برترین 10 برنامه مشابه به Библия. Священное Писание

Holy Scriptures (CARS) 4.2
Meaning-based translation of the Holy Scriptures/Bible. RussianforCentral Asia
Библия. Современный перевод. 2.2
Modern translation of the Old and New Testament Scriptures.
Почитание Пресвятой Богородицы 1.1
St. John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco
Bible free
AP Develop
Библия синодальный перевод 1.6
SmartBible - Библия для AndroidИнструкция по установкеПрограмма позволяет эффективно изучать Библию.Модули портированы из программы Цитата из Библии иприведенывудобную форму навигацииОперативно можно переключиться междусовременнымпереводомРоссийского Библейского общества и синодальнымпереводом19века.Если и этого недостаточно, можно посмотретьразныепереводыкаждого слова с первоначального языка, а глубжепонятьсмыслкаждого отрывка, прочитав комментарии и посмотретьотрывкисхожиепо значению (параллельные места)Встроенная "Симфония" позволит быстро найти интересующеевассловои места в Библии, где оно употребляется.Программа позволяет осуществлять быстрый переходкинтересующемуотрывку с помощью встроенного навигатора.Развернутая система толькование БиблииСимфония (доступ через панель алфавита на первой странице)Современный и синодальный переводы Библии(переключениепроисходитпо нажатию номера стиха)Номера Стронга ( подстрочный перевод - возможностьузнатьпереводслова первоисточника - осуществляется путем переходапоссылкам насловах в синодальном переводе (некоторыеокончанияссылаются навременную форму))Толковая Библия - Комментарии Женевской Библии (можнопосмотретьвсовременном переводе по нажатию знака ">")Параллельные места (можно посмотреть в современномпереводепонажатию знака "=")Предисловие к книгам (можно посмотреть в современномпереводепонажатию знака "(i)" в первой главе каждой книги)Комментарии Баркли на послание апостолов и Евангелие,атакжекомментарии Лопухина на Ветхий Завет (просмотросуществляетсяпонажатию на занчок "b" около каждого стихавсовременномпереводе)Удобная навигацияПодробный разбор ЕвангелиеИндуктивное и дедуктивное изучениеПрограмма будет полезна не зависимо от того какая увасвера:православная, католическая, протестантская, иудейскаяилидажемусульманская - Коран говорит что Иса (Иисус) былпосландляподтверждения Еврейская Тора и он принес вам Энджиль (Евангелие)- что есть ходан и норан (руководство и свет) Сура5:46В этой программе нет модуля на церковнословянском языкеМожно сказать что это и детская Библии тоже. Я соему5летнемусыну читаю и он все понимает. Единственное, конечно,надобыть втеме с воскресной школы или личного примерахристианина,любящегоСлово Бога))SmartBible -BibleforAndroidInstallation manualThe program allows you to effectively study the Bible.Ported from the program modules quote from the Bible andgivenina convenient form of navigationYou can quickly switch between a modern translation oftheRussianBible Society and the King James Version of the19thcentury.If that's not enough, you can see different translationsofeachword with the original language, and a deeper understandingofthemeaning of each passage, read the comments and see thepassagesaresimilar in value (parallels)Built-in "Symphony" allows you to quickly find the wordandplacesin the Bible where it is used.The program allows you to quickly navigate to thepassageofinterest with the integrated browser.Deployed system tolkovanie BibleSymphony (accessible through the panel on the first pageofthealphabet)Modern and KJV (switching is done by pressing versenumber)Strong Rooms (subscript translation - translation ofthewordopportunity to learn first-hand - carried out byfollowinglinks onthe words in the King James Version (some refer tothetemporaryclosure form))Explanatory Bible - Comments Geneva Bible (you can seeinmoderntranslation by pressing the sign ">")Parallel passages (you can see in modern translationbypressingthe "=" sign)Foreword to the book (you can see in moderntranslationbypressing the mark "(i)" in the first chapter of eachbook)Barkley comments on the message of the Apostles and theGospel,aswell as commentaries on the Old Testament Lopuchin(viewing isdoneby pressing on zanchok "b" about each verseinmoderntranslation)Easy navigationDetailed analysis of the GospelInductive and deductive studyThe program will be useful no matter what yourfaith:Orthodox,Catholic, Protestant, Jewish or even Muslim - Quransaysthat Isa(Jesus) was sent to confirm the Jewish Torah and hebroughtyouEndzhil (Gospel) - that there Hodan and Nora (guidanceandlight)Sura 5:46In this program, there is no moduleontserkovnoslovyanskomlanguageWe can say that this is the Bible and children too. I soemu5yearold son to read and he understands everything. Only,ofcourse, mustbe subject to the Sunday school or personal exampleofa Christianwho loves God's Word))
MyBible - Bible 5.4.2
Denys Dolganenko
MyBible will help you study the Bible carefully and deeply. Itwillmake the Bible more convenient to read, as you will always haveitwith you without the need of an Internet connection.Bibletranslations in more than three hundred languages areavailable,including the original texts and early translations inancientGreek, ancient Hebrew, and Aramaic. In MyBible you alsohavecommentaries, biblical dictionaries, thesauruses, dailydevotions,and powerful tools to help them all work convenientlytogether.Project description and additional information, includingthemodules format description, as well as the most recent andpreviousversions of the application, are available athttp://mybible.zone.BIBLE TRANSLATIONS AND OTHER MODULES MyBibleprovidesnon-copyrighted (public domain) Bible translations,commentaries,dictionaries, and daily devotions collected fromdifferent sourcesand converted into the MyBible format. APPLICATIONFEATURES -Adjustable display of the Bible text, all chapters of abook (notjust one chapter at a time); grouping of verses intoparagraphs,subheadings, with or without verse numbering;highlighting ofJesus' words, night mode. - Two or three Biblewindows withdifferent translations; windows that automaticallysynchronize forthe current position, but can also be usedindependently. - Fastand powerful search of the Bible text. - Bibletext: convenientpaging and scrolling, categorized bookmarks,color-highlighting andunderlining of fragments, remarks for thetext, reading places,user-defined cross references, comparing ofselected verses indifferent translations. - Ancillary means thatcan be shown in theBible text: cross references, hyperlinks tocommentaries,footnotes, Strong's numbers. - Built-in information onthecorrespondence of the "Russian" and "standard" numbering ofversesin the book of Psalms, Job, and Song of Solomon (thisprovides forparallel reading of these books in Russian and in otherlanguages).- Bible reading plans: a large selection ofpre-defineddownloadable reading plans, option to quickly create asimplereading plan of your own, option to activate several readingplanssimultaneously, convenient and friendly tracking of yourprogresson active reading plans. - Bible commentaries, comparisonofdifferent commentaries for a selected verse. - Showingofdictionary articles on a double-touch of a word in the Bibletext,option to search for a word of interest in dictionaries,Strong'slexicon that is activated by a double-touch on a word or onaStrong's number, Strong's number usage searching - capableofreplacing a printed "Symphony", option to look up references toaselected verse from dictionary articles - gives input for adeepunderstanding of integrity of the Scripture. -Text-to-Speech(TTS): Bible text, commentaries, dictionary articles,dailydevotions, and automatic combining of TTS for the Bible textwithTTS for commentaries that are shown as hyperlinks in the Bibletext(this could be handy while you are driving a long distance).-Copying of selected verses, copying of verses found as a resultofsearch. - Working with favorites: daily devotions,commentaryarticles, dictionary articles. - Notes entry window withhyperlinksto Bible places that can be created automatically forenteredreferences to Scriptures (e.g., John 3:16). - Profileswhichcompletely store an environment, settings, a navigationhistory,etc. - Extensive set of settings; optional Simplified Mode,forbeginners. - Usage tips for the entire mainfunctionality:available from the menu, grouped, allow searchingfrom a wordfragment. - Support of data back-up and synchronizationbetweendifferent devices of the same user, this includes settingsanddownloaded modules and assumes usage of external means,(Dropsyncis recommended), see the "Synchronization" section in the"About"text available from the menu.
Russian Bible and Gospel Songs 4.0
Bible, Song of Revival and 3 youth song books
Русская Библия 4.7.5b
Seconda Variante
Read Russian Bible - Scripture
Bible in Twi : Asante 8
Bolti Apps
This is the Holy Bible in Twi :Asantelanguage. This is a FREE bible application to empoweryouspiritually through your walk with God. Having been written inthean easy to understand language, this is the Bible app foreveryonecomplete with all the books of the holy scripture.The Christian faith is based on the Holy Bible. A key doctrineinour Christian Faith is the Inerrancy of the Scripture, meaningtheBible in its original and accurate state without error. ThisBiblegives you just that. The word of God as is in your languageofchoice.The Bible is the inspired Word of God, or the HolyScriptures."God-breathed" in ; 2 Timothy 3:16 or 2 Peter 1:21. Itteaches andreminds us of the divine love of our Creator, theAlmighty God.By always reading the word of God, you will learn how toremaincloser to God and understand God's plan for salvation.The Application is absolutely FREE and does not requireanyinternet connection for access.
Библия с Толкованиями 2.23
Artem Moroz
Synodal translation of the Bible with interpretations of theholyfathers.