برترین 14 برنامه مشابه به The Orthodox Bible - The OJB

English Orthodox Prayer Book 1.01
Mirko Martinović
English Orthodox Prayer Book
Wudase Mariam ውዳሴ ማርያም 1.0
Getahun Amare
Wudase Mariam Is an Ethiopian Orthodoxtewahedochurch prayer Book of Saint Mary.It is good knowing that you have a selection of manyclassicalprayer books on your android phone is a wonderful thing. Ipreparedyou this application with the help of God. While you usethisapplication please don’t forget to remember me in yourprayers.Thank youFeaturesCreated for easily accessible in Amharic Language.Create your own list of favorite prayersChange prayer background for day and night prayingChange font color and size accordinglyIf you download this app and like it, please leave us a reviewandratings.Feel free to post your comments with request for other prayersthatI will try to add on updateማሳሰቢያ:መጽሐፍን በየጊዜው ስለምናዘምነውና ያልተሟሉ የመጻሕፍት ክፍሎችን ስለምናሟላቸው የFacebookገጻችንንLike በማድረግ አዳዲስ ነገሮችን ያግኙ:: http://www.facebook.com/getahun.amare1
Geez Amharic Orthodox Bible 81 3.0.6
Getahun Amare
በስመ አብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሐዱ አምላክ አሜን::ይህ መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያንን ሥርዓትና ደንብ ጠብቆየተዘጋጀኦርቶዶክሳዊ መጽሐፍ ነው:: መጽሐፍ ቅዱሱ የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን የብሉይናየሐዲስኪዳን መጻሕፍት እንዲሁም የቀኖና መጻሕፍት ብላ በ1980 ዓ.ም ያሳተመችውን መጽሐፍ ቃል በቃልለቅሞመዝግቧል።መጽሐፉ ለሃይማኖት አባቶች ለሰባክያነ ወንጌልና ለመምህራን ለመንፈሳዊ ተልዕኮ በሚሰማሩበት ወቅትመጽሐፍቅዱስ በእጃቸው መያዝ ሳይኖርባቸው በቀላሉ ቃለ እግዚአብሔርን ለማስተማር ጉልህ አስተዋጽኦይኖረዋል::ምዕመናንም የግዕዙንና የአማርኛውን ትርጉም ምሥጢሩ ሳይዛባ በስልካቸው እንዲጠቀሙይረዳል::የመጽሐፉ ልዩ ባሕርያት† ሰማንያ አንድ (81) መጻሕፍትን ያካተተ ነው† ሙሉ ብሉይና ሐዲስ ኪዳን በኢትዮጵያ ጥንታዊ ቋንቋ በግዕዝና በአማርኛ የተዘጋጀ ነው† የአማርኛው ትርጉም በጥንታዊው የአባቶቻችን አጻጻፍና አገላለጽ ሃይማኖታዊ ለዛውን ሳይለቅየተጻፈነው† የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን የምትጠቀምባቸውን የብሉይ ኪዳን የቀኖና መጻሕፍትያካተተነው† ፊደሉና አጻጻፉ በግእዝና በአማርኛ መዛግብተ ቃላት መሠረት ታርሞ የተዘጋጀ ነው።† የፊደሎችን መጠን በቀላሉ ማስተካከያ መንገድ አለውበመጽሐፉ የተካተቱ መጻሕፍት ዝርዝርብሉይ ኪዳንኦሪት ዘፍጥረትኦሪት ዘጸአትኦሪት ዘሌዋውያንኦሪት ዘኍልቍኦሪት ዘዳግምመጽሐፈ ኢያሱ ወልደ ነዌመጽሐፈ መሳፍንትመጽሐፈ ሩትመጽሐፈ ሳሙኤል ቀዳማዊመጽሐፈ ሳሙኤል ካልዕመጽሐፈ ነገሥት ቀዳማዊመጽሐፈ ነገሥት ካልዕመጽሐፈ ዜና መዋዕል ቀዳማዊመጽሐፈ ዜና መዋዕል ካልዕመጽሐፈ ዕዝራመጽሐፈ ነሐምያመጽሐፈ አስቴርመጽሐፈ ኢዮብመዝሙረ ዳዊትመጽሐፈ ምሳሌመጽሐፈ ተግሣጽ)መጽሐፈ መክብብማሕልየ መሓልይ ዘሰሎሞንትንቢተ ኢሳይያስትንቢተ ኤርምያስሰቈቃወ ኤርምያስትንቢተ ሕዝቅኤልትንቢተ ዳንኤልትንቢተ ሆሴዕትንቢተ ዓሞጽትንቢተ ሚክያስትንቢተ ኢዮኤልትንቢተ አብድዩትንቢተ ዮናስትንቢተ ናሆምትንቢተ ዕንባቆምትንቢተ ሶፎንያስትንቢተ ሐጌትንቢተ ዘካርያስትንቢተ ሚልክያስየብሉይ ኪዳን ሁለተኛ የቀኖና መጻሕፍትመጽሐፈ ዕዝራ ሱቱኤልመጽሐፈ ዕዝራ ካልዕመጽሐፈ ጦቢትመጽሐፈ ዮዲትመጽሐፈ አስቴርመጽሐፈ መቃብያን ቀዳማዊመጽሐፈ መቃብያን ካልዕመጽሐፈ መቃብያን ሣልስመጽሐፈ ሲራክጸሎተ ምናሴተረፈ ኤርሚያስሶስናመጽሐፈ ባሮክመጽሐፈ ጥበብመዝሙረ ሠለስቱ ደቂቅተረፈ ዳንኤልመጽሐፈ ኩፋሌመጽሐፈ ሔኖክሐዲስ ኪዳንየማቴዎስ ወንጌልየማርቆስ ወንጌልየሉቃስ ወንጌልየዮሐንስ ወንጌልየሐዋርያት ሥራወደሮሜ ሰዎች1ኛ ወደቆሮንቶስ ሰዎች2ኛ ወደቆሮንቶስ ሰዎችወደገላትያ ሰዎችወደኤፌሶን ሰዎችወደፊልጵስዩስ ሰዎችወደቆላስይስ ሰዎች1ኛ ወደተሰሎንቄ ሰዎች2ኛ ወደተሰሎንቄ ሰዎች1ኛ ወደ ጢሞቴዎስ2ኛ ወደ ጢሞቴዎስወደ ቲቶወደ ፊልሞናወደ ዕብራውያን1ኛ የጴጥሮስ መልእክት2ኛ የጴጥሮስ መልእክት1ኛ የዮሐንስ መልእክት2ኛ የዮሐንስ መልእክት3ኛ የዮሐንስ መልእክትየያዕቆብ መልእክትየይሁዳ መልእክትየዮሐንስ ራእይማሳሰቢያ:መጽሐፍ ቅዱሱን በየጊዜው ስለምናዘምነውና ያልተሟሉ የመጻሕፍት ክፍሎችን ስለምናሟላቸውየFacebookገጻችንን Like በማድረግ አዳዲስ ነገሮችን ያግኙ:: http://www.facebook.com/getahun.amare1This Ethiopian Geez Amharic Orthodox Bible android app istheonly complete 81 books from Old, New Testament booksandDeuterocanon/Apocrypha books. It is the best Android Biblethatcontains both Geez and Amharic Orthodox bible translationsIf you like this App Rate us and give us a review.
Mezgebe Tselot መዝገበ ጸሎት
መዝገበ ጸሎት የተለያዩ የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን የጸሎት ክፍሎችን የያዘ መጽሐፍ ነው
Torah, Tehilim, Hebrew-English 1.0.4
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible, Five Books of Moses
Shqip Bibel (Albanian Bible) 1.0.1
The Bible (from Greek τὰ βιβλία ta biblia"thebooks") is the collections of the primary religious textsofJudaism and Christianity. There is no single Bible, astheindividual books (Biblical canon), their contents and theirordervary between denominations. Mainstream Judaism divides theTanakhinto 24 books, while a minority stream of Judaism, theSamaritans,accepts only five. The 24 texts of the Hebrew Bible aredividedinto 39 books in Christian Old Testaments, and completeChristianBibles range from the 66 books of the Protestant canon tothe 81books in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible.The Jewish Bible, or Tanakh, is divided into three parts: (1)thefive books of the Torah ("teaching" or "law") comprise theoriginsof the Israelite nation, its laws and its covenant with theGod ofIsrael; (2) the Nevi'im ("prophets") containing the historicaccountof ancient Israel and Judah plus works of prophecy; and (3)theKetuvim ("writings"), poetic and philosophical works such asthePsalms and the Book of Job.
The NLT Bible 8
Bolti Apps
Welcome to our new New Living OfflineBible!TheNLT Bible, also known as the New Living Translation Bibleisone ofthe world’s most read, widely quoted as well as themosttrustedmodern version of the Holy Bible translation. Writtenin aneasy tounderstand language that does not dilute the contentanddetails asfound in the original bible language. The NewLivingbible came as aresult of years of translations by thenumerousinspired biblescholars from different spectrums ofevangelicalismand Christianity.This has ensured that the NewLiving bibleremains one of the mostread bible in our churches andbible studyschools.The New Living offline bible translation allows you tocarrythecomplete offline New Living Translation (The NLT) bibletextthathas both the new testament and the old testaments oftheholyscripture. The offline nature of the bible givesyoufull-access tothe complete bible even when you don’t have accesstothe internet.The Bible Study features incorporated in the apptogive you a fulldevotional plan to help you stay in theGod’sscriptures at alltimes!If you want to read or study the offline bible andcarryitwherever you go without any Internet connection, thenNLTbible(New Living Translation bible) is the right app foryou.Other Features include:• Access both the new testament and old testamentswithinoneapp• Easy to organize your bible notes & bookmarkstofacilitateyour bible study experience• You can easily share bible verses or favorite biblequotesthroughsocial media.• Note Taking as you read through the bible• Use the night mode for reading the holy scriptureinlow-litareas• Easy to navigate and scroll through the bibleversesandchapters• Easily change the font size of the bible• Add personal Notes for future use and to help in BibleStudy• Search from either the Old or New Testament usingtheadvancedsearch feature• Multiple Navigation formats to facilitate easiernavigationthroughthe holy bible.…• Completely Offline Bible - Access the bible evenwithoutinternetconnection• Bookmark Verses and favorite bible quotes that are savedinyourapp• Highlight of selected words or bible verses.....This is a FREE bible application to empower youspirituallythroughyour walk with God. Having been written in the aneasytounderstand language, this is the Bible app foreveryonecompletewith all the books of the holy scripture.The Christian faith is based on the Holy Bible. A keydoctrineinour Christian Faith is the Inerrancy of the Scripture,meaningtheBible in its original and accurate state without error.ThisBiblegives you just that. The word of God as is in yourlanguageofchoice.The Bible is the inspired Word of God, or theHolyScriptures."God-breathed" in ; 2 Timothy 3:16 or 2 Peter 1:21.Itteaches andreminds us of the divine love of our Creator,theAlmighty God.By always reading the word of God, you will learn howtoremaincloser to God and understand God's plan for salvation.The Application is absolutely FREE and does notrequireanyinternet connection for access.
Amharic Bible Audio MP3 60.0
Amharic Bible Audio MP3መጽሐፍ ቅዱስ [ድምፅ] ማርኛ
Torah (Russian) 1.0.8
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible (with Hebrew audio)
NewLife - International 3.5.1
ShareWord Global
It’s your journey to discover, so digin.Explore what God, faith and Christianity are all about. ReadtheBible whenever you want, wherever you are. And whatever youdo,don’t stop pursuing the answers to the deepest questions thatweall ask.With this easy-to-use app you can start at SQUARE ONE andexploretopics like “God’s existence,” “the purpose of life,”“what’struth,” “morality,” “the Bible,” and “Christianity.” Or youcanskip all that and go straight to the TELL ME MORE sectionwhereyou’ll explore topics like Jesus Christ, faith, sin, prayer,churchand so on.Throughout the app you’ll find suggested readings for when youwantto dig deeper on a particular topic. Clicking on each booktitlewill take you to a quick synopsis of the book and an option tobuythe book. Or click “back” and keep exploring.Also featured in this app is a BIBLE HELPS topical indexsectionwith common things people want to find in the Bible. Forexample,you can find Bible verses for when you’re afraid,consideringmarriage, needing peace, or you’re feeling victimized.You can alsofind important passages like the Christmas and Easterstories, someof the miracles of Jesus, or a selection of the mostpopularPsalms. Wondering what the foundational Christian virtuesare? Scanthe list and read the Bible verses that apply, on theirown or incontext.When you’re READY TO CHANGE, the app will walk you through thestepsyou’ll need to take to start a new life based on theteachings ofChrist.FULL BIBLEThe NewLife app includes the full Bible in the contemporaryNewLiving Translation for you to search and explore—even inofflinemode! Known as the NLT, it’s a fully reliable translation oftheancient manuscripts and is clear and easy-to-read intoday’sEnglish.MORE CONTENT* Answers for Life’s Big Questions* The Ten Commandments* Notable characters in the Old Testament* Notable characters in the New Testament* Terms and definitions from the Bible* How to start a new lifeAPP FEATURES:* Easy-to-use interface* Full Bible resident in app* Low-light reading mode for darker environments
Jewish Bible in English Jewish bible in English free 15.0
Bible Christian
Welcome to the app to read and listen to the Jewish Bible.
Sveto Pismo 1.9
Monastery Eleusa
Sveto Pismo - App in Macedonian language, containing the Old andNewTestament
Православная Библия
Православная Библия состоит из 77 книгВетхогои Нового Заветов. Все они включены в состав данногоприложения втак называемом синодальном переводе, осуществленном вXIX веке иавторизованном Святейшим Правительствующим Синодом длядомашнегочтения. Этот перевод Библии, сделанный с оригинальныхдревнихтекстов, имеет высокий авторитет и широко используется нетолько вправославной церкви, но и в других христианских конфессиях,гдепроповедь ведется на русском языке.Книги Ветхого Завета писались на древнееврейском языке напротяжениитысячи лет до рождения Иисуса Христа, они являютсясвященнымписанием не только для христиан, но также иудеев имусульман.Книги Нового Завета, написанные на древнегреческом языке впервыедесятилетия после Воскрешения Христа, наиболее важныдляхристианства. Они состоят из четырех Евангелий, описывающихжизнь ипроповеди Иисуса Христа, книг Деяний и Посланий святыхапостолов икниги Откровение Иоана Богослова.Приложение «Православная Библия» распространяется бесплатно.Пожалуйста, сделайте благое дело: расскажите о нем своим знакомымидрузьям. Пусть больше людей имеют возможность читать Библиюсэкрана смартфона или планшета!Особенности приложения:• Гибкие настройки отображения текста (выбор шрифта, изменениецветаи фактуры фона)• Не требуется подключение к интернету, все тексты содержатсявсамом приложении• Встроенный раздел "Молитвослов"• Система поиска фрагмента текста и книги по названию• Возможность добавлять произвольное количество закладок• Поддержка горизонтального режима чтения• Автоматическая закладка• Ночной режим• Ссылки на информацию о книгах Библии на страницах ВикипедииOrthodox Bible consistsof77 books of the Old and New Testaments. All of them are includedinthis application, the so-called King James translation, effectedinthe XIX century and authorized by the Holy Governing Synod forhomereading. This translation of the Bible, made with theoriginalancient texts, has a high reputation and is widely used notonly inthe Orthodox Church, but also in other Christiandenominations,where preaching is conducted in Russian.Books of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew for athousandyears before the birth of Jesus Christ, they are thescripture, notonly for Christians, but also Jews and Muslims.Books of the New Testament, written in ancient Greek in thefirstdecades after Christ's resurrection, the most importantforChristianity. They consist of the four Gospels that describethelife and preaching of Jesus Christ, the Book of Acts andtheEpistles of the Apostles and the Revelation of JohntheTheologian.Appendix "Orthodox Bible" is free.Please make a good thing: tell about it to his friendsandacquaintances. Let more people have the opportunity to readtheBible from the screen smartphone or tablet!Features of the app:• Flexible settings of the text (font selection, changing colorandtexture of the background)• No internet connection required, all the texts contained intheapplication• Built to "Prayer"• Search text fragment and books by title• The ability to add any number of bookmarks• Support horizontal modes of reading• Automatic bookmark• Night mode• Links to information on the books of the Bible in the pagesofWikipedia
Amharic Bible (Ethiopia 81) 1.0.7
Amharic bible (Ethiopian 81) is the oldAmharicBible version of the Haile Selassie 1962 version for yourandroidand iphone phone. Currently the app has only 66 books, butthe restwill be loaded soon. The app has the following features:- Easily browse by book and chapter- Search by word- Search by topics- Get daily reading- Easily pick a verse from the bible- More