3 SIDED CUBE ئاپەکان

Первая помощь – РКК 2.1
В приложении описаны основные действия пооказанию первой помощи пострадавшим. Быстрый доступ и простотаполучения жизненно важной информации позволяет сориентироваться вэкстренной ситуации, оказав адекватную первую помощь. Наличиеучебника с иллюстрациями и видео способствует заблаговременнойкачественной теоретической подготовке по первой помощи.• Учебник первой помощи.• Четко описанная последовательность действий на местепроисшествия.• Описаны большинство из возможных вариантов развития экстреннойситуации.• Большое количество иллустраций и видеоматериала.• при загрузке контента вы получаете мгновенный доступ ко всейинформации в любое время, даже без подключения к интернету.• Полученными при прохождении интерактивных тестов отметками можноделиться с друзьями и демонстрироватьThe appendix describesthe basic steps for first aid to victims. Quick and easy access tovital information allows you to navigate in an emergency, toprovide adequate first aid. Availability tutorial withillustrations and video quality contributes to advance theoreticaltraining in first aid.• Tutorial first aid.• clearly describe the sequence of actions at the scene.• describe most of the possible development of an emergency.• A large number of illustratsy and video.• When loading the content you get instant access to all theinformation at any time, even without an internet connection.• obtaining the passage of interactive test marks can be sharedwith your friends and show
Croix-Rouge Sénégalaise v2.0.3
Simple. Gratuit. Peut sauver une vie.L’application officielle de Premiers Secours de la Croix Rouge vousdonne un accès instantané aux informations dont vous avez besoinpour gérer au mieux les situations d’urgence les plus courantes.Cette application inclue des informations pour se prémunir etréagir contre la maladie à virus Ebola. Avec des vidéos, des jeuxinteractifs et des conseils qui vous guident pas-à-pas, il n’ajamais été aussi facile d’apprendre les techniques de PremiersSecours.• Des instructions faciles vous guident pas-à-pas au travers desituations courantes de premiers secours.• Apprenez à vous prémunir et réagir face aux urgences et au virusEbola.• Des vidéos et des animations permettent un apprentissage amusantet facile des techniques de premiers soins• Des conseils de sécurités vous aident à vous préparer pour toutesituation d’urgence, des tempêtes de neiges en passant par lesouragans, les tremblements de terre et les tornades.• Le contenu déjà programmé vous permet d’accéder immédiatement àtoutes les infos d’urgences, même sans connections ou réceptioninternet• Des tests interactifs vous permettent d’accumuler des badges quevous pouvez partager avec vos amis leur montrant vos connaissancesdes techniques de soins d’urgence.Simple. Free. Can save alife. The official application of First Aid Red Cross gives youinstant access to the information you need to better manage themost common emergencies. This application includes information andreact to guard against Ebola virus disease. With videos,interactive games and tips that step-by-step guide you, it's neverbeen easier to learn First Aid techniques.• Easy step-by-step guide you through common first aidsituations.• Learn how to protect yourself and respond to emergencies and theEbola virus.• Videos and animations allow a fun and easy learning first aidtechniques• The safety tips to help you prepare for any emergency, snowstorms through hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes.• The already programmed content gives you access immediately toall emergency information, even without Internet connections orreceive• Interactive tests allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends showing them your knowledge of emergency caretechniques.
Прва помош-Црвен крст на Р.М v2.0.3
Едноставна. Бесплатна. Може да спаси нечијживот. Оваа апликација за прва помош,Ви овозможува брз пристап доинформации кои Ви се потребни за да можете да укажете прва помошпри најчестите итни случаи во секојдневниот живот. Достапно намакедонски и англиски јазик.• Прирачник со чекор по чекор совети кои Ве водат низсекојдневните сценарија за укажување на прва помош• Целосно интегриран со бројот 194, кое овозможува да повикате Итнамедицинска помош користејќи ја апликацијата во секое време• Видеа и анимации кои овозможуваат да учењето на прва помош Вибиде забавно и лесно• Безбедносни совети за различни итни состојби кои ќе Ви помогнатда бидете подготвени за нив• Еднаш симнатата од интернет, апликацијта Ви овозможува моменталнокористење на информациите и без да имате интернет конекција• Интерактивните квизови Ви овозможуваат да го проверите стекнатотознаење• Достапно на македонски и англиски јазик
紅十字急救通 v2.0
意外總是意料之外。香港紅十字會推出的紅十字急救通,為你免費提供方便、簡明、符合紅十字會與紅新月會國際聯合會標準的急救知識,讓你學習應付日常生活常見的意外,救己救人。應用程式設有短片示範、互動急救小測驗,以及逐步指示的應急步驟,令你更容易掌握急救的知識。Accidents happen. The official Hong Kong Red Cross First Aid appgives you instant access to the information you need to handle themost common first aid emergencies, with standard accredited by theInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentSocieties.With videos, interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step advice,it’s never been easier to know first aid to help yourself andothers.Unexpected is alwaysexpected.Hong Kong Red Cross launched the Red Cross first aid through, foryour convenience to provide free, concise, consistent with theInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,the standard first aid knowledge, so that you learn to cope witheveryday life common accident, rescue had to save .Application has short demonstrations, interactive quizzes firstaid, and emergency step-step instructions, and make it easier foryou to master the knowledge of first aid.Accidents happen. The official Hong Kong Red Cross First Aid appgives you instant access to the information you need to handle themost common first aid emergencies, with standard accredited by theInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentSocieties.With videos, interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step advice,it's never been easier to know first aid to help yourself andothers.
Cruz Roja Panameña v2.0
Simple y gratuita, una aplicación desarrolladapor la Cruz Roja Panameña con el fin de orientales sobre qué haceren caso de accidente, enfermedades repentinas o fenómenos naturalesadversos. Incluye animaciones, videos de referencias, casos einformación general para aprender primeros auxilios desde tucelular.• Una guía paso a paso para poder aplicar los Primeros Auxiliosen situaciones de la vida cotidiana• Botones para llamar a los servicios de emergencias para cadasituación• Videos y animaciones para facilitar el aprendizaje• Guías de acciones en caso de terremotos, incendios, huracanes,epidemias, etc.• No se necesita una conexión de datos para acceder al contenido dela aplicaciónSimple and free, anapplication developed by the Panamanian Red Cross to Oriental onwhat to do in case of accident, sudden illness or adverse naturalphenomena. Includes animations, videos references, cases andgeneral information to learn first aid from your phone.• A step by step guide to applying First Aid in situations ofeveryday life• Buttons to call emergency services for every situation• Videos and animations to facilitate learning• Guide actions in case of earthquakes, fires, hurricanes,epidemics, etc.• a data connection is not required to access the applicationcontent
Primeros Auxilios Colombia v2.0.3
Simple y gratuita, una aplicación desarrolladapor la Cruz Roja Colombiana para saber qué hacer en caso de unaccidente y enfermedad. Incluye animaciones, videos, casos einformación general para aprender primeros auxilios desde tucelular.• Una guía paso a paso para poder aplicar los Primeros Auxiliosen situaciones de la vida cotidiana• Botones para llamar a los servicios de emergencias para cadasituación• Videos y animaciones para facilitar el aprendizaje• Guías de acciones en caso de terremotos, incendios, huracanes,epidemias, etc.• No se necesita una conexión de datos para acceder al contenido dela aplicaciónSimple and free, anapplication developed by the Colombian Red Cross for what to do incase of an accident and disease. It includes animations, videos,cases and general information to learn first aid from your phone.• A step by step guide to apply first aid in situations ofeveryday life• Buttons to call emergency services for every situation• Videos and animations to facilitate learning• Guidelines for actions in case of earthquakes, fires, hurricanes,epidemics, etc.• a data connection is not required to access the content of theapplication
Cruz Roja Argentina v2.0.3
Simple y gratuita, una aplicación desarrolladapor la Cruz Roja Argentina para saber qué hacer en caso de unaccidente, enfermedad o fenómeno natural adverso. Incluyeanimaciones, videos de referencias, casos e información generalpara aprender primeros auxilios desde tu celular.Características:• Una guía paso a paso para poder aplicar los Primeros Auxilios ensituaciones de la vida cotidiana• Videos y animaciones para facilitar el aprendizaje• Guías de acciones en caso de terremotos, incendios, huracanes,epidemias, etc.• No se necesita una conexión de datos para acceder al contenido dela aplicaciónSimple and free, anapplication developed by Argentina Red Cross for what to do in caseof an accident, illness or adverse natural phenomenon. Includesanimations, videos of references, cases and general information tolearn first aid from your phone.Features:• A step by step guide to apply First Aid situations of everydaylife• Videos and animations to facilitate learning• Guide Actions in case of earthquakes, fires, hurricanes,epidemics.• a data connection is needed to access the application content
Cruz Roja CR, cerca de Ud. v2.0.3
Desde su celular, de manera simple y gratuita,puede tener acceso a la aplicación de Cruz Roja Costarricense,conocer de primeros auxilios, qué hacer en caso de emergencias(antes, durante y después de un incidente), consejos importantes(inundaciones, temblores, qué hacer en carretera cuando circula unvehículo de emergencias), y estar informado de la programación denuestros procesos de capacitación, así como, cómo realizardonaciones y la adquisición de implementos para Primeros Auxilios.• Conocer “Quienes somos”• Una guía paso a paso para poder aplicar los Primeros Auxilios ensituaciones de la vida cotidiana• Botones para llamar a los servicios de emergencias para cadasituación (antes, durante y después de un incidente).• Guías de acciones en caso de temblores, inundaciones, derrumbes ydeslizamientos, etc.• Videos y animaciones para facilitar el aprendizaje• No se necesita una conexión de datos para acceder al contenido dela aplicación
Primeros Auxilios-Cruz Roja Do v2.0.3
Una aplicación desarrollada por la Cruz RojaDominicana para saber qué hacer en caso de un accidente, enfermedado fenómeno natural adverso. Incluye animaciones, videosreferencias, casos e información general para aprender primerosauxilios desde tu celular.• Una herramienta paso a paso para poder aplicar los PrimerosAuxilios en situaciones de la vida cotidiana• Botones para llamar a los servicios de emergencias para cadasituación• Videos y animaciones para facilitar el aprendizaje• Guías de acciones en caso de terremotos, incendios, huracanes,epidemias, etc.• No se necesita una conexión de datos para acceder al contenido dela aplicación• Una herramienta gratuita• Ayúdanos a llegar más lejosAn application developedby the Dominican Red Cross for what to do in case of an accident,illness or adverse natural phenomenon. Includes animations, videosreferences, cases and general information to learn first aid fromyour phone.• A tool step by step to apply First Aid in situations ofeveryday life• Buttons to call emergency services for every situation• Videos and animations to facilitate learning• Guide actions in case of earthquakes, fires, hurricanes,epidemics, etc.• a data connection is not required to access the applicationcontent• A free tool• Help us reach further
Croix-Rouge Malienne v2.0.3
Simple. Gratuit. Peut sauver une vie.L’application officielle de Premiers Secours de la Croix Rouge vousdonne un accès instantané aux informations dont vous avez besoinpour gérer au mieux les situations d’urgence les plus courantes.Cette application inclue des informations pour se prémunir etréagir contre la maladie à virus Ebola. Avec des vidéos, des jeuxinteractifs et des conseils qui vous guident pas-à-pas, il n’ajamais été aussi facile d’apprendre les techniques de premierssecours.•Des instructions faciles vous guident pas-à-pas au travers desituations courantes de premiers secours.•Apprenez à vous prémunir et réagir face aux urgences et au virusEbola.•Des vidéos et des animations permettent un apprentissage amusantet facile des techniques de premiers soins•Des conseils de sécurités vous aident à vous préparer pour toutesituation d’urgence, des tempêtes de neiges en passant par lesouragans, les tremblements de terre et les tornades.•Le contenu déjà programmé vous permet d’accéder immédiatement àtoutes les infos d’urgences, même sans connections ou réceptioninternet•Des tests interactifs vous permettent d’accumuler des badges quevous pouvez partager avec vos amis leur montrant vos connaissancesdes techniques de soins d’urgence.Simple. Free. Can save alife. The official application of First Aid Red Cross gives youinstant access to the information you need to better manage themost common emergencies. This application includes information andreact to guard against Ebola virus disease. With videos,interactive games and tips that step-by-step guide you, it's neverbeen easier to learn first aid techniques.• Easy step-by-step guide you through common first aidsituations.• Learn how to protect yourself and respond to emergencies and theEbola virus.• Videos and animations allow a fun and easy learning first aidtechniques• The safety tips to help you prepare for any emergency, snowstorms through hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes.• The already programmed content gives you access immediately toall emergency information, even without Internet connections orreceive• Interactive tests allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends showing them your knowledge of emergency caretechniques.
Hazards App by PRC v2.4.4
Cyclone, earthquake or flood -- the officialHazards app by Philippines Red Cross gives you instant access tothe information you need to know to prepare for and respond to theimpact of these hazards. Through an alert system feature and theability to monitor and track weather developments, the Hazard appallows users to prepare their homes and families for disasters,find help, and let others know they are safe even if the power isout. 
Developed for the Philippines market as part of a globalproject by the InternationalFederation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and Red Cross’Global DisasterPreparedness Centre the app features disaster preparednessguidelines, as well as early warning alerts.The Philippine Red Cross Hazards App keeps you informed on howto:• Assess your risks and prepare for an emergency• Reduce your risks in the home and the community• Take action in case of an emergency• Prepare for an emergency by learning emergency drills• Know how to respond to an emergency• Learn how to prepare your household for disasters andemergencies• Know how to make emergency and lifeline kits• Learn how to make a plan in case of emergencies• How to create an emergency communications plan• How to create a family or household evacuation plan• Respond to early warning systems
Cruz Roja Chilena v2.0.3
Simple y gratuita. Una innovadora aplicacióntelefónica desarrollada por Cruz Roja para saber qué hacer en casode un accidente, enfermedad o fenómeno natural adverso. Incluyevideos, fotografías referenciales, ilustraciones, ejemplos de casose información general para aprender primeros auxilios desde elcelular.Características:• Una guía paso a paso para poder aplicar los Primeros Auxiliosen situaciones de la vida cotidiana• Botones para llamar a los servicios de emergencias para cadasituación• Videos para facilitar el aprendizaje de los Primeros AuxiliosBásicos• No se necesita una conexión de datos para acceder al contenido dela aplicaciónSimple and free. Aninnovative phone application developed by Red Cross for what to doin case of an accident, illness or adverse natural phenomenon.Includes videos, reference photographs, illustrations, caseexamples and general information to learn first aid from the cell.Features:• A step by step guide to applying First Aid in situations ofeveryday life• Buttons to call emergency services for every situation• Videos to facilitate learning Basic First Aid• a data connection is not required to access the applicationcontent
First Aid Singapore Red Cross v2.0.3
Simple. Free. It can save a life. The officialSingapore Red Cross First Aid app gives you instant access to theinformation you need to know to handle the most common first aidemergencies. With videos, interactive quizzes and simplestep-by-step advice it's never been easier to know first aid.
Cruz Roja Venezolana - P.A. v2.0
Sencilla y gratuita, una aplicacióndesarrollada por Cruz Roja Venezolana para contar con elconocimiento y saber actuar en situaciones de emergencia. Allíencontraras animaciones, videos, casos de emergencia e informacióngeneral para el aprendizaje de primeros auxilios desde tu teléfono• Guía practica para el aprendizaje de los primeros auxilios ensituaciones de la vida diaria• Videos y animaciones para facilitar el aprendizaje• No se necesita una conexión de datos para acceder al contenido dela aplicación• Links de acceso directo a llamadas de emergencia• Guía de cómo responder ante situaciones de emergencia y desastresnaturalesSimple and free, anapplication developed by Venezuelan Red Cross to have the knowledgeand know how to act in emergency situations. There you will findanimations, videos, emergencies and general information forlearning first aid from your phone• Practical guide for learning first aid in situations ofeveryday life• Videos and animations to facilitate learning• a data connection is not required to access the content of theapplication• Links for direct access to emergency calls• Guide on how to respond to emergencies and natural disasters
Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana 2.1
Simple y gratuita, una aplicación desarrolladapor Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana para saber qué hacer en caso de unaccidente, enfermedad o fenómeno natural adverso. Incluyeanimaciones, videos referencias, casos e información general paraaprender primeros auxilios desde tu celular.• Una guía paso a paso para aplicar los Primeros Auxilios ensituaciones de la vida cotidiana• Botones para llamar a los servicios de emergencias para cadasituación• Videos y animaciones para facilitar el aprendizaje• Guías de acciones en caso de terremotos, incendios, huracanes,epidemias, etc.• No se necesita una conexión de datos para acceder al contenido dela aplicaciónSimple and free, anapplication developed by Ecuadorian Red Cross for what to do incase of an accident, illness or adverse natural phenomenon.Includes animations, videos references, cases and generalinformation to learn first aid from your phone.• A step by step guide to apply First Aid in situations of everydaylife• Buttons to call emergency services for every situation• Videos and animations to facilitate learning• Guide actions in case of earthquakes, fires, hurricanes,epidemics, etc.• a data connection is not required to access the applicationcontent
PMI-FirstAid v2.0.3
Aplikasi ini dibuat oleh PMI dan digunakanuntuk membantu masyarakat melakukan pertolongan pertama. Informasiyang diberikan secara bertahap sehingga mudah untuk dipahami.This application is madeby PMI and are used to help people in first aid. The informationprovided in stages so it is easy to understand.
Croiz-Rouge Togolaise v2.0.3
Simple. Gratuit. Peut sauver une vie.L’application officielle de Premiers Soins de la Croix Rouge vousdonne un accès instantané aux informations dont vous avez besoinpour gérer au mieux les situations d’urgences les plus courantes.Cette application inclue des infos pour se prémunir et réagircontre le virus Ebola. Avec des vidéos, des jeux interactifs et desconseils qui vous guident pas-à-pas, il n’a jamais été aussi faciled’apprendre les techniques de Premiers Secours.• Des instructions faciles vous guident pas-à-pas au travers desituations courantes de premiers secours.• Apprenez à vous prémunir et réagir face aux urgences et au virusEbola.• Des vidéos et des animations permettent un apprentissage amusantet facile des techniques de premiers soins• Des conseils de sécurités vous aident à vous préparer pour toutesituation d’urgence, des tempêtes de neiges en passant par lesouragans, les tremblements de terre et les tornades.• Le contenu déjà programmé vous permet d’accéder immédiatement àtoutes les infos d’urgences, même sans connections ou réceptioninternet• Des tests interactifs vous permettent d’accumuler des badges quevous pouvez partager avec vos amis leur montrant vos connaissancesdes techniques de soins d’urgence.Simple. Free. Can save alife. The official application of the Red Cross First Care givesyou instant access to the information you need to best manage themost common emergency situations. This application includesinformation and react to guard against Ebola. With videos,interactive games and tips that step-by-step guide you, it's neverbeen easier to learn First Aid techniques.• Easy step-by-step guide you through common first aidsituations.• Learn how to protect yourself and respond to emergencies and theEbola virus.• Videos and animations allow a fun and easy learning first aidtechniques• The safety tips to help you prepare for any emergency, snowstorms through hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes.• The already programmed content gives you access immediately toall emergency information, even without Internet connections orreceive• Interactive tests allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends showing them your knowledge of emergency caretechniques.
First Aid - Kenya Red Cross 2.1
Emergency situations are inevitable, that'swhy you need an app that can guide you in performing basic first asyou wait for professional help to arrive. The Kenya Red Cross FirstAid app highlights common emergencies and the actions to take, stepby step so as to save lives.
Siaga Bencana v2.4.4
Angin Puting Beliung, gempa bumi ataupunbanjir -Memberikan Anda akses cepat ke informasi yang perlu Anda ketahuiuntuk mempersiapkan dan menanggapi dampak bahaya Angin PutingBeliung, gempa bumi ataupun banjir termasuk didalamnya bagaimanamenyiapkan tas siaga. Aplikasi ini sangat berguna untuk anda dankeluarga anda.Wind tornado, earthquakeor flood -Gives you instant access to the information you need to know toprepare for and respond to the impact of hazards tornado winds,earthquakes or floods including how to set up a standby bag. Thisapplication is very useful for you and your family.
Croix-Rouge Côte d'Ivoire v1.5.1
Simple. Gratuit. Peut sauver une vie.L’application officielle de Premiers Soins de la Croix Rouge vousdonne un accès instantané aux informations dont vous avez besoinpour gérer au mieux les situations d’urgences les plus courantes.Cette application inclue des infos pour se prémunir et réagircontre le virus Ebola. Avec des vidéos, des jeux interactifs et desconseils qui vous guident pas-à-pas, il n’a jamais été aussi faciled’apprendre les techniques de Premiers Secours.• Des instructions faciles vous guident pas-à-pas au travers desituations courantes de premiers secours.• Apprenez à vous prémunir et réagir face aux urgences et au virusEbola.• Des vidéos et des animations permettent un apprentissage amusantet facile des techniques de premiers soins• Des conseils de sécurités vous aident à vous préparer pour toutesituation d’urgence, des tempêtes de neiges en passant par lesouragans, les tremblements de terre et les tornades.• Le contenu déjà programmé vous permet d’accéder immédiatement àtoutes les infos d’urgences, même sans connections ou réceptioninternet• Des tests interactifs vous permettent d’accumuler des badges quevous pouvez partager avec vos amis leur montrant vos connaissancesdes techniques de soins d’urgence.Simple. Free. Can save alife. The official application of the Red Cross First Care givesyou instant access to the information you need to best manage themost common emergency situations. This application includesinformation and react to guard against Ebola. With videos,interactive games and tips that step-by-step guide you, it's neverbeen easier to learn First Aid techniques.• Easy step-by-step guide you through common first aidsituations.• Learn how to protect yourself and respond to emergencies and theEbola virus.• Videos and animations allow a fun and easy learning first aidtechniques• The safety tips to help you prepare for any emergency, snowstorms through hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes.• The already programmed content gives you access immediately toall emergency information, even without Internet connections orreceive• Interactive tests allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends showing them your knowledge of emergency caretechniques.
Ελληνικός Ερυθρός Σταυρός v2.0.3
Η Εφαρμογή Πρώτων Βοηθειών του ΤομέαΣαμαρειτών, Διασωστών και Ναυαγοσωστών του Ελληνικού ΕρυθρούΣταυρού, σου παρέχει άμεσα οπτικοακουστικές οδηγίες ώστε ναδιαχειριστείς με ασφάλεια και αποτελεσματικά τα πιο κοινά επείγονταπεριστατικά, σύμφωνα με τις διεθνείς κατευθυντήριες οδηγίες πρώτωνβοηθειών και αναζωογόνησης της Διεθνούς Ομοσπονδίας Ερυθρού Σταυρούκαι Ερυθράς Ημισελήνου(IFRC).■ Απλές οπτικοακουστικές οδηγίες, βήμα προς βήμα, σε καθοδηγούννα μάθεις και να αντιμετωπίζεις με ασφάλεια καθημερινά επείγονταπεριστατικά.■ Πλήρως συμβατή εφαρμογή με τον Ευρωπαϊκό Αριθμό Έκτακτης Ανάγκης112, αλλά και με τους 3ψήφιους αριθμούς της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας,της Πυροσβεστικής Υπηρεσίας, του Εθνικού Κέντρου Άμεσης Βοήθειας(ΕΚΑΒ) και του Λιμενικού Σώματος ώστε να μπορείς να καλέσεις σεβοήθεια ανά πάσα στιγμή και χωρίς να εγκαταλείψεις τηνεφαρμογή.■ Βίντεο και κινούμενα σχέδια κάνουν τη μάθηση των πρώτων βοηθειώνδιασκεδαστική, εύκολη και κατανοητή.■ Συμβουλέψου την εφαρμογή και προετοιμάσου αποτελεσματικά, σχεδόν,για κάθε περίπτωση ατυχήματος ή έκτακτης ανάγκης. Ακραία καιρικάφαινόμενα, τροχαίο ατύχημα, σεισμό, ασφάλεια τροφίμων, ασφάλειακατοικίδιων, ασφάλεια στο νερό κ.α.■ Με προ-εγκατεστημένο περιεχόμενο στη συσκευή σου μπορείς να έχειςάμεση πρόσβαση σε όλες τις πληροφορίες, ανά πάσα στιγμή, ακόμη καιχωρίς σύνδεση στο Internet.■ Διαδραστικά τεστ σου επιτρέπουν να δοκιμάσεις τις γνώσεις σαςστις πρώτες βοήθειες, να ξεκλειδώσεις τα ειδικά σήματα και νακοινοποιήσεις στους φίλους σου.■ Λειτουργία Cross Border - Παροχή χρήσιμων πληροφοριών και άμεσηπρόσβαση στους εθνικούς τηλεφωνικούς αριθμούς έκτακτης ανάγκης ενώταξιδεύεις στο εξωτερικό.■ Μέσω της εφαρμογής μπορείς επίσης:να επικοινωνήσεις μαζί μας, να δηλώσεις συμμετοχή σε ένα από ταπιστοποιημένα σεμινάρια πρώτων βοηθειών του Ελληνικού ΕρυθρούΣταυρού, να υποστηρίξεις το έργο μας, αλλά και να μας στείλεις τηδική σου ιστορία!The Application First AidSector Samaritans, Rescuers and Lifeguards of the Greek Red Cross,provides you direct audiovisual instructions to manage safely andefficiently the most common emergencies, in accordance withinternational guidelines for first aid and resuscitation of theInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies(IFRC).■ Simple audiovisual instructions, step by step, to guide and tolearn to face with daily safety emergencies.■ Fully compatible application with the European emergency number112, and the 3-digit numbers of the Greek Police, Fire Service, theNational Centre for Emergency (Ambulance) and the Coast Guard sothat you can call for help at any time and without to abandon theapplication.■ Videos and animations make learning first aid fun, easy andunderstandable.■ Consult the application and get ready efficiently almost anyaccident or emergency. Extreme weather, traffic accident,earthquake, food safety, pet safety, water safety etc.■ With pre-installed content on your device you can have immediateaccess to all information at all times, even without an Internetconnection.■ Interactive tests allow you to test your knowledge in first aid,can unlock the specific signals and notifications to yourfriends.■ Operation Cross Border - Providing useful information and directaccess to the national emergency telephone numbers while travelingabroad.■ Through the application you can also:To contact us, to register in one of the certified first aidcourses of Greek Red Cross can support our work, and to send usyour own story!
First Aid by Malta Red Cross v2.0
Simple. Free. It can save a life. The officialMalta Red Cross First Aid app gives you instant access to theinformation you need to know to handle the most common first aidemergencies. With videos, interactive quizzes and simplestep-by-step advice it’s never been easier to learn first aid.Features:• Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through everyday firstaid scenarios.• Fully integrated with112 so you can call the Emergency MedicalServices from the app at any time.• Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.• Safety tips available to help you prepare for emergencies.• Preloaded content means you have instant access to all safetyinformation at anytime, even without reception or an Internetconnection.• Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.
Ứng dụng hiểm họa cho Việt Nam v2.4
Mô tả: bão , động đất hoặc lũ lụt - chính thức[Ứng dụng đa hiểm họa cho Việt Nam của Hội Chữ thập đỏ Việt Nam]cung cấp cho bạn truy cập nhanh đến thông tin mà bạn cần biết đểchuẩn bị và ứng phó với tác động của các hiểm họa này. Thông quatính năng hệ thống cảnh báo và khả năng giám sát và theo dõi diễnbiến thời tiết, Ứng dụng đa hiểm họa cho Việt Nam của Hội Chữ thậpđỏ Việt Nam cho phép người sử dụng chuẩn bị cho gia đình của họtrước thiên tai, tìm sự giúp đỡ, và báo cho người khác biết rằng họđang an toàn ngay cả khi mất điện.Phát triển cho thị trường [Việt Nam] như là một phần của một dựán toàn cầu của Trung tâm phòng ngừa thảm họa toàn cầu thuộc Hiệphội chữ thập đỏ và trăng lưỡi liềm đỏ quốc tế cung cấp các hướngdẫn phòng chống thiên tai, cũng như cảnh báo cảnh báo sớm dựa trêndữ liệu của NOAA và USGS, và các thông tin thời gian thực từ Trungtâm khí tượng thủy văn Quốc gia Việt Nam.Description: hurricanes,earthquakes or floods - Official [Application of multi-peril forVietnam's Red Cross Vietnam] gives you instant access to theinformation you need to know to prepare for and respond the impactof these threats. Through features warning systems and the abilityto monitor and track the weather, multi-hazard applications toVietnam by Vietnam Red Cross allows users to prepare their familiesbefore the disaster ear, seek help, and tell others that they aresafe even when a power failure.Market development [Vietnam] as part of a global project of theCenter for Global disaster Association and Red Cross Red CrescentInternational provides disaster prevention guidelines as well asearly warning alerts based on data from NOAA and USGS, and thereal-time information from the Centre National HydrometeorologicalVietnam.
RNLI Beach Finder v1.3
With the RNLI Beach Finder, you can easilysearch the UK for lifeguarded beaches, to make sure your friendsand family have a safe and fun trip to the coast this summer.Flick through local beaches- Search the UK for beaches with lifeguards using our innovativeinformation boards- View photos and beach descriptions, lifeguard season dates andpatrol times, and local hazard information- See live weather and a five-day forecast so you can plan inadvance or visit on the day- Check Good Beach Guide water quality ratings from the MarineConservation SocietySend virtual postcards- Visit a beach and love it? Save it as a favourite and send thepostcard to your friendsTest your knowledge- Complete our beach quizzes to collect and share badges with yourfriendsSandcastle competition- Enter the RNLI's free sandcastle competition when you visit anybeach to win a prize!
First Aid Zimbabwe Red Cross v2.0.3
Simple. Free. It can save a life. The officialZimbabwe Red Cross Society First Aid app gives you instant accessto the information you need to know to handle the most common firstaid emergencies. With videos, interactive quizzes and simplestep-by-step advice it’s never been easier to know first aid.Features:• Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through everyday firstaid scenarios.• Fully integrated with 911 so you can call EMS from the app at anytime.• Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.• Safety tips for everything, from severe winter weather tohurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes help you prepare foremergencies.• Preloaded content means you have instant access to all safetyinformation at anytime, even without reception or an Internetconnection.• Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.
Bahamas FA v2.0
Simple. Free. It can save a life. The officialBahamas Red Cross First Aid app gives you instant access to theinformation you need to know to handle the most common first aidemergencies. With videos, interactive quizzes and simplestep-by-step advice it’s never been easier to know First Aid.• Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through everydayfirst aid scenarios.• Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.• Safety tips for everything, from severe winter weather tohurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes help you prepare foremergencies.• Preloaded content means you have instant access to all safetyinformation at anytime, even without reception or an Internetconnection.• Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.
First Aid by Uganda Red Cross v2.0.3
Simple. Free. It can make the differencebetween life and death. The official Uganda Red Cross First Aid appgives you instant access to the information you need to know tohandle the most common first aid emergencies. Interactive andsimple step-by-step advice means every one can give first aid.Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.Developed and adapted to the Uganda health context as part of aglobal project by the International Federation of Red Cross and RedCrescent societies and Red Cross’ Global Disaster PreparednessCentre the APP features up to date CPR and First Aidguidelines.

First Aid PH 2.1
It is the first in the Philippines in helpingto save lives. Volunteers + Logistics + Information Technology =Philippine Red Cross that is Always first, Always Ready, AlwaysThere. The Application gives you instant access to pertinent neededto handle common first aid emergencies.•Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through everyday firstaid scenarios.•Fully integrated with 143 so you can call EMS from the app at anytime.•Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.• Safety tips for every emergencies that we may encounter.•Preloaded content means you have instant access to all safetyinformation at anytime, even without reception or an Internetconnection.•Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.
Қызыл Ай v1.5.1
Қарапайым да тегін. Алған біліміңіз адамөмірсақтап сақтап қалуға көмектеседі.Қазақстан Айының ресми қосымшасы алғашқы жәрдемді қалайберугесептігін тигізеді. Сіз төтенше жағдайларда зәбір шегушігеалғашқыжәрдем бере аласыз. Алғашқы жәрдемді беру дағдыларын игеругебейнетаспаны пайдалана отырып қажет нұсқауларды игерудің көмегікөп.• Алғашқы жәрдем берудің нұсқаулары• Бейне таспа мен анимация материалды жақсыигеругекөмектеседі.• Барлық жағдайлар үшін қауіпсіздік туралы кеңестер: күрделіауарайы мен төтенше жағдайларға дейін.• Интернетке қосылмай-ақ контент арқылы тез ақпараттаралааласыз.• Интерактивті тесттер өткізудегі тәжірибеңіздідостарыңызбенбөлісіңіз.
Ubutabazi na Croix-Rouge v1.5.1
Biroroshye. Ni ubuntu. Bishoboragukizaubuzima. Porogaramu y’ ubutabazi ya Croix-Rouge y’ u Rwandaiguhaamahirwe yo kubona amakuru y’ ingenzi ukeneye kugirangougireubumenyi bwo gutanga ubutabazi bw’ ibanze ku bibazoby’ubuzimabiboneka kenshi mu buzima bwa buri munsi.Hakoreshejweudufirime,ibibazo n’ inama , intambwe ku ntambwe, kumenyaubutabazibyarorohejwe cyane.• Amabwiriza yoroshye, intambwe ku ntambwe, akuyobora ukowatangaubutabazi bw’ ibanze ku bibazo by’ ubuzima bya burimunsi.• Mu bufatanye na SAMU, ushora guhamagara nomero y’ubutabaziitishyurwa 912.• Udufirime n’ amashusho byoroshya cyane uburyo bwo kwiga.• Inama zitandukanye mu butabazi, zifasha mu kwiteguraguhanganan’ ibibazo bitandukanye kuva ku mpanuka nto zo mu buzimabwa burimunsi ku gera kubibazo bokomeye by’ Ibiza bikomeye nk’imitingito,inkangu, inkongi.• Ushyize porogaramu kuri telephone yawe, ubaushoborakuyikoresha igihe cyose naho waba udafite interineti.• N’ ibibazo biteguye neza ubuna amashimwe ushoborakwerekainshuti zawe ukazihamiriza ubumenyi bwawe mu butabazi.
Antigua & Barbuda RC First Aid v2.0
The Antigua & Barbuda First Aid Appwillprovide you with readily available information about “LifeSavingTechniques” to be used in times of First Aid emergencies. Ithasvideos, quizzes, Red Cross information and volunteeropportunities,blood drives and Red Cross basic training.Videos and animations on Step-by-step guide to care forpersonswith life-threatening conditions. Developed for the Antigua&Barbuda population, as part of the global project bytheInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescentsocietiesand Red Cross’ Global Disaster Preparedness Center, theAPPfeatures up-to- date CPR and First Aid guidelines.
Be Ready by Canadian Red Cross v2.4
House fires, floods, power outages, and evencatastrophic earthquakes – whatever the disaster, the officialCanadian Red Cross BeReady app gives users instant access to theinformation needed in order to prepare for different emergencysituations and to take action when a disaster strikes.Working closely with the Weather Network, the app features an alertsystem and the ability to monitor and track weather developments,allowing users to prepare their homes and families for disasters.• Receive geo-targeted notifications for a range of hazards.• Practical and useful preparedness information for a range ofdisasters and emergencies.• Access to in-app information anytime, anywhere even withoutreception or an internet connection.• Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you canshare with your friends and colleagues.• Toolkit with additional features e.g. flashlight, strobe, andsiren.
Hazards - Trinidad Red Cross v2.3.1
Trinidad & Tobago Red CrossMulti-HazardsAppThe official disaster preparedness app of the Trinidad andTobagoRed Cross Society. We bring you important, local,preparednessinformation for Earthquakes, Floods and Hurricanes.Our app givesyou instant access to the information you need toknow to preparefor disaster scenarios and to take action when adisasterstrikes.Featuring an alert system, we give you the ability to monitorandtrack weather and get up to the minute information ondevelopingincidents in your community.Developed for Trinidad & Tobago as part of a globalprojectby the International Federation of Red Cross and RedCrescentSocieties and the Red Cross’ Global DisasterPreparednessCentre.
MRCS Multi-Hazard Application v2.4.2
"ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံၾကက္္ေျခနီအသင္းသည္လူမႈကရုဏာလုပ္ငန္းမ်ားေဆာင္ရြက္ရာတြင္အစိုးရမဟုတ္ေသာအဖြဲ႕အစည္းမ်ားအၾကား သက္တမ္းအၾကာရွည္ဆံုးႏွင့္ ဦးေဆာင္ဦးရြက္ျပဳေနသည့္အဖြဲ႕အစည္းတစ္ခုျဖစ္ၿပီးျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံတြင္းရွိေဘးအႏၱရာယ္က်ေရာက္လြယ္ေသာျပည္သူလူထု၏က်န္းမာေရး တိုးတက္ေကာင္းမြန္ေစရန္ ႏွင့္ပိုမုိေကာင္းမြန္ေသာလူမႈဘ၀မ်ားပိုင္ဆိုင္ေစရန္ၾကိဳးပမ္းကူညီေဆာင္ရြက္လ်က္ရွိသည္။ ၁၉၃၇ ခုႏွစ္၌ စတင္တည္ေထာင္ခဲ့ေသာျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံၾကက္ေျခနီအသင္းသည္ႏိုင္ငံတစ္၀န္းတြင္လူထုအေျချပဳက်န္းမာေရးေစာင့္ေရွာက္ေရး၊ေဘးဒုကၡဆိုင္ရာလုပ္ငန္းမ်ားစီမံခန္႕ခြဲေရး အစရွိသည့္လုပ္ငန္းမ်ားေဆာင္ရြက္သကဲ့သို႕လူမႈကရုဏာလုပ္ငန္းမ်ား၏ေကာင္းက်ိဳးကိုအမ်ားသိရွိေစရန္လည္းလုပ္ေဆာင္သည့္အဖဲြ႕အစည္းျဖစ္သည္။အသင္းႀကီးသည္ ႏွစ္စဥ္ပ်မ္းမ်ွအားျဖင့္ လူဦးေရ ငါးသိန္း ( ၅၀၀၀၀၀ )ေက်ာ္ခန္႕အတြက္ လူမႈကရုဏာအကူအညီမ်ားေပးအပ္လ်က္ရွိပါသည္။ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံၾကက္္ေျခနီအသင္းသည္လူမႈကရုဏာလုပ္ငန္းမ်ားေဆာင္ရြက္ရာတြင္အစိုးရမဟုတ္ေသာအဖြဲ႕အစည္းမ်ားအၾကား သက္တမ္းအၾကာရွည္ဆံုးႏွင့္ ဦးေဆာင္ဦးရြက္ျပဳေနသည့္အဖြဲ႕အစည္းတစ္ခုျဖစ္ၿပီးျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံတြင္းရွိေဘးအႏၱရာယ္က်ေရာက္လြယ္ေသာျပည္သူလူထု၏က်န္းမာေရး တိုးတက္ေကာင္းမြန္ေစရန္ ႏွင့္ပိုမုိေကာင္းမြန္ေသာလူမႈဘ၀မ်ားပိုင္ဆိုင္ေစရန္ၾကိဳးပမ္းကူညီေဆာင္ရြက္လ်က္ရွိသည္။ ၁၉၃၇ ခုႏွစ္၌ စတင္တည္ေထာင္ခဲ့ေသာျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံၾကက္ေျခနီအသင္းသည္ႏိုင္ငံတစ္၀န္းတြင္လူထုအေျချပဳက်န္းမာေရးေစာင့္ေရွာက္ေရး၊ေဘးဒုကၡဆိုင္ရာလုပ္ငန္းမ်ားစီမံခန္႕ခြဲေရး အစရွိသည့္လုပ္ငန္းမ်ားေဆာင္ရြက္သကဲ့သို႕လူမႈကရုဏာလုပ္ငန္းမ်ား၏ေကာင္းက်ိဳးကိုအမ်ားသိရွိေစရန္လည္းလုပ္ေဆာင္သည့္အဖဲြ႕အစည္းျဖစ္သည္။အသင္းႀကီးသည္ ႏွစ္စဥ္ပ်မ္းမ်ွအားျဖင့္ လူဦးေရ ငါးသိန္း ( ၅၀၀၀၀၀ )ေက်ာ္ခန္႕အတြက္ လူမႈကရုဏာအကူအညီမ်ားေပးအပ္လ်က္ရွိပါသည္။"
Croix-Rouge Camerounaise v2.0
Simple. Gratuit. Peut sauver unevie.L’application officielle de Premiers Soins de la Croix Rougevousdonne un accès instantané aux informations dont vous avezbesoinpour gérer au mieux les situations d’urgences les pluscourantes.Cette application inclue des infos pour se prémunir etréagircontre le virus Ebola. Avec des vidéos, des jeux interactifset desconseils qui vous guident pas-à-pas, il n’a jamais été aussifaciled’apprendre les techniques de premiers secours.• Des instructions faciles vous guident pas-à-pas au traversdesituations courantes de premiers secours.• Apprenez à vous prémunir et réagir face aux urgences et auvirusEbola.• Des vidéos et des animations permettent un apprentissageamusantet facile des techniques de premiers soins• Des conseils de sécurités vous aident à vous préparer pourtoutesituation d’urgence, des tempêtes de neiges en passant parlesouragans, les tremblements de terre et les tornades.• Le contenu déjà programmé vous permet d’accéder immédiatementàtoutes les infos d’urgences, même sans connections ouréceptioninternet• Des tests interactifs vous permettent d’accumuler des badgesquevous pouvez partager avec vos amis leur montrant vosconnaissancesdes techniques de soins d’urgence.Simple. Free. Can savealife. The official application of the Red Cross First Caregivesyou instant access to the information you need to best managethemost common emergency situations. This applicationincludesinformation and react to guard against Ebola. Withvideos,interactive games and tips that step-by-step guide you, it'sneverbeen easier to learn first aid techniques.• Easy step-by-step guide you through common firstaidsituations.• Learn how to protect yourself and respond to emergencies andtheEbola virus.• Videos and animations allow a fun and easy learning firstaidtechniques• The safety tips to help you prepare for any emergency, snowstormsthrough hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes.• The already programmed content gives you access immediately toallemergency information, even without Internet connectionsorreceive• Interactive tests allow you to earn badges that you can sharewithyour friends showing them your knowledge of emergencycaretechniques.
معاً لسلامتك v2.4.4
زلزال، حرائق أو فيضانات - التطبيق الرسمي منجمعية الهلال الاحمر العراقي يتيح لك الوصول الفوري إلى المعلوماتالتي تحتاج إلى معرفته لإعداد والاستجابة لتأثير هذه المخاطر. من خلالميزة نظام التنبيه والتحذير، هذا التطبيق يسمح للمستخدمين لإعدادمنازلهم وعائلاتهم في حالة حدوث كوارث، والعثور على مساعدة، وتدعالآخرين يعرفون أنها آمنة.• تلقي الإخطارات-الجغرافية المستهدفة لمجموعة من المخاطر• رصد موقعك الحالي و 5 آخرين• رصد المواقع من الأهل والأصدقاء• معلومات عملية ومفيدة للتأهب لمجموعة من المخاطر• إرسال رسالة """" أنا بأمان """"• الوصول إلى المعلومات في التطبيق في أي وقت، في أي مكان حتى من دوناستقبال أو اتصال بالإنترنت• اختبارات تفاعلية تسمح لك لكسب وتطوير المعلومات التي يمكنكمشاركتها مع أصدقائك وزملائك.• أدوات مع ميزات إضافية مثل ضوء اشارة، ضوء متقطع للتنبية، وصفاراتالإنذار .Earthquake, fires orfloods - the formal application from the Iraqi Red Crescent Societygives you instant access to the information they need to know toprepare and respond to the impact of these risks. Through the alarmand warning system feature, this application allows users to set uptheir homes and their families in the event of a disaster, and findhelp and let others know they are safe.• receive notifications of geo-targeted to a range ofrisks• Monitor your current location and 5 others• monitoring sites from friends and family• practical and useful information to prepare for a range ofrisks• Send Message "" "" I'm safe "" ""• Access to information in the application at any time, anywhereeven without reception or Internet connection• interactive tests allow you to earn and develop the informationthat you can share with your friends and colleagues.• Tools with additional features such as signal light, intermittentalarm, and siren.
کمک های اولیه هلال احمر ایران 2.1
آسان. رایگان. نجات جان افراد. نرم افزار کمکهای اولیه هلال احمر ایران اطلاعات موردنیاز جهت ارائه کمک های اولیهدر مواقع اضطراری را در اختیار کاربر قرار می دهد. با استفاده ازویدئو آموزشی، آزمون و توصیه های گام به گام، یادگیری کمک های اولیههرگز آسان تر از این نبوده است.دستورالعمل های ساده گام به گام راهنمایی های لازم در رابطه با کمکهای اولیه در اختیار شما قرار می دهد. ویدئوها و انیمیشن ها یادگیریکمک های اولیه را آسان و جذاب می کند. نکات ایمنی راجع به همه چیز، ازآب و هوای زمستانی شدید و طاقت فرسا گرفته تا توفان های دریایی، زلزلهو تندبادها، به آمادگی در برابر سوانح کمک خواهد کرد. محتوی آموزشینرم افزار دست رسی سریع به اطلاعات مورد نیاز را در هر زمان، بدوننیاز به برقراری ارتباط با اینترنت را فراهم می کند. آزمون های طراحیشده امکان در اختیار گذاشتن گذاشتن آموزه های کمک های اولیه را بادوستان فراهم می نماید.
Ghana First Aid v2.0
Simple. Free. It can save a life. TheofficialRed Cross First Aid app gives you instant access to theinformationyou need to know to handle the most common first aidemergencies.The app includes content on preparing and responding tothe Ebolavirus. With videos, interactive quizzes and simplestep-by-stepadvice it’s never been easier to know first aid.• Simple step-by-step instructions guide you througheverydayfirst aid scenarios.• Learn and emergency content for preparing and responding totheEbola virus.• Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.• Safety tips for everything, from severe winter weathertohurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes help you prepareforemergencies.• Preloaded content means you have instant access to allsafetyinformation at any time, even without reception or anInternetconnection.• Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you cansharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.
First Aid by Irish Red Cross v2.0.3
Simple. Free. It can save a life. TheofficialIrish Red Cross First Aid app gives you instant access totheinformation you need to know to handle the most common firstaidemergencies. With videos, interactive quizzes andsimplestep-by-step advice it’s never been easier to know first aid.Features:• Simple step-by-step instructions guide you througheverydayfirst aid scenarios.• Fully integrated with 112 (the EU emergency phone number), soyoucan contact an Ambulance, the Fire Brigade, the Gardai, ortheCoast Guard directly from the app.• Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.• Safety tips for everything, from severe winter weathertohurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes help you prepareforemergencies.• Preloaded content means you have instant access to allsafetyinformation at anytime, even without reception or anInternetconnection.• Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you cansharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge."
الإسعاف الأولي v2.0.3
تطبيق سهل ومجاني. يمكن أن ينقذ حياة.هذاالتطبيق مبني على منهاج الإسعاف الأولي في الهلال الأحمرالعربيالسوريو يتيح لك الوصول الفوري إلى المعلومات التي تحتاج إلىمعرفتهاللتعامل مع حالات الطوارئ والإسعافات الأولية الأكثر شيوعا معفيديو،واختبارات تفاعلية وبسيطة تعليمية خطوة بخطوة لمعرفة أسهلللإسعافاتالأولية.الميزات:- تعليمات بسيطة خطوة بخطوة لتكون دليلكم من خلالسيناريوهاتالإسعافات الأولية اليومية.- متكاملة تماما مع رقم الطوارئ المجاني 133 حتى تتمكن مناستدعاءسيارة الإسعاف من التطبيق في أي وقت.- الفيديو والرسوم المتحركة تجعل التعلم متعة أولالمساعداتوسهلة.- نصائح السلامة في كل شيء، من الطقس القاسي في فصل الشتاءللزلازلتساعدك على التحضير لحالات الطوارئ.- محتوى محمل داخل التطبيق, يعني أن لديك إمكانية الوصول الفوريإلىكافة المعلومات المتعلقة بالسلامة في أي وقت، حتى من دون استقبالأواتصال الإنترنت.- الاختبارات التفاعلية تسمح لك لكسب شارات التي يمكنك مشاركتهامعأصدقائك واظهار المعرفة المنقذة للحياة الخاصة بك.Application easy andfree.Can save lives. This application is built on a platform offirst aidin Crescent Alahmrarab Syrian and gives you instantaccess to theinformation they need to know to deal withemergencies and first aidwith the most common video, andinteractive tests and educationalsimple step by step to see easierfor first aid.Features:- Simple instructions step by step to be your guide throughtheeveryday first aid scenarios.- Fully integrated with the emergency number 133 free so youcancall the ambulance of the application at any time.- Video and animation to make learning fun and easy firstaid.- Safety Tips in everything from severe weather in the winterofearthquakes will help you prepare for emergencies.- Loaded content within the application, means that you haveinstantaccess to all safety-related information at any time, evenwithoutan Internet connection or receiver.- Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you cansharewith your friends and show knowledge of life-saving yourown.
First Aid v2.0.3
Simple. Free. It can save a life. The officialLebanese Red Cross First Aid app gives you instant access to theinformation you need to know to handle the most common first aidemergencies. With videos, interactive quizzes and simplestep-by-step advice it’s never been easier to know first aid.Features:•Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through everyday firstaid scenarios.•Fully integrated with Emergency Free Line 140 so you can call EMSfrom the app at any time.•Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.•Safety tips for everything, from severe winter weather tohurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes help you prepare foremergencies.•Preloaded content means you have instant access to all safetyinformation at anytime, even without reception or an Internetconnection.•Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.
المغربي الأحمر الهلال v2.0.3
تطبيق سهل ومجاني يمكن أن ينقذ حياة الافرادمنخلال تثقيفهم بكيفية التصرف في حالات الطوارئ. يعتبر هذاالتطبيقالإصدار الرسمي من الهلال الاحمر المغربي للمواطن بحيث يتيح لهالوصولالفوري إلى المعلومات التي يحتاج معرفتها وتعلمها والتي تساعدهفيكيفية التعامل مع الحالات الطارئة الأكثر شيوعا، وكيفية اسعافهامعتوضيح آلية العمل من خلال مقاطع فيديو مرفقة مع التطبيق، كمايحتويهذا التطبيق على جزيئة للاختبار الذاتي للمستخدم للمعلوماتالتيتلقاها بما يسهل عملية التعلم والاستفادة.: الميزات • تعليمات بسيطة خطوة بخطوة مع سيناريوهات عنالإسعافاتالأولية اليومية. • متطابقة تماما مع أرقام الطوارئ المجانية150 او190 في المجال الحضري و 177 في المجال القروي لتتمكن مناستدعاءالإسعاف العمومي من التطبيق في أي وقت. • الفيديو والرسومالمتحركةتزيد من سهولة ومتعة التعلم. • إرشادات السلامة في جميعالحالات،بدءًا من الطقس القاسي في فصل الشتاء إلى الزلازل، كلهاتساعدك علىالتحضير لحالات الطوارئ. • محتوى محمل داخل التطبيق, الذييتيح لكالوصول الفوري إلى كافة المعلومات المتعلقة بالسلامة في أيوقت، حتىمن دون استقبال أو اتصال الإنترنت.Free and easyapplicationthat can save the lives of individuals by educating themon how toact in emergency situations. This is the official versionof theRed Crescent Moroccan citizen to allow him immediate accessto theinformation they need to know and learn, and that help him inhowto deal with the most common emergency situations, and howtoAsaaffha with clarify the mechanism of action throughvideosattached with the application the application, as thisapplicationcontains the molecule self-test for the user toinformationreceived in order to facilitate the learning process andto takeadvantage.: Features • Simple step by step instructions with scenariosforfirst aid daily. • Fully compatible with free emergency numbers150or 190 in the urban area and 177 in the rural area to be abletocall the public ambulance from the application at any time. •Videoand animation increases the ease of learning and fun. •safetyguidelines in all cases, ranging from harsh winter weathertoearthquakes, all help you prepare for emergencies. • loadedcontentwithin the application, which gives you instant access toallsafety-related information at any time, even without receptionorInternet connection.
الاسعافات الاولية في العراق v2.0.2
تطبيق سهل ومجاني. يمكن أن ينقذ حياة.هذاالتطبيق مبني على منهاج الإسعاف الأولي في الهلال الأحمرالعراقيويتيح لك الوصول الفوري إلى المعلومات التي تحتاج إلى معرفتهاللتعاملمع حالات الطوارئ والإسعافات الأولية الأكثر شيوعا معفيديو،واختبارات تفاعلية وبسيطة تعليمية خطوة بخطوة لمعرفة أسهلللإسعافاتالأولية.تعليمات بسيطة خطوة بخطوة لتكون دليلكم من خلالسيناريوهاتالإسعافات الأولية اليومية.- متكاملة تماما مع رقم الطوارئالمجاني122 حتى تتمكن من استدعاء سيارة الإسعاف من التطبيق في أي وقت.-الفيديو والرسوم المتحركة تجعل التعلم متعة أول المساعدات وسهلة.-نصائح السلامة في كل شيء، من الطقس القاسي في فصل الشتاءللزلازلتساعدك على التحضير لحالات الطوارئ. - محتوى محمل داخلالتطبيق, يعنيأن لديك إمكانية الوصول الفوري إلى كافة المعلوماتالمتعلقة بالسلامةفي أي وقت، حتى من دون استقبال أو اتصال الإنترنت. -الاختباراتالتفاعلية تسمح لك لكسب الخبرة التي يمكنك مشاركتها معأصدقائك واظهارالمعرفة المنقذة للحياة الخاصة بك.Free and easyapplication.It can save lives. This application is built on aplatform of firstaid in the Crescent Alohmralaraca and gives youinstant access tothe information you need to know to deal withemergencies and firstaid with the most common video, andinteractive educational testsand simple step by step to see easierfor first-aid.A simple step by step instructions to be your guide throughafully integrated first aid scenarios Aleomah.- with theemergencynumber 122 free so you can call the ambulance from theapplicationat any time. - Videos and animations make learning firstaid funand easy. - Safety Tips for everything, from the harshwinterweather to earthquakes will help you prepare for emergencies.-Loaded content within the application, mean that you haveinstantaccess to all safety-related information at any time, evenwithoutreception or internet connection. - Interactive tests allowyou togain experience that you can share with your friends and showoffsaving knowledge of your life.
First Aid - Nigerian Red Cross 2.1
Simple. Free. It can save a life. The officialNigerian Red Cross First Aid app gives you instant access to theinformation you need to know to handle the most common first aidemergencies. The app includes content on preparing and respondingto the Ebola virus. With videos, interactive quizzes and simplestep-by-step advice it’s never been easier to know first aid.•Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through everyday firstaid scenarios.•Learn and emergency content for preparing and responding to theEbola virus.•Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.• Safety tips for everything, from severe winter weather tohurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes help you prepare foremergencies.• Preloaded content means you have instant access to all safetyinformation at any time, even without reception or an Internetconnection.• Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you can sharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.
Sri Lanka Red Cross First Aid v2.0.3
Simple. Free. It can save a life. TheofficialSri Lanka Red Cross First Aid app gives you instant accessto theinformation you need to know to handle the most common firstaidemergencies. With videos, interactive quizzes andsimplestep-by-step advice it’s never been easier to know first aid.• Simple step-by-step instructions guide you througheverydayfirst aid scenarios.• Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.• Safety tips for everything, flash floods, landslides andcyclonesto help you prepare for emergencies.• Preloaded content means you have instant access to allsafetyinformation at anytime, even without reception or anInternetconnection.• Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you cansharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.
First Aid by SA Red Cross 2.1
The official First Aid App of The SouthAfrican Red Cross Society gives you instant access to informationthat will effectively assist you during the most commonemergencies. A simple App with videos and interactive quizzes thatcan help save a life. Free on Android devices.• Simple step-by-step instructions to guide you through everydayfirst aid scenarios.• Fully integrated with 10177 (toll free) ambulance services thatyou can call from the app at any time.• Videos and animations making learning first aid fun andeasy.• Safety tips for extreme weather conditions and disasters thatwill assist you in effectively preparing for emergencies.• Preloaded content ensures instant access to all safetyinformation anytime, anywhere, even without reception or anInternet connection.• This App is ad and spam free.
מדריך מד"א לעזרה ראשונה v2.0.3
מדריך מד"א לעזרה ראשונה היכול להצילחיים.האפליקציה הרשמית של מגן דוד אדום הנותנת לך גישה מידית למידע לואתהנזקק כדי לדעת כיצד לטפל ברוב מצבי החירום הרפואיים השכיחים.בעזרתסרטוני וידאו, בחנים אינטראקטיביים, הנחיות ואנימציות, מעולם לאהיהפשוט יותר לדעת עזרה ראשונהFeatures:• הנחיות פשוטות לטיפול במצבי חירום רפואיים שכיחים• לאחר התקנה ראשונית, ניתן לצפות בדפי המידע גם ללאחיבוראינטרנט• בחנים, סרטונים ואנימציות• עצות בטיחות• אפשרות לחייג למגן דוד אדום (101) ישירות מהאפליקציהGuide MDA first aidcansave lives. Official app of MDA gives you immediate access totheinformation you need to know how to treat most commonmedicalemergencies. Using videos, interactive quizzes, instructionsandanimations, has never been easier to know first aidFeatures:• simple guidelines for common medical emergencies• After initial installation, you can view information pagesevenwithout an Internet connection• quizzes, videos and animations• Safety Tips• Possibility to dial Magen David Adom (101) from insidetheapp
First Aid by T&T Red Cross v2.0
Simple. Free. It can save a life. TheofficialT&T Red Cross First Aid app gives you instant access totheinformation you need to know to handle the most common firstaidemergencies. With videos, interactive quizzes andsimplestep-by-step advice it’s never been easier to know first aid■ Simple step-by-step instructions guide you througheverydayfirst aid scenarios.■ Fully integrated with 811 so you can call EHS from the app atanytime.■ Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.■ Safety tips for everything, from hurricanes, fires andearthquakeshelp you prepare for emergencies.■ Preloaded content means you have instant access to allsafetyinformation at anytime, even without reception or anInternetconnection.■ Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you cansharewith your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.
Primeiros Socorros Brasil v2.0.3
Simples. Gratuita. Pode salvar vidas. Oaplicacativo l oficial da Cruz Vermelha Brasileira dá acesso àinformação útil sobre primeiros socorros e sobre como lidar com asemergências mais comuns do dia a dia. Através de vídeos,questionários interativos e conselhos simples, nunca foi tão fácilaprender técnicas que podem salvar vidas.■ Instruções simples de primeiros socorros que o(a) guiam pelassituações mais comuns do dia a dia.■ Integração com o Número de Emergência para que se possa ligar ao192 diretamente do aplicacativo, sempre que necessário.■ Vídeos e animações que tornam o aprendizado mais fácil edivertido.■ Dicas de segurança adaptadas a várias situações, desde enchentes,seca e outras emergências, que ajudam a nos preparar paraemergências.■ Conteúdos disponíveis a qualquer momento, mesmo que não se tenharede ou ligação à internet.■ Questionários interativos que lhe permitem ganhar distintivos quepodem ser partilhados com seus amigos e mostrar os seusconhecimentos.Simple. Free. Can savelives. The official l aplicacativo the Brazilian Red Cross givesaccess to useful information about first aid and how to handle themost common emergencies of everyday life. Through videos,interactive quizzes and simple advice it has never been so easy tolearn techniques that can save lives.■ Simple instructions first aid that (a) guide for the mostcommon situations of everyday life.■ Integration with Emergency Number so you can connect to the 192directly aplicacativo whenever necessary.■ Videos and animations that make it easy and fun learning.■ Safety Tips adapted to various situations, from floods, droughtand other emergencies, to help prepare for emergencies.■ Contents available at any time, even if you have no network orinternet connection.■ interactive questionnaires that allow you to earn badges that canbe shared with your friends and show your expertise.
Cruz Roja Peruana v2.0
Simple y gratuita, una aplicacióndesarrolladapor la Cruz Roja Peruana para saber qué hacer en casode unaccidente, enfermedad o fenómeno adverso. Incluyeanimaciones,videos referencias, casos e información general paraaprender yaplicar primeros auxilios desde tu celular.• Una guía paso a paso para poder aplicar los PrimerosAuxiliosen situaciones de la vida cotidiana.• Videos y animaciones para facilitar el aprendizaje.• Guías de acciones en caso de terremotos, incendios,huracanes,epidemias, etc.• No se necesita una conexión de datos para acceder al contenidodela aplicaciónSimple and free,anapplication developed by the Peruvian Red Cross for what to doincase of an accident, illness or adverse event. Includesanimations,videos references, cases and general information tolearn and applyfirst aid from your phone.• A step by step guide to applying First Aid in situationsofeveryday life.• Videos and animations to facilitate learning.• Guide actions in case of earthquakes, fires,hurricanes,epidemics, etc.• a data connection is not required to access theapplicationcontent