برترین 21 برنامه مشابه به Horoscoop (Nederlands)
My Horoscope
EXCLUSIVE! Add the photo of yourbestfriends or your family to provide accurate data andpredictionsfor Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces.Share with your friends, through Social Network (Whatsapp,Facebook,Twitter, VK, Google+, etc.) your horoscope for any day.They alsomay be happy to discover this amazing app.Detailed astrological predictions available for all of thezodiacsigns and their 3 decanates♈ Aries♉ Taurus♊ Gemini♋ Cancer♌ Leo♍ Virgo♎ Libra♏ Scorpio♐ Sagittarius♑ Capricorn♒ Aquarius♓ PiscesGet your horoscope or that of your friends as a dailyPUSHMessage at a requested time !★ The content isn't downloaded at every launch but onlyasneeded★ Share to facebook,twitter,whatsapp and many more★ 7 days horoscope★ Calculate your sign★ Multi language★ Added option to remove advertisingYearly horoscope for 2016 and as soon as possible 2017
Daily Horoscope 2.2
Daily Horoscope is the application that allows you, for free,todiscover what your fate has in store every day. Any news onthejob? What does reserve love for you today? Search your sign,andlet you show the right way from the Stars, or see whattheyrecommend to your partner or to your friends. Seesections:Summary, Love, Relationship, Career, Business, LuckyMultilanguage:English, Italiano, Français, Deutsch, Español,Nederlands, Polski,Português, Pусский, Türk, 中國的
Horoscope 2017 8.4
Horoscope 2017 - Android AppGet your daily horoscope, horoscope compatibility,monthlyhoroscope, year Horoscope and Astrology completely FREEforHoroscope 2017Horoscope 2017 is the best 100% free professionalHoroscopeAndroid application .★ Start your day in a good way by reading your and yourfriends'Horoscope.★ Get your Horoscopes every day on your Android mobile phone.★ You will get new daily horoscope update for your astrologyindetails★ Universal Psychic Guild by our best astrologer in detailsthroughour partners.Features:✔ Today's Horoscope✔ Tomorrow's Horoscope✔ Weekly/Monthly Horoscope✔ Year Horoscope 2017✔ Love Horoscope 2017✔ Career Horoscope 2017✔ Sex Horoscope✔ Astrology for the current year✔ Horoscope for yesterday, tomorrow, last week, next week,lastmonth, next month✔ Horoscope Compatibility✔ Tarot Card Horoscope✔ Numerology horoscope✔ Horoscope 2017✔ Horoscope psychic✔ Love affinity✔ Year Horoscope 2017✔ Sign characteristics✔ Share your Horoscope (facebook, twitter, gmail, sms, googleplus..)Select from your zodiac sign Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,Leo,Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, andPisces. All horoscopes are based on Vedic astrology Moon Signs andmightbe it would be possible you don’t know about your horoscopesign,but we also provide the option for get your sign by date ofbirthfor horoscope 2017.We are going to provide the physics horoscope for our users,sothey can direct put astrology question for get better answer.
Horoscopes & Tarot 5.7
Get your Daily Horoscopes,LoveCompatibility and Tarot Card Readings. Astrolisoffers awide selection of horoscopes covering everything from loveandromance to career and money issues.The best selection of free horoscopes and tarotcardreadings!This app uses planetary positions to provide relevant andtimelyhoroscopes.★★★★★ Sheila B.“I have not found any horoscope or tarot reasons that wasthisright on. I love having the combo of horoscope and tarot inonereading. It is very accurate and follows the things going on inmylife.”★★★★★ Doreen M.“This app was so accurate i began reading it art the end offmyday just to too make sure i wasn't influencing it. I also lovethemany areas of life that it covers and that some of the areasareshown a week at a time. Can recommend it forserioususers.”WIDE VARIETY OF HOROSCOPES: Reading your daily horoscope is agreatway to start the day, but it doesn't give you all theinformationyou need. That's why we provide many different types ofhoroscopes,covering everything from love and romance to career andmoneyissues. Check them all out:Daily, Love, Weekly, Monthly, Romance, Style, Career, Money,2017AnnualThis app uses planetary positions to provide relevant andtimelyhoroscopes. All of the zodiac signs are included: aries,taurus,gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius,capricorn,aquarius and pisces.TAROT CARD READINGS: Looking for insight into a particularquestionor issue in your life? Tarot cards can help to explain yourcurrentsituation and anticipate future events. In this app you geta freedaily three card tarot reading. This is a personal tarotreading,not one for everyone sharing your zodiac sign. It allowsyou toselect three cards, one for your Recent Past, one for yourCurrentSituation and one for your Future Influences.DAILY OUTLOOK: Looking for a quick summary of some key issuesinyour life? With our simple 5 star system, you getindividualratings for your Money, Energy, Love and Moodoutlook.LOVE COMPATIBILITY: Wondering who you are most compatiblewithtoday? Your daily forecast tells you which zodiac sign youarebeing drawn towards. Check the compatibility ratings for eachsignsevery day.CUSTOMIZATION: Once you install the app, you can set yourzodiacsign and choose a stylish sun sign icon. Once set, yourcustomizedforecasts will be available every time you open the app.No need tonavigate around trying to find your zodiac sign.VIEW ALL SIGNS: Interested in reading someone else's outlook fortheday? You can quickly and easily view any of the 12 zodiac signsfromwithin the app. Plus, you have the option to send your friendtheirforecast by email.SHARE YOUR OUTLOOK: Is there a forecast that resonates with youoris relevant to a situation you are currently in? You havetheoption to share it on Facebook and Twitter or send it tosomeoneprivately by email.★★★★★ John M.“A rare horoscope app that is both accurate and applicabletoboth the trivial and consequential issues of daily life.Attractiveand easy to use.”Please contact us with any questions or concerns using thefeedbackbutton within the app or by visiting:http://www.astrolis.com/contactFollow us on Twitter:http://www.twitter.com/Astrolis@Astrolis
Trek een tarot dagkaart 2.1.4
Spirit4u heeft de gratis App "Trek eentarotdagkaart" speciaal voor jou ontwikkeld.Welke wijsheid heeft de tarot je vandaag te bieden? Ontspanje,adem rustig in en stel in gedachten een vraag Trek daneentarotkaart door op het tarotdeck te klikken. De kaart diejevervolgens trekt, zou je kunnen helpen bij het oplossenvanproblemen.De tarot zet mensen aan het denken, helpt hen om de voors entegensvan de situatie tegen elkaar af te wegen.Wat is tarot?Het Tarotdeck bestaat uit een set van 78 kaarten die doormiddelvan beelden een eigen taal spreekt. Die 78 tarotkaartensamenverbeelden het leven, met alle ups en downs die het tebiedenheeft. Beschouw tarot als een losbladig, 78 prentenbevattend'prentenboek van het leven'. Alles zit erin!De 78 kaarten zijn verdeeld in een Groot Arcana (22 kaarten)eneen Klein Arcana (56 kaarten). Wanneer het woord 'Arcana'vervangenwordt door haar betekenis 'geheim' , wordt al snelduidelijk wat dekaarten ons tonen: antwoorden in verband metontwikkelingsprocessenof processen in het dagelijks leven.Tarot is een uitgebreid systeem met zoveel diepgang dat jeerniet op uitgekeken raakt. Juist dit maakt tarot zo boeiend.Desymboliek, archetypes, getallen, kleuren en de vierelementenverhullen kennis uit een ver verleden. De vele lagen in detarotbieden een uitgelezen kans voor studie.De lagen van betekenis bieden echter ook de mogelijkheid omdekaarten te gebruiken als 'spiegeltjes' om te kijken naar dezakendie ons nu bezighouden. De beelden roepen iets bij ons op.Tarot is een flexibel en krachtig instrument om snel inzichtteverkrijgen op allerlei gebied. Een Tarot dagkaart geeft eenbeeldrond het thema wat je bezighoudt. De kaart die op je schermkomtheeft betrekking op dat wat je bezighoudt te midden vanjouomstandigheden. Er wordt iets getoond wat waar is('waar-zeggen')over innerlijke en uiterlijke gegevens, overvalkuilen en te lerenlessen, over angsten, ambities enmogelijkheden, over sterke enzwakke kanten.De herkomst van dit mysterieuze spel is, ondanks develeverhalen, nog steeds in nevelen gehuld. Toch heeft hetmensenvanuit de meest verschillende achtergronden enculturengefascineerd, bewogen en steeds tot nieuwegezichtspuntengebracht.De rijke symboliek van de tarot en de beproefdereferentiekadersvan de diverse legmethodes staan garant voor hetaanreiken vanontelbare aanwijzingen en impulsen, waarmee een iederdie bereid isom met open geest, hart en ziel er naar te kijken ente luisteren,inzicht geboden wordt.Spirit4u the freeapp"Draw a tarot day pass" specially designed for you.What wisdom does the tarot you today to offer? Relax,breathecalmly and set in mind Pull a question than a tarot cardbyclicking. The tarot deck to The card can then pull, could helpinsolving problems.The tarot makes people think, helps them to weigh. The pros andconsof the situation against each otherWhat is Tarot?The Tarot Deck consists of a set of 78 cards throughpicturesspeak a language. 78 tarot cards that depict life together,withall the ups and downs that it has to offer. Consider tarot asaloose-leaf, containing 78 prints' picture book of life."Everything is there!The 78 cards are divided into a Great Arcana (22 cards) andaSmall Arcana (56 cards). When the word "Arcana" is replaced byitsmeaning 'secret', it soon becomes clear what the maps showusanswers related to developmental processes or in everydaylife.Tarot is a comprehensive system with so much depth that yougetdo not get tired. Precisely this makes Tarot so fascinating.Thesymbolism, archetypes, numbers, colors and the fourelementsconceal knowledge of the past. The many layers in the tarotofferan excellent opportunity for study.However, the layers of meaning also offer the possibility touseas 'mirrors' to look at the issues that concern us now. CardsTheimages conjure up something at us.Tarot is a flexible and powerful tool to obtain in manyareas.Rapid insight A day pass Tarot depicts the theme you engaged.Thecard that comes on your screen that covers your concerns amidyourscircumstances. It is shown something is true (which say ") oninnerand outer data about pitfalls and learn lessons aboutfears,ambitions and capabilities, on strengths and weaknesses.The origin of this mysterious game, despite the manystories,still shrouded in mystery. However, the people from themostdiverse backgrounds and cultures fascinated, moved andalwaysbrought fresh perspectives.The rich symbolism of the tarot and the proven frameworks ofthevarious installation methods guarantee pinpointing ofcountlessclues and impulses, which anyone who is ready with openmind, heartand soul to watch and listen, insight is offered .
Your Tarot - Daily New Free Card Reading Meanings 1.4
Your Tarot app provides free daily Tarot card readings. GetfreeTarot insights on love, money, spirituality, career & muchmoreby choosing one or more Tarot cards. Guidance by way ofTarotReading is now at your fingertips. Your Tarot app lets youconnectto a professional Tarot reader to get a live explanation ofyourpersonal spread (coming soon!) Your Tarot offers thepossibility tosend these personal spreads to a professional Tarotreader. To geta 1op1 live explanation and answer to your questions.Theprofessional Tarot consultant will provide in-depth readingsofyour personal spread, no more guessing of your Tarot cardmeanings.The expert Tarot reader will guide you and answer yourquestions.No matter the Tarot card spread, our professional Tarotcardreaders will provide a meaningful answer to your questionsaboutlove, spirituality, money, career, or any other topic in life!YourTarot app will help to get clarity about your presentsituationThanks to the information you are presented with, you willbe ableto make truly conscious choices and take full responsibilityforyour decisions. Tarot cards are about mirroring your soul andinnervalues. Trust your inner guides while you select yourcard!Features of Your Tarot - Daily New Free Card Reading Meaning:⚫️Create free Tarot readings ⚫️ Send personal Tarot spreadstoprofessional Tarot readers (coming soon!) ⚫️ Get professional1on1live explanation of your Tarot spread to answer yourquestions(coming soon!) ⚫️ Choose from 22 different tarot layouts⚫️ Choosea pattern - to focus on the specific question you want theTarotcards to answer ⚫️ Tarot card meanings and interpretationsprovidedby experienced Tarot readers ⚫️ Trusted Tarot card readingsandmeanings Tarot readings beyond your general Tarot explanationTextsfor the Tarot Cards are written by very experienced Tarotreadersand go beyond a general Tarot explanation. With yearsofexperience, the texts for Your Tarot were handcrafted and allowformeaningful Tarot card readings. What is Tarot? Tarot is agamebased on symbolism. The special images give indications viaanindirect way. So you can't take the representationsliterally.Everything you see 'stands for something.’ Some Tarotcards comeacross as somewhat threatening. Tarot cards could triggerafrightening reaction at first. For example, cards with'death','the devil', with 'sickness and destruction'. Be aware,when thishappens, that the images stand for something. The TarotCards firstneed to be translated to the correct meaning and thenlinked toyour situation. A correct interpretation of the cardsrequires agood understanding of symbolism, impeccable empathy and alot ofplaying experience. Tarot will give you the clarificationandsupport that will help you in your way of life. Where doesTarotcome from? Tarot is a card game that first appeared inEuropearound the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. It wasmainlyplayed among gypsies. Gypsies are travelling people who tookthegame with them from the countries where Tarot originated, suchasEgypt, India, Spain, Italy and Eastern European countries. Tarotisan ancient card game. A card game about life, which alsocarriesage-old wisdom of life. The beautiful representationssymbolize theso-called archetypes. These are images and behaviorsstored in thecollective consciousness of humanity. Or rather, inthe unconsciouspart of the collective consciousness. Initially,Tarot began as afad in predicting the future and over thecenturies, it hasdeveloped into an esoteric, philosophical andpsychological system.Tarot consists of 78 cards covering allaspects of daily spirituallife. In Tarot we find wisdom and answersto daily and meaningfulquestions of life. You can use it every dayand whenever you want.There's no limit to it!
Horoscope - your astro future
★The Horoscope app: Let's face theday!★Start your morning off right! Choose to read your uniquehoroscopeand find out what the stars have in store for you!YOUR HOROSCOPE IN A FLASHDownload our horoscope app now and read your free horoscopefortoday, tomorrow, the week, month or even year on your phoneortablet!BESPOKE HOROSCOPES IN YOUR POCKETThe present, the future… What have the planets got in store foryourlove life, career, health or friendships?Our horoscopes and astrological readings, written byhandpickedprofessional astrologers, can guide you on a dailybasis!FREE ASTRO GOODIESTest your love compatibility with every other sign of the zodiacandenjoy our seasonal and Chinese horoscopes! What the summerlookslike for you? What does your Chinese sign mean? We havetheanswers!LIVE CHAT READING!Our application allows you to chat live with psychics!They will help you discover what the future holds. Ask yourquestionto the psychic of your choice and get a clear and accurateanswerwithin seconds. We guarantee you a personalized service,carried outby authentic psychics.CUSTOM NOTIFICATIONSManage your notifications and simply hear from us about thethingsyou like! Never miss a horoscope or any of our appfeaturesagain.Don't wait any longer, DOWNLOAD IT NOW!Available features:- Horoscope for today and tomorrow- Horoscope for the week- Horoscope for the month- Horoscope for the year- Love compatibility- Seasonal horoscopes- Live readingsShare with us your comments and recommendations at:**************mobile-support@telemaque.fr**************Explanation of requested permissionsbyHoroscope- Approximate geographical location :Your approximate geographical location is requested in order tohelpdetermine your astrological profile (automatically detectstheplaces nearby).- Network communication (show your WiFi and network status) :Allow you to enjoy the best connection available (WiFiand/orNetwork) for the best possible browsing experience.- Phone calls :Allows you to keep the application open when a phone call or atextmessage interrupts your reading.- Phone/SD CARD storage :The information entered in the application will be kept onyourSmartphone/SD card in order to give you a personalizedcontentevery time you open the application.- E-mail accounts :Allows you to share your horoscope easily by automaticallyfillingthe content of the e-mail and the e-mail address ofthesender.- Network communications (general internet access) :Allows you to enjoy an up-to-date content (daily, weekly andmonthlyhoroscopes).- System tools :Allows the application to run faster when your smartphone isrunningout of virtual memory.
Free Daily Horoscope 1.0.5
With daily horoscope free newspapers neednotconsult or seek specific section on the websites, hereweshowZodiac sign for your daily horoscope.- You can consult future predictions of up to a week inadvanceand that of the day before.- See all Horoscopes Aries, Taurus, Gémminis, Cancer, Leo,Virgo,Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces.- Share predicting with any application, social network orsavethe text to the clipboard.- You can also change the language of the app- Select a time to alert you, do not forget to look at whatthestars foretell you every day!
My Daily Horoscope 1.1
My Daily Horoscope will predict about yournearfuture and it tells you what is going to happen with you.Itbasically reveal what the stars are upto. So if you want toknowabout your future we will recommend that you download this freeappand start seeing your horoscope totally free. And plan yourmovesand take your steps according to the prediction based on yourstarwithout any cost it is available for all signs of Zodiac.Once you Download this app then choose your zodiac sign Like(Aries,Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,Sagittarius,Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces), and then you will beable to receiveNotification on daily basis. As stars moves so doesyour prediction.All signs of zodiac:♈ Aries♉ Taurus♊ Gemini♋ Cancer♌ Leo♍ Virgo♎ Libra♏ Scorpio♐ Sagittarius♑ Capricorn♒ Aquarius♓ PiscesIf you want your year 2016 better than last year then followtheinstructions. Sometimes we do skip little things in our livesandthat makes a huge impact on our lives after some years. Soitsbetter to take good steps instead of weeping.So check your horoscope and be prepared for tomorrow and youcanalso check your friends Horoscope and notify them if there isanydifficulty coming towards them.You can share your Today’s Horoscope on Social Media Networksandlet people know what your star thinks about yourself. May betheystart sharing there too and you find some common interestthatbenefit you both. You can get your match couplethroughzodiac.With Astro guide We hope a better future is waiting for you .Send us your comments, feedback and what you want us to addmorefeatures.Thank you.
Horoscope & Tarot 2017 Free 1.1.0
The best selection of Horoscopes &TarotCards 2017 in english ... TOTALLY FREE!This Horoscope & Tarot app is a free app for Android(version2.3+) that lets you know your daily horoscope in english.Want toknow how it will go love (romance), health, luck, money andwork(career)? Will 2017 be a good year? How you will end in2017?Horoscopes & Tarot Find out!Download now Horoscope & Tarot for free and discover whatthefuture has in store for you in love / romance, health, money,luckand family. Works with all zodiac signs!ALL HOROSCOPES TO HANDRead your daily horoscope is certainly a great way to start theday.Free access to your daily horoscope 2017 english and seeksalso to afriend, relative, colleague or partner (relationship).Astrology isyour ally.Types of horoscopes: Chinese, Celtic, daily horoscope,weekly,monthly, etc.Compatible Zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,Leo,Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, AquariusandPisces.TAROT CARDSTarot cards can help you explain a situation and anticipateeventsthat may come.FEATURES OF HOROSCOPE & TAROT APP★ made by Astrologers Horoscopes / Tarot experts with over 25yearsexperience. Experts in astrology and predictions of loveandrelationships, health, money and family. Want to know yourlovehoroscope for today or tomorrow?★ Share your daily horoscope 2017 with your friends and familyonFacebook, Twitter, Google+, WhatsApp, Line, etc.★ Get your unique and personalized daily horoscope predictionas100% configurable PUSH notification from the app.★ Horoscope & Tarot has a friendly design and a veryusableinterface. Anyone can use it!★ 100% FREE App. Know your daily horoscope (for 2017 and beyond)inenglish without paying anything at all!★ All zodiac signs are covered in this application: Aries,Taurus,Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,Capricorn,Aquarius, Pisces♈️ ♉️ ♊️ ♋️ ♌️ ♍️ ♎️ ♏️ ♐️ ♑️ ♒️ ♓️ ⛎ 🔯Horoscopes & Tarot (with english predictions for 2017) isthebest app of astrology and futurology on Google Play! What areyouwaiting for download on your smartphone or tablet?
Let's Tarot, Spiritual Psychic
Looking for support? Want some insightaboutyour destiny? Facing a crisis about your relationship?"Let'sTarot" is a guidance and inspiration to know more aboutyourdestiny and life."Let's Tarot" is a completely free Tarot card Android app. Trytofocus on a question to ask the Tarot cards and pull the cardsfromthe deck. You will be surprised how accurate the insight cardstellyou.If you love some destiny tools like horoscope, numerology andIChing, you will also love Tarot. Try to use and love "Let'sTarot",the Fate Guidance now.All features are free without any restrictions, it includes:- 78 Rider Waite Tarot cards with both Major Arcana andMinorArcana- Detail insight card reading with related horoscope keyword(bothupright and reversed cards)- Different Tarot spreads / layouts include:-- Yes or No-- Single Card Spread-- Two Cards Layout-- Three Cards Layout-- The Past, Present and Future (Yesterday, today andtomorrow)Layout-- The Four Elements Spread-- The Love (Soulmate) Spread-- The Decision Making Spread-- The Star Layout-- The Relationship Spread-- The Next Seven Days-- The Four Weeks Spread-- The Horseshoe Spread-- The Celtic Cross-- Year Layout- Any luck today (Daily fortune telling)- Tarot Gallery (To view the detail readings about each card)- Tarot bookmark (To store the readings and review itinfuture)- Curves of life (To discover the energy about health, moneyandlove every day)- Code (share the result with friends and family in GooglePlus,Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, etc)- Support different languages include český, Deutsch,dansk,español, English, suomi, français, magyar, Gaeilge, italiano,日本語,한국의, Nederlands, norsk, polski, português, русский,svenska,slovenčina, ภาษาไทย, Türk, Việt, हिंदी, العربية,中文(繁體),中文(简体)- More spreads like horoscope is coming soonAbout solLuna apps in facebook and twitterfacebook page-https://www.facebook.com/sollunaapp/twitter - https://twitter.com/solluna_What is Tarot (as cited in Wiki)The tarot (first known as trionfi and later as tarocchi, tarock,andothers) is a pack of playing cards (most commonly numbering78),used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe toplay agroup of card games such as Italian tarocchini and Frenchtarot.From the late 18th century until the present time the tarothas alsofound use by mystics and occultists in efforts atdivination or as amap of mental and spiritual pathways.Like a normal deck of cards, the tarot has four suits (which varybyregion, being the French suits in Northern Europe, the Latinsuitsin Southern Europe, and the German suits in Central Europe).Each ofthese suits has pip cards numbering from ace to ten andfour facecards for a total of 14 cards. In addition, the tarot hasa separate21-card trump suit and a single card known as the Fool.Depending onthe game, the Fool may act as the top trump or may beplayed toavoid following suit.François Rabelais gives tarau as the name of one of the gamesplayedby Gargantua in his Gargantua and Pantagruel; this is likelytheearliest attestation of the French form of the name. Tarotcards areused throughout much of Europe to play card games.InEnglish-speaking countries, where these games are largelyunplayed,tarot cards are now used primarily for divinatorypurposes.Occultists call the trump cards and the Fool "the majorarcana"while the ten pip and four court cards in each suit arecalledminor arcana. The cards are traced by some occult writerstoancient Egypt or the Kabbalah but there is no documentedevidenceof such origins or of the usage of tarot for divinationbefore the18th century.
Daghoroscoop 0.1
DaghoroscopenDownload deze gratis app van CatharinaWeb. Dagelijks jehoroscoopontvangen, bekijk je daghoroscoop met slechts éénklik.Eenvoudig in gebruik met teksten voor de 12 sterrenbeelden vanhetgerenommeerde Nederlandse bedrijf Astro Media.Direct vragen stellenZit je met een probleem of heb je dringende vragen? Wil jij eenliveconsult van een astroloog, paragnost, tarot deskundige,helderziendeof een van de andere experts? Mogelijkheid voor directonlineconsult aanwezig.Jump naar CatharinaWeb Facebook of Twitter pagina's.Daily horoscopesDownload this free app CatharinaWeb. You receive dailyhoroscope,check your horoscope with just one click. Easy to use with texts for the 12 constellations of therenownedDutch company Astro Media. Direct questionsAre you having a problem or you have urgent questions? Do you wantalive consult an astrologer, psychic, tarot expert, clairvoyantorone of the other experts? Possibility of onlineconsultationavailable. Jump to CatharinaWeb Facebook or Twitter pages.
Tarot Reading 2.1
The Tarot cards is a windowintothefuture.These readings allow you to peer into the eventsthatlayahead.4 simple steps to get your tarot cards reading:1. Open Tarot application2. Click "Begin"3. Choose colors of the day4. Read the card's meaningThe first card covers love-life and relations.The second card reveals the most important events of the day.The third card looks at your career.You can receive one reading per day only.Read the explanation for the cards carefully.Tarot might help you find answers to your questionsorprovideadvice.Enjoy Tarot!Notice.All our applications never need access to yourpersonaldata,contacs, SMS and calls. Tarot only need InternetAccess.Enjoy Tarot!