برترین 2 بازی مشابه به Manaus Attack

Mecha Invasion 1.1
UEA Game Lab
The Kingdom of Valhalla has beeninvadedbycreatures coming from a distant future! Prevent the endofthekingdom using your powers! You are the last hope, fighttotheend!
The Keeper 1.0
UEA Game Lab
Está em suas mãos o poder de defender aterradeuma catástrofe.Asteróides aparecem de todos os lados, comandando a Luavocêdeveevitá-los de que colidam com a Terra, usando suagravidadeparapuxá-los ou simplesmente se chocando contraeles.It's in yourhandsthepower to defend the land from catastrophe.Asteroids appear from all sides, commanding the Moon youshouldavoidthem that collide with the Earth, using its gravity topullthem orsimply crashing into them.