App Information Inteligent - Cultura generala
- App NameInteligent - Cultura generala
- Package Namecom.brc.DesteptTriviaRo
- UpdatedFebruary 12, 2016
- File Size4.0M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0.3 and up
- Version1.5.7
- DeveloperSimplyEfficient
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryTrivia
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Inteligent - Cultura generala Version History
Select Inteligent - Cultura generala Version :-
Inteligent - Cultura generala 1.5.7 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /2/22Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 15)File Size: 4.0 MBTested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)File Sha1: 96c256a664a545f634c9c7050ad5da3e78482614 -
Inteligent - Cultura generala 1.5.6 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /1/14Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 15)File Size: 4.8 MBTested on: Android 4.4 (KitKat, API: 19)File Sha1: 23773e515c80c1f605e8aae1c36f073895b2383e
SimplyEfficient Show More...
Inteligent - Cultura generala 1.5.7 APK
Inteligent este o aplicatie foarte interactivacare iti ofera sansa te joci, sa faci quiz-uri dar in acelasi timpsa si inveti diferite lucruri noi si interesante de culturagenerala.Mii de intrebari in limba romana din numeroase domenii care ititesteaza cunostintele dobandite dealungul vietii, poate din cartipoate din sutele de emisiuni televizate gen vrei sa fii milionardifuzate in Romania pe care le-ai urmarit cu atata pasiune siinteres.Facilitati:- mii de intrebari captivante cu cate patru variante de raspuns.Fiecare intrebare cu un singur raspuns corect.- design atractiv- 15 categorii de intrebari din care tu poti sa alegi : sport,film, muzica,stiinta, istorie, biologie,etc.- optiunea de a face teste contra cronometru- 4 nivele de dificultate in functie de calibrul si increderea incunostintele personale- clasament cu scorurile de top- variante/optiuni ajutatoare- nivele bonusDemonstreaza prietenilor cat esti de destept si pune-i laincercare.Mult succes!Smart is a veryinteractive play offers the chance, do quizzes yet to learndifferent things and interesting new general knowledge.Thousands of questions in Romanian language in many areas thattests your knowledge acquired along life may perhaps hundreds ofbooks like TV shows you want to be a millionaire broadcast inRomania you've watched with so much passion and interest.Amenities: - Thousands of exciting questions with four possible answers.Each question with one correct answer. - Attractive design - 15 categories of questions from which you can choose:sport, film, music, science, history, biology, etc. - Option to perform tests against the clock - 4 levels of difficulty depending on the caliber andconfidence in personal knowledge - Top ranking scores - Alternatives / options helpful - Bonus levels Demonstrates friends how smart you are and put them to thetest.Good luck!
Chestionare auto DRPCIV 1.6.9 APK
Chestionare auto DRPCIV - Scoala autoThe content of this application is in romanian:Profita de solutia completa si compacta oferita de aplicatia""Chestionare auto DRPCIV" care iti garanteaza sansa unei pregatiricomplete pentru examenul teoretic auto.Usurinta si flexibilitatea cu care poti exersa partea teoretica aceea ce inseamna pregatirea pentru scoala auto, iti asigura unsucces aproape garantat in obtinerea permisului de conducere.Facilitati:1. Chestionare auto - Teste Auto- intrebarile oficiale DRPCIV (2014 si 2015) pe care le vetiintalni la examenul scris- intrebari din multiple categorii de examinare : A, A1, A2, AM, B,B1, C, C1, D, D1, etc.- format de chestionare similar cu cel oficial- posibilitatea de revizuire a intrebarilor gresite- peste 2000 de intrebari oficiale din toate categoriile- teste auto oficiale drpciv(d.r.p.c.i.v.)2. Mediu de invatare- mii de intrebari care pot fi parcurse cu usurinta- vizualizare intrebari per categorii- intuitiv- functionalitate de navigare rapida printre intrebari- reluarea intrebarilor in pozitia ramasa- parcugerea meediilor de invatare contribuie la un succes garantatin trecerea probei teoretice3. Legislatie - Codul Rutier şi Regulamentului de Aplicare -2015- OUG 195/2002 republicata privind circulatia pe drumurile public,actualizata prin OUG nr. 63/2006- regulament pentru aplicarea OUG 195/2002 privind circulatia pedrumurile publice- principalele noutati cuprinse in legislatia rutiera valabilaincepand cu 01.12.2006- legislatia auto actualizata4. Indicatoare/panouri rutiere/auto- descrierea detaliata a indicatoarelor rutiere- indicatoare de avertizare- indicatoare de prioritate- indicatoare de interzicere sau restrictie- indicatoare de obligare- indicatoare de orientare- indicatoare de informare- panouri aditionale5. Rapoarte & Progres- rapoarte rata de promovabilitate- posibilitatea de urmarire a progresului- afisare detaliata a rezultatelor in urma testarii teoretice- colectarea intrebarilor raspunse gresit pentru analizaanterioara- posibilitatea de revizuire a intrebarilor chiar si dupafinalizare6. Optiuni de configurare- dimensiune font - adapteaza dimensiunea fontului dupa nevoiletale- afiseaza sau ascunde raspunsul corect in timpul testarii- reseteaza intreg istoricul aplicatiei - pentru cand simti ca ainevoie de un nou inceputAsigura-ti succesul in obtinerea permisului de conducere prinutilizare aplicatiei Chestionare auto DRPCIV chiar si in timpulliber.Pe baza datelor adunate putem sa confirmam ca in cazul unei ratede promovabilitate de peste 70% a testelor auto in cadrul acesteiaplicatii sansa de reusita a examenului auto oficial este de peste90%.Multa bafta!
Expense manager, money tracker 1.9.0 APK
Designed to be simple and intuitive, thisexpense tracker app will help you manage, report and always beaware of what is happening in your own wallet. A great budgetmanager tool for everyone who is concerned about theirspending.Extremely easy to use but with lots of functionalities thisapplication will help you manage expenses, set budgets for periodsto come or even help you make savings by taking the rightdecisions.Closely manage your expenses with ease & take advantage ofcustom reminders so that you will never be late with your monthlybills.Key features:- intuitive navigation with summarized expense, income &balance charts- financial calendar - monthly expense & income distribution ata glance - track and manage your every day expenses- customizable expense and income categories - make them best fityour financial life- integrated calculator - great when you have multiple transactionsthat need to be summed up- reminders - daily, weekly and monthly - a great help forrepeating/recurrent payments.- summarized expense, income and balance charts grouped by week,month, year or even custom time range- category grouped reports- PIN code protection - secure and reliable you can rest assurethat your data is safe from prying eyes- data backup & restore- multiple currencies available - choose your preferredcurrency/money- adjustable currency/money display format- possibility to choose the first day of week (Monday orSunday)- data reset functionalityYou don't have to stop spending, you just have to track,understand and make future smart decisions.Enjoy it!Find out more & follow us on:
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Trivia Crack 3.202.1 APK
Have fun challenging your friends and enemiesin the hottest trivia game!Let our friendly spinner wheel, Willy, select which questionsyou’ll answer from six different categories. Be the first to getthe six crowns to win, but watch out for the rematch!Reasons you should be playing Trivia Crack right this second:- Hundreds of thousands of exciting questions- You can create your own questions in the Factory- Over 20 game languages- Chat with your opponents- Collectable card collectionNeed more? No problem:- Prove how smart you are- Learn something new while having fun- Make your mother proudSo what are you waiting for? Let’s go! Download the game!Warning: this game may cause an excess of fun. Please consult aprofessional if you notice your knowledge growing at an unusualrate.Visit for more information.Questions? Concerns? Find the solution to all your problems a social being, follow us!:- Facebook: Twitter: @triviacrack- Instagram: YouTube: Google+:
Adevărat sau fals 1.5 APK
Adevărat sau fals a aparut din dorinta de a teajuta sa iti dezvolti cultura generala. Uneori greoi sau haios,alteori chiar stupid prin intrebarile pe care ti le pune jocul nuiti v-a pierde timpul. Nu mai sta pe ganduri si pune neuronii latreaba.Jocul e simplu; noi îți dam o afirmație la care tu ai douavariante de răspuns. Dacă afirmația este corecta atunci răspunzi cuadevărat iar dacă afirmația este incorecta atunci vei răspunde cufals. Nu-i asa că-i simplu. Ce zici, te bagi?Avem si cateva caracteristici super tari de care trebuie sa tefolosesti printre care cele peste 2500 de intrebari din toatedomeniile, modul multiplayer in care poti sa faci o batalie decunostinte generale, 60 de nivele pregaite pentru tine si multesurprize pregatite in versiunile urmatoare.Descarca singura aplicatie adevarat sau fals in romana șidezvolta-ți cultura generala ACUM. Adevărat am zis !!!P.S.Orice sugestie, critica pe care o aveti sau greseala pe care ogasiti, o postati intr-un review sau email si vom raspunde la ea incel mai scurt timp. Multumim.True or false emergedfrom a desire to help you develop your general knowledge. Sometimesclumsy or funny, sometimes even stupid the questions that you putyour game you will not waste time. Do not hesitate and make neuronsto work.The game is simple; We give you a statement that you have twoanswers. If the claim is correct, and if the answer reallyassertion is incorrect when you answer false. Not so it's simple.How about you put?We have some features super hard which you should use among theover 2500 questions in all areas multiplayer mode in which you cando a battle of general knowledge, 60 levels pregaite for you andsurprises prepared in later releases.Download the only app in true or false Romanian and develop yourgeneral knowledge NOW. Verily I say !!!P.S.Any suggestion or criticism of mistake that you find a post areview or email and we will respond to it in no time. Thankyou.
Trivia Top Show More...
SIAPA YANG PALING PINTAR? UNGGULI TEMANMU DANNAIKKAN PERINGKATMU DALAM TOP LIST DUEL OTAK!Duel Otak adalah kuis pintar, penuh warna dan menyenangkan di manakamu bisa menantang teman-temanmu dan pemain lainnya untuk berduel- dan lebih tahu fakta ajaib lainnya!Pilihan Mode Klasik dan Mode Taktis-nya membuat seru berduel dengantemanmu, apalagi dengan grafis yang menyegarkan, avatar, Top Listdan warnanya semua oke!*HIGHLIGHTS*• 30.000+ pertanyaan umum dan bergambar dibuat oleh tim dan parapemain setia Duel Otak. Pilihlah dari berbagai macamkategorinya!• Naikkan peringkatmu - adulah pengetahuanmu melawan pemain toplainnya di Indonesia.• Buatlah pertanyaanmu sendiri dan dapatkan hadiahnya.• Hubungkan dengan akun media sosialmu dan undanglah semua temanmuuntuk berduel.• Desainlah avatar Duel Otak unikmu sendiri.• Duel Otak tidak akan pernah usang. Pertanyaan baru selalu hadirsetiap hari!Ayo mulai berduel!www.feomedia.comTwitter : @duelotak / Facebook : Duel OtakWHO IS THE MOST CLEVER?AND RAISE YOUR outperform your rank DUEL IN THE TOP LIST THEBRAIN!The brain is a quiz duel smart, colorful and fun where you canchallenge your friends and other players to a duel - and betterknow the other magical facts!Classic Mode Mode option and its Tactical create exciting duel withyour friends, especially with a refreshing graphics, avatars, TopList and the color is all okay!* HIGHLIGHTS *• 30.000+ common questions and a picture made by the team and theplayers are loyal Duel Brain. Choose from a variety ofcategories!• Raise your rank - adulah knowledge against other top players inIndonesia.• Make your own question and get the prize.• Connect with your social media account and invite all yourfriends to a duel.• Design your own avatar Duel your unique brain.• Duel brain will never be obsolete. The new question is alwayspresent every day!Let's start a duel!www.feomedia.comTwitter:duelotak / Facebook: Duel Brain
Duel Otak APK
SIAPA YANG PALING PINTAR? UNGGULI TEMANMU DANNAIKKAN PERINGKATMU DALAM TOP LIST DUEL OTAK!Duel Otak adalah kuis pintar, penuh warna dan menyenangkan di manakamu bisa menantang teman-temanmu dan pemain lainnya untuk berduel- dan lebih tahu fakta ajaib lainnya!Pilihan Mode Klasik dan Mode Taktis-nya membuat seru berduel dengantemanmu, apalagi dengan grafis yang menyegarkan, avatar, Top Listdan warnanya semua oke!*HIGHLIGHTS*• 30.000+ pertanyaan umum dan bergambar dibuat oleh tim dan parapemain setia Duel Otak. Pilihlah dari berbagai macamkategorinya!• Naikkan peringkatmu - adulah pengetahuanmu melawan pemain toplainnya di Indonesia.• Buatlah pertanyaanmu sendiri dan dapatkan hadiahnya.• Hubungkan dengan akun media sosialmu dan undanglah semua temanmuuntuk berduel.• Desainlah avatar Duel Otak unikmu sendiri.• Duel Otak tidak akan pernah usang. Pertanyaan baru selalu hadirsetiap hari!Ayo mulai berduel!www.feomedia.comTwitter : @duelotak / Facebook : Duel OtakWHO IS THE MOST CLEVER?AND RAISE YOUR outperform your rank DUEL IN THE TOP LIST THEBRAIN!The brain is a quiz duel smart, colorful and fun where you canchallenge your friends and other players to a duel - and betterknow the other magical facts!Classic Mode Mode option and its Tactical create exciting duel withyour friends, especially with a refreshing graphics, avatars, TopList and the color is all okay!* HIGHLIGHTS *• 30.000+ common questions and a picture made by the team and theplayers are loyal Duel Brain. Choose from a variety ofcategories!• Raise your rank - adulah knowledge against other top players inIndonesia.• Make your own question and get the prize.• Connect with your social media account and invite all yourfriends to a duel.• Design your own avatar Duel your unique brain.• Duel brain will never be obsolete. The new question is alwayspresent every day!Let's start a duel!www.feomedia.comTwitter:duelotak / Facebook: Duel Brain
94% APK
If I say "Something you eat with your hands,"what comes to mind first? Hamburger? Corn on the cob? Ribs? In 94%,the object of the game is simple: find 94% of the givenanswers!Try the third app from Scimob, the creaters of 94 Seconds and 94Degrees with more than 25 million players worldwide!Examples of questions:The first thing you do in the morningSomething you don't have time to doAnimals hatched from an eggSomething that is often out of orderDownload 94% today to discover hundreds of questions based onwords, expressions and images!
Guess The Song - Music Quiz APK
The music game with simple rules and instantfun. Choose your favorite music genre and guess the song or artistas fast as you can. Let this music game to inspire you.Extend your music knowledge♥ A great variety of latest and greatest hit songs♥ 50 diverse categories from popular to niche genres♥ A few thousand songsSocial features♥ Compete with your Facebook friends♥ 2 Players Mode to fight a battle on one device♥ Diverse leaderboardsAddictive gameplay♥ 5 Levels, each crammed full of songs♥ Complete the challenge and get your rewards♥ Collect all achievements♥ Enjoy guessing, learn new triviaCheck if you can name the tune as fast as a real musicmaniac.Download for free and enjoy this trivia quiz game with your friendsand family.Discover new songs, artists and music genres in the songquiz:- The Latest Hot Hits- Decades - 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s and 2000s- Timeless Rock Hits, Hard Rock List, Heavy Metal- Rap, R&B, Hip - Hop- Country and Gospel Music- Love Songs, One Hit Wonders, Female Singers- Movie Themes and Musicals- Latin Songs- K-pop, EDM & Dubstep, Alternative, Funk- Special categories, such as Summer Hits, Christmas Songs andCarols, Teen Choice and many others, updated regularlyEnjoy playing our guessing trivia game and listening to yourfavorite music at the same time.
Trivia Crack 3.202.1 APK
Have fun challenging your friends and enemiesin the hottest trivia game!Let our friendly spinner wheel, Willy, select which questionsyou’ll answer from six different categories. Be the first to getthe six crowns to win, but watch out for the rematch!Reasons you should be playing Trivia Crack right this second:- Hundreds of thousands of exciting questions- You can create your own questions in the Factory- Over 20 game languages- Chat with your opponents- Collectable card collectionNeed more? No problem:- Prove how smart you are- Learn something new while having fun- Make your mother proudSo what are you waiting for? Let’s go! Download the game!Warning: this game may cause an excess of fun. Please consult aprofessional if you notice your knowledge growing at an unusualrate.Visit for more information.Questions? Concerns? Find the solution to all your problems a social being, follow us!:- Facebook: Twitter: @triviacrack- Instagram: YouTube: Google+:
Quizwanie APK
Quizwanie to inteligentna, kolorowa i zabawnagra towarzyska, w której możesz rzucić wyzwanie swoim znajomym ilosowym przeciwnikom. Graj w quiz, który jest pełen ciekawostek ipoznaj wiele niesamowitych nowych faktów!*Nowości w 2015*Nowy design: nowe awatary, grafiki, toplisty oraz interfejs!*Najważniejsze*• 40 000+ pytań tekstowych i pytań z obrazkami stworzonych przezekipę Quizwania oraz naszych graczy. Wybieraj spośród wielu różnychkategorii.• Wspinaj się po liście - porównaj swoją wiedzę z innymi graczami wkraju.• Dodawaj własne oryginalne pytania do gry i zdobądź nagrodę.• Połącz się ze swoimi kontami w serwisach społecznościowych izaproś swoich znajomych do gry.• Stwórz swojego własnego awatara w aplikacji.• Codziennie nowe pytania!Rzuć wyzwanie!www.feomedia.comTwitter: @Quizwanie / Facebook: QuizwanieQuizwanie is a smart,colorful and fun social game where you can challenge your friendsand random opponents. Play the quiz, which is full of curiositiesand explore the many amazing new facts!* New in 2015 *New design: the new avatars, graphics, and interface toplist!* Key *• 40 000+ text questions and questions with pictures created by ateam Quizwania and our players. Choose from many differentcategories.• Climb the list - compare your knowledge with other players in thecountry.• Add your own original questions to the game and win aprize.• Connect to their accounts on social networking sites and inviteyour friends to play.• Create your own avatar in your application.• Every day new questions!Challenge!www.feomedia.comTwitterQuizwanie / Facebook: Quizwanie
Gartic 2.2.16 APK
Gartic is an online drawing game in whichplayers have to guess what the other players are drawing. With upto 10 participants per room, at the start of every round, a playeris chosen to draw a random word, while the other players have totry and guess it. The first player to score more than 120 pointswins.Choose a theme of words of your preference (General, Objects, Food,Animals, Verbs or Professions) and have fun for free!