برترین 33 برنامه مشابه به SSC CGL Exam GK

SSC CGL English Offline 5.3
Praveen Yuva
SSC CGL English Previous Paper Preparation guide for SSC CGL2021tier 1 tier 2
Current Affairs GK - SSC IAS IBPS Exam Prep Tests 16.4.6
OnlineTyari app is India's No.1TestPreparation App for Hindi, English and Marathi medium. Weprovidedaily updates on current affairs 2017 and GK. It containslatestonline study material for SSC (CGL, CHSL, 10+2), IBPS (BankPO,Clerk, RRB, SBI & Associates Bank), GATE , UPSC (IAS,IPS,IES), Railways RRB, Insurance LIC AAO and state levelgovernmentexams.Hindi and Marathi Medium SupportContent is available in Hindi (हिंदी), English and Marathimediums.Get access to daily GK current affairs in Hindi. ImproveyourGeneral Knowledge (GK) in Hindi. Get essential topics andstudymaterial for GK and Current Affairs 2017, NCERT questionsandsolutions, Maths (Reasoning and Aptitude), English LearningandComputer Knowledge.Daily Study and PracticeLatest daily GK current affairs notes for 2017 sent in morningwithquiz. Read current affairs Weekly and Month wise. Questionsandnotes provided on topics like Banking,Environment, ForeignPolicyand International news. Get Job Alerts, Employment News,NewsDigest and Articles about the current happenings aroundtheworld.Mock Tests and E-BooksSection wise and Full Length Online Mock tests are provided forexampreparation. Targeted Test series with guidance are availableforexams like IAS, SSC, Bank PO. Solve previous years exam papersonapp.OnlineTyari AIT (All India Test) allow one to check India levelrankbefore real exams. Detailed analysis and comparison isprovided inAll India Tests.Recommended Books available in E-Book (PDF, E-pub) format.ReadBooks offline after downloading. Competition exam mock papersandE-books are available from best coaching classes of India.SSCOne app for all SSC 2016 Exams preparation. Prepare for SSCCGL,CHSL , GD Constable, Stenographer, CPO exams. Prepare for SSCinHindi Medium here. Topics for SSC like English Learning,Quant,Reasoning in app.Banking Exams (IBPS, Bank PO, SBI PO & Clerk)Single place to clear your bank exams. Daily notes, practicepapersand e-books provided for Banking exams. We cover SBI PO, SBIClerk,RBI, NABARD, SEBI, SIDBI and other bank exams. Bank specifictopicslike Economy, English Tests and Banking Awarenesscovered.IAS (UPSC Civil Services ) 2017Crack your IAS Pre and Mains exam with help fromOnlineTyari.Targeted study capsules from leading coaching likeChronicle,Vision IAS etc available. Cover your syllabus withguidance fromexperts. IAS specific topics like Ethics &Governance, Optionalpapers, Case studies available. Chapter wiseNotes from NCERT forHistory, Geography, Polity subjects.GATE , IES & PSUStudy material (Mock test & E-Books) available forEngineeringbranches like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering,CivilEngineering and Mechanical. Solved previous year papersavailablefor GATE & IES.Other Exams- Railways RRB and Loco pilot , insurance LIC AAO : Mock tests,MCQquestions and E-books available for Railways RRB and LICAAOExams.- Teacher Exam: CTET, UGC NET, state level like UPTET, MPTET,REETand B.Ed exams.- Defence and police exams like CDS, NDA, IB and CRPF.- State level exams: -i) For north india we cover exams like RAS and REET(Rajasthan),UPPSC and UPTET (Uttar Pradesh), Bihar SSC and BPSC(Bihar),Haryana PSC, MPPSC (Madhya Pradesh), Maharashtra (TET,B.Ed.,Police and MPSC).ii) For south india we cover exams like Tamil Nadu PSC, KeralaPSC,Andhra PSC and Telangana PSC exams.OnlineTyari have largest network of students. Studentcommunityallow students to ask an answer questions, seek testprepguidance.Study Material from publishers like Arihant, Jagran Josh,Chronicleand Pratiyogita Darpan available.Updates related to Application form and dates, exampattern,syllabus , Admit cards regularly sent. Know aboutExamnotifications , result dates within app.Visit: https://onlinetyari.com
GK Hindi - UPSC,SSC,IAS,RRB,Current Affairs, 3.4
यह एप्लीकेशन उन विद्यार्थियों के लिए बनाई गयी जो की हिंदी माधयममेंपेपर की तयारी कर रहे हैं. इस एप्लीकेशन में पचास हजार सेज्यादाप्रश्न हैं जो की पूर्व में हुए एक्साम्स में आ चुके हैं. GKHindi2018 (General Knowledge) is one of the best and mosttrendingoffline Test Preparation App currently in Hindi.We providelatestcontent for all the exams like SSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB,OtherCompetitive exams and Govt Job Preparation and dailycurrentaffairs and current events all in Hindi language. GK Hindi2018(General Knowledge) is an offline app so you can download theapponce and can access all the material with out internetconnection.You can also access all the practice tests and attemptexamswithout internet usage. All the material is presented in Hindisothat it will be easy for the users to prepare well in theirlocallanguage. Hindi GK 2018 ( General Knowledge ) app will coverallthe topics like General Science, Geography, IndianConstitution,Indian History, Computer, Abbreviation, InternationalDays,Election Commission, Games and Sports, Gandhi Era, dailycurrentaffairs and current events, etc. Hindi GK 2018 ( GeneralKnowledge) app will provide sample mock tests for all the topicswhichappear in the exams like SSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB,OtherCompetitive exams and Govt job exams. GK in Hindi 2018(GeneralKnowledge) app will provide a lot of test papers topractice forSSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, Other Competitive examsand Govt jobexams and exam preparation. GK Hindi 2018 GeneralKnowledge appwill provide all the previous years various exampapers for you toget good knowledge on the pattern and topicscovered. Hindi GK(General Knowledge) app will provide multiple setsof papers foreach individual topic like Current Affairs, History,Science,Sports and all other topics which are going to be asked inSSC,IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, Other Competitive exams and Govt jobexamsand exam preparation. GK in Hindi (General Knowledge) app willbeupdated with latest questions and Daily Current Affairs andCurrentEvents related material. You can access a lot of questionsandanswers with explanations in Practice papers, also itprovidesquestions from previous years exam papers and solutions forit. InGK Quiz Exam papers you will be provided with some set ofquestionsand correspondingly time will be allotted for the exams sothat youcan be able to optimize your time management. You will begivenlive score card immediately after the exam with details likeNo ofCorrect answers, No of wrong answers and No of NonAttemptedquestions After every GK Quiz exam attempt you will beprovidedwith the Result set where you can see which questions youhaveattempted and which questions are not attempted. You willbeprovided with the solutions for the GK Quiz exam after the examissubmitted for your exam preparation. GK in Hindi(GeneralKnowledge) App also provides links to web view of thematerialwhere you can share the information with other users and italsosupports an online discussion forum where you can ask andanswerquestions related to various competitive exams. Hindi GK(GeneralKnowledge) App also provides links to web view for thewebsitewhere you can share your knowledge with your friends andfellowusers. Also if you are preparing for the General KnowledgeinEnglish language you can download our General Knowledge appinEnglish from the below link:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=general.knowledge.preparation
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Testbook: Exam Prep App
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Mukesh Kaushik
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Daily Current Affairs & GK 3.04
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Here you can find all Exam & Job related information forGujaratStudents.
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Marathi GK & Current Affairs 4.6
Mukesh Kaushik
Get Daily Current Affairs Artcicles (चालू घडामोडी) , Quiz ,GKTestetc Marathi
Telugu GK & Current Affairs 4.1
Mukesh Kaushik
Telugu GK & Current Affairs 2020 app contains all thecontentinTelugu Language. The study materials are carefully craftedinTeluguby experts and students in the Government Jobpreparationfield, soyou can focus on this single app whilepreparing for yourCivilService exams. Best thing is OfflineBrowsing feature isavailableso you don't need an internetconnection to read CurrentAffairs orany Updates. It will load allthe updates once youconnect tointernet. Must Download app forstudents preparing forGovernmentJob in Telugu Language. BESTMATERIALS TO CRACK EXAMFeatures like :★ Important Notes ★ Mock Testand questionsbookmark ★ Short CurrentAffairs Articles ( DailyUpdates) ★Government Job (Daily Updates) ★3 Thousand Objective TypeGKQuestions ★ Important Notes ★ GeneralKnowledge in Telugu ★20+Category GK ★ Play Game - Laern GK withthe help of Game ★PDFSection and bookmark ★ GK Questions Updatedregurly ★ WorksinOffline Mode Also ★ Auto saved questions ★ Shareany Content★Night Mode Our Telugu app was mainly focusedTSPSC&APPSC:Group-1,Group-2,Group-4,VRO,VRA,panchayatsecretary,RRB,DSC,SI,Constables&other exams. Make use of thisFree Telugu GK & CurrentAffairsapp and get selected to thegovernment jobs. DISCLAIMER: Appdos nothave any connection withthe Government and it does notrepresent anyGovernment entity. Noclaim is made about the accuracyor validity ofthe content on thisapp, or its suitability for anyspecific purposewhatsoever whetherexpress or implied. Since allreaders who accessany information onthis app are doing sovoluntarily, and of theirown accord, anyoutcome (decision orclaim) of such access. All theReaders pleasealso check details onthe Original website beforetaking anydecision. Here we are notresponsible for any InadvertentErrorthat may have crept in theinformation being published in thisappand for any loss to anybodyor anything caused by anyShortcoming,Defect or Inaccuracy of theInformation on thisApplication Wecollect information from variousJob website andpublished it inour app in easy and informative wayso that user canget anyinformation about Government Jobs easily.
Current Affairs & GK App 2023 5.25
Jagran Prakashan Limited
All in One Exams Preparation Guide with Latest News,CurrentAffairs, GK & Quiz.
Daily Current Affairs & GK
InStock Inc
Daily GK Current Affairs: Weekly GK, MonthlyGkDigest in English and Hindi (off line too)2017 GK One-liners, Banking GK, Speed tests SSC CGL 1, SBI,IBPSupdate in English-HindiPrevious papers PDF, Exam pattern, Mock, Speed testsSyllabus, Short tricks, Study Notes, Video LecturesNew Jobs, vacancies notificationMock Speed Sample Test SeriesEnglish essay, letter writing practice in feedback and correctiontoscore better in descriptive section of SBI, insuranceDiscussion ForumVideo Notes, topic wise short tricks video classtutoriallectures2017 Hindi, English Daily GK, Banking Awareness questions,English,Static GK - history, geography, Computer as sample paper,based onprevious papers, Revise offline in the app. ExamCovered:1. IBPS - PO, Clerk, RRB2. SBI: PO - Clerk3. SSC - CGL 1, 2 , CHSL4. CTET, Insurance, LIC, NICL5. CSAT, CALT, BBA6. RailwaysSubjects Section: Daily Current AffairsAll material - short notes, daily questions, videolectures,puzzles, D.IMaths, reasoning questions with shortcut explanation,tricks.Questions are good for SSC CGL Tier 1 and UPSC. As GKgeneralstudies is also an integral part of CLAT, AAO, which meanswe coverall the main events of the day which make into the dailynews aresimply ideal for those exams as well and its result is atells youabout your preparation. Now regularly providing Englishquestions,covering topics like synonyms and antonyms, para jumbles,spottingerrors, sentence improvements, new pattern questions andshortlearning tricks for vocabulary.Sports, economy, state news, national, international politicsandtake old papers, 10 years and previous exam patternintoconsideration. Besides a majority of questions some arespeciallyof business GK and economics. As we understand thatBanking termsknowledge is an important aspect of Bank PO andspecialistofficers' exam. Questions are also helpful for stateofficers bankexams like cooperative bank, SIDBI and SEBI. App isalso for NDA,CDS, LAW, Delhi Police SI, Data Entry operators orLDC.As the name of the App says, daily current affairs, means wepreparequestions daily as per the latest pattern. Yes, each day ofthe yearyou will find some of the best and important questionsthat willhelp you in your exam preparation. Which means that eachday youwill get latest daily current affairs. The language ofquestions isso simple that even students from Hindi medium willfind it veryeasy to understand and now a lot of questions andstudy notes areavailable in Hindi as well.1. 50 questions daily in the form of mock quiz based on latest2017exam syllabus.2. Model paper questions answer for online exams mock test.3. Check your performance on daily basis as you take one AllIndiaMock Tests.4. Questions and answer in the multiple choice format, as itappearsin previous year competitive exams like RRB5 Also take section test to improve your speed in reasoning,mathsEnglish, static Gk and computer knowledge.In this GK app would be giving you 50 current affairs questioneachday, which means that within one month you will have nearly1500current affairs, English, maths, reasoning, computerknowledge,banking. And if you practice regularly then within acouple ofmonths you will have close to 3000 GK questions and thesequestionswill help you in any online exam of bank specialist, DMRCCRA or SIand ASI in Police Forces and even CISF . Now questions aretuned infor railways exam as well. It is a perfect e-learningcompetitiveeducation app for your online study needs.Please ensure that you attempt full-length CWE GA sample paper.Wehave been adding mock sample paper questions as per new patternofStatic GK, history, geography, science constitution,science.* Now offering Speed test and Free All India Test for all examsWithall India rank for English, Reasoning, maths bankingawareness,computer awareness.https://www.facebook.com/instockcom/
GK Current Affairs Hindi 2019 Exam Prep -SSC & IAS 33.1
SilverParticle Solutions
Daily Current Affair GK & Quiz: in both Hindi and English.Thisapp is for GK Current Affairs Hindi 2019. Daily Current AffairGK& Quiz is an application that helps you compete inCompetitiveExams. You can be prepared for excelling in competitiveexams asyou can improve significantly. This app is great forCurrentAffairs and Group Discussion. You will also get the besttips andtricks for passing top competitive exams. This app has bestinclass offline features with Maths formulas. The applicationalsohas offline lessons and Hindi translations. This is a reallysmartapp that assesses your requirements and produces superbcontent ona daily basis so that you can learn in an effectivemanner. Hereyou can visit your requirements and find them presentedin a verystep by step manner. Find the current affairs today andupdate thelatest current affairs 2018 with the click of a button.The Englishlanguage is being taught to you in Hindi and EnglishGrammar istaught in a very simple and straightforward fashion. Youwill findgeneral awareness, general knowledge(GK), guidance tipsandbusiness-related solved questions in this application.
Samanya Gyan -Hindi GK Offline 19.0
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GK in Telugu 3.5
This app is most useful for all competitive exams preparingTeluguStudents.
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RRB Gk Speedy is ultimately contain : Railway RRB GkSpeedyRecruitment RRB Gk Speedy will be held to recruit 44531vacanciesfor the posts of Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC)i.e.Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, JuniorTimeKeeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk,TrafficAssistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk,SeniorClerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, SeniorTimeKeeper, Commercial Apprentice and Station Master in variousZonalRailways and Production Units of Indian Railways. - Feature inRRBGk Speedy App - Daily Current Affairs Quiz Updates 2021, - DailyGKQuiz Updates from 2000- 2021 - How to prepare for every examThereare 6 section in this app:- 1) Daily Current Affairs 2020-212)Seprate Current Affairs 2020-21 Monthly 3) Aptitude andReasoning(In Hindi & English) 4) Latest GK quiz from 1990 to2021 5) GKSpeedy Tricks - This app prepares you for onlineexaminations bythe high quality test series of all the exams, whichmakes youcompete with online exams and improves your results andincreasesthe chances of your selection. - डेली करंट अफेयर्सअप्डेट्स2020-21, डेली जी के अप्डेट्स 2000- 2021तक | - कैसे करेतयारी हरपरीक्षा की - यह एप आपको सभी परीक्षाओं की उच्च गुणवत्ता वालीटेस्टसीरीज द्वारा ऑनलाइन परीक्षाओं की तैयारी कराती है जिससे आपऑनलाइनपरीक्षाओं में निपुण हो जाते है एवं आपके परिणाम में सुधार होताहै औरआपके चयन की संभावनाएं बढ़ जाती हैं | - Daily Dose (हिंदी,अंग्रेजी,गणित, रीजनिंग ,विज्ञान टेस्ट ) RRB Gk Speedy focused onIBPS, SSC,RAILWAY, PATWARI ALL IN ONE. RRB Gk Speedy UltimateApplicationcontains more than 10,00,00,000 best out of bestpracticesmaterial.
India GK 2.2.6
GK, Daily Current Affairs 2019, Notes, Old Exam Papers and50K+Questions
Tamil GK & Current Affairs 4.7
Mukesh Kaushik
Get Daily Current Affairs Articles, Quiz ,GK Test etc in Tamil.
Reasoning In Hindi
Reasoning In Hindi app contain many topics of reasoning-1)TimeRelated Test 2)Series Test 3)Direction Sense Test4)CodingandDecoding Test 5)Spotting Out the Dissimilar 6)RelationOrAnalogyTest 7)Alphabet Test 8) Relation Sense Test9)Sitting-ArrangementTest 10) Logic Test This app contains manysimpleExamples anddefinition of the above topics . Note - This appupdateregularly .
Entri: Learning App for Jobs 1.181.0
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