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ESO Xbox Sales History 13.8.1
Amber Feldkamp
All data available in this app is available free ofchargeat:www.esoxboxsales.com. Purchasing this app simplyprovidesuserswith a superior interface and helps to support thecontinuedgrowthof the database. Information in both the app andwebsiteareupdated simultaneously. ESO Xbox Sales History is apricedatabase,not a price guide. It is imperative that users ofthistoolrecognize the difference. This website is not arulebookforpricing. It is a collection of data points, specificallyfromsaleshistories of major trading guilds. All figures presentinthissheet are formula-generated from the connected database andnottheinput of personal recommendation. Some data may beincompleteorcontain few entries. This is a result of either lowsupply orlowdemand and is often the case for niche items such assetpieces,recipes, blueprints, etc. Single sales should notbeinterpreted asa statement of market value, but simply show thatamarket existsand at some point in the last month Item A sold forXamount. Inthis guide pricing for each item will be listed in5tiers:minimum, lower range, median, upper range, maximum.Theminimum andmaximum reflect the lowest and highest single recordofsale. Thelower and upper ranges should not be read astherecommended salesrange, but rather the range in which themajorityof all tradersales occur. This range is based on anarraypercentile formula anddiscards the lower and upper 10% ofallsales. The Lower-UpperRange accounts for 80% of all recordedsales.This reduces skewnessand gives a more meaningful look atthe“average” sales range forany particular item. Data in the listisfrequently reset to only1-3 values to prevent old market datafromskewing current markettrends. This reset happens on the firstofevery month. Only lowerrange, median, and upper range valuesareretained at average stacksize. The data presented in this listisinherently biased towardshigh-traffic trading guilds. Pricerangesmay be slightly inflatedcompared to the overall market range,whichwould include lowerpricing from other sales avenues such astextchat, band, etc. Anyquestions, please do not hesitate tocontactat:amber@esoxboxsales.com
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Mascot Media, LLC
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Appical, the onboarding app 1.50
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