برترین 21 برنامه مشابه به Car Performance Meter PRO

Ulysse Speedometer Pro
ULYSSE SPEEDOMETER PRO—the ultimateadvancedGPS tool that is not only a high-precision GPS*Speedometer,displaying not only the current speed (analog ordigital) but alsopacking in many other exciting features.As a part of our Ulysse community, you’ll find itsfunctionalityindispensable. To discover further what’s packed intoour tool,visit:www.binary-toys.chwww.facebook.com/UlysseGpsSpeedometerAt binarytoys Lab, we listen to our users and areconstantlyintegrating your feature requests—Ulysse is not onlybuilt by us,but also by you, our Ulyssers!How about:★ Overlays—display important speed/direction/time info overyourother installed apps★ Trip Computer—record the current, yesterday’s, today’s,week’s,month’s journeys★ Track recorder—trace your journey and export to SD and/or emailasGPX or Google Earth KML format★ Multiple profiles: for every car, bike, velo,walking,skiing★ Music Controller—control your installed musicplayerdirectly★ HUD—a Head-Up Display for your windshield★ GPS Altimeter★ GPS Compass★ Latitude/longitude display★ Settings km/h, mph, knots; miles/feet, kilometers,nauticalmiles★ Maximum displayed speeds: 1900 km/h / 1160 mph / 1000knots!★ Racing meter—measure acceleration times: 0-100 km/h, 0-60 mphandfor 1/4 mile.★ Average speed indicator★ Switchboard – menu system providing easy setting changesoffunctions – simply tap the main speedometer dialforactivation★ Three shortcut pages—Application, Communication, Navigation; foratotal 36 user-defined application shortcuts★ Speed limits’ warnings (‘Speed Edge’) – define audio andvisualspeed alarms★ App quickstart—assign other installed apps and called in justtwotaps★ Customizable UI colors—are 16 million colors enough?★ Current battery status info—charge, temperature★ Car dock support—application automatically starts and exitsondocking and undocking★ Run the speedometer in background mode—show speed discretelyinthe status bar and even gives visual notification forspeedlimits**★ Binarytoys’ Customer support second-to-none… take a look atourreviews!But don’t limit Ulysse to just your automobile!Imagine accessing all the features mentioned via virtually anymeansof transport.Whether traveling by van, truck, bus, motorbike, bike,horse,unicycle, Segway, plane, helicopter, foot, camel, taxi,rickshaw,skateboard, train, boat, hang-gliding or paragliding(etc.)—youwill find a useful use for Ulysse!We Love our Ulyssers – And They Love Ulysse!We are fully dedicated to our user base – with its millions ofloyalworldwide users, we are constantly building on this successtoguarantee that Ulysse remains on pole position now and inthefuture.You don’t have to take our word for it, read what some of thetopnames in the business are saying:"Poetry in motion"—AndroidPit.com"Most advanced Speedometer App"—AppEggs.com"this virtual dashboard has been aprovenlifesaver"—complex.com"...enter Ulysse Speedometer to save me"—RichardDevine,AndroidCentral"Accurate, visually appealing and informativespeedometerapplication"—Crackberry.comHave we forgotten something? Visit our homepage and send usacomment.Would you like to see Ulysse translated into your ownlanguage?Contact us today at binarytoys@gmail.com to find out howor join uson http://crowdin.net/project/ulysse-speedometer*Dependent on phone hardware**In the case of system overloading, a small lag is possibleKnown limitation - trip distance may have 2-3% deviation fromcar'sodometer dataLook to ulysse.ibolt.co for a new car-dock for your phone!
Car Performance Meter
Wise Engineering
Measure your car performance.Measure 0-100km/h acceleration time simply using yourAndroidphone.Use video instruction and "How to?" section to start usingit.Feel free to email me with bug/feature request.Leave feedback if you like this tool.Please DO NOT use it on public roads for your safety!!!Tags: Car performance meter, car acceleration, 0-100km/h, car0-100timing
Car Speed Test 1.0.1
Test you car acceleration with car speedtest.This app has multiple features for speed measurement andtracking.The main goal of this application is to test how fast youreach 100kilometers or 60 miles per hour. It also has the simplespeedometermode which displays your real time speed only. For theaccelerationmeter you can store the results and see them later. Ifyou want totrack a custom speed, you can set it manually. This appwill alsoshow you the top speed you reach in any session, besidethemanually imputed value. The results may be inaccurate becauseofyour GPS signal and tracker.
Speed Logic 6.8
Speed Logic Software
Measure top speed and acceleration of your vehicle. Lap TimerandSpeedometer.
CarPowerTest- puissance moteur 3.2
Afin d'évaluer le GAIN DE PUISSANCE oucouple,suite à une préparation, une reprogrammation (remapping) del'ECUou autre, une solution fiable et très économique consisteàutiliser l'application CarPowerTest.Cette application ne nécessite AUCUN BRANCHEMENT, carsonprincipe de fonctionnement repose sur des mesures réalisées parlescapteurs de votre téléphone.L'application est conçue comme un OUTIL DE DIAGNOSTIC aveclesoucis d'être aussi précise que possible, quelle que soitlavoiture ou le téléphone employé. Vous pourrez ainsi obtenirlesCOURBES DE PUISSANCE ET COUPLE, les sauvegarder et partager surlesréseaux sociaux vos meilleures acquisitionsLa précision attendue est proche de celle d'un banc àrouleaux,et l'application peut également être avantageusementutilisée pouridentifier une panne (défaut d'un turbo, échappementcolmaté,etc..);Pour atteindre cet objectif, l'application faitintervenir:- Un étalonnage semi-automatique- Un PROTOCOLE SIMPLE de mesure, associé à uneINTERFACEERGONOMIQUE- Un filtrage des données adapté aux capteurs employés- La gestion des mouvements de caisse du véhicule et des pertesdansla transmissionN'hésitez pas à visiter le site del'application:http://carpowertest.blogspot.frContactez le développeur pour avoir des renseignements surl'appliet son utilisation: oliviervalenti@gmail.comEnfin, regardez les vidéo youtube pour analyser l'utilisationdel'application:Étalonnage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYZ35rvxnEw&feature=youtu.beMesure réelle:https://youtu.be/pA8y85tYzCwMODE D'EMPLOI:0/ Réalisez chez vous l'étalonnage conformément à la vidéo1/ Réglez la masse totale du véhicule (avecconducteur,passagers, carburant, etc...). Facultatif: réglez le SCxduvéhicule si vous le connaissez.2/ La voiture doit être initialement à l'arrêt complet, suruneroute fermée, rectiligne et parfaitement lisse3/ Fixez fermement le mobile comme sur le schéma ci-dessus(cfimages de l'appli)4/ Vérifiez bien qu'il n'y ait aucun obstacle ou usager autourdevotre véhicule et sur votre trajet. Ne peut être utilisé surrouteouverte.5/ Enclenchez la première. Cliquez sur "GO!". Le bouton changedecouleur.6/ Environ 1s plus tard, dès l'affichage du motACQUISITION,démarrez sans brutalité. Engagez la 2nde puis mettez lepied auplancher jusqu'à la zone rouge! Vous devez alorsralentirtranquillement (vous pouvez freiner, ou passer la 3ème,çan'entrave en rien la mesure). Vous entendrez bientôt, pendantlaphase de ralentissement, le bip de fin de mesure.7/ Attendez la fin du calcul8/ Vérifiez l'indicateur de fiabilité:Rouge: Mesure des performances non fiable (mouvement incohérentdutéléphone, processeur surchargé: libérez de la RAM)Orange: il peut y avoir une erreur de mesure de performance,unétalonnage mal fait ou non faitVert: la plupart des conditions de protocole sont vérifiés pourqueles mesures de puissance et couple soient fiables9/ Allez voir la courbe de puissance!10/ Graphe complet avec les tr/min en abscisse et lesPUISSANCEet COUPLE en ordonnée: entrez la vitesse de votre auto à2000tr/min en 2nde (à mesurer lors d'un essai distinct àvitesseconstante - vitesse compteur + 4km/h ou vitesseGPSpréférable).11/ Consultez (et nettoyez) les sauvegardes.12/ PARTAGEZ vos mesures de puissance et couple par mail etsurles réseaux sociaux (Facebook)CONDITIONS D'UTILISATION:Vérifiez que vous n'enfreignez aucune loi de votre pays enemployantcette application. La conduite n'est pas un jeu, neprenez pas derisque.Le développeur ne peut être tenu responsable de dommagesmatériels,corporels, ou moraux résultant de l'emploi de cetteapplicationTo assess the POWERGAINor torque, following a preparation reprogramming (remapping)ECU oranother, a reliable and very economical is to use theCarPowerTestapplication.This application requires NO CONNECTION because its principleisbased on measurements made by the sensors in your phone.The application is designed as a DIAGNOSTIC TOOL withattentionto be as accurate as possible, regardless of the car orthe usedtelephone. You will be able to get CURVES AND POWER COUPLE,saveand share on social networks your best acquisitionsThe expected accuracy is similar to that of achassisdynamometer, and the application can also be advantageouslyused toidentify a failure (failure of a turbo, clogged exhaust,etc..);To achieve this goal, the application involves:- A semi-automatic calibration- A SIMPLE PROTOCOL measurement, combined withERGONOMICINTERFACE- A data filtering adapted to employees sensors- Vehicle fund management movements and transmission lossesFeel free to visit the site ofapplication:http://carpowertest.blogspot.frContact the developer to get information about the app and itsuse:oliviervalenti@gmail.comFinally, watch the youtube video to analyze the use oftheapplication:Calibration:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYZ35rvxnEw&feature=youtu.beactual measurement:https://youtu.be/pA8y85tYzCw MANUAL:0 / Make your home the calibration in accordance withthevideo1 / Set the total mass of the vehicle (with driver,passengers,fuel, etc ...). Optional: Set SCx vehicle, if known.2 / The car must initially be at a complete stop on aclosedroad, straight and perfectly smooth3 / Firmly attach the mobile as shown above (see pictures oftheapp)4 / Make sure there are no obstacles or user around yourvehicleand your route. Can not be used on public roads.5 / Snap the first. Click on "GO!". The button changescolor.6 / About 1s later, when the display of the wordACQUISITION,start without brutality. Tap 2nd and then put your footto thefloor until the red zone! You must slow down quietly (you canslowdown or move the 3rd, it does not hinder the measurement). Youwillsoon hear, during the deceleration phase, the measurementendingbeep.7 / Wait for the calculation8 / Check the reliability indicator:Red: Measurement of unreliable performance (inconsistent movementofthe phone, overloaded processor: free RAM)Orange: there may be a performance measurement error,calibrationpoorly done or not doneGreen: Most protocol conditions are checked to ensure that powerandtorque measurements are reliable9 / Go see the power curve!10 / Complete graph with r / min and x-axis and POWERCOUPLEordinate: Enter the speed of your car at 2000 rev / min in2nd (tobe measured in a separate test at constant speed - speedcounter +4km / h or better GPS speed).11 / Check (and clean) backups.12 / SHARE your power and torque measurements by email andonsocial networks (Facebook)TERMS OF USE:Make sure you not breaking any law of your country by usingthisapplication. Driving is not a game, do not take risk.The developer can not be held responsible for propertydamage,bodily or moral resulting from the use of thisapplication
5AT雷達測速警示器 3.8
LINE官方帳號>搜尋>嘉盟科創 LINE官方帳號內訂購GR-12測速偵測雷達另享有優惠。.5AT雷達測速警示器APP(本APP可獨立運作)1.首創自由排列APP畫面(可自建圖片)。2.可自由選擇警示點,持續新增中(例:交流道、學校等)。 3.單向準確播報照相警示點。4.照相點資料每月定期免費更新。5.全台高速公路、快速道路、平面道路均會播報違規取締警示點。 6.人聲語音播報。7.過警示點結束音提示。8.於警示點前,本路段限速與實際車速顯示。 9.於警示點前,距離照相點倒數距離顯示。10.於警示點前,會有超速警示音。11.顯示照相取締種類。12.累計里程、最高車速記錄、汽車電瓶電壓顯示、海拔高度、衛星定位狀態、雷達強度顯示、車行方向顯示、裝置電池電壓顯示等。13.不需使用行動網路也能運作。. GR-12測速偵測雷達接收器(選配品需另購買) 1.全頻雷達偵測。2.首創可自由調整雷達接收參數。 3.可隨時更新雷達參數。4.雷達DIY安裝。 5.K、Ka、Ku、X、Laser 頻偵測。6.雷達不需與電腦連接即可更新。7.內置汽(機)車電壓偵測模組,可提示電瓶電壓是否正常,可提示發動中充電電壓是否正常。8.另有實木客製外殼供選擇。9.木質手工製作專屬外殼主要使用紅檜(Mineki)、扁柏(Hinoki)2種材質,木質特有的紋路及溫暖的觸感,放置於車上更有獨特的風格,不會顯的單調而且獨一無二,本外殼使用同一木材一體成形作成,非榫接或黏合接。(需另加價購;數量有限)10.車用及機車用,訂購前請註明。11.車用有黑色及白色二種供選擇,機車用(防水)僅黑色。
Car Launcher Pro
apps lab studio
Launcher for use in the car
Speed Logic Lite 7.1
Speed Logic Software
Measure top speed and acceleration of your vehicle. Also handyGPSspeedometer.
Speed radar detector 1.5.0
Warning system Free completely free fixedandmobile radars free, the best radar detector premiumWe have created a free radar detector with all the options fortheuser.No more warning fines thanks to free fixed and mobile radars,thebest copilot to drive without fear of fines, radar warningnotifiesyou:Speed camerasmobile radarscontrolled traffic lightsDanger zonesYou can view the camera location on a mapWhat differentiates us from other radar applications:you can use google maps and see him radars noticesoption controls speed display on a map within the appfully configurable from the distances to sounds warningradar warning voicesimple design horizontally and vertically android 5The audio warning system for ideal speaker or Bluetooth willnotdistract you while driving.Fully configurable, you can select if you want to just notifyyouabout the fixed and mobile radars or if you want to do it onlyoneof them, also set sound emitted by the application whenyouapproach a speed control or the warning distance the same(default1000m)the database of fixed and mobile radars is in continuousgrowththanks to contributions from users, you can bring your datasendingan email to aplicacionradares@gmail.com not forget toattachlatitude and longitude, soon we will include a system toprovidedirectly from the application.
GPS Speedometer 2.0
GPS speedometer, speed, coordinates, GPS satellite test, mapandcompass
Night Speedometer HUD 1.3
Games L.A.B
Accurate speedometer that shows your actual speed speed rangefrom0km / h to 280 km / h or 0 mL / hr to 170 mL / hSpeedometermode:Travel time, overcoming the route, average andmaximum speedof theroute. Night speedometer mode: Mirroring thespeedometer onthewindshield. Work out precise measurementsofaccelerationmeasurements and passing road sections. from 0 km /hto 60 km / hfrom 0 km / h to 100 km / h from 0 km / h to 160 km /hfrom 0 km /h to 200 km / h As the distance of 201 m., 402 m.,804m. And 1608m. Powered via GPS. Application performance dependsonthe qualityof the signal from the satellites and your GPSunitinstalled onyour device! For a good application, use it in anopenarea. If youare going on a long connection to the satellite -whichmeans nosignal, just the app will not work intunnels,undergroundcrossings, underground car parks and insidebuildings.The distanceof the route and the speed of the applicationmay varyfromautomobile odometer in the range of 1-3% If youhaveanysuggestions or have found errors in the application pleasewriteitin the comments!
Measure acceleration Demo 2.5
Sergey Vorobyev
Thank you for using my app!DESCRIPTION- With this application you can measure the acceleration ofavehicle to the desired speed- The measurement results are stored in the memory of yourdeviceand you can view them at any time- In addition, the measurement results can be exported toexcel-file(only available in the paid version)- The measurement results can be viewed as graphs, as well astocompare the results of several graphics (available in thepaidversion)HOW IT WORKS- Metering is carried out using an accelerometer sensor,andGPS.- However, you can take measurements without GPS, but if theroadsurface is not smooth, it is a great error oftheaccelerometer- In order to measure as accurate as possible road should be asflatand straight, and the level of GPS signal is good (more than10active satellites)- To filter erroneous data from the accelerometer on the roughroadtemporal filter is applied, the level of filtering can be setinthe application settingsINSTRUCTIONS FOR MEASURING:1. Turn on the GPS and wait for a good reception2. Secure the device in a fixed position in the car3. Calibrate the accelerometer clicking calibrate4. When the message "Ready to Start" can start themeasurementstarts automatically5. Upon reaching the desired speed measurement resultisautomatically saved
Car Launcher
apps lab studio
Best Launcher for use in the car. FREE version
GPS Speedo with HUD 2.4.gp
Tinus Apps
GPS Speedo with HUD is the best app to monitor your current-average&top speed!
Better Dash Torque Plugin 3.2
Airt Ltd
Improve fuel economy. The best way to visualise your driving style.
HUD Hologram Speedometer 1.0
HUD Hologram Speedometer is a simulatorofhologram, projects digital speedometer on a car windshield fromthephone screen! Laser projections & holographic interfaceslookimpressive in sci-fi movies? HUD Hologram Speedometer is notaregular hologram simulator! It’s functional digitalspeedometer,works in 2 modes: projection (the projection of thedevice displayon a windshield) and standard (digital speedometer onthe phonescreen). The app HUD Hologram Speedometer in theprojection modeworks more effective in night time.INSTRUCTIONS:1. Turn on the app HUD Hologram Speedometer2. Put the phone on the car dashboard with the back of thephonedown3. Drive!ATTENTION! The work of HUD Hologram Speedometer in theprojectionmode DEPENDS on the illumination and on userspreferences of thescreen brightness! Projection looks better onthe windshield atnight time and with maximum screen brightnesssettings!
CaroO Free (Blackbox & OBD) 3.2.0
CaroO Free Driving Recorder update withfullfeatures of PRO version!You can use 100 times freely with this new version and ifexpired,you can purchase PRO version or reinstall this free versionagainafter deleting it first.If you want to use the old version, please visit CaroO userservicechannel on Facebook or Google+.CaroO Free Driving Recorder is a free and lite version of CaroOProDriving Recorder which supports full pack of featuresincludingvideo dashcam with collision detection, driving trackrecorder withGPS function, and car-diagnosis and monitoring withOBD-II device.You can use video event recorder function andcar-monitoringfunction separately or together.Experience the stable background operation as well as nogapsbetween recorded files on Android 4.1 or higher devices!- Video dashcam supporting resolution and quality control up tofullHD (1920x1080),- Camera exposure and focus control (depending on capabilitiesofphones),- Auto file deletion for normal/emergency video,- Emergency report via SMS, call and YouTube upload,- Car monitoring with connection of ELM327 compatibleOBDdongles,- RPM, Speed, Battery voltage, coolant temperature, Baropressure,and many more data (depending on cars),- Fuel-cut, eco-drive level, harsh acceleration/brake,idlingindicator,- Auto launch and termination options,- Co-working with Android Wear devices for notificationandcontrolWe recommend smartphones with Android 4.0 or higher, butmostsmartphones with Android 2.2 or higher are supported too.Android2.2 or lower devices will not be officially supported fromCaroOv2.3.0. Before your purchase, please use the free version,CaroOFree Driving Recorder, in advance.If you have any problems or difficulties to use this app, pleaseusethe log button on the main screen and send log files tous.You can find a user manual of CaroO at the following link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9VZrEUr0oBGMlhnd3ZWZFBrS0U/view?usp=sharingAnd you could also get some helpful information by visitingFacebookpage or Google+ user community.http://www.facebook.com/CarooProDrivingRecorderhttps://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/114617914804645646011
Digital GPS Speedometer 1.8.10
A GPS digital style velocity gps speedometer speed app with HUD
lacak-mobil (GPS Tracker)
Lacak-Mobil.com adalah sistem aplikasiyangtelah dikembangkan untuk para pemilik kendaraan denganberbagaifasilitas kemudahan untuk melacak pergerakan armadakendaraan danmengatur penugasan secara real-time, sehingga merekadapatmemaksimalkan efisiensi dan meningkatkan keuntungandenganmemastikan para pengemudi mencapai target secara produktifdanmemenuhi permintaan dari pihak pelanggan. Sistem ini jugadapatmembantu mengurangi resiko pencurian kendaraan serta muatan,danmemotong anggaran pengeluaran dari biaya asuransi bagi pemilikdanpengelola kendaraan.Keuntungan menggunakan Lacak-Mobil.com :1. Produktifitas dan effisiensi operasi armada akanmeningkat.- Keluar masuk kendaraan lebih terjadwal dan optimal sehinggacostdelivery (biaya pengiriman) dapat ditekan dengan adafasilitaslaporan keluar - masuk kendaraan pada suatu area yangtelahditentukan dan juga fasilitas laporan Parking Time (lamanyaparkir)suatu kendaraan yang mana kendaraan tersebut menjaditidakproduktif dan menambah cost.- Mengurangi kecurangan sopir mengenai posisi sopir ataulokasikendaraan- Maintenance kendaraan lebih terjadwal dan teratur denganadafasilitas laporan maintenance control kendaraan.2. Pelanggan akan jauh lebih puas karena mereka tidak perlumenunggudan bertanya-tanya lokasi muatan/barang kirimannya, karenapelanggansudah dapat mengakses dan monitor secara langsung lokasikendaraanyang membawa muatan / barang kirimnya saat itu jugasecara onlinedan Real-Time berikut dengan info sopir dan fotonya.Fasilitas inimerupakan selling point untuk perusahaan angkutandarat (transporter/ logistic) kepada pelanggan dan mendapatkepercayaan yang lebihdari pelanggan.3. Meminimalisasi / mencegah terjadi pencurian kendaraan danbarangmuatan.Fitur-fitur :1. Kendaraan dapat dimonitor melalui web, HP(Blackberry/Android)dan dapat monitor banyak kendaraan dalam 1halaman web.2. Record data Trip Millieage report (Jarak tempuhkendaraan),Out-In Vehicle Report (Keluar-Masuk Kendaraan),Overspeed Report,Maintenance Vehicle Control Report, Parking TimeReport, dll3. SMS/Email Alert ; No Power Supply Alert (aki dicabut ataualatdicabut), Overspeed Alert, Out-In Vehicle Alert, ParkingTimeAlert, dll4. POI (Point Of Interest) dan Add Street; user dapatmenambahkaninformasi nama tempat dan nama jalan yang mana dapatdigunakan olehuser lain.5. Peta yang digunakan Google Map (Street, Hybrid) dan PetaLokal(update seluruh Indonesia)6. Live Monitoring Info Traffic; user dapat monitor kondisilalulintas melalui CCTV (khusus Jabodetabek, Surabaya dan Bali)danText Info Traffic di Info Lalin (beberapa kota besardiIndonesia)7. dllLayanan kami :1. Customer Care; Layanan Call dan SMS Center 24 Jam2. Monitoring Support; Kendaraan anda akan dimonitor olehTimMonitoring kami 24 Jam3. Free Consulting dan Training; Gratis konsultasi &trainingsistem dan produk4. Lifetime Warranty; Kami memberikan garansi seumur hidupdenganmengcover penggantian alat apabila rusak selamamasalangganan.5. Customizing Application; aplikasi web monitoringdapatdisesuaikan dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan customerUntuk dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini, kendaraan yang akandilacaksebelumnya sudah harus terpasang GPS Tracker dariperusahaankami.Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, demo presentasi dan pemasanganalatGPS Tracker silahkan hubungi kami ;www.lacak-mobil.comJalan Raya Jatiasih Kav.4 No.71Jatiasih BekasiTelp : 021-82434946HP/WA : 081317884830email: info@lacak-mobil.com
Simple GPS Speedometer Free 3.0.2
This is a simple, customizable GPS speedometer, free, noads.Canshow km/h and mph. HUD option.