App Information Kitab Bulughul Maram
- App NameKitab Bulughul Maram
- Package Namecom.miningsite.kitabbulughulmaram
- UpdatedMarch 13, 2014
- File Size2.1M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.1 and up
- Version1.0.1
- DeveloperRafa Khairunnisa
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryBooks & Reference
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Kitab Bulughul Maram 1.0.1 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /10/30Requires Android: Android 2.1+ (clair, API: 7)File Size: 2.1 MBTested on: Android 2.1 (clair, API: 7)File Sha1: 1460d9be214ef43c40fea449ee2628964aa35677
Rafa Khairunnisa Show More...
Kitab Bulughul Maram 1.0.1 APK
Segala puji hanya milik Alloh Subhanahu waTa'ala, kami memuji-Nya, memohon pertolongan, ampunan danridla-Nya. Shalawat dan salam semoga tetap dilimpahkan kepada NabiMuhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam beserta keluarga, paraSahabat dan pengikutnya yang lurus hingga hari Kiamat.Bulughul Maram merupakan salah satu karya fenomenal darial-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalany setelah Syarah (penjelasan) ShahihBukhari, yaitu Fathul-Bari. Kitab ini beliau tulis berdasarkanhafalan beliau tanpa melihat kepada kitab aslinya. Sungguh muliabeliau menghafal sekian ribu hadits, lalu mengajarkannya. Begitupunhingga kini, berapa banyak berapa banyak ulama yang telah dansedang mengajarkan kitab ini kepada kaum muslimin. Semua itumudah-mudahan Alloh Subhanahu wa Ta'ala membalas dengan kebaikanyang berlipat-lipat ganda kepada al-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalanydan para ulama, serta umat Islam yang telah dan sedang mengajar danmempelajarinya.Isi:1. Kitab ThaharahBab Air-airBab Bejana-bejanaBab Najis dan Cara MenghilangkannyaBab WudluBab Mengusap Dua KhufBab Yang Membatalkan WudluBab Cara Buang AirBab Mandi dan hukum JunubBab TayammumBab Haidl2. Kitab ShalatBab Waktu-waktu (Shalat)Bab AdzanBab Syarat-syarat ShalatBab Sutrah Bagi Orang Yang ShalatBab Anjuran Khusyu Dalam ShalatBab Mesjid-mesjidBab Shifat ShalatBab Sujud Sahwi dan yang lainnyaBab Shalat ThathawwuBab Shalat Berjama'ah dan imamBab Shalat Musafir dan Yang SakitBab Shalat Jum'atBab Shalat KhaufBab Shalat Dua Hari RayaBab Shalat GerhanaBab Shalat IstisqaBab Pakaian3. Kitab Jenazah4. Kitab ZakatKitab ZakatBab Zakat FitrahBab Shadaqah ThathawwuBab Pembagian Shadaqah5. Kitab ShiyamBab Shaum Sunnah dan Shaum Yang DilarangBab I'tikaf dan Ibadah Ramadlan6. Kitab HajiBab Keutamaan Haji dan Yang Berkewajiban HajiBab Tentang MiqatBab Wajib Ihram dan SifatnyaBab Ihram dan Yang Berhubungan DengannyaBab Sifat Haji dan Masuk Kota MakkahBab Terlambat dan Terhalangnya Haji7. Kitab Jual BeliBab Syarat-syarat dan yang Di Larang Diperjual-belikanBab KhiyarBab RibaBab Rukhshah Menjual Buah-buahanBab Salam, Qiradh, dan GadaiBab Taflis (Bangkrut) dan Hajr (Menyita)Bab PerdamaianBab Memindahkan Hutang dan MenanggungBab Syirkah dan WakalahBab Iqrar (Pengakuan)Bab AriyahBab GhashabBab Syuf'ahBab QiradhBab Musaqah dan IjarahBab Menghidupkan Tanah Yang MatiBab WaqafBab Hibah, Umra dan RuqbaBab Barang TemuanBab FaraidlBab WasiatBab Barang Titipan8. Kitab NikahHadits-hadits tentang NikahBab Kafa'ah dan KhiyarBab Pergaulan Dengan IstriBab MaskawinBab WalimahBab Pembagian GiliranBab KhuluBab ThalaqBab RujukBab Ila', Zihar dan KafaratBab Sumpah Li'anBab Iddah dan IhdadBab PenyusuanBab Nafaqah/Pemeliharaan9. Kitab Urusan PidanaHadits-hadits tentang PidanaBab DendaBab Menuntut Darah dan SumpahBab Memerangi Para PemberontakBab Memerangi Para Penjahat dan Membunuh Orang Murtad10. Kitab HukumanBab Hukuman Pelaku ZinaBab Hukuman MenuduhBab Hukum PencurianBab Hukuman bagi Peminum dan Penjelasan tentang Minuman YangMemabukkanBab Ta'zir dan Hukum Penjahat11. Kitab JihadHadits-hadits tentang JihadBab Upeti dan Gencatan SenjataBab Berlomba dan Memanah12. Kitab MakananBab Binatang Buruan dan SembelihanBab KurbanBab Aqiqah13. Kitab Sumpah dan Nazar14. Kitab Memutuskan PerkaraBab PersaksianBab Dakwa dan Bukti15. Kitab Memerdekakan BudakBab Mudabbar Mukatab dan Ummul Walad16. Kitab KelengkapanBab AdabBab Kebaikan dan SilaturrahmiBab Zuhud dan WaraBab Peringatan untuk Menghindari Kejelekan AkhlakBab Mendorong untuk Melakukan KebaikanBab Dzikir dan Do'aPraise be to Allah SWT,we praise Him, pleading for help, forgiveness and His ridla.Prayers and peace may remain delegated to the Prophet Muhammadsallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his family, the Companions andtheir followers until the Day of Judgment straight.Bulughul Maram is one of the phenomenal work of al-Hafiz IbnHajar al-Asqalany after Sharh (explanation) Sahih Bukhari, namelyFathul-Bari. The book he wrote based on his rote without seeing theoriginal book. It's noble hadith he memorized so many thousands,then teach it. Likewise, until now, how many how many scholars whohave been and are being taught this book to the Muslims. Hopefullyall that Allah SWT reply with kindness double manifold to al-HafizIbn Hajar al-Asqalany and the clergy, as well as Muslims who havebeen and are being taught and learned.Contents:1. Book thaharah Air-water section Chapter vessel-vessel Chapter Impure and eliminating it Chapter wudlu Wiped Chapter Two Khuf The chapter wudlu Cancel Chapter How to Remove Water Bath and legal chapter junub Chapter Tayammum Chapter Haidl2. Book of Prayer Part-time time (Prayer) Chapter Adhan Terms Chapter Prayer Chapter sutrah Prayers For The People Prompts Chapter khusyu In Salah Chapter mosques Chapter Shifat Prayer Prostration chapter Sahwi and others Chapter Prayer Thathawwu Chapter Prayer in congregation and priest Chapter Musafir Prayer and The Pain Chapter Friday prayer Chapter Prayer Khauf Chapter Two Prayers Feast Chapter Eclipse Prayer Chapter Prayer Istisqa Chapter Clothing3. The Book of Bodies4. Book of Zakat Book of Zakat Chapter Zakat Fitrah Chapter Sadaqah Thathawwu Distribution Chapter Sadaqah5. Book Shiyam Chapter shaum Sunnah and shaum Prohibited Chapter seclude themselves and Worship Ramadan6. Book of Hajj Chapter virtue of Hajj and Its Obliged Hajj Chapter About Miqat Mandatory Chapter Ihram and nature Chapter Ihram and in connection therewith Chapter nature and Hajj in Makkah City Late Chapters and obstruction of Hajj7. Book Sale Chapter The requirements and the Di Disallow traded Chapter khiyar Chapter Riba Chapter rukhshah Sell Fruits Chapter Regards, Qiradh, and Pawn Chapter Taflis (Bankrupt) and Hajr (Arresting) Section of Peace Chapter Moving Debt and Bear Chapter Shirkah and Wakalah Chapter Iqrar (Recognition) Chapter Ariyah Chapter Ghashab Chapter Syuf'ah Chapter Qiradh Chapter Musaqah and Ijarah Chapter Turning The Dead Land Chapter Waqf Chapter Grants, Umra and Ruqba Goods Chapter Findings Chapter Faraidl Chapter Probate Chapter Goods Courier8. The Book of Marriage Hadiths about Marriage Chapter kafa'ah and khiyar Chapter Intercourse With Wife Chapter dowry Chapter Walimah Distribution Chapter Rota Chapter Khulu Chapter THALAQ Refer to Chapter Chapter Ila ', zihar and expiation Chapter Pledge Li'an Chapter idda and Ihdad Chapter Breastfeeding Chapter Nafaqah / Maintenance9. Book of Criminal Affairs Hadiths about the Criminal Chapter Fines Chapter Demanding Blood and Oath Chapter Fighting The Rebels Chapter Fighting The Villain and Kill People Apostate10. Punishment Book Chapter Punishment Actors Adultery Accusing Chapter Punishment Theft Laws Chapter Chapter Penalties for drink and Explanation of IntoxicatingDrinks Chapter Ta'zir and Legal Criminals11. The Book of Jihad Hadiths on Jihad Chapter Tributes and Armistice Chapter Racing and Archery12. Book of Food Chapter Hurry and slaughtered animals Chapter Sacrifice Chapter Aqiqah13. The Book of Oaths and Nazar14. Deciding Book Case Chapter testament Chapter arraignment and Evidence15. Book of Freeing Slaves Chapter Mudabbar Mukatab and Ummul Walad16. Book Completed Chapter Adab Chapter Goodness and Silaturrahmi Chapter Zuhud and Wara Warning to Avoid Ugliness Chapter Morals Encourage chapters to Perform Goodness Chapter Dhikr and Du'a
Kitab Shahih Bukhari 1.0 APK
Aplikasi android Kitab Shahih Bukhari merupakan kumpulanhadis-hadis dari kitab Shahih Bukhari, terdapat lebih dari 7000hadis disertai terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya.Kitab Shahih Bukhari dan Kitab Shahih Muslim adalah kitab haditspaling shahih bila dibandingkan dengan kitab-kitab hadits lain, duakitab shahih ini dikenal juga dengan sebutan As-Shahihain (kalaudiartikan ke bahasa indonesia kira-kira artinya "dua kitabshahih'), akan tetapi tidak semua hadits shahih terdapat dalamkitab As-Shahihain tersebut. kita bisa mencari hadits-hadits shahihyang tidak terdapat dalam As-Shahihain dalam kitab ulama haditsyang lain seperti Shahih Ibnu Khuzaimah, Shahih Ibnu Hibban,Kitab-kitab sunan yang empat, Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Sunan Al-Baihaqi,Sunan Ad-Daruquthni, dan lainnya.Androidapplications book of Bukhari is a collection of hadiths from SahihBukhari, there are more than 7000 hadiths with Indonesian languagetranslation.Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim Book is the most saheeh hadeethbook compared to other books of hadith, Sahih these two books alsoknown as As-Shahihain (if interpreted to Indonesian roughly means"two books of Saheeh '), will but not all authentic hadith found inthe book As-Shahihain. we can find hadeeth saheeh which is notcontained in the book As-Shahihain another hadith scholars such asIbn Khuzaimah Saheeh, Saheeh Ibn Hibban, books of Sunan were four,Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Sunan Al-Bayhaqi, Sunan Ad-Daruquthni, andothers.
Arti Mimpi 1.0 APK
Arti mimpi sangat beragam artinya, aplikasi arti mimpi akanmengulas masalah arti mimpi kita sehari hari yang kami rangkum dariberbagai sumber. Menafsirkan mimpi sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu,berbagai peristiwa dan fenomena alam dikaitkan dengan mimpi.Aplikasi ini berisi arti mimpi, tafsir mimpi, mimpi, arti-artimimpi, kumpulan tafsir mimpi, kumpulan arti mimpi, primbon,ramalan, buku tafsir mimpi, tidur, buku mimpi, panduan mimpi,membaca mimpi, bermimpi.Berikut ini beberapa arti mimpi yg paling banyak di cari:- arti mimpi hamil- arti mimpi ular- arti mimpi menikah- arti mimpi banjir- arti mimpi potong rambut- arti mimpi buang air besar- arti mimpi melahirkan- arti mimpi gigi copotThemeaning of dreams vary widely meaning, the meaning of dreams willreview the application problems of our day to day dream means thatwe summarized from various sources. Interpreting dreams has existedsince ancient times, a variety of events and natural phenomenaassociated with dreams.This application contains the meaning of dreams, dreaminterpretation, dream, dream meanings, a collection of dreaminterpretation, dream meaning of collection, horoscope, divination,dream interpretation books, sleep, dream books, dream guide, readdreams, dreaming.Here are some of the meaning of dreams that most in thesearch:- Meaning of dreams pregnant- Meaning of dreams snakes- The meaning of the dream married- Meaning of dreams flood- Meaning of dreams haircut- Meaning of dreams defecation- Meaning of dreams childbirth- Meaning of dreams teeth dislodged
Kitab Shahih Muslim 1.0 APK
Aplikasi android Kitab Shahih Muslim. Penulis kitab Shahih Muslimadalah Al-Imam Abul Husain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj bin Muslim binKausyaz al-Qusyairi an-Naisaburi. Lahir di Naisaburi, sebuah daerahdi Usbekistan, Asia Tengah, pada tahun 204 H dan wafat pada tahun261 H. Ia belajar agama sejak kecil dan terkenal dengan sifattawadhu’ dan wara’.Kitab Shahih Muslim diberi nama oleh penulisnya dengan Al-Musnadal-Shahih. Hadis telah mencakup hadis-hadis dalam berbagai bidangkeagamaan seperti : keimanan, hukum, akhlak, tafsir, sirah, danlain-lain. Oleh karena itu, para ulama menyebut kitab Muslim inidengan kitab al-Jami’.SahihMuslim Book of android applications. Sahih Muslim is the author ofAl-Imam Abul Husain Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj ibn Muslim ibn al-QushayriKausyaz an-Naisaburi. Born in Naisaburi, an area in Usbekistan,Central Asia, in the year 204 H and died in 261 H. He studiedreligion since childhood and is famous for its humble nature 'andwara'.Sahih Muslim to be named by the author with Al-Musnad al-Sahih.Hadith has covered the traditions in various fields such asreligion: faith, law, morals, interpretation, sirah, and others.Therefore, the Muslim scholars call this book the book al-Jami'.
Kumpulan Cerpen Cinta 1.0 APK
Kumpulan Cerpen Cinta Romantis terbaru. Cintaberakhir dengan bahagia, namun sebuah perasaan cinta terkadangbertepuk sebelah tangan atapun takdir tidak memutuskan untuk duainsan yang dilanda perasaan cinta dipersatukan.Download aplikasinya kumpulan cerpen cinta remaja berisi antaralain: cerpen cinta romantis, cerpen cinta remaja, cerpen cintapertama, cerpen cinta romantik, cerpen cinta sedih, cerpen cintasejati, cerpen cinta melayuLatest short storycollection of Romantic Love. In love with a happy ending, but afeeling of unrequited love atapun sometimes destiny is not decidedfor two people hit by the feeling of love united.Download the application contains a collection of short storiesteenage love include: romantic love stories, teenage love stories,short stories first love, romantic love stories, sad love stories,true love stories, love stories wither
Cerita Misteri 1.0 APK
Update Cerita Misteri, Kumpulan Cerita Horor, Cerita SeramTerbaru.. Cerita Misteri adalah aplikasi android yang berisicerita-cerita misteri pengalaman orang sehari-hari..key: cerita misteri nyata, cerita misteri seram, cerita misterihantu, cerita misteri pesugihanBerikut ini beberapa cerita misteri yg sering di cari+ cerita misteri nyata+ cerita misteri seram+ cerita misteri lawang sewu+ cerita misteri hantu+ cerita misteri gunung salak+ cerita misteri duniaUpdateMystery Stories, Horror Stories set, Ceram Recent Stories ..Mystery Stories is android application which contains mysteries ofeveryday experiences ..key: the real mystery, spooky mystery story, mystery ghoststory, mystery story pesugihanHere are some stories that are often in search of mystery+ Real mystery stories+ Spooky mystery stories+ Mace mystery sewu+ Mystery ghost story+ Salak mountain mystery+ Mystery world
Jenis-jenis Burung 1.0.1 APK
Burung telah memberikan manfaat luar biasadalam kehidupan manusia. Aplikasi ini menampilkan berbagai jenisburung. Beberapa jenis burung, seperti ayam, kalkun, angsa danbebek telah didomestikasi sejak lama dan merupakan sumber proteinyang penting; daging maupun telurnya.Aplikasi akan terus di update databasenya..Download aplikasinya, menambah pengetahuan anda tentang burung.Bird has providedtremendous benefits in human life. This application displays avariety of birds. Some birds, such as chickens, turkeys, geese andducks have been domesticated since a long time and is an importantsource of protein, meat and eggs.The application will continue to update its database ..Download the application, increase your knowledge about birds.
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Kitab Bulughul Maram 5.1 APK
Alhamdulillah, Fujisyukur kita panjatkan kepada Alloh SWT, Karenadengan rahmat dan karuniaNyalah kami dari team Sesajen DeveloperAndroid telah selesai membuat sebuah aplikasi yang cukup penomenal.Aplikasi ini merupakan terjemahan Kitab Bulughul Maram atau Bulughal-Maram min Adillat al-Ahkam karya Al-Hafizh Ibnu HajarAl-Asqalani (773 H - 852 H). Apabila dalam pengimputan data inimasih terdapat kesalahan, diharapkan segera memberitahu kepada kamiagar segera memperbaikinya.Aplikasi ini merupakan Aplikasi sangat sederhana yang bisa andapergunakan dalam keadaan tidak terkoneksi dengan internet. Semogasaja aplikasi andoid Kitab Bulughul Maram ini bermanfaat untukanda. AminIsi Kitab Bulughul Maram dalam1. Kitab ThaharahBab Air-airBab Bejana-bejanaBab Najis dan Cara MenghilangkannyaBab WudluBab Mengusap Dua KhufBab Yang Membatalkan WudluBab Cara Buang AirBab Mandi dan hukum JunubBab TayammumBab Haidl2. Kitab ShalatBab Waktu-waktu (Shalat)Bab AdzanBab Syarat-syarat ShalatBab Sutrah Bagi Orang Yang ShalatBab Anjuran Khusyu Dalam ShalatBab Mesjid-mesjidBab Shifat ShalatBab Sujud Sahwi dan yang lainnyaBab Shalat ThathawwuBab Shalat Berjama'ah dan imamBab Shalat Musafir dan Yang SakitBab Shalat Jum'atBab Shalat KhaufBab Shalat Dua Hari RayaBab Shalat GerhanaBab Shalat IstisqaBab Pakaian3. Kitab Jenazah4. Kitab ZakatKitab ZakatBab Zakat FitrahBab Shadaqah ThathawwuBab Pembagian Shadaqah5. Kitab ShiyamBab Shaum Sunnah dan Shaum Yang DilarangBab I'tikaf dan Ibadah Ramadlan6. Kitab HajiBab Keutamaan Haji dan Yang Berkewajiban HajiBab Tentang MiqatBab Wajib Ihram dan SifatnyaBab Ihram dan Yang Berhubungan DengannyaBab Sifat Haji dan Masuk Kota MakkahBab Terlambat dan Terhalangnya Haji7. Kitab Jual BeliBab Syarat-syarat dan yang Di Larang Diperjual-belikanBab KhiyarBab RibaBab Rukhshah Menjual Buah-buahanBab Salam, Qiradh, dan GadaiBab Taflis (Bangkrut) dan Hajr (Menyita)Bab PerdamaianBab Memindahkan Hutang dan MenanggungBab Syirkah dan WakalahBab Iqrar (Pengakuan)Bab AriyahBab GhashabBab Syuf'ahBab QiradhBab Musaqah dan IjarahBab Menghidupkan Tanah Yang MatiBab WaqafBab Hibah, Umra dan RuqbaBab Barang TemuanBab FaraidlBab WasiatBab Barang Titipan8. Kitab NikahHadits-hadits tentang NikahBab Kafa'ah dan KhiyarBab Pergaulan Dengan IstriBab MaskawinBab WalimahBab Pembagian GiliranBab KhuluBab ThalaqBab RujukBab Ila', Zihar dan KafaratBab Sumpah Li'anBab Iddah dan IhdadBab PenyusuanBab Nafaqah/Pemeliharaan9. Kitab Urusan PidanaHadits-hadits tentang PidanaBab DendaBab Menuntut Darah dan SumpahBab Memerangi Para PemberontakBab Memerangi Para Penjahat dan Membunuh Orang Murtad10. Kitab HukumanBab Hukuman Pelaku ZinaBab Hukuman MenuduhBab Hukum PencurianBab Hukuman bagi Peminum dan Penjelasan tentang Minuman YangMemabukkanBab Ta'zir dan Hukum Penjahat11. Kitab JihadHadits-hadits tentang JihadBab Upeti dan Gencatan SenjataBab Berlomba dan Memanah12. Kitab MakananBab Binatang Buruan dan SembelihanBab KurbanBab Aqiqah13. Kitab Sumpah dan Nazar14. Kitab Memutuskan PerkaraBab PersaksianBab Dakwa dan Bukti15. Kitab Memerdekakan BudakBab Mudabbar Mukatab dan Ummul Walad16. Kitab KelengkapanBab AdabBab Kebaikan dan SilaturrahmiBab Zuhud dan WaraBab Peringatan untuk Menghindari Kejelekan AkhlakBab Mendorong untuk Melakukan KebaikanBab Dzikir dan Do'aKeyword, Kitab Bulughul maram, Terjemahan Bulughul Maram,Download Kitab Bulughul Maram, Aplikasi Android Kitab BulughulMaramThank God,we pray to Allah Fujisyukur SWT, with grace and karuniaNyalahBecause we are from the Android Developers team has completedofferings create an application that is quite phenomenal. Thisapplication is a translation of the Book Bulughul or Bulugh Maramal-Maram min Adillat al-Ahkam by Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani(773 H - 852 H). If the data pengimputan there are errors, isexpected to immediately inform us in order to fix it immediately.This application is a very simple application that you can usein a state not connected to the Internet. Hopefully the bookBulughul Maram andoid application is beneficial to you. AmenFill in the Book Bulughul Maram1. Book thaharahAir-water sectionChapter vessel-vesselChapter Impure and eliminating itChapter wudluWiped Chapter Two KhufThe chapter wudlu CancelChapter How to Remove WaterBath and legal chapter junubChapter TayammumChapter Haidl2. Book of PrayerPart-time time (Prayer)Chapter AdhanTerms Chapter PrayerChapter sutrah Prayers For The PeoplePrompts Chapter khusyu In SalahChapter mosquesChapter Shifat PrayerProstration chapter Sahwi and othersChapter Prayer ThathawwuChapter Prayer in congregation and priestChapter Musafir Prayer and The PainChapter Friday prayerChapter Prayer KhaufChapter Two Prayers FeastChapter Eclipse PrayerChapter Prayer IstisqaChapter Clothing3. The Book of Bodies4. Book of ZakatBook of ZakatChapter Zakat FitrahChapter Sadaqah ThathawwuDistribution Chapter Sadaqah5. Book ShiyamChapter shaum Sunnah and shaum ProhibitedChapter seclude themselves and Worship Ramadan6. Book of HajjChapter virtue of Hajj and Its Obliged HajjChapter About MiqatMandatory Chapter Ihram and natureChapter Ihram and in connection therewithChapter nature and Hajj in Makkah CityLate Chapters and obstruction of Hajj7. Book SaleChapter The requirements and the Di Disallow tradedChapter khiyarChapter RibaChapter rukhshah Sell FruitsChapter Regards, Qiradh, and PawnChapter Taflis (Bankrupt) and Hajr (Arresting)Section of PeaceChapter Moving Debt and BearChapter Shirkah and WakalahChapter Iqrar (Recognition)Chapter AriyahChapter GhashabChapter Syuf'ahChapter QiradhChapter Musaqah and IjarahChapter Turning The Dead LandChapter WaqfChapter Grants, Umra and RuqbaGoods Chapter FindingsChapter FaraidlChapter ProbateChapter Goods Courier8. The Book of MarriageHadiths about MarriageChapter kafa'ah and khiyarChapter Intercourse With WifeChapter dowryChapter WalimahDistribution Chapter RotaChapter KhuluChapter THALAQRefer to ChapterChapter Ila ', zihar and expiationChapter Pledge Li'anChapter idda and IhdadChapter BreastfeedingChapter Nafaqah / Maintenance9. Book of Criminal AffairsHadiths about the CriminalChapter FinesChapter Demanding Blood and OathChapter Fighting The RebelsChapter Fighting The Villain and Kill People Apostate10. Punishment BookChapter Punishment Actors AdulteryAccusing Chapter PunishmentTheft Laws ChapterChapter Penalties for drink and Explanation of IntoxicatingDrinksChapter Ta'zir and Legal Criminals11. The Book of JihadHadiths on JihadChapter Tributes and ArmisticeChapter Racing and Archery12. Book of FoodChapter Hurry and slaughtered animalsChapter SacrificeChapter Aqiqah13. The Book of Oaths and Nazar14. Deciding Book CaseChapter testamentChapter arraignment and Evidence15. Book of Freeing SlavesChapter Mudabbar Mukatab and Ummul Walad16. Book CompletedChapter AdabChapter Goodness and SilaturrahmiChapter Zuhud and WaraWarning to Avoid Ugliness Chapter MoralsEncourage chapters to Perform GoodnessChapter Dhikr and Du'aKeyword, Book Bulughul maram, Bulughul Maram Translation,Download Book Bulughul Maram, Android Applications Book BulughulMaram
Bulughul Maram Indonesia 1.0 APK
Bulughul Maram merupakan salah satu karya fenomenal dari al-HafizhIbnu Hajar al-Asqalany setelah Syarah (penjelasan) Shahih Bukhari,yaitu Fathul Bari. Kitab ini beliau tulis berdasarkan hafalanbeliau tanpa melihat kepada kitab aslinya. Sungguh mulia beliaumenghafal sekian ribu hadits, lalu mengajarkannya. Begitupun hinggakini, berapa banyak ulama yang telah dan sedang mengajarkan kitabini kepada kaum muslimin. Semua itu mudah-mudahan Allah Subhanahuwa Ta'ala membalas dengan kebaikan yang berlipat ganda kepadaal-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalany dan para ulama, serta umat Islamyang telah dan sedang mengajar dan mempelajarinya.Bulughul Maram Terjemahan Indonesia Lengkap Berserta Arab danArtinyaIsi:1. Kitab ThaharahBab Air-airBab Bejana-bejanaBab Najis dan Cara MenghilangkannyaBab WudluBab Mengusap Dua KhufBab Yang Membatalkan WudluBab Cara Buang AirBab Mandi dan hukum JunubBab TayammumBab Haidl2. Kitab ShalatBab Waktu-waktu (Shalat)Bab AdzanBab Syarat-syarat ShalatBab Sutrah Bagi Orang Yang ShalatBab Anjuran Khusyu Dalam ShalatBab Mesjid-mesjidBab Shifat ShalatBab Sujud Sahwi dan yang lainnyaBab Shalat ThathawwuBab Shalat Berjama'ah dan imamBab Shalat Musafir dan Yang SakitBab Shalat Jum'atBab Shalat KhaufBab Shalat Dua Hari RayaBab Shalat GerhanaBab Shalat IstisqaBab Pakaian3. Kitab Jenazah4. Kitab ZakatKitab ZakatBab Zakat FitrahBab Shadaqah ThathawwuBab Pembagian Shadaqah5. Kitab ShiyamBab Shaum Sunnah dan Shaum Yang DilarangBab I'tikaf dan Ibadah Ramadlan6. Kitab HajiBab Keutamaan Haji dan Yang Berkewajiban HajiBab Tentang MiqatBab Wajib Ihram dan SifatnyaBab Ihram dan Yang Berhubungan DengannyaBab Sifat Haji dan Masuk Kota MakkahBab Terlambat dan Terhalangnya Haji7. Kitab Jual BeliBab Syarat-syarat dan yang Di Larang Diperjual-belikanBab KhiyarBab RibaBab Rukhshah Menjual Buah-buahanBab Salam, Qiradh, dan GadaiBab Taflis (Bangkrut) dan Hajr (Menyita)Bab PerdamaianBab Memindahkan Hutang dan MenanggungBab Syirkah dan WakalahBab Iqrar (Pengakuan)Bab AriyahBab GhashabBab Syuf'ahBab QiradhBab Musaqah dan IjarahBab Menghidupkan Tanah Yang MatiBab WaqafBab Hibah, Umra dan RuqbaBab Barang TemuanBab FaraidlBab WasiatBab Barang Titipan8. Kitab NikahHadits-hadits tentang NikahBab Kafa'ah dan KhiyarBab Pergaulan Dengan IstriBab MaskawinBab WalimahBab Pembagian GiliranBab KhuluBab ThalaqBab RujukBab Ila', Zihar dan KafaratBab Sumpah Li'anBab Iddah dan IhdadBab PenyusuanBab Nafaqah/Pemeliharaan9. Kitab Urusan PidanaHadits-hadits tentang PidanaBab DendaBab Menuntut Darah dan SumpahBab Memerangi Para PemberontakBab Memerangi Para Penjahat dan Membunuh Orang Murtad10. Kitab HukumanBab Hukuman Pelaku ZinaBab Hukuman MenuduhBab Hukum PencurianBab Hukuman bagi Peminum dan Penjelasan tentang Minuman YangMemabukkanBab Ta'zir dan Hukum Penjahat11. Kitab JihadHadits-hadits tentang JihadBab Upeti dan Gencatan SenjataBab Berlomba dan Memanah12. Kitab MakananBab Binatang Buruan dan SembelihanBab KurbanBab Aqiqah13. Kitab Sumpah dan Nazar14. Kitab Memutuskan PerkaraBab PersaksianBab Dakwa dan Bukti15. Kitab Memerdekakan BudakBab Mudabbar Mukatab dan Ummul Walad16. Kitab KelengkapanBab AdabBab Kebaikan dan SilaturrahmiBab Zuhud dan WaraBab Peringatan untuk Menghindari Kejelekan AkhlakBab Mendorong untuk Melakukan KebaikanBab Dzikir dan Do'aBulughulMaram is one of the phenomenal work of al-Hafiz Ibn Hajaral-Asqalany after Sharh (explanation) Sahih Bukhari, namely FathulBari. The book he wrote based on his rote without seeing theoriginal book. It's noble hadith he memorized so many thousands,then teach it. Likewise, until now, how many scholars who have beenand are being taught this book to the Muslims. Hopefully all thatAllaah reply with kindness multiplied to al-Hafiz Ibn Hajaral-Asqalany and the clergy, as well as Muslims who have been andare being taught and learned.Complete Indonesian Bulughul Maram along with Arabic Translationand MeaningContents:1. Book thaharahAir-water sectionChapter vessel-vesselChapter Impure and eliminating itChapter wudluWiped Chapter Two KhufThe chapter wudlu CancelChapter How to Remove WaterBath and legal chapter junubChapter TayammumChapter Haidl2. Book of PrayerPart-time time (Prayer)Chapter AdhanTerms Chapter PrayerChapter sutrah Prayers For The PeoplePrompts Chapter khusyu In SalahChapter mosquesChapter Shifat PrayerProstration chapter Sahwi and othersChapter Prayer ThathawwuChapter Prayer in congregation and priestChapter Musafir Prayer and The PainChapter Friday prayerChapter Prayer KhaufChapter Two Prayers FeastChapter Eclipse PrayerChapter Prayer IstisqaChapter Clothing3. The Book of Bodies4. Book of ZakatBook of ZakatChapter Zakat FitrahChapter Sadaqah ThathawwuDistribution Chapter Sadaqah5. Book ShiyamChapter shaum Sunnah and shaum ProhibitedChapter seclude themselves and Worship Ramadan6. Book of HajjChapter virtue of Hajj and Its Obliged HajjChapter About MiqatMandatory Chapter Ihram and natureChapter Ihram and in connection therewithChapter nature and Hajj in Makkah CityLate Chapters and obstruction of Hajj7. Book SaleChapter The requirements and the Di Disallow tradedChapter khiyarChapter RibaChapter rukhshah Sell FruitsChapter Regards, Qiradh, and PawnChapter Taflis (Bankrupt) and Hajr (Arresting)Section of PeaceChapter Moving Debt and BearChapter Shirkah and WakalahChapter Iqrar (Recognition)Chapter AriyahChapter GhashabChapter Syuf'ahChapter QiradhChapter Musaqah and IjarahChapter Turning The Dead LandChapter WaqfChapter Grants, Umra and RuqbaGoods Chapter FindingsChapter FaraidlChapter ProbateChapter Goods Courier8. The Book of MarriageHadiths about MarriageChapter kafa'ah and khiyarChapter Intercourse With WifeChapter dowryChapter WalimahDistribution Chapter RotaChapter KhuluChapter THALAQRefer to ChapterChapter Ila ', zihar and expiationChapters Li'an OathChapter idda and IhdadChapter BreastfeedingChapter Nafaqah / Maintenance9. Book of Criminal affairHadiths about the CriminalChapter FinesChapter Demanding Blood and OathChapter Fighting The RebelsChapter Fighting The Villain and Kill People Apostate10. Punishment BookChapter Punishment Actors AdulteryAccusing Chapter PunishmentTheft Laws ChapterChapter Penalties for drink and Explanation of IntoxicatingDrinksChapter Ta'zir and Legal Criminals11. The Book of JihadHadiths on JihadChapter Tributes and ArmisticeChapter Racing and Archery12. Book of FoodChapter Hurry and slaughtered animalsChapter SacrificeChapter Aqiqah13. The Book of Oaths and Nazar14. Deciding Book CaseChapter testamentChapter arraignment and Evidence15. Book of Freeing SlavesChapter Mudabbar Mukatab and Ummul Walad16. Book CompletedChapter AdabChapter Goodness and SilaturrahmiChapter Zuhud and WaraWarning to Avoid Ugliness Chapter MoralsEncourage chapters to Perform GoodnessChapter Dhikr and Du'a
Kitab Tauhid Lengkap 2.0 APK
Kitab Tauhid Lengkap adalah aplikasi berbasisandroid yang membahas tentang tauhid. Sedangkan arti dari Tauhidadalah konsep dalam aqidah Islam yang menyatakan keesaan Allah.Tauhid dalam pengamalannya dibagi menjadi 3 macam yakni tauhidrububiyah, uluhiyah dan Asma wa Sifat. Mengamalkan tauhid danmenjauhi syirik merupakan konsekuensi dari kalimat syahadat yangtelah diikrarkan oleh seorang muslim.Adapun sebagian isi dari Kitab Tauhid Lengkap yaitu :Tauhid,hakikat dan kedudukannyaKeistimewaan tauhid dan dosa dosa yang diampuni karenanyaMengamalkan tauhid dengan semurni- murninya bisa menyebabkan masuksurga tanpa hisabTakut kepada syirikDakwah kepada syahadat “La Ilaha Illallah”Penjelasan tentang makna tauhid dan syahadat“La IlahaIllallah”Memakai gelang dan sejenisnya untuk menangkal bahaya adalahperbuatan syirikRuqyah dan TamimahMinta berkah kepada pepohonan, bebatuan atau yang sejenisnyaMenyembelih binatang bukan karena AllahMenyembelih binatang karena Allah, dilarang dilakukan di tempatpenyembelihan yang bukan karena AllahBernadzar untuk selain Allah adalah syirikMeminta perlindungan kepada selain Allah adalah syirikBerdo’a kepada selain Allah adalah syirikIbadah itu hak milik AllahMalaikat makhluk yang perkasa bersujud kepada AllahSyafa’atSemoga Kitab Tauhid Lengkap bisa bermanfaat untuk andaComplete Book of Tawheedis android based application that talks about monotheism. While themeaning of Tawhid is the concept of the Islamic faith that isexpressed in the unity of God. Tawheed in its practice is dividedinto 3 types namely monotheism rububiyah, Asma wa uluhiyah andnature. Away from the practice of monotheism and polytheism is aconsequence of the shahada which He swore by a Muslim.As part of the contents of the Complete Book of Tawheed are:Tawheed, the nature and positionPrivilege of monotheism and therefore sins are forgivenPractice the purest monotheism could lead to enter Paradise withoutreckoningAfraid to shirkDa'wah to the shahada "La ilaha illallah"An explanation of the meaning of monotheism and creed "La ilahaillallah"Wearing bracelets and the like to counteract the danger isshirkRuqyah and TamimahRequest a blessing to trees, rocks or the likeSlaughtering animals is not because GodSlaughtering animals for God, is prohibited at the place ofslaughter that is not because GodBernadzar to other than Allah is shirkAsk for protection for other than Allah is shirkPraying to other than Allah is shirkThe worship of God propertyMighty angel beings prostrate to AllahSyafa'atHopefully Complete Book of Tawheed can be useful to you
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Kitab Ta’lim Muta’allim 2.0 APK
Kitab Ta’lim Muta’allim Beserta Terjemahannya Terlengkapapa itu Kitab Ta’lim Muta’allim ?Kitab Ta’lim Muta’allim adalah kitab dan acuhan sekaligusbimbingan bagi seorang penuntut ilmu agar mendapatkan ilmu yangbermamfaat bagi dirinya pada khusussnya dan masyarakat padaumumnya.Dalam kitab ini terdapat banyak sekali petunjuk – petunjuk bagiseorang penuntut ilmu, seperti halnya memilih guru dan teman yangakan di jadikan seorang guru dan teman untuk berdiskusi dan mencarisolusi dalam permasalahan yang ada dalam masyarakat, caramemuliakan ilmu dan shohibul ilmi dan masih banyak hal – hal yangberhubungan tentang hak dan kewajiban penuntut ilmu.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tulisah arab sangat jelas- Aplikasi OFFLINE , dapat berjalan tanpa koneksi internet- Aplikasi ringan- ukuran aplikasi hanya 1 MB- teks dapat di zoomAyo sebarkan aplikasi iniBarang siapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu,maka ia akan mendapatkan pahala orang yg mengamalkannya,tanpa mengurangi pahala orang yg mengamalkannyaBookTa'lim Muta'allim Along translation is CompleteWhat the Book of Ta'lim Muta'allim?Muta'allim Ta'lim Book is a book and acuhan well as guidance fora student of knowledge in order to gain knowledge that bermamfaatfor him to khusussnya and society in general.In this book there are many instructions - instructions for astudent of knowledge, as well as choosing a teacher and friend whowill be made a teacher and a friend to discuss and find solutionsto problems that exist in society, how to glorify science andShohibul ilmi and still a lot of things - matters relating to therights and obligations of prosecution of science.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tulisah arab very clear- Application OFFLINE, can run without an Internet connection- Lightweight application- The size of the application is only 1 MB- Text can be in the zoomLet's spread this applicationAnyone who teaches a science,then he will get the reward of those who practice it,without prejudice to reward those who practice it
Kitab Kuning Lengkap 1.0 APK
Maksud dan tujuan aplikasi ini adalah untukmemudahkan anda membaca kitab, atau belajar mengkaji kitab kuning.Kita hanya perlu mendownload aplikasi kecil ini dan semoga bergunauntuk kita semua.Untuk membuka isi konten aplikasi ini anda perlu menginstall"Adobe reader atau Polaris viewer" pada basis ponsel anda, karenafile yang terdapat pada aplikasi ini di support oleh aplikasitersebut diatas. Jika ada kesalahan itu semata-mata karenakebodohan saya dan jika kebenaran, itu semata-mata karena hidayahAllah SWT.isi aplikasi terdapat kitab2:- Fathul Qarib (فتح القريب)- Maraqiul Ubudiyah (مراقي العبودية)- Ta’lim Muta’allim(تعليم المتعلم)- Al-hikam (الحكم)- Alfiyah Ibnu Malik (الفية ابن مالك)- Riyadhus Shalihin (رياض الصالحين)- Safinatun Najjah (سفينة النجاة)- Adabu Sulukil Murid (اداب سلوك المريد)Terima kasih anda telah mendownload aplikasi kitab kuning ini.semoga keberkahan selalu di berikan Allah SWT pada kita semua.
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Malayalam bible ( ബൈബിൾ ) 2.6 APK
Malayalam Bible is the First everMaterialdesign Malayalam Bible in Android. Free Malayalam bible hasgot allchapter of old testament and New testament in Malayalamstandard,with a legitimate reading . UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities. It provides daily Malayalam biblereadingnotification and tracks all the read chapters. As a part ofBibleorg we are glad to release android Malayalam Bible app as afreeservice, to spread Jesus words. We welcome any suggestionstoimprove yourself. Start your day with Malayalam of thebible.Malayalam bible download app is not just another MalayalambibleStudy app. Its for Malayalam people from Kerala. Our aim is tokeepyou inspired and nourished everyday with god words .You willgetautomatic daily notification. Mark the Inspiring MalayalamBibleverse! As a christian, we have verified the chapters of holybiblereading with international standard. Malayalam bible onlineLiteapp, always tracks the unread chapter for daily biblereading.Clean font, helps to read letters easily. Our chosen dailybiblereading in Malayalam helps you to start your day thinkingabout andthanking God for this wonderful life with prayers. FreeMalayalambible download study bible helps to enlighten beforeconfession andalso a as bible study app or even liturgy. The HolyBible inMalayalam will be very helpful during daily MalayalamChristianprayer. Bible in Malayalam is for kids, Download MalayalamBibleapp is for couples, and Holy Malayalam Bible is for allChristianssuch as Syro malabar christian, RC Christian, KananaChristian,Orthodox Christian , syro malankara christians, Syrianchristiansacross globe. Malayalam Bible study follows the popularbibleversions like the POC bible, Malayalam bible offline -kjv,Complete BibleYouth Bible, Acts of the Apostles, letters,andApocalypse, (New India Bible Version) in Malayalam , ewestCompleteMalayalam version Vishudha Sathyavedapusthakam, and otherpopularversion of bible in Malayalam including catholic Malayalambible.So this daily Malayalam Bible study devotion app will be thebestbible app free that you will get for your Android mobilephones.Bible translations into Malayalam- Malayalam bible App ,understandits right meaning and act wisely upon so as to bringhappiness uponon yourself and your fellow beings to enlightenfaith. This iscomplete Malayalam bible. Malayalam bible downloadapp can also beused during Malayalam audio bible reading. Mark thefavoriteMalayalam bible quotes and chapter for future reference,set it asFavorites by click. Malayalam Divine app is also used asthe bestMalayalam devotionals for women. Our india Malayalam bible- TheDaily devotional Malayalam Bible app can be used foryouthfulpraise or as youth ministry resources, because we gave thebestMalayalam bible gateway for Youth. Our future effort will betoinclude sandhya prarthana malayalam, Kurushe vara prayers,saintsprayers in Malayalam, along with different christiancommunitymalayalam kurbana.FEATURE OF Malayalam BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Malayalam Bible Reading :Get on daily basis biblereading(- Holy Bible Malayalam with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Bible offline - Read bible even without network access.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Malayalam Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in samsung galaxy series,LGnexus, HTC, Lenova smart phones. Its works well in tablets tooandall mobile phone which support android.
Auradu wal Manaqib (OLD) 2 APK
This App help you to Read most ofMaulid,Dikr,Dua, Swalath, Baith, Malappattu ect..This app ContainsSharaful Anam MaulidManqoos MaulidHaddadDua-al-KabarDuaAshrakal BaithMajlisunnoor Baith and DuaYaseenBadar BaithThwala'al Badaru BaithSalam BaithYaa akramal BaithAizamu SwalathAuradu Majlisu SwalathThaju SwalathNariyath SwalathHaddadAsmaul HusnaMayyith niskaramect..its a Complete Adkar Kitab.App created By SKSSF Cyber wing State Committee(an SKSSF Silver Jubilee Grand Finale Gift)
Punjabi Bible ( ਬਾਇਬਲ ) 2.2 APK
Punjabi Bible is the First everMaterialdesignPunjabi Bible in Android. Free Punjabi bible has gotallchapter ofold testament and New testament in Punjabistandard,with alegitimate reading. UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities.It provides daily Punjabi bible readingnotificationand tracks allthe read chapters. As a part of Bible orgwe areglad to releaseandroid Punjabi Bible app as a free service,tospread Jesus words.We welcome any suggestions to improveyourself.Start your day withPunjabi of the bible. Punjabi bibledownloadapp is not just anotherPunjabi bible Study app (PunjabiLanguage).Its for Punjabi peopleof India and for the entire PunjabispeakingPeople community inPunjab or any part of India. Our aim isto keepyou inspired andnourished everyday with god words .You willgetautomatic dailynotification using christian Punjabi bible.Markthe InspiringPunjabi Bible verses ! Punjabi bible online Liteapp,always tracksthe unread chapter for daily bible reading.Cleanfont, helps toread letters easily. Pavitra Bible, mobilephonePunjabi bible.Punjabi Bible Online helps you to start yourdaythinking about andthanking God for this wonderful lifewithprayers. Free Punjabibible download study bible helps toenlightenbefore confession andalso a as bible study app or evenliturgy.The Bible in Punjabi willbe very helpful during dailyPunjabiChristian prayer. Bible inPunjabi is for kids, Holy BibleinPunjabi is for couples and HolyPunjabi Bible for allChristiansacross globe including Punjabispeaking community. PunjabiBiblefollows the popular bible versionslike the Catholic Punjabibible,very similar to Hindi Bible. Sothis daily Punjabi Biblestudydevotion app ( Punjabi Book) will bethe best bible app freethatyou will get for your Android mobilephones. This Punjabi bible,understand its right meaning and actwisely upon so as tobringhappiness upon on yourself and yourfellow beings toenlightenfaith.Punjabi language bible stories foryouth in Punjabi -Punjabibible download app can also be usedduring Punjabi audiobiblereading. - Punjabi Holy Bible, Mark thefavorite Punjabibiblequotes and chapter for future reference, setit as Favoritesbyclick. Punjabi Divine app is also used as thebestPunjabidevotionals for women.The Daily devotional PunjabiBible appcan beused for youthful praise or as youth ministryresources,because wegave the best Punjabi bible gateway for Youth.FEATURE OF Punjabi BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Punjabi Bible Reading :Get on daily basisbiblereading- Holy Bible Punjabi with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Punjabi Bible offline - Read bible evenwithoutnetworkaccess.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Punjabi Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in tablets and smartphone.Itsworks well in tablets too and all mobile phonewhichsupportandroid.
Kabir Dasji Ke Dohe in Hindi 2.0 APK
Kabir Dasji Ke Dohe in HindiKabir was a poet and a saint, whose coupletsstillresonatewithpeople from all walks of life.Born in the early 15th century to a Brahman widow, hewasbroughtupin a family of Muslim weavers.While his date of birth and death arenotfirmlyestablished,legend has it that he lived for a 120years.Never formally educated, and almostcompletelyilliterate,hiscompositions are nevertheless aphilosophicalgoldmine.This App is a compilation of 200+ 'Kabir ke Done'twolinecoupletswith that meaning.A very user friendly interface and supportsallmajorAndroidOperating systems(GingerBread to Lollipop vers)This App also has a feature to share the Dohe onSocialmediaLikeWhtsapp.
বাণী চিরন্তনী Bani Chirontoni 1.2 APK
বিখ্যাত মনীষীদের জনপ্রিয় উক্তিনিয়েঅ্যাপটিতৈরিকরা হয়েছে।যাদের উক্তি নিয়ে অ্যাপটি তৈরি করা হয়েছে -আল হাদিস, হযরত আলী (রাঃ) ,বিল গেটস ,আব্রাহামলিংকন,অ্যালবার্টআইনস্টাইন, সক্রেটিস , এরিস্টটল, শেখ সাদি ,স্টিভজবস,উইলিয়ামশেক্সপিয়র ,স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ , শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান,হুমায়ূনআহমেদ,রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর ,কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম, গৌতমবুদ্ধ,মহাত্মা গান্ধী , এ পি জে আব্দুল কালাম , লালন ।The app hasbeencreatedbythe great scholars of the popular saying.Quote of the app has been created -Al-hadith, Hazrat Ali (RA), Bill Gates,AbrahamLincoln,AlbertEinstein, Socrates, Aristotle, Sheikh Saadi,SteveJobs,WilliamShakespeare, Swami Vivekananda, SheikhMujiburRahman,HumayunAhmed, Rabindranath Tagore, Kazi NazrulIslam,GautamaBuddha,Mahatma Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, cherish.
Tamil Bible (வேதாகமம்) 3.9 APK
Tamil Bible is the First everMaterialdesignTamil Bible in Android. Free Tamil bible has got allchapterof oldtestament and New testament in Tamil standard, withalegitimatereading . UI is designed for easynavigationcapabilities. Itprovides daily Tamil bible readingnotification andtracks all theread chapters. As a part of Bible orgwe are glad toreleaseandroid Tamil Bible app as a free service, tospread Jesuswords.We welcome any suggestions to improve yourself.Start yourday withTamil of the bible. Tamil bible download app isnot justanotherTamil bible Study app (Tamil Language). Its forTamil peopleofTamil Nadu. Our aim is to keep you inspired andnourishedeverydaywith god words .You will get automatic dailynotificationusingchristian tamil bible. Mark the Inspiring TamilBible verse!As achristian, we have verified the chapters of holybible readingwithinternational standard. Tamil bible online Liteapp, alwaystracksthe unread chapter for daily bible reading. Cleanfont, helpstoread letters easily. Our chosen daily bible readingarulvakku-Tamil Bible Online helps you to start your day thinkingaboutandthanking God for this wonderful life with prayers. booksoftamilbible, Free Tamil bible download study bible helpstoenlightenbefore confession and also a as bible study app orevenliturgy.The Bible - Sacred text will be very helpful duringdailyTamilChristian prayer.Bible in Tamil is for kids, Holy Bibleintamil isfor couples and Holy Tamil Bible for all Christiansacrossglobe.Tamil Bible follows the popular bible versions liketheCatholicTamil bible , Tamil Union Version Bible,TamilBible:Easy-to-ReadVersion (ERV-TA),kjv tamil bible. So this dailyTamilBible studydevotion app will be the best bible app free thatyouwill get foryour Android mobile phones. This Tamil bible,understand its rightmeaning and act wisely upon so as tobringhappiness upon onyourself and your fellow beings toenlightenfaith. bible storiesfor youth in tamil - Tamil bibledownload appcan also be usedduring Tamil audio bible reading. Markthe favoriteTamil biblequotes and chapter for future reference, setit asFavorites byclick. Tamil Divine app is also used as the bestTamildevotionalsfor women.The Daily devotional Tamil Bible app canbeused foryouthful praise or as youth ministry resources, becausewegave thebest Tamil bible gateway for Youth.FEATURE OF Tamil BIBLE ( Material design )- Material design UI- Ability to save favorite chapters or verses.- Enable/Disable Notification settings- Daily Tamil Bible Reading :Get on daily basis bible reading- Holy Bible Tamil with old testament and New testament- Compatible with all screen sizes- Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters.- Ease and simple to use.- Download latest design bible compatible with tablet- Always provide unread chapters for notification- Bible offline - Read bible even without network access.- Works well in android phone and tablet- Explore specific words in bible- Easily locate Book/Chapter/Verse- This is a free Lite app Tamil Bible .- Read, Remove, Share with ease.This app is successfully tested in samsung galaxyseries,LGnexus, HTC, Lenova smart phones. Its works well in tabletstooandall mobile phone which support android.
Pixelmon MOD MCPE 0.15.0 2.0 APK
Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE ofmanythingsfrom the show, including Pokemon, gym badges, andbattling.This Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE can only beappliedwithBlockLauncher application and you need install the fullversionofMCPE and BlockLauncher in your smartphone or tablet.This is an unofficial application for Minecraft PocketEdition.Thisapplication is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith Mod for Minecraft PE is pack of mod it have manymodinthis appEvery mod has title, description , screenshot anddownloadbutton.Search any mods for mcpe you want just browsefavourite modandpress DOWNLOAD ... Done!A fun feature of Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE is thatyoucancatch Pokemon in a 3D poke ball, and even see yourPokemon'suniqueattributes which consist of habits,damage, armor and aggression. This isnt just a cosmeticmodthatgives facelifts to models already existing in thegamePixelmonactually includes an attack system ripped rightfromPixelmon Modfor Minecraft PE, with over 500 individual attackmovesand evenstatus ailments, to make it play and feel much likethehandheldPokemon games. This Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PEevenafunctioning pokedex for keeping track of what monsterstheplayerhas caught!
Yasin Dan Tahlil "LENGKAP" 5.0 APK
Surat Yasin Dan Bacaan TahlilBesertaTerjemahanTeks Arab Dan Teks Latinnya Lengkap DenganBahasaIndonesianyaUpdate Versi 5.0 :- Penambahan Audio Di Setiap Surat- Memperbaiki Semua Bacaan Yasin Baik ArabTulisanMaupunTerjemahannya- Penambahan Doa Tahlil- Penambahan Doa Selamat- Penambahan Doa Ayat Kursi- Penambahan Doa Ziarah Kubur- Penambahan Doa Khusus Mayit- Penambahan Surat Al-Fatihah- Penambahan Surat Al-Ikhlas- Penambahan Surat Al-Falaq- Penambahan Surat An-Nas- Penambahan Surat Al-Baqarah : Ayat 1 - 5- Penambahan Doa Selamat- Bug Fix Error DLL------------------------------------------------------------- Tulisan Font Arab Besar Dan Juga Dapat DiZoomSesuaiKeinginan- 100% Aplikasi SUPER RINGAN- Aplikasi 100% Bisa Dibaca TanpaMenggunakanKoneksiInternet.- 100% Insya Allah Bermanfaat :)Surah YasinandTahlilReading Text Translation Along with Arab and LatinTextCompleteWith Indonesian languageUpdate Version 5.0:- Addition Audio On Any Letter- Improve Reading Yasin Good All Posts Nor Arabic translation- Addition of Prayer Tahlil- Addition of Prayer Welcome- Addition of Prayer Ayat Kursi- Addition of Prayer Pilgrimage Kubur- Addition of Special Prayer Mayit- Addition of Surat Al-Fatihah- Addition of Surat Al-Ikhlas- Addition of Surat Al-Falaq- Addition of Surat An-Nas- Addition of Surat Al-Baqarah: Verse 1-5- Addition of Prayer Welcome- Bug Fix DLL Error------------------------------------------------------------- Writing Arabic Font Large And Can Also Be In ZoomInaccordanceDesire- 100% Applications SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT- 100% Applications Can Read WithoutUsingInternetConnection.- 100% Inshallah Helpful :)