برترین 9 برنامه مشابه به أندرويد شيف

Royale Masterchef Finedine 1.8.1
Zomato Media Pvt. Ltd.
This is the official app forRoyaleMasterchefFinedine, powered by Zomato!Royale MasterChef, a multi cuisine fine dine withanenchantingambience, highlighted by acclaimed cuisine andimpeccableservice.Their cuisine varies from Oriental, Japanese,Thai,Mexican,Lebanese, Italian, Continental and theTraditionalIndianCuisine.**App features*** View menus, pictures, phone numbers, directions,usertestimonials,and all the other information abouttherestaurant.* Locate the restaurant on Maps and book an Uber toreachtherestaurant.* Get push notifications to stay alerted about therestauranteventsand promotions.* Integrated experience with Zomato app allows addingphotos,andsharing/ reviewing your foodie experience.* Place orders for delivery/ order-in or reserve table(comingsoon)to plan your next visit.
Suudu 4.4.2
Suudu adalah aplikasi unik pertama diMalaysiayang diwujudkan mengenai segala hal yang berkaitan denganduniapemakanan, sama ada dalam memilih tempat untuk makan, carauntukmemasak, mendapatkan tips serta bahan bacaan bermanfaatsertamendaftar di kelas memasak.Resipi Masakan: Langkah-langkah mudah untuk setiap resipiakanmembantu anda dalam penyediaan resipi pilihan anda. Jugaterdapatvideo arahan untuk resipi-resipi terpilih.Mudah! : Rancang beli-belah senarai barang untuk resipi pilihanandadengan mudah ! Hanya klik tambah resepi yang anda ingin , danlihatsenarai beli-belah yang anda perlu.Profil Anda : Kini anda boleh simpan dan mempunyai senarairesepikegemaran anda sendiri. Hanya log masuk dengan alamat emelandaatau dengan menggunakan akses masuk menggunakan akaunFacebookanda.Komuniti: pilih dan cuba resipi-resipi pilihan andasekarang!Kemudian, anda boleh berkongsi resipi-resipi ini menerusipelbagaiplatform media sosial dengan kawan anda di dalamaplikasiSuuduAplikasi Suudu dicipta, dikendalikan dan dimiliki Astro.
أسرار الحياة الزوجية الجنسية 1.1
Masterchef cuisine
مشاكل الحياة الزوجية, و عالم الحياة الزوجية،العلاقة الزوجيةفيالحياة الجنسية ,العلاقة الزوجية وليلة الزفاف أو الجنس تبنى ب حبورومانسية.منتديات عالم حواء تقدم زوجتي نصائح زوجية ل الحياةالزوجيةفي الاسلام.أسرار الحياة الزوجية وما خفي عن البعض.مفيد للكبار المقبلين على الزواج و الأزواج عن الحياة الجنسية أوالجنسعامة ل الحياة الزوجية السعيدة و اسرار الحياة الزوجيةالناجحة.الزواج ارتباط متين بين الطرفين.ليلة الدخلة.أسرار ونصائح.الحياةالزوجية اسرار و نصائح.ليلة الزفاف او ليلة الدخلة هي البداية الفعلية ل الحياة الزوجيةتطبيقليلة الزواج و اسرار الحياة الزوجية هو تطبيق يهتم ب ليلةالدخلة منالبداية الى النهاية و اداب الزفاف حسب التقاليد و دينناالحنيف منخلال ليلة الزفاف اسلامية و ليلة الدخلة في الاسلامية والمعاشرةالزوجية الإسلامية وتلعب الليلة الأولى من الزواج دور مهملجعل الحياةالزوجية الناجحة و الحياة الزوجية اسرار و نصائح.نقدم لكم اسرار الحياة الزوجيةعالم حواءنقدم لكم نصائح مجانية عن الثقافة الجنسية إن طبقتموها بصبرفستتمكنونمن إنقاذ زواجكم ل الحياة الزوجية السعيدة و جمعنا لكم كلمفيد من كتبالحياة الزوجية..نقدم لكم مواضيع حساسة عن العلاقة الزوجية الحميمية من قبيلكيفيةالجماع ، أحداث ليلة الدخلة، ايضا بعض الطرق لتعامل الزوج والزوجة ,والحياة الزوجية الناجحة, و نصائح للسعادة الزوجية و العلاقةبينالمتزوجين و الثقافة الزوجية و كيفية الوصول لحياة زوجيةسعيدة.كل ما يخص اسرار الحياة الزوجية و الحياة الزوجية اسرار ونصائح.الثقافة الزوجيةالعلاقة الزوجيةal hayat zawjiyazawajLifeofmarital problems, and the world of married life,maritalrelationship in the sexual life, marital relationship andweddingnight, sex and love are built by Romancih.menendaat worldofferingmy wife Eve marital tips for married life in Islam.The mysteries of married life and hidden from the other.The next two useful for adults to get married and couples sexlifeor public sex for happy married life and the secrets ofsuccessfulmarried life.Marry a solid link between Alpartyan.lalh Aldechlh.osrar andmaritalNsaih.alehiah secrets and tips.The wedding night, or the night of Dakhla is the actual beginningofmarried life for the application of the night of the marriageandthe mysteries of married life is an application that cares forthenight warbler from start to finish and wedding etiquettebytraditions and our religion through the night an Islamicweddingand the night of Dakhla in the Islamic and maritalcohabitationIslamic and play the first night of marriage have animportant roleto make a successful married life and married lifesecrets andtips.We offer you the secrets of married lifeThe world of EveWe offer you free advice on sex education able to applythempatiently Vstaatmknun save Zoajkm marital happy life for youand wecollected all the useful books of married life ..Offer you the sensitive topics of their maritalrelationshipintimacy, such as how intercourse, the events of thenight ofDakhla, also some ways to deal husband and wife, andsuccessfulmarried life, and tips marital happiness and therelationshipbetween married couples and marital culture and how toget to thelife of conjugal happy.Everything related to the mysteries of married life and marriedlifesecrets and tips.Marital CultureThe marital relationship al hayat zawjiyazawaj
Simply Good Food TV 1.4.1
Peter Sidwell Media
Food TV Worth Watching
masterCOOK 1.4
Faça download das receitas exclusivas deLígiaSantos, a primeira MasterChef de Portugal e conheça osworkshops doclub masterCOOK.A autora do Club masterCOOK desenvolve a suaactividadeprincipalmente na área de Showcooking, Workshops,Jantarestemáticos e desenvolvimento de Eventos eProdutosgastronómicos.Lígia Santos, chef com uma exposição mediática regular, contanoseu currículo com presença semanal na rubrica de culinária daPraçada Alegria da RTP.Presentemente, Lígia Santos faz o programa matinal doPortoCanal, com a rubrica "Pau para toda a colher" e é uma dasChefs daSilampos.Download theexclusiverecipes Ligia Santos of Portugal's first MasterChefworkshops andmeet the club MasterCook.The author of MasterCook Club conducts its business primarilyinthe area of ​​showcooking, workshops, themed dinners anddevelopingevents and Gourmet Products.Ligia Santos, chef with a regular media exposure, has tohiscredit a weekly presence in the caption of the Joy of CookingRTPSquare.Presently, Ligia Santos makes the morning show of thePortChannel, with the caption "Jack of all food" and is one oftheChefs Silampos.
Indian Food Recipes Offline 3.0.1
Enjoy yummy & tasty all Indian Foods with nutritions,fitness& calorie tracker.
Kochmeister Rezepte GRATIS 1.5.3
Micromovie Media GmbH
TESTSIEGER!!! Das Android Magazin kürtdieKochmeister Rezepte App zum Testsieger mit der maximalenBewertungvon fünf ★★★★★ Sternen !„Die App der Kochmeister Community besticht mit einer Auswahlvonunglaublichen 60.000 Rezepten. Frei nach dem Motto: Wer danichtsatt wird, ist selber schuld. Dank der übersichtlichen Suchebehältman zu jeder Zeit den Überblick.Schlaues Detail: Wer in der Suchmaske „veggy“ oder„Diät“anwählt, erhält nur Rezepte, die diesen individuellenWünschenentsprechen. Zusätzlich zur Rezeptsuche gibt es ein „RezeptdesTages“ und regelmäßige, saisonale Specials,beispielsweiseSpargel-Gerichte im Frühjahr oder kulinarische Ideenfür dasWeihnachtsfest.Die App überzeugt durch eine schön gestaltete Oberfläche unddieriesengroße Auswahl an Rezepten. Die aktiven MitgliederderCommunity sorgen für den persönlichen Touch: siebewerten,kommentieren und stelleneigene Rezepte zur Verfügung.“ (Auszug aus dem AndroidMagazinAusgabe Juli/August 2012)60-TAUSEND REZEPTE IN EINER APP!!! Die GRATIS Version istvollfunktionsfähig, jedoch werden immer nur die ersten 5Rezepttrefferbei der Suche angezeigt. Ein Upgrade ist aus der Appherausmöglich, dann werden alle Rezepttreffer angezeigt.Mit über 60.000 Rezepten aus der ganzen Welt ist Kochmeistereineder größten Online-Rezeptsammlungen. Die Plattform vonHobbyköchenfür Hobbyköche! Hierbei handelt es sich nicht um einerneutes"Hochglanzkochbuch" sondern um eine lebendigeRezeptsammlung ausvielen Quellen. Die aktive Community garantiertimmer neue Rezepte,Kommentare und Fotos, Tag für Tag.Das Besondere: Hier kann man sich hervorragend inspirierenlassendurch spielerische Auswahl nach Landesküchen und Speiseartenüberdie innovative iPhone Steuerung.Die Rezeptsammlung ist wird ständig kreativ erweitert vonderzeitüber 38.000 aktiven und registrierten Hobbyköchen. LassenSie sichvon deren gesammelten Know-How und Kochkunstinspirieren!Sie suchen ein ganz bestimmtes Rezept oder einfachInspirationzum Kochen?Sie möchten etwas Saisonales kochen oder einfach durch die FüllederRezepte schlendern?Eine Inspirationsquelle sowohl für alltägliche als auchbesondereGerichte!FEATURES :✔ 60.000 von einer der grössten deutschenKoch-Communitiesgeschriebene und kommentierte Rezepte✔ ständig wechselde und erweiterbare Rezepte✔ Innovative Auswahl nach Ländern und Art des Gerichts✔ Special-Funktion: saisonale Specials für Jahreszeiten,Festeund Events✔ Kommentare und Rezepttests von anderen Usern lesen✔ Favoriten-Funktion macht Rezepte auch offline verfügbar✔ Lieblingsrezepte in Favoriten einfach speichernundverwalten✔ Praktische und hilfreiche EinkaufslisteZur Information: die App benötigt Internetzugriff, da dieRezepteaufgrund der großen Menge und der ständigen Erweiterungenonline ineiner Datenbank gespeichert sind.TEST WINNER! TheAndroidMagazine selects the master chef recipes app as the winnerwith themaximum rating of five ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stars!"The app of Kochmeister community offers a selectionofincredible 60,000 recipes. True to the motto: Who is notsatisfiedthere, is your own fault. Thanks to the clear search youat alltimes retain the overview.Sly detail: Who in the search "veggy" or "diet" dials,receivesonly recipes that meet these individual needs. In additionto thesearch for a recipe there is a "recipe of the day" andregular,seasonal specials, such as asparagus dishes in the springorculinary ideas for Christmas.The app benefits from a nicely designed interface andtheoverwhelming choice of recipes. The active members of thecommunityprovide the personal touch: they rate, comment andmakeown recipes available. "(excerpt from the Android Magazine July/August 2012)60-TAUSEND RECIPES IN AN APP! The FREE version isfullyfunctional, but only the first 5 recipe results in the searcharealways displayed. An upgrade is possible from within the app,thenall of the recipe matches as you.With over 60,000 recipes from around the world Cooking Masterisone of the largest online collection of recipes. The platformofamateur cooks for home cooks! This is not about a renewed"glossycookbook" but a vibrant collection of recipes from manysources.The active community always guaranteed new recipes,comments, andphotos every day.The special feature: Here you can be inspired byexcellentplayful Select by country kitchens and dining styles oftheinnovative iPhone controls.The recipe collection is constantly expanding creativeofcurrently more than 38,000 active registered and hobby chefs.Letyourself be inspired by their accumulated know-how andgoodfood!You are looking for a very specific recipe or justinspirationfor cooking?You want to cook something Seasons or simply stroll throughtheabundance of recipes?A source of inspiration for both everyday and specialdishes!FEATURES:✔ 60,000 from one of the largest German cookingcommunitieswritten and commented Recipes✔ constantly wechselde and extensible recipes✔ Innovative Select by country and type of court✔ Special feature: seasonal specials for seasons, festivalsandevents✔ Read comments and recipe testing from other users✔ Favorites function makes recipes available offline✔ Just save and manage favorite recipes in Favourites✔ Practical and useful shopping listFor your information, the app needs internet access becausetherecipes due to the large amount and the continuous extensionsarestored online in a database.
Kitchen Platter 2.1
KitchenPlatterKitchen Platter has recipes, recipe videos and cooking tipsfromIndia’s most celebrated chefs like Nita Mehta, Tarla Dalal andmanymore. Kitchen Platter is a community for the chefs andfoodlovers.Want to have fun with cooking? Kitchen Platter is an easy waytofind awesome recipes and its videos! Healthy andTemptinglyTasty!Do you love cooking? Discover great recipes from the famouschefsof India. Cook at home and become a master chef yourself.Browse through Indian and International recipecategoriesincluding healthy, courses, cuisines, festivals,microwave and manymore.Looking for a healthy food that tastes great? How about Oatsorcooking with Olive oil? Eat healthier food and stay fit!Indian recipes have been traditionally known for the simplestyleof cooking where the nutritional value of the food ismaintainedwhile enhancing the taste with the use of spices andmasalas.Kitchen platter is committed to serve you traditional andmodernVegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Indian food recipes and dishesfromvarious well known chefs.Find your favorite recipes from your mobile. If you are achefand want to add your recipes on KitchenPlatter, then write tous oncs@kitchenplatter.comSearch recipes by ingredient you have. Use the search filtersforvegetarian and non-vegetarian.You can even submit your recipes and upload yourrecipepictures.Application Features:- Recipes ingredients, directions and reviews.- Search recipes by ingredients, title and the typeofcooking.- Set your favorite recipes for quick access.- Share recipes on social media.- Create your own recipes and share with friends and family.- Daily Cooking Tips
Restokitch Recipes & Cookbook 2.2
Are you an aspiring cook?HavingaCookingFever? Get ready to get access to the simple,quick,healthyand easy to follow recipes and cookbook from varietyofChefs andFood Bloggers from Food Network across the globe atFREEof cost.Participate in cooking contests and win excitingprizes.Doyou havea cooking question? Chefs and Food Bloggers fromtheirKitchen andRestaurants are willing to answer your cookingqueries.Quick &Authentic.You can socialize with the Global Food Networkandexploredifferent food delicacies including all the Indian,Mexican,Italian ,Thai ,Chinese and regional recipesincludingPunjabiRecipes,Gujarati Recipes,South IndianRecipes,SoupRecipes,Starters/ Snacks,BreakfastRecipes,DessertsRecipes,Diabetic Recipes,LowCholesterolRecipes,PregnancyRecipes,Zero Oil Recipes,CalciumRichRecipes,Healthy Breakfastrecipes,Chicken Recipes andSweet'N'Spicy- Indian Recipes you aresearching for.Are you a Chef or Food Blogger? InspiredbySanjeevKapoor’s Recipes? Vikas Khanna Recipes? TarlaDalalRecipes?MasterChefs? Want to showcase your culinary talent totheFoodNetwork?You get a platform to build your brand and identity,showcaseyourcooking talent in our cooking community and engagewithfoodiesworldwide. Share your Recipes and Cookbook and yourlovefor food inthe foodie and fellow Chef community. Chefs andFoodBloggers on ourplatform keep getting offers for consultanciesfromfood start-upsand restaurants on our cooking HOTLINE.Buildyoursocial profile,trust score, Levels and share it withyourfriends,family and socialmedia.Features for aspiring cooks:-★ Indian Recipes FREE OF COST with directionsteps,ingredients,preparation time from our verified Chefs andFoodBloggers.★ Wish list recipes for quick access and helpful whileshoppingforingredients. Just like a cookbook.★ Participate in the cooking contests which are judged byourTopChefs and get a chance to be featured on our app andalsowinexciting prizes.★ Share the recipes on social media likeFacebook,Twitter,Whatsapp.★ Ask any cooking related queries from Chefs and getpromptresponsefrom Chefs and Food Bloggers.★ Follow your favorite Chefs and Food Bloggers and discoveralltheirrecipes.Features for Food experts:-★ Easy to compose recipes on our app and save them toyourrecipebook.★ Share your recipes on the app in the Food Network andbuildtrafficon your blog.★ Track your list of followers globally..★ Get offers for consultancy from foodstart-upsandrestaurants.★ Build your Trust score and Levels by getting tips onyourrecipesand up-votes on your answers on our hotline.★ Participate in judging the recipes for our cooking contest.★ Access to channels for the skills showcase and marketing.★ Progressing with other Chefs and Food Bloggers mutuallyonourcommunity.As the chefs are from around the globe, foodies canexploredifferentfood cultures and recipes. Italian cuisine,Chinesecuisine, Mexican,Thai, South Indian, Indian cuisine,Japanese,French. It also coversall the recipe categories like maindishes,appetizers, drinks, sidedishes, desserts, ethnic recipes,soups,stews,low carb soup recipesand diet recipes.Discuss cooking and recipe with people having expertise inhealthandfood in general. Healthy recipes, cooking equipment,cookinglightrecipes, cake recipes,favorite recipes, baking,biryani,leftover,casserole, spaghetti, preserving, salad dish,vegancooking, diabeticmeals, coffee be it anything, ask yourcookingquestion to thechefs.Stay tuned with us in our bid to bring professional Chefstothefront-end and engage with the foodies in real time!More than anything else, it’s your FREE cooking App.Download now for the best cooking experience. Forfurtherqueryplease reach us at info@restokitch.com