App Information In-počasí
- App NameIn-počasí
- Package Namecom.johnniek.inpocasi.widget
- UpdatedJune 23, 2016
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid Varies with device
- Version3.5.5
- DeveloperInMeteo
- Installs500,000 - 1,000,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryWeather
- Developer
- Google Play Link
In-počasí Version History
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In-počasí 3.5.5 APK File
Publish Date: 2021 /5/5Requires Android: Android 5.0+ (Lollipop, API: 21)File Size: 67.9 MBTested on: Android 10 (Quince Tart, API: 29)File Sha1: d266b520615761ccd53e772af1f721cc4722bd11 -
In-počasí 1.7.1 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /1/21Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)File Size: 7.6 MBTested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)File Sha1: d2308a9fb754dc97db1dedb618f37777f7353455
InMeteo Show More...
In-počasí 3.5.5 APK
In-počasí je oblíbená česká aplikace, kterázobrazí aktuální teplotu venku a předpověď počasí. V aplikacinaleznete bohatou nabídku widgetů zobrazující informace o počasípřímo na ploše vašeho mobilního telefonu. Ve widgetech si můžetezobrazit také aktuální čas nebo svátky a je tedy praktickýmrozšířením plochy. Údaje jsou aktualizovány každých 30 minut zhusté sítě meteorologických stanic po celé České republice aodpovídají tak vždy skutečným naměřeným hodnotám v daném místě.Widgety na plochuAplikace nabízí celou řadu widgetů na plochu vašeho telefonu (vevelikostech 4x2, 4x1 a 2x1 a také widgety na zamykací obrazovku).Díky widgetům se dozvíte nejen aktuální teplotu venku a předpověďna další dny, ale i aktuální datum, svátek a čas. Největší formátwidgetu zobrazuje hodiny, aktuální teplotu, svátek, datum, počasína dnešní den a aktualitu. Malé widgety zobrazují předpověď na dvadny nebo aktuální teplotu ve vámi zvolené lokalitě. Informace opočasí budete mít vždy po ruce.Předpovědi tvořené českými meteorologyPředpovědi jsou pravidelně aktualizovány (každých 30 minut) apřipravovány meteorology z portálu In-počasí. Data pro aplikaci takvznikají přímo v České republice a jsou pravidelně kontrolovány.Aplikace využívá hustou síť meteorologických stanic po celém našemúzemí. V jejich blízkém okolí se v aplikaci zobrazuje aktuálníteplota venku na desetinu stupně přesně.Podrobné předpovědiNa 48 hodin dopředu v aplikaci naleznete podrobné předpovědi potřech hodinách, které nabídnou ucelený pohled na očekávané počasí vnejbližší době (zahrnují předpověď stavu počasí, teploty, úhrnusrážek a větru). Nechybí samozřejmě ani předpověď na další dny, alejiž jen v souhrnném stavu pro celý den.Numerický modelV aplikaci naleznete předpověď srážek, teplot a oblačnosti přímo nasnímcích z numerického modelu, a to až na následujících 6 dní.Nabízí se tak pohled nejen na počasí ve zvoleném městě, ale v celénaší republice a blízkém okolí. Snadno tak poznáte, odkud přijdousrážky a kam se případně vydat na výlet.Meteorologické centrum ve vašem telefonuAplikace se může pochlubit kompletním meteorologickým servisem.Vedle předpovědí nechybí v aplikaci klimatické údaje pro vybranéstanice, přehled rekordů, časy východu a západu Slunce a Měsíce,webové kamery nebo textové předpovědi.In-weather favorite Czechapplication that displays the current temperature outside and theweather forecast. In the application, you will find a richselection of widgets displaying weather information right on yourdesktop to your mobile phone. The widget can also display thecurrent time or holidays and is therefore a practical expansion ofthe area. Data are updated every 30 minutes of a dense network ofmeteorological stations throughout the Czech Republic and alwayscorrespond to actual measured values locally.Widgets on the desktopThe application offers a wide range of widgets on the desktop ofyour phone (in sizes 4x2, 4x1 and 2x1, as well as widgets on thelock screen). Thanks widgets will learn not only the currenttemperature outside and the forecast for the next few days, butalso the current date and time to feast. The largest widget formatdisplays hours, current temperature, the feast, the date, theweather for the day and news. Small widgets display weather for twodays or the current temperature in your chosen location. Weatherinformation you'll always have on hand.Forecasts formed Czech meteorologistsForecasts are updated periodically (every 30 minutes) and trainedmeteorologists from the website In-weather. Data for applicationand originate in the Czech Republic and are regularly inspected.The app uses a dense network of weather stations throughout ourterritory. In the vicinity in the application displays the currenttemperature outside tenth of a degree accuracy.Detailed forecast48 hours in advance for detailed predictions after three hours,which offer a comprehensive view of the weather expected in thenear future (forecast includes the weather conditions, temperature,rainfall and wind). There is of course no forecast for the nextdays, but only in the general condition of the day.Numerical modelIn refer to forecast precipitation, temperature and cloud directlyon the pictures of the numerical model, not only for the next 6days. This offers a view of not only the weather for the selectedcity, but throughout our country and the surrounding area. Youeasily recognize where they come rainfall and where possibly go ona trip.Meteorological Center on your phoneApplication boasts a complete meteorological service. Besidesmissing in predictions of climate data for selected stations,summary records, the times of sunrise and sunset and the moon, webcam or text prediction.
Ventusky: 3D Weather Maps 20.0 APK
The app combines highly accurate weather forecast for your locationwith a 3D map showing development of weather in a broader area in avery interesting way. This allows you to see where precipitation isgoing to come from or where the wind is blowing from. Theuniqueness of the app comes from the amount of data displayed.Forecast of weather, precipitation, wind, cloud cover, atmosphericpressure, snow cover and other meteorological data for differentaltitudes is available for the whole world. Moreover, the app iscompletely free of ads. WIND ANIMATION The Ventusky applicationsolves weather displaying in an interesting way. Wind is displayedusing streamlines which clearly portray the continuous developmentof weather. Airflow on Earth is always in motion and thestreamlines depict this motion in an amazing way. This makes theinterconnection of all atmospheric phenomena obvious. WEATHERFORECAST Weather forecast for the first three days is available inthe app in one-hour steps. For other days, it’s available inthree-hour steps. Users can also look up sunrise and sunrise timesin a given place. WEATHER MODELS Thanks to the Ventuskyapplication, visitors get data directly from the numerical modelsthat, just a few years ago, were used solely by meteorologists. Theapp collects data from the most accurate numerical models. Besidesthe well-known data from the American GFS and HRRR models, it alsodisplays data from the Canadian GEM model and the German ICONmodel, which is unique thanks to its high resolution for the wholeworld. Two models, EURAD and USRAD, are based on current radar andsatellite readings. These models are able to show precisely currentprecipitation in US and Europe. WEATHER FRONTS You can also displayweather fronts. We have created a neural network that predicts thepositions of cold, warm, occluded, and stationary fronts based ondata from weather models. This algorithm is unique, and we are thefirst on the world who makes global fronts forecast available tousers. LIST OF WEATHER MAPS • Temperature (15 levels) • Perceivedtemperature • Temperature anomaly • Precipitation (1 hour, 3 hour,long time accumulation) • Radar • Satellite • Air quality (AQI,NO2, SO2, PM10, PM2.5, O3, dust or CO) • Probability of aurora LISTOF PREMIUM WEATHER MAPS - PAID CONTENT • Wind (16 levels) • Windgusts (1 hour, long time maximum) • Cloud cover (high, middle, low,total) • Snow cover (total, new) • Humidity • Dew point • Airpressure • CAPE, CIN, LI, Helicity (SRH) • Freezing level • Waveforecast • Ocean currents Do you have questions or suggestions?Follow us on social media • Facebook: • Twitter: • YouTube: Visit our website on:
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Weather XL PRO APK
This is simply the best weather app for yourregion... and the rest of the world.- Gorgeous and realistic animations of weather conditions- See at a glance the next weather condition change- Updated continuously- Accurate hourly forecasts for the next 10 days- Fast, beautiful and simple to use- Detailed forecasts on rain, ice, snow, fog, wind, storm, dewpoint, UV index, humidity, pressure- Highest and lowest historical values- Satellite and radar map animations- Optimized for both phones and tablets- Live Wallpaper- Weather in notification area and temperature in status bar- Great widget for your home screenAnd it’s all free.Try it now !Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia,Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, Austin and allthe others!
Weather 5.2.2 APK
Weather is exceptionally easy to use app forstaying always updated with the weather conditions.The Weather app is specifically designed to be as simple andintuitive as possible. With just one click you receive the weathercondition in your status bar at your current location.The climate state is gorgeously animated so that you can almostexperience it, seeing how the weather comes alive.The app is using Weather Underground as a data channel and the liveupdates are really tiny so that you would not use up your datacap.FEATURES- Weather supports geo-positioning, retrieving the latest weatherconditions for your current location- An option to manually add your location- Measure ambient temperature and UV index on supporteddevices- Full support for Android TV- Add and track the weather conditions in multiple locations- Weather is one of the most lightweight weather apps on GooglePlay!- Animated weather conditions - see how the weather comesalive!- Widgets for different locations- Hourly and weekly forecasts- Intuitive, seamless user interface- Support for the lock screen widget in Android 4.2- Weather benefits all known screen resolutions- Offers quality support for Android devices - from Android 1.5 toAndroid 5.0- Tap on the temperature to switch between Celsius andFahrenheit- You can allow and disable the notifications- Choose by yourself what will be the next feature of Weather!Leave a comment or send us an e-mail and help us make Weather thebest app of its kind.Get in touch with us and follow the latest news regarding ourapps:
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Weather - The Weather Channel APK
Plan and prepare with confidence with theworld’s most downloaded Weather App.GET ACCURATE FORECASTS FOR ANY LOCATION• Cognitive Home Screen: Changes based on your currentlocation, weather, and time of day, so you get your currentconditions plus the weather info you need most.• Local & National Forecasts: Hourly, 15-day and weekendforecasts available in Celsius or Fahrenheit for the US, Canada,and locations around the world.• Current Weather Conditions: Beyond accurate temperatures,you’ll get “feels like” weather, humidity, dew point, sunrise,sunset, wind speed, UV index, visibility and barometricpressure.• Weather Maps: Fast-loading doppler radar maps show pastand 6-hour future radar. Map layers show road or satellite views,water temperature, wind speeds, snow cover, and more.• Plan for Trips: Get access to seasonal weather trends,road conditions, the tides, and 15-day forecasts for your favoritedestinations like Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto andVancouver.PERSONALIZED REAL-TIME WEATHER ALERTS• Severe Weather Alerts: Stay safe with National WeatherService government issued notifications of extreme weather. Knowthe moment tornado, hurricane or severe storm watches and warningsare issued.• Breaking News Alerts: Stay informed with national andlocal weather news updates. Track tropical storms and hurricanes asthey develop while receiving storm safety and preparednesstips.• Lightning Alerts: Get real-time alerts for your GPSlocation, and know where lightning is striking near you.• Daily Rain Alerts: Never get caught in the rain again withreal-time alerts for your GPS location and morning precipitationreports for your favorite locations.• Pollen Alerts: Know the pollen counts near you.It’s easy and free! Activate these alerts by going to your in-appsettings.DIVE DEEP INTO YOUR WEATHER• GoRun Forecast: Like to run? Now you can create apersonalized GoRun Forecast to help you answer questions like “Whenshould I run?” “What should I wear?” “How far should I go?”• 24/7 Remote Temps: Populate your notification bar with thecurrent temperatures of your favorite locations worldwide.• Weather Widgets: We have widgets available in 1x1, 2x2,1x4 and 4x4.• Weather News: From severe storms and tornadoes tostraight-up bizarre weather occurrences, we’ll keep you up todate.• Weather Videos: Local forecasts, climate change news, andeverything in between, all streamed in HD.• Sleek Interface: Easy to use and beautiful in itssimplicity.• Stunning Imagery: Amazing background photos match yourcurrent weather conditions.• Love For Android Tablets: The best weather app and widgetsare optimized for Android Tablets.THE WEATHER CHANNEL ON THE WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA:Find us at, like us on,and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @weatherchannel.FEEDBACK:We’re always looking to improve our app and appreciate yourfeedback. Please rate and review us in the Google Play Store.Submit your suggestions to may be interested in our Privacy Policy, which can be foundhere: and our Termsof Use, which can be found here:
1Weather:Widget Forecast Radar APK
1Weather meets all your weather needs in asimple, beautiful package.Track and view weather forecasts and current conditions for “MyLocation” to get real-time updates wherever you go, or add anylocation you choose.Whether you want to check the temperature, precipitation forecast,Doppler radar, or simply keep up with the current phases of the sunand moon, 1Weather has you covered. Plus, it’s outstanding design,makes getting your weather info both easy and fun. Why wait? Make1Weather your weather today.REVIEWS SPOTLIGHT:"#1 Best Weather App for Android” – Phandroid
“Top 25 apps you should download right now” – CNN Tech
"The Most Attractive, Feature-Packed Android Weather App We’ve EverSeen" – Lifehacker
“The most beautiful weather app we’ve ever seen” – AndroidPoliceFeatures include:Track current conditions and forecasts for your location and up to12 locations of your choosing. Access graphs, precipitationforecast, maps, weather facts and videos, and Severe Weather Alerts(U.S. only) from the National Weather Service (NWS). Easily shareweather conditions with your friends via email and social media.See below for more detailed info:Current Conditions:Feels like Temperature, Wind Speed, Visibility, Humidity, UV Index,Barometric Pressure, Dew Point, Percentage Chance of Precipitationfor the Next Hour (POP)Forecasts:Hourly – 2 day / 48 HourDetailed – 1.5 days, detailedExtended – 10 days12 Week – a 1Weather app exclusive, the 12 Week PRECISONCAST fromrenowned meteorologist Gary Lezak. A must for planning weddings,vacations, reunions, parties, and other outdoor events! Featuresvideo and text forecasts.Graphs:7 hours of temperature highs and percent chance ofprecipitation1 week of temperatures highs and lows percent chance ofprecipitationPrecipitation Forecast:7-day percentage chanceMaps:Fullscreen mode with ZoomTerrain, and Satellite map viewsWeather Layers:Radar, Clouds, Severe WeatherSun & Moon:Track Sunrise and Sunset TimeLunar (Moon) PhasesTool Tips - by long pressing icons receive tool tips for moreinfoNotifications:Current conditions, rich notification and sever weather alerts withoptional sound/flashAppearance:Live weather background, dynamic photo backgrounds (Dogs, cats,cars, sports and more), or create your own custom backgroundLanguages:Catala, Cestina, Dansk, Deutsch, English (US), Espanol, Esperanto,Francais, Hrvatski, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski,Portugues (Portugal), Romana, Slovencina, Slovenscina, Suomi,Svenska, Turkce, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, TraditionalChinese, and moreTemperature Units:Fahrenheit (*F), Celsius (*C)Wind Units:Miles per hour (mph), Kilometers per hour (km/h), Meters per second(m/s), Knots (kn), Beaufort scalePressure Units: Inches of Mercury (“), Millibars (mb), Millimetersof Mercury (mm), Atmosphere (atm), Kilopascal (kPa)Distance Units: Miles, KilometersDon’t wait any longer. Make 1Weather your weather today.
Weather XL PRO APK
This is simply the best weather app for yourregion... and the rest of the world.- Gorgeous and realistic animations of weather conditions- See at a glance the next weather condition change- Updated continuously- Accurate hourly forecasts for the next 10 days- Fast, beautiful and simple to use- Detailed forecasts on rain, ice, snow, fog, wind, storm, dewpoint, UV index, humidity, pressure- Highest and lowest historical values- Satellite and radar map animations- Optimized for both phones and tablets- Live Wallpaper- Weather in notification area and temperature in status bar- Great widget for your home screenAnd it’s all free.Try it now !Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia,Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, Austin and allthe others!
Weather 5.2.2 APK
Weather is exceptionally easy to use app forstaying always updated with the weather conditions.The Weather app is specifically designed to be as simple andintuitive as possible. With just one click you receive the weathercondition in your status bar at your current location.The climate state is gorgeously animated so that you can almostexperience it, seeing how the weather comes alive.The app is using Weather Underground as a data channel and the liveupdates are really tiny so that you would not use up your datacap.FEATURES- Weather supports geo-positioning, retrieving the latest weatherconditions for your current location- An option to manually add your location- Measure ambient temperature and UV index on supporteddevices- Full support for Android TV- Add and track the weather conditions in multiple locations- Weather is one of the most lightweight weather apps on GooglePlay!- Animated weather conditions - see how the weather comesalive!- Widgets for different locations- Hourly and weekly forecasts- Intuitive, seamless user interface- Support for the lock screen widget in Android 4.2- Weather benefits all known screen resolutions- Offers quality support for Android devices - from Android 1.5 toAndroid 5.0- Tap on the temperature to switch between Celsius andFahrenheit- You can allow and disable the notifications- Choose by yourself what will be the next feature of Weather!Leave a comment or send us an e-mail and help us make Weather thebest app of its kind.Get in touch with us and follow the latest news regarding ourapps:
Weather Live APK
Meet Weather Live. The most beautiful weatherapp. Ever.Don't let bad weather take you by surprise! Set the gorgeousanimated wallpapers with live weather conditions on your homescreen and be aware of any weather that is coming your way. Whetherit is cloudy, rainy, snowy or even stormy outside, Weather Livewill provide you with current weather conditions and forecast inyour city and multiple locations all around the world.Cold or warm weather, it will magically come alive on the crispscreen of your device. You won’t even have to look out the windowas Weather Live will make you feel like you are already outside!With an innovative technology Weather Live™ implemented into theapp, we made it possible!• Weather forecasts for multiple locations all around theworld• Live weather scenes reflecting real-time weather conditions• Beautiful weather widgets• Fabulous animated wallpaper with live weather conditions right onyour home screen• Cloud, satellite, rain maps• Animated weather radar for any location in the USA• Bad weather warnings and alerts to warn you about severe weatherin your area. Data provided by National Weather Service• Customizable layout. Choose weather parameters you want to bedisplayed in the layout settings• Local time in 12 or 24-hour format• 7-day and 24-hour weather forecast• "Feels Like" temperature. Today’s Min and Max• Wind direction and speed. Visibility details• Humidity and precipitation information. Pressure in inches, mm ormbar• Fahrenheit or Celsius and Miles or Kilometers• Easy navigation between cities: swipe either to the left or tothe right to switch between locations• New York, Los Angeles, Chicago or any other location worldwide –get accurate weather forecasts wherever you are!Compatible with Android Wear: tested on Moto 360, Sony Smartwatch3, Samsung Gear Live, LG G Watch.Get Weather Live and be prepared for any weather!AdChoices:
Weather Timeline - Forecast APK
Weather Timeline is a simple weather app thatfocuses on summarising the next hour, the next 48 hours and thenext week so you don't have to. It presents the forecast in atimeline to help you quickly glance and digest the information andhas a strong focus on color to outline the weather conditions. Theapp includes current weather alerts/warnings for your chosenlocations and includes a time machine weather forecast so you canlook at the forecast months, even years in advance or check whatthe weather was like several decades ago.---- WATCH FACE ----This app includes an interactive watch face, tap on the watch faceto view different weather data.------------------------------Features:. Simple, elegant design. Bold use of color to increase legibility. Watch Face. Timeline forecast so you can easily glance at theinformation. Time machine forecasting to check the weather months/years inadvance. Local weather alerts front and centre. Multiple weather provider options. Great theme customisation options (choose colours). Easy to understand graphs and charts of temperature, rainetc.... Android wear support. Table layout. Multi language support. Powered by the hyperlocal weather service, Forecast (andothers)
Yahoo Weather APK
The forecast is beautiful.Prepare for your day with the most accurate hourly, 5-day, and10-day forecasts. Stunning Flickr photos match your location, timeof day, and current conditions.Favorite features- Get all the details: wind, pressure, and chance ofprecipitation.- See animated sunrise, sunset, wind, and pressure modules.- Browse interactive maps: radar, satellite, heat, and snow.- Track all your favorite cities and destinations!Helpful tips- Scroll down for detailed weather information.- Tap the plus sign to add up to 20 cities.- Swipe left-to-right to move between locations.- Submit your photos to Yahoo Weather by joining #projectweather onFlickr.Tell us what you thinkWe are committed to building the best mobile experiences and wouldlove to hear your feedback.Let us know your thoughts
GO Weather Forecast & Widgets APK
GO Weather Widget & Wallpaper, over 50million users' choice, provides accurate current & futureweather info, beautiful widgets & live wallpapers.Features of GO Weather Widget & Wallpaper►Weather & Clock Widgets: Easily check the current &future weather info via widgets in 2*1, 4*1, 4*2, 5*1, 5*2 sizes.In the meantime, all widgets can switch between differentthemes.►Live Wallpapers: Show real-time weather status with dynamicwallpapers which can by applied to the weather app or even to yourhome screen.►Current Weather Info: Detailed real-time weather report,including real-time weather status & temperature, "feels like"temperature, precipitation, UV index, humidity, visibility,pressure, pollen counts, etc.►Hourly/Daily Forecast: Detailed weather forecast, includingweather status prediction, highest/lowest temperature,precipitation, wind, etc. You can check all these data detailed inevery single day or even every single hour.►Weather Alerts: Inform you the real-time weather alerts andwarnings.►Precipitation Forecast: Tell you to bring an umbrella withyou before it rains.►Wind Forecast: Current & future wind force and winddirection information.►Map & Radar: Show you the interactive dynamic maps,radar and satellite images.►Health & Sport: Tell you the local health informationfor your area, and the suitability for different kinds of outdooractivities.3 Outstanding Characteristics of GO Weather Forecast &Widgets☆AccurateGO Weather Forecast & Widgets cooperate with AccuWeather whichprovide the most professional and accurate weather service for200,000+ locations worldwide.☆SimpleBeautiful, concise and easy-to-use user interface.☆PersonalizedProvides various weather widgets in different sizes , 100+personalized themes (weather widget themes and weather-reflectingdynamic backgrounds)Supported LanguagesArabic - العربيةBulgarian - БългарскиChinese - 中文Chinese(Traditional) - 繁体中文Czech - ČeštinaDanish-DanskDutch - NederlandsEnglishFilipino - TagalogFinnish - SuomiFrench - FrançaisGerman - DeutschGreek - ἙλληνικήHebrew - IvritHindi - हिन्दीHungarian - MagyarIndonesian - Bahasa IndonesiaItalian - ItalianoJapanese - 日本語Korean - 한국어Lithuanian - LietuviųMalay - Bahasa MelayuNorwegian - Norsk BokmålPersian - فارسیPolish - PolskiPortuguese - PortuguêsPortuguese(Brazil) - Português(Brasil)Romanian - românăRussian - PусскийSerbian - СрпскиSlovak - SlovenčinaSlovenian - SlovenščinaSpanish - EspañolSwedish - SvenskaThai - ไทยTurkish - TürkçeUkrainian - УкраїнськаUrdu - اردوVietnamese - Việtetc.If you would like to help us with the translation &localization, please join us: you very much!Stay In TouchFacebook: goweatherexfeedback@gmail.comAdvertising partner: Facebook Ad ChoicesFor more details, please visit: of Service: Policy: Company Homepage: