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Sound Control 3.2.0
Features:-A front screen to quickly adjust the volume of your device asneeded.-Customizable audio profiles that can be used in a variety ofways. 2 types of Widgets, Android Wear, Notification widget.-Volume lock can be used in the same way that audio profilescan.-Triggers expand profiles to be automated via Location, Time,and System events.Paid vs Free:The paid version is the same as the free version except with theability to toggle ads on or off. Ads default off in the paidversion, but if you like the app consider enabling the ads. Totransfer between the 2, use the Backup feature in the Free versionand use the Restore feature in the Paid version.Device Requirements:This app is capable of working on devices with an API level of 9and up or in other words Android 2.3 and up. Many features requirenewer versions of Android to work properly. The Vertical scrollingwidget requires Android 3.0 and up while Android Wear supportrequires Android 4.3 and up. The notification widget requiresAndroid 4.0 and up, but lower versions do have access to a singleprofile in the notification pane.Permissions:-android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS, Used to modify Audiosetting as defined by user in app.-android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS, Used for Ringtone managementand other controls-android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, Used for Locations-android.permission.INTERNET, Used by ads only.-android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, Used by ads and theairplane mode trigger.-android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Used for thebackup/restore features.-android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, Used to start servicesthat were on prior to shutdown(widget updater and Locations areexamples).-android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE, used to listen for phonecalls to change volume levels when phone is unlinked fromnotification.Libraries:ActionBarShelock and HoloEveryWhereLib are the main ones used tomaintain a similar UI across devices. I did not create theseLibraries.Privacy:This app stores all information locally and does not use anyinternet access beyond what the advertisements use. The ads can beprevented from loading in the paid version thus preventing anyinternet access from this app.For more information on the app, please use the followinglink:https://docs.google.com/document/d/10lVS43Vooeqm9jfES0ssitDs0lZx0ZkhHizGpgWKZ7s/edit?usp=sharing
Sound Control Free 3.2.0
Features:-A front screen to quickly adjust the volume of your deviceasneeded.-Customizable audio profiles that can be used in a varietyofways. 2 types of Widgets, Android Wear, Notification widget.-Volume lock can be used in the same way that audioprofilescan.-Triggers expand profiles to be automated via Location, Time,andSystem events.Paid vs Free:The paid version is the same as the free version except withtheability to toggle ads on or off. Ads default off in thepaidversion, but if you like the app consider enabling the ads.Totransfer between the 2, use the Backup feature in the Freeversionand use the Restore feature in the Paid version.Device Requirements:This app is capable of working on devices with an API level of 9andup or in other words Android 2.3 and up. Many features requirenewerversions of Android to work properly. The Vertical scrollingwidgetrequires Android 3.0 and up while Android Wear supportrequiresAndroid 4.3 and up. The notification widget requiresAndroid 4.0 andup, but lower versions do have access to a singleprofile in thenotification pane.Permissions:-android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS, Used to modifyAudiosetting as defined by user in app.-android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS, Used for Ringtone managementandother controls-android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, Used for Locations-android.permission.INTERNET, Used by ads only.-android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, Used by ads andtheairplane mode trigger.-android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Used forthebackup/restore features.-android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, Used to startservicesthat were on prior to shutdown(widget updater and Locationsareexamples).-android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE, used to listen for phonecallsto change volume levels when phone is unlinkedfromnotification.Libraries:ActionBarShelock and HoloEveryWhereLib are the main ones usedtomaintain a similar UI across devices. I did not createtheseLibraries.Privacy:This app stores all information locally and does not useanyinternet access beyond what the advertisements use. The ads canbeprevented from loading in the paid version thus preventinganyinternet access from this app.For more information on the app, please use thefollowinglink:https://docs.google.com/document/d/10lVS43Vooeqm9jfES0ssitDs0lZx0ZkhHizGpgWKZ7s/edit?usp=sharing