Presbyterian Church (USA) برنامه ها

PC-biz 1.1
Presbyterian Church (USA)
PC-biz is the name of the application which isused by participants and followers of the General Assembly of thePresbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It is the primary way that electedcommissioners and advisory delegates access, read and followassembly business. The system is also utilized by other interestedparties (staff, observers, press, etc.) to monitor assemblybusiness ­ whether onsite at the meeting or from their home oroffice over the Internet.Why use PC-biz? The primary reason is that it allows us to bebetter stewards of our natural resources, finances and information.The app offers the ability to easily follow business during theassembly with a feature known as SessionSync and offers the abilityto provide offline viewing of current assembly business when theuser does not have internet connection. Other key benefits thatthis application provides are access to assembly information; moretime available to spend on critical issues and less on cumbersomepaperwork; electronic tracking of all adopted amendments, andreal-time updates of assembly business.
UKirk Daily 1.5
Presbyterian Church (USA)
UKirk Daily provides services for Daily Prayer based on CommonWorship.
Daily Prayer PC(USA) 1.3
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Provides Presbyterian liturgies Morning, Midday, Evening and Closeof Day Prayer