer your questions(coming soon!) ⚫️ Choose from 22 different tarot layouts ⚫️ Choosea pattern - to focus on the specific question you want the Tarotcards to answer ⚫️ Tarot card meanings and interpretations providedby experienced Tarot readers ⚫️ Trusted Tarot card readings andmeanings Tarot readings beyond your general Tarot explanation Textsfor the Tarot Cards are written by very experienced Tarot readersand go beyond a general Tarot explanation. With years ofexperience, the texts for Your Tarot were handcrafted and allow formeaningful Tarot card readings. What is Tarot? Tarot is a gamebased on symbolism. The special images give indications via anindirect way. So you can't take the representations literally.Everything you see 'stands for something.’ Some Tarot cards comeacross as somewhat threatening. Tarot cards could trigger afrightening reaction at first. For example, cards with 'death','the devil', with 'sickness and destruction'. Be aware, when thishappens, that the images stand for something. The Tarot Cards firstneed to be translated to the correct meaning and then linked toyour situation. A correct interpretation of the cards requires agood understanding of symbolism, impeccable empathy and a lot ofplaying experience. Tarot will give you the clarification andsupport that will help you in your way of life. Where does Tarotcome from? Tarot is a card game that first appeared in Europearound the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. It was mainlyplayed among gypsies. Gypsies are travelling people who took thegame with them from the countries where Tarot originated, such asEgypt, India, Spain, Italy and Eastern European countries. Tarot isan ancient card game. A card game about life, which also carriesage-old wisdom of life. The beautiful representations symbolize theso-called archetypes. These are images and behaviors stored in thecollective consciousness of humanity. Or rather, in the unconsciouspart of the collective consciousness. Initially, Tarot began as afad in predicting the future and over the centuries, it hasdeveloped into an esoteric, philosophical and psychological system.Tarot consists of 78 cards covering all aspects of daily spirituallife. In Tarot we find wisdom and answers to daily and meaningfulquestions of life. You can use it every day and whenever you want.There's no limit to it!