Medical Apps - Page 1

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Focus Medica India Pvt. Ltd
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) app - helps in understanding thedisease condition through ANIMATED VIDEOS. This presentationdemonstrates the male reproductive system and the location of theprostate gland, the changes that take place during BPH, its causes,symptoms, consequences, diagnoses, treatments/therapies (includinglifestyle change and self care).Editor: C. R. Chapple, MD, FRCS (Urol) - Dept. of Urology,Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation, The Royal HallamshireHospital, UKApp features• Pay once and download videos at your ease!• View downloaded videos without internetAdditional features include:- Drawing on the video for explanations- Capture images with mailing option- Option to make user notes and save- Transcript with links for additional referencesDISCLAIMER: The information provided through these applicationsare only intended to be informative and should not be construed asa substitute for medical advice.
Справочник заболеваний (Free)
Medical Group Soft
Справочник болезней с подробным описанием,лечением, симптомами и тд... Работает без интернета. Составленспециалистами ОМС. Удобный, быстрый поиск, в том числе и поискголосом. Избранное, "Поделиться" - и это все в современном дизайнеи всегда под рукой.Каждое заболевание помимо описания содержит:- причины возникновения- симптомы;- диагностика;- лечение;- опасность;- группа риска;- профилактика.Приложение будет полезно как людям заботившимся о своем здоровье,так студентам и практикующим врачам.В справочнике вы сможете найти подробное описание от простуды дотаких болезней как ветрянка, кашель, остеохондроз, геморрой,ангина, бронхит, свиной грипп, прыщи, аллергия...Справочник приведен в ознакомительных целях и не предполагаетсамолечения, справочник не содержит данные, которые могут заменитьконсультации врача, рецепты и назначенное врачом лечение, создательсправочника не несет ответственность за последствиясамолечения.Handbook with detaileddescriptions of diseases, treatment, symptoms, and so on ... Itworks without the Internet. Compiled by experts MLA. Convenient,quick search, including voice search. Favorites, "Share" - and it'sall in a contemporary design and is always at hand.Each addition to describing the disease includes:    - The causes of    - Symptoms;    - diagnostics;    - treatment;    - Risk;    - Risk group;    - Prevention.The application will be useful both for people concerned abouttheir health, so students and practitioners.In the directory, you can find a detailed description of the coldto diseases such as chicken pox, cough, low back pain, hemorrhoids,sore throat, bronchitis, swine flu, acne, allergies ...Reference is given for informational purposes and does not involveself, the directory does not contain data that can replace theadvice of a doctor, prescriptions and treatment prescribed by thedoctor, the creator of the directory is not responsible for theconsequences of self-treatment.
PR Vademécum Argentina
Noritel S.A.
PR Vademécum contiene información actualizadade medicamentos y drogas de prescripción médica comercializadas enArgentina.La aplicación permite acceder por los siguientes índices:- ProductosContiene el texto del prospecto de los productos que secomercializan en la República Argentina- LaboratoriosContiene el listado del laboratorios y los productos quecomercializa cada uno- PatologíasContiene el listado del patologías y los productos indicados paracada una- InteraccionesContiene el listado del principios activos y las interacciones decada uno- Índice FarmacológicoContiene el texto de la acción de los principios activos.- Índice TerapéuticoContiene el listado de las acciones terapéuticas y los productosindicados para cada una- I.S.P.R. Índice de Sustancias y Productos RelacionadosContiene el listado de los principios y los productos que contienencada uno.Acerca de P.R.:PR Vademécum reúne toda la información de relevancia relacionadacon los productos farmacéuticos, y está destinado a médicos,odontólogos, farmacéuticos y otros profesionales de la salud.PR Vademécum fue desarrollado a partir de fuentes confiables,como las empresas elaboradoras y la bibliografíamédico-farmacológica disponible en la actualidad.PR Vademécum no debe considerarse un medio autónomo y suficientepara recetar aquellos medicamentos o sustancias sobre los queinforma; sus destinatarios deben utilizarlo como un complemento desu indelegable responsabilidad profesional, teniendo en cuenta queel lector posee los conocimientos necesarios para interpretar lainformación aportada por este aplicativo.PR Vademecum containscurrent medications and prescription drugs marketed in Argentinainformation.The application allows access for the following indexes:- ProductsContains the package insert of the products sold in Argentina- LaboratoriesContains the list of laboratories and the products it sellseach- PathologiesContains the list of conditions and the right products for each- InteractionsContains the list of active ingredients and the interactions ofeach- Pharmacological IndexContains the text of the action of the active ingredients.- Therapeutic IndexContains the list of therapeutic actions and the right products foreach- I.S.P.R. Index Substances and Related ProductsContains the list of substances and products containing each.P.R .: aboutPR Vademecum collects all relevant information related topharmaceuticals, and is intended for physicians, dentists,pharmacists and other health professionals.PR Vademecum was developed from reliable sources, such asprocessors and medical-pharmacological literature availabletoday.PR Vademecum should not be regarded as an independent andsufficient means to prescribe those drugs or substances on whichreports; recipients must use it as a complement to its mandatoryprofessional liability, considering that the reader has theknowledge to interpret the information provided by thisapplication.
Early Warning Score System
Medicon Applications
Identifying the critically ill patient is a major challenge athospitals. Unrecognized deterioration of patients is estimated tocost more than 100.000 lives per year in the US alone. It is notonly important to identify the critically ill patient but also tocommunicate the situation to the rest of the hospital staffinvolved.The Early Warning Score (EWS) is a simple clinical score thatcan be used by hospital medical staff as well as emergency medicalservices to quickly determine the degree of illness of a patient.It is based on data derived from four physiological readings(systolic blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, bodytemperature) and the observation of the level of consciousness(AVPU). The resulting observations are compared to a normal rangeto generate a single composite score. A score of five or more isstatistically linked to increased likelihood of death or admissionto an intensive care unit.Different EWS systems are in use worldwide and the NationalHealth Service (NHS) in the UK has e.g. decided to introduce anation-wide NHS Early Warning Score to achieve the goal of having“the right person, in the right setting – first time!”Within hospitals, the EWS is often used as part of a"track-and-trigger" system whereby an increasing score produces anescalated response varying from increasing the frequency ofpatient's observations up to urgent review by a rapid response orMedical Emergency Team (MET call).Are you interested in having this app tailor made for yourhospital needs, then please contact us using the website contactform or write to the disclaimer before use. All information in thisapplication is for educational purposes only. Please note:Screenshots are from iOS version.
DGCA Medicals
Medspace Art
This App serves the pilots of civil aviation and military aviationalike to improve health and aviation safety. The advice is free andauthentic from the desk of Aviation Medicine Specialist. Any queryrelating to the Aviation medicine will be entertained and answeredappropriately. Large information on recent trends in aviationmedicine & related articles will be provided.You query will be answered through email and thereafter youcould communicate directly thru mail.
Dokter Diabetes
PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka
Dokter Diabetes adalah aplikasi pertama di Indonesia yang membantumenghubungkan antara anda dengan dokter spesialis dan ahli gizidimana saja. Aplikasi ini kami ciptakan dengan harapan mempermudahpenyandang diabetes dan caregiver untuk menemukan informasi seputardiabetes. Dokter Diabetes dapat anda gunakan untuk: - Konsultasidengan dokter umum, spesialis, dan ahli gizi tanpa biaya. - Membacainformasi terbaru sekitar diabetes di bagian artikel . -Mendapatkan referensi resep sehat untuk penyandang diabetes. -Menghitung dan memantau jumlah karbohidrat yang dibutuhkan olehtubuh. - Mencatat dan memantau tingkat glukosa dalam darah dan jugaberat badan ideal tubuh.
Menstrual Calendar Premium
This the Premium version of MenstrualCalendar, with no feature limits and no ads.IMPORTANT : BACKUP DATA IN MENSTRUAL CALENDAR FREE BEFORE INSTALL(this is available in the "Settings" menu). You'll be able toimport data from free to premium.
التداوي بالأعشاب الطبيعية
taha free apps
هل الطب البديل يغنينا عن الأدوية التي تستنزف جيوبنا وسلامة صحتنا؟هل لدينا في بيوتنا أدوية بديلة عن الأدوية الكيماوية التي لاتخلو منخطورة مهما اختلفت أشكالها وألوانها؟إن هذا التطبيق أعزائي متصفحي الانترنت، سوف يعرفكم بأسرار الأعشابوبفوائدها الغذائية والعلاجية على حد سواء. سوف تتعرفون معنا علىالعديد من الأعشاب التي تحارب الأمراض، وتقوي الجسد، وتحافظ على جمالالبشرة، ورشاقة الجسم، وسلامة الصحة.إن هذا التطبيق سيجعلكم تدخلون عالم الطب البديل بأمان وبدون مصاريفباهضة كما هو الحال بالنسبة للأدوية الكيماوية، هنا ستجدون طرقالوقاية، وسبل العلاج بسهولة ويسر. هناك الكثير من الأمرض التي يمكنأن تعالج بالأعشاب، كالبثور والأمراض الجلدية كحب الشباب، والإكزيماوتساقط الشعر، وكذلك الأمراض الباطنية، والمشاكل الجنسية والسكري،والإمساك وقرحة المعدة والقولون العصبي والزكام، ومشاكل الدورةالشهرية...بواسطة الطب البديل سوف تتغلبون من الآلام، وستتغلبون على العديد منالأمراض والمشاكل الصحية. كل هذا ستجدونه على هذا التطبيق.Isalternative medicine sufficient for us for drugs that deplete ourhealth and safety of our pockets? Do we have in our homes foralternative medicines and chemical drugs to Atkhalo of theseriousness of whatever forms and colors?     This application Dear netizens, willAarafkm secrets of herbs and nutritional and therapeutic benefitsof both. Taatarafon will be with us on many of the herbs that fightdiseases, and strengthens the body, and keeps the skin beauty andagility of the body, health and safety. This application will make you come into the world ofalternative medicine safely and without expensive fees as in thecase of chemical drugs, here you will find methods of preventionand ways to easily treatment. There are a lot of Notifiable whichcan be treated with herbs, Kalpthor dermatology Khab youth, eczemaand hair loss, as well as internal diseases, diabetes and sexualproblems, constipation, stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndromeand colds, and menstrual problems ...By Alternative Medicine will Tnglpon of pain, and Stnglpon on manydiseases and health problems. All this Stgdonh on thisapplication.
馨蕙馨醫院掛號APP for Android 快速的掛號, 優質的看診
Urology Board Review Manual
Prepare for ABU certification/recertificationin Urology on the go with the help of the Hospital PhysicianUrology Board Review Manual (BRM) app. This mobile app gives youfull-text access to the Hospital Physician Urology BRM on yourAndroid® device, allowing you to read and prepare wherever youare.Each issue of the Hospital Physician Urology BRM consists of apeer-reviewed clinical review article on a topic essential to thecurrent practice of urology and board-style study questions forself-assessment.With the free Hospital Physician Urology BRM app, you will:- Receive free access to all issues in the current volume- Receive alerts when a new manual is available- Be able to share board review articles with your colleaguesHospital Physician has been publishing the Hospital Physician BoardReview Manual series of specialty journals for over 18 years,making it a proven and trusted source for board review studymaterial.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
Online Care Anywhere
American Well
See a Doctor 24/7 at your convenience on yourphone or tablet with the Online Care Anywhere app. No appointmentneeded. Receive medical advice from a U.S. Board-certified doctorand even get a prescription with this convenient mobile clinic fromBlue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota.You can also visit us on the web at for moreinformation.No insurance is necessary to use Online Care Anywhere. Visitscost $45 or less and may be covered by your health insurance. Checkwith your insurance provider to see if you are covered for OnlineCare Anywhere.Online Care Anywhere can be used to diagnose and treat manyhealth issues. Below are just a few examples of why patients useOnline Care Anywhere:• Cough, cold & flu• Sinus, ear & eye infections• Headaches• Depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping• Acne, skin conditions• Stomach ache• Allergies• Urinary tract and bladder infections• Medication advice / refills (non-narcotic)
Knight Li
养生宝典是一款包含大量养生知识的手机养生软件.1.丰富齐全的分类,包含养生基础、经络养生、体质养生、气功养生、运动养生等等共20个大类,总能找到你想要了解的养生之道.2.中医养生的方法简单明了,容易操作.3.界面简单直观,操作方便.4.这个随手机携带,会给你带来帮助的.Health isa book that contains a large number of health care knowledge phonesoftware.1 rich range of categories, including health foundation, meridianhealth, physical health, Qigong, exercise regimen, and so a totalof 20 categories, can always find what you want to knowregimens.The method of TCM is simple, easy to operate.3 simple and intuitive interface, easy to operate.4 carry this over the phone, give you help.
REDCap Mobile App
***This is available only for REDCap users with REDCap >6.5.0 ontheir servers.*** Collect your REDCap data in an offlineenvironment in the REDCap mobile app, and then sync your data backto your project on a REDCap server. REDCap is a web application,which requires the Internet to be used, but the REDCap mobile appallows for offline data collection for your REDCap projects. Youcan create your project in REDCap, securely download your projectto the REDCap mobile app on your Android, collect data on thedevice (with or without an Internet connection), and then securelysend your data back to your project on a REDCap server. Features •Multi-user interface with secure login that allows each useraccount to collect data for multiple REDCap projects in the app. •In addition to text and structured data, you can store and transmitphotos, videos, signatures, and audio to REDCap. • When collectingdata in the app from a participant, for security purposes you caneasily restrict access to the rest of the app as they enter theirdata. • All user activity in the app is logged for audit purposes.The full logging history can be sent to your project on the REDCapserver. Who is the REDCap Mobile App for? In order to use theREDCap Mobile App, REDCap must be installed on your institution’sserver and must be at version 6.5.0 or higher. The REDCap MobileApp is designed to fit the following scenarios: • A REDCap projectthat needs data to be collected without any Internet accessavailable. • A REDCap project that needs data to be collected withsporadic Internet access. If mobile devices are desired for use inREDCap data collection, and if WiFi or cellular Internet is amplyavailable, then it is suggested to use the REDCap mobile web viewthat is available on the REDCap server, which provides real-timeaccess to data. What is REDCap? REDCap is a mature, secure webapplication for building and managing online surveys and databases,and it is used by hundreds of thousands of users around the world( Before setting up a REDCap project inthe app, you must already have a user account on a REDCap serverhosted by a participating REDCap partner institution. If you belongto an institution that does not have REDCap, please visit to learn how to get REDCapwhere you are. What are some limitations of this app? The REDCapmobile app runs in conjunction with the REDCap web applicationsoftware. You must already have a REDCap user account and projecton a REDCap server before being able to download the project to theapp. The app cannot function or stand independently without aREDCap server.
Vitality GP
Innovation Specialists LLC
Say goodbye to the doctor’s waiting room withVitality GP, the app that gives you access to a GP when and whereyou want. Book a video consultation with our network of experiencedGPs who can provide fast, faff-free referrals and even issue aprivate prescription.Features:• Video consultations within 48 hours, including evenings andSaturday mornings• Up to £100 towards private prescriptions and minor diagnostictests• Vitality GPs can authorise most onward referrals• Mole check service• Wellness advice to help you get healthier• GP telephone advice service available 24/7You need to be a VitalityHealth member to use this app.Log in to the app using your Member Zone username andpassword.If you don’t have a Member Zone account yet, you can register
كل يوم معلومة طبية
برنامج عربي طبي تم إنشائه ليثري القارئ العربيبالمعلومات الطبية الموثوقة. من خلال أسلوب مبسط و سليم، إعتماداً علىالمراجع العلمية.ويحاول البرنامج أن يشكل تفاعل بين جميع المستفيدين من الخدماتالطبية الإلكترونية (المريض – الطبيب – المستشفى – الصيدلية – شركاتالأدوية – شركات التأمين – مؤسسات التعليم الطبي).يحرص البرنامج على نشر معلومات طبية حصرية وموثقة، وذلك بتصنيفهاعلى عدة أقسام هي: صحة عامة، صحة الرجل، صحة المرأة، الحمل والولادة،صحة الطفل، الصحة النفسية، صحة جنسية، الحمية والتغذية، اللياقةالبدنية، صحة الأسنان، صحة العيون، الطب البديل، السكري، والسرطان.Arabic medical programwas created to enrich the Arab reader of reliable medicalinformation. Through a simplified style and sound, depending on thescientific literature.The program tries to be an interaction between all thebeneficiaries of the services of electronic medical (patient -doctor - hospital - pharmacy - pharmaceutical companies - insurancecompanies - medical education institutions).The Programme is keen to disseminate medical informationexclusive and documented, and that grouping several sections:public health, men's health, women's health, pregnancy andchildbirth, child health, mental health, sexual health, diet andnutrition, fitness, dental health, eye health, medicineAlternative, diabetes, and cancer.
ElajClinic - علاج كلينك
BeInMedia Agency
Elaj Clinic is one of the most importantclinics in Kuwait, our slogan is "Our experience for yourpleasure".Application Features:- You can know about all of our medical services that are providedin each of our clinic's departments.- You can follow the latest offers and discounts on ourservices.- You can get the schedule of our specialists and doctorseasily.- Reserve and manage an appointment online by choosing thedepartment, doctor, and the checkup you'd need at the date and timesuitable for you.- Contact Elaj Clinic team for any inquires you might have, we'd bepleased to answer all of your questions.- The ease of getting our location in Kuwait.
الموسوعة الطبية - دليل الأمراض
taha free apps
تطبيق الموسوعة الطبية يشمل تعاريف عديدة لكل الأمراض الشائعة فيالمجتمع، إضافة إلى طرق الوقاية منها وكيفية علاجها, دون أن ننسى دليلالأمراض الأدوية المتواجدة ضمن هذا التطبيق المفيد، والرائع في هذاالتطبيق أنه يمكنك ارسال أي صفحة تتضمن مرض ما عبر وسائل التواصلالاجتماعي مثل واتساب أو فيسبوك وتشاركها مع أصدقائك لتعم الفائدة. ثمتصميم التطبيق خاصة للعالم العربي بشكل بسيط ومفهوم للجميع مع مراعاتتيسير الوصول لأغلب الخدماتApplication Medical Encyclopedia includes several definitions foreach common diseases in the community, as well as ways to preventit and how to treat them, without forgetting guide existing drugsdiseases within this application is useful, and wonderful in thisapplication is that you can send any page containing a diseasethrough the means of social communication, such as Atsab orFacebook and share with your friends for the benefit. Then specialapplication of the Arab world in a simple design and concept oftaking into account all of facilitating access to mostservices
Menstrual Calendar
Pregniful Services LLC
3 Applications in the 1st Period Tracker + +PillReminder doctor's appointment all in one application.Every woman Login her PMS in a way. Report it to your Androidsmartphone.✔ This period tracker application is the best app for tracking yourperiods.✔ Menstrual Calendar an application that you follow is to keep yourtime, gender and day, the story of your time to help. With thisapplication you can also keep track of your mood and provideguidance for special occasions a day.✔ miss doctors appointment. Call your doctor about your phone. Withthis application you can make your doctors appointment, you canmanage it and call your doctor right from the application!✔ PMS calendar is also a reminder application. Just to go and usepill reminder. This means you will be reminded every day atselected time to take the pill. So never forget to take yourpill.Features:✦ Keeps history of all your sex or intimacy days✦ Keeps story with your whole day✦ Keeps history of all your medical appointments✦ call physician from the application✦ Never forget to take the pill again
Sleep Tight Night Light
Colorwork Apps
A night light, white noise sound machine, alarm clock, and weatherforecast app.
ISO Medicine
DeVox Labs
Aplikasi gratis yang menampilkan daftar dandetail obat di indonesia.Untuk daftar obat yang lengkap silahkan membeli versi pro atauberbayar.Mohon kesediaannya untuk memberi rating dan komentar.Versi berbayar atau full adalah aplikasi yang berdiri sendiridan melalui proses instalasi yang berbeda. Silakan download pembayaran versi berbayar atau full hanya dengan caratransfer ke bank terkenal di Indonesia.Download aplikasi versi full dan temukan petunjuk didalamnya (kliktombol tanda tanya).
Baby Care
Dear users: “Baby Care” is a convenient anduseful tool for monitoring your baby’s development. We tried tomake it as easy and intuitive as possible.This app has the following features:User-friendly data entry and importTimersStatistics, reports, graphsUseful information and childcare tipsWith “Baby Care,” you can:Keep track of the important milestonesFirst smile, first tooth, first steps, first words—you can keep arecord of these and many other important events with the use of“Baby Care.” It is possible to transfer the data to a memory cardor another device.Write a blog and upload photosMake daily diary entries—save information about the most precious,amazing, or funny moments in the life of your baby. Do not miss anyopportunities to take pictures of your little one and attach aphoto to every entry in your blog.Monitor baby’s developmentYour entries in the "Feeding," "Sleeping," "Walking," "Diapers,""Teeth," "Symptoms" and other sections will help you betterunderstand the needs of your child and satisfy those needs. Theinformation that you enter in this application will also be usefulto your child’s pediatrician.Making entries togetherUse the app together with other family members. The next versionwill have a feature enabling data exchange between multipledevices. It’s not only the baby’s mother who can post entries fromher mobile with the use of the app, but also the dad, nanny,grandmother, and other family members. The website, where yourinformation will be stored, is currently being developed. Yourrelatives and friends will be able to see how your baby grows onthis website.Please note that we are going to improve and develop the app.Please do not hurry to give “Baby Care” a bad rating. If you arenot satisfied with something, send your comments and suggestions we can make this app even better!We hope that you will like “Baby Care!” We wish you everysuccess with it!
Ionic Baby Feeding
The Swedish Looking Gang
Ionic Baby Feeding tracks breast feeding and bottle feedings instyle. It emphasises what's important - which breast is next inturn, time since last feeding and duration/volume of currentfeeding. It's designed to be simple to use at 4am with onebloodshot eye after a month with no sleep. Syncs all your devices!Maybe you don't have your phone with you, so yell out to yourpartner to start the timer.. or grab their phone.. or maybe thattablet right there on the table - they all sync and get the sameinformation. There is a web-version for Chrome/Safari browser, soyou run it on your computer or iphone. Visit the webpage for moreinformation. No fees, no ads, no accounts, no email checks, nobloat, no nothing. It's a baby feeding app. Why would we need toknow your shoe-size or who your pal Charlene's hanging out with? --.. right.. That about covers it, yes? Phew. It's hard workcondensing and simplifying. We had gazillion ideas for this littlebreastfeeding app, but it's so easy to end up with something bigand complicated and ultimately unusable. We didn't want that. Neverreally liked that sort of thing. It's about monitoring breastmilk /milk intake. Not brain surgery. Both me and my wife(*) are simplefolk(**). We like our apps as minimal and out of the way aspossible. Cut to the chase. We're "cognitive load reductionenthusiasts" as we put it(***). That's why we skipped all forms ofregistration. I hate it when I find an app that seems just rightonly to find out it's choke-full of functions that I'll never useand has ads taking up half the screen and requires me to log in viafacebook and allow the app the view my friends, send messages anddownrate my images. It's like "Whaat? I donno if I wanna to take apicture of my hand that kinda looks like an x-ray that badly." ButI digress. It's late. I should probably go to bed. Hope you likethe app. It's a glorified nursing clock, but it's made ourbreastfeeding and bottle feeding a much better experience. Have agood night, Urban & Bettan (*) She's a UX designer and has doneall the graphics and layout. (**) Note. Exaggeration. We haveelectricity and we're not afraid to use it. (***) It's a greatphrase btw, be sure to use it when you want to impress people.People, especially employers, like it when you get all educated onthem.
Medical Terminology (OFFLINE)
Medical Group Soft
A quick Medical Terminology Reference app forall. App is complete OFFLINE and FREE. Medical Terminology appcontaining list of medical terms.Medical Terms and Dictionary with common and uncommon words, termsand phrases. Used by physicians, nurses, PAs, NPs, medicalstudents, nursing students and more.With this simple, powerfull and free app you can reveal meanings ofthousands of medical terms in English language.It contains dictionary of most common used medical terms, diseases,tests and symptoms extended by external sources with tons ofmedical terminology.Features:- medical reference book and thesaurus covering all medicalterminologies and abbreviations.- a very quick Search for Medical Terms;- complete offline access for dictionary, No Internet connectionrequired;- huge database of Medical Terminologies;- email any of the terms instantly;- unlimited Book Marks;- history;- compatible with versions of Android Devices;- very efficient, fast and good performance;- automatic free updates whenever new terms gets added;- application is designed to occupy as much as less memory aspossible.
NHS Health and Symptom checker
NHS Direct
Our NHS Health and Symptom checker app allows you to check yoursymptoms if you’re feeling unwell. You can get an assessment,information about your condition and advice on how to look afteryourself.Getting health advice really couldn’t be easier! Simply workthrough one of our clinically tested health assessment tools byselecting your symptoms and answering some short questions abouthow you’re feeling.Once you’ve finished, we’ll instantly give you advice on thebest course of action and, if you can look after yourself at home,we’ll tell you how.Key features+ Health assessment on the move+ A comprehensive range of symptom checkers+ Personalised guides to looking after yourself+ Option to save advice to your deviceHow to use the NHS Health and Symptom checker appChecking your symptomsScroll through the list of symptom checkers, pick the one that bestmatches your symptoms and answer the questions.Health adviceAfter working through our symptom checker, we’ll give you advice onwhat to do next, whether that means seeing your GP, going to awalk-in centre or looking after yourself at home.Looking after yourselfIf you can treat your symptoms yourself, we’ll provide you with astep-by-step self help guide on what you can do to make yourselfbetter. You can save this information to your device so you canaccess it at any time.Note: This app is provided for people living in England only.For health advice and information for people living in other partsof the UK, please visit NHS Northern Ireland (, NHS 24 Scotland( or NHS Direct Wales( asappropriate.
تمارين زيادة القامة
تطبيق ينصح اصحاب القامة القصيرة بالتمارينالسهلة لزيادة في الطول وزيادة على دلك فانها مجربة و نتائجها مضمونةواتمنى ان تنال اعجابكم و شكراااااApplication advisedowners of short stature easy exercises to increase in length andincrease the knead it tried and guaranteed results and I hope thatyou like it and Hkuraaaaa
Color Blindness Test
EnChroma, Inc.
Are you color blind? Did you know that thereare actually three distinct types of color blindness? Unlike otherfreely available tests which are simple pass-fail screening tests,the EnChroma test uses the principles of color vision science tomeasure the type and extent of color vision deficiency.This test was created by the EnChroma team to assist in thecorrect recommendation of color enhancing eyewear products.EnChroma, Inc. is a Berkeley, CA company that makes innovativeeyewear products for medical, industrial and lifestyle markets.EnChroma eyewear products are based on an advanced multi-bandspectral filtering technology that is computer-optimized for usewith specific types of color vision.On completion of the test, the type and extent of color visiondeficiency will be reported, along with a recommendation for whichEnChroma eyewear products are best optimized for use with yourvision. A copy of your result can be sent by email from thisapp.
Stuttering Disease & Symptoms
Pachara Kongsookdee
This app provides complete information about stuttering diseases.Best comprehensive overview covers the symptoms and treatment ofstuttering . This app has been developed for everyone, all topicshas been made to make it complete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. If youlike it please do share it with your friends and family.Application does not overload you with complicated medicalterminology, the language is clear and does not require anyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from stuttering• definition , description of disease and symptoms sign• what are the causes of stuttering and risk factors• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for stuttering• easy to read and download & beautiful full screenslideshows• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updating localdatabases• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp• 100% Free!!! anyway, this is a great worth app for your heathWhat to handle your heath from now on? Download this App now andlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from stuttering inyour family! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy! ^_^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains stuttering diseases information for knowledge ifyou need to apply then please contact to nearby doctor. Usefulinformation but is not a substitute for professional medicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have a medicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergency services.Before acting on any of the information in this application,consult with your doctor to make sure that it is right for you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, are notintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be used forinformation purposes only. This app cannot and should not replace apharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is only for pocketreference & educational purposes. Consult a doctor beforeactual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to email usabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. In caseyou face any problems do send us an email with information aboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fix itimmediately.This appprovides complete information about stuttering diseases. Bestcomprehensive overview covers the symptoms and treatment ofstuttering. This app has been developed for everyone, all topicshas been made to make it complete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. If youlike it please do share it with your friends and family.Application does not overload you with complicated medicalterminology, the language is clear and does not require anyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from stuttering.• definition, description of disease and symptoms sign.• what are the causes of stuttering and risk factors.• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for stuttering• easy to read and download & beautiful full screenslideshows.• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updating localdatabases.• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates.• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp.• 100% Free !!! anyway, this is a great worth app for yourheath.What to handle your heath from now on? Download this App now andlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from stuttering inyour family! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy! ^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains stuttering diseases information for knowledge ifyou need to apply then please contact to nearby doctor. Usefulinformation but is not a substitute for professional medicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have a medicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergency services.Before acting on any of the information in this application,consult with your doctor to make sure that it is right for you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, are notintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be used forinformation purposes only. This app can not and should not replacea pharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is only forpocket reference & educational purposes. Consult a doctorbefore actual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to email usabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. In caseyou face any problems do send us an email with information aboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fix itimmediately.
Herold Innere Medizin
Das DocCheck multeBook „Herold Innere Medizin“ist mehr als ein simples eBook: Es ist dynamisch & interaktivund erscheint kapitelweise. Als In-App Kauf oder über Downloadcodesdes DocCheck Shop könnt Ihr individuell einzelne Kapitelherunterladen oder per „Gesamtausgabe“ als Sammel-Downloadbeziehen.Erhältliche Kapitel:- Kardiologie (2017)- Stoffwechselkrankheiten (2017)- Gastroenterologie (2017)- Endokrinologie (2017)- Pneumologie (2017)- Hämatologie (2017)- Rheumatologie (2017)- Nephrologie (2017)- Angiologie (2017)- Infektiologie (2017)- Allgemein-medizinische Themen (2017)Das DocCheck multeBook „Herold Innere Medizin“ bietet einAll-in-One Lernerlebnis: Fundiertes Fachwissen ergänzt durchkontextrelevante multimediale Elemente.Neu ist auch der interdisziplinäre Ansatz: Interaktive Bildboxeneröffnen den Blick auf krankheitsrelevante Bilder u.a. ausEndoskopie, Ultraschall oder Pathologie. Schemazeichnungenerläutern Befunde und komplexe pathophysiologische Vorgänge.Die der Herold, das Standardwerk der Inneren Medizin, dasexamenswichtige „Fallstricke“ ebenso wie Evidence Based Medicineberücksichtigt und unverzichtbar zum Lernen und Nachschlagen fürÄrzte und Medizinstudenten ist.
Multimediale Ergänzung...
verleiht dem Herold einen komplett neuen Look:- Spannende Medizin-Bilder und -Videos: Für audio-visuellesLernen!- Ergänzende Volltextartikel und Links: ZurOnline-Wissensvertiefung!Praktische Tools...sorgen für bequemes Arbeiten mit dem Herold:- Inhaltsverzeichnis für direkte Navigation zu denUnterkapiteln- Volltextsuche und Online-Nachschlagefunktion- Lesezeichen einfügenDas DocCheck multeBook ist für die Nutzung mit Tablets (siebenZoll bis zehn Zoll), mindestens 1GB RAM und Smartphones optimiert.Die Verwendung der App mit anderen Android Geräten ist zwar auchmöglich, dabei ist aber mit Einschränkungen zu rechnen. Wirempfehlen folgende Geräte: Galaxy S6, HTC M8, Geräte ab Nexus 6,Samsung Galaxy Tab. Für eine reibungslose Nutzung ist dasBetriebssystem Android 4.4. zu empfehlen.Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt eine App zu liefern, die möglichstEuren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Bitte unterstützt uns bei derWeiterentwicklung von multeBook. Bei Fragen, Ideen oder technischenProblemen könnt ihr uns gerne kontaktieren:Tel: +49 221 92053 0Email: app-feedback@doccheck.comFacebook: Dank!The DocCheck multeBook"Herold Internal Medicine" is more than a simple eBook: It isdynamic and interactive and appears by chapter. As in-app purchaseor download codes of DocCheck Shop you can download or refer my"Complete Edition" as a collective download individualchapters.Available Chapter:- Cardiology (2017)- Metabolic Diseases (2017)- Gastroenterology (2017)- Endocrinology (2017)- Pneumology (2017)- Hematology (2017)- Rheumatology (2017)- Nephrology (2017)- Angiology (2017)- Infectious Diseases (2017)- General medical subjects (2017)The DocCheck multeBook "Herold Internal Medicine" offers anall-in-one learning experience: Established expertise complementedby contextually relevant multimedia elements.Another new feature is the interdisciplinary approach:Interactive image boxes open views of disease-relevant images amongothers from endoscopy, ultrasound and pathology. Diagramsillustrate findings and complex pathophysiological processes.The base the herald, the standard work of internal medicine, the examenimportant "gotchas" as well as evidence-based medicine intoconsideration and is vital to learning and looking for doctors andmedical students.Multimedia Supplements the herald a new look:- Exciting medical images and videos: For audio-visuallearning!- Additional full-text articles and links: online knowledgedeepening!Practical Tools ...ensure comfortable working with the Herald:- Table of Contents for direct navigation to subsections- Full text search and online Lookup- Insert bookmarkThe DocCheck multeBook is optimized for use with tablets (seveninches to ten inches), at least 1GB RAM and smartphones. Althoughthe use of the app with other Android devices is also possiblehere, however, is expected to restrictions. We recommend thefollowing devices: Galaxy S6, HTC M8, devices from Nexus 6, SamsungGalaxy Tab For proper use, the operating system Android 4.4.. torecommend.We have set a goal to provide us with an app that approximates yourneeds. Please support us in the further development of multeBook.If you have questions, ideas or technical problems you can contactus:Tel: +49 221 92053 0Email: app-feedback@doccheck.comFacebook: you so much!