Seungjun Lee برنامه ها

인테리어정보 1.4
Seungjun Lee
1. 인테리어 정보를 각 항목별(조명,가구,소품,벽지,필름)로 제공.2. 내 주변의 인테리어 업체 위치와 전화번호를 제공.3. 즐겨찾기 추가 및 제거 기능.4. 인테리어 용품 구매사이트 연동.----개발자 연락처 :yoire7@gmail.com1. Visual information foreach item (lighting, furniture, accessories, wallpaper, film)available.Two. Around the interior of my company provides locations and phonenumbers.Three. Add and remove favorites function.Four. Interior buying sites linked article.
Shortcut App (NotificationBar) 2.2
Seungjun Lee
Shortcut App (Notification bar)You can registered favorite app launcher in notificationbar.Click registered app in the notification bar, will run the app.
FakeScreen (화면 꺼진것처럼) 1.0
Seungjun Lee
FakeScreen shows a black screen as the screen is turned off. Turnleft at the company noticed just visible automatic Hunting isperfect !!