eBsuccess Solution Inc. برنامه ها

Album Manager 1.4
Be frustrated that can't find that great photowhen you want to show it to friends all the time?Got tons of photos without WHY and WHAT?Try Album Manager right now, put your photos in albums youmade.Don't need network connection or synchronization, just lie down onthe couch with a cup of great coffeeCreate albums as you like, put photos in. That's all what you needto do.Features:1. Viewing and Sorting photos by the intuitive UI design2. Sorting photos by yourown3. Exporting photo to storage device (SD card)4. Share photos by email or other channels(email/facebook/others)5. AD Free6. Upload album to facebook, share your favorite with your love inone click*Recommended handset OS : Android OS 2.2 and 2.3
Album Manager Free 1.6
eBsuccess Solution Inc.
Be frustrated that can't find that greatphotowhen you want to show it to friends all the time?Got tons of photos without WHY and WHAT?Try Album Manager right now, put your photos in albumsyoumade.Don't need network connection or synchronization, just lie downonthe couch with a cup of great coffeeCreate albums as you like, put photos in. That's all what youneedto do.Features:1. Viewing and Sorting photos by the intuitive UI design2. Sorting photos by your own3. Exporting photo to storage device (SD card)4. Share photos by email or other channels*Recommended handset OS : Android OS 2.2 and 2.3
Sudoku Arena Free 1.01
eBsuccess Solution Inc.
Want to have fun together with your friendsinthe real world?Looking for games to make your family closer?"Sudoku Arena" is exactly what you need.In addition to providing traditional sudoku game, you can findanew battle mode in "Sudoku Arena".Having fun with friends and family by playing "SudokuArena"togetherEveryone can enjoy it with various GRID and LEVEL andintuitivedesign for all ages.Game Features1. Drag and drop your number card on the chess board2. 3 Grids (4x4, 6x6, 9x9(full version)); 3 levels of difficultyforall kind of players3. Having fun with friends and family in the battle mode4. Enlarged number card design for android tablet5. Music and art design in Chinese style, experience the beautyoforiental culture in the game.*Recommended OS : Android OS 2.2 and 2.3
Brain Sports 頭腦體操 (Lite) 1.1
eBsuccess Solution Inc.
抗 老 . 活腦 . 益 智 .娛 樂年紀越大,擔心自己的頭腦逐漸衰退?!頭腦是用進廢退,無所事事,將會加速腦力的退化!別擔心!頭腦是可以鍛鍊的!減少腦力下降,只有讓頭腦多運動。許多人都在尋找動腦與打發時間的遊戲。鍛練腦力,您需要正確的工具! 「Brain Sports 頭腦體操」。BrainSports為一針對大腦各區域的功能,全方位增強的活腦運動遊戲。結合大尺寸螢幕與觸控操作等直覺設計,利用多樣不同主題的訓練遊戲,來訓練包含視覺、記憶、數學、邏輯、手部、聽覺等各項大腦功能。遊戲會紀錄下運動進度與成績,再藉此進行分析,來判斷大腦概況,方便隨時了解與查閱,並適時的提出建議。藉由多樣化的主題,手腦並用的內容,專業的腦力分析,能活化腦力,延緩腦力退化,達到養生、益智、抗老的目的。沒有老頭腦,只有懶頭腦,延緩老化,必須馬上開始。◆軟體特色1. 輕鬆易懂的操作介面,字大、按鈕大、觸控操作、流程簡單。2. 漸進式的遊戲方式,上手容易。內容豐富,內含包含9種腦力鍛練遊戲、3種運動模式。3. 相較於其他同類遊戲,增加了手部與聽力兩項訓練,能更全面性的活化大腦。4. 區分左、右手的操作模式,雙手均衡運動,比一般僅以慣用手操作,更能提升大腦訓練的效果。5. 完整的運動成績紀錄可隨時查閱,可記錄多人的資料,分別管理全家人的運動紀錄。6. 提供個人的大腦概況,明確分析腦力的成長變化;並提出運動建議,可根據建議,自由調整運動與訓練。Keywords:大腦、頭腦、測驗、訓練、鍛鍊、運動、益智、抗老、活化、活腦
Sudoku Arena Full 1.01
Want to have fun together with your friendsinthe real world?Looking for games to make your family closer?"Sudoku Arena" is exactly what you need.In addition to providing traditional sudoku game, you can findanew battle mode in "Sudoku Arena".Having fun with friends and family by playing "SudokuArena"togetherEveryone can enjoy it with various GRID and LEVEL andintuitivedesign for all ages.Game Features1. Drag and drop your number card on the chess board2. 3 Grids (4x4, 6x6, 9x9); 3 levels of difficulty for all kindofplayers3. Having fun with friends and family in the battle mode4. Enlarged number card design for android tablet5. Music and art design in Chinese style, experience the beautyoforiental culture in the game.*Recommended OS : Android OS 2.2 and 2.3
智慧社區 1.03
eBsuccess Solution Inc.
安裝程式後可隨時查閱社區住宅的公告資訊、管委會會議記錄、瓦斯度數、包裹資訊,當收到包裹或是有新公告時可以收到即時的推撥。After you installtheprogram are available at any time residential communityinformationbulletin, the CMC meeting, gas degree, parcelsinformation,When you receive the package or have a new announcement canreceivean instant pushed aside.