Al-Jafari Apps ئاپەکان

The most beautiful recitations of the Holy Quran 1.2.1
Al-Jafari Apps
The most beautiful recitations of the Holy Quran The most beautifulrecitations of the Holy Qur’an An application that contains themost beautiful and spiritual recitations of a number of famousreaders and the application of the most beautiful recitations ofthe Holy Qur’an displays audio clips without the net and otherswith high quality for a number of readers such as Sheikh SaudAl-Shuraim, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Ajmi, Sheikh Islam Subhi, Sheikh AbdulRashid Sufi and Sheikh Raad al-Kurdi, Sheikh Mansour al-Salmi,Sheikh Khalid al-Jalil, Sheikh Maher al-Muayqili, Sheikh MuhammadAyyub, Sheikh Abdul Rahim Musaad and Sheikh Yasser al-Dosari, andhe displays many of the chapters of the Holy Qur’an: The Fatihah,Surat Al-Baqarah, Surat Al-Imran, Surat Al-Tawbah, Surat Hood,Surat Yusuf, and Surat Al-Kahf and Surat Taha, Surat Al-Shuara ',Surat An-Naml, Surat Al-Dukhan, Surat Al-Najm, Wall of Iron,Al-Jinn, Al-Nazi'at, Al-Alaq, Surat Al-Mulk, Surat Al-Qasas andSurat Maryam with revered recitations affecting the application ofthe most beautiful recitations of the Holy Quran in a renewedmanner
Surat Al-Baqara - written and 1.2.2
Al-Jafari Apps
Surat Al-Baqara - written & audible lets you to read &listen to Surat AlBaqarah
Surah Al-Kahf written& Audible 1.1
Al-Jafari Apps
Surah Al-Kahf written & audible in the voice of the readerMaherAl-Moaikli is an application that enables you to read andmemorizeSurah Al-Kahf and to listen to it in the voice of thereader MaherAl-Muqali in addition to that the application containsaudio clipsfor reciting Surat Al-Kahf in high quality for a numberof readersof the Islamic world such as Islam Subhi and YasserAl-Dossary AndSaad Al-Ghamdi and Saud Al-Shuraim and Al-NoreenMuhammad Siddiq andFaris Abbad and Ahmed Al-Ajami and KhaledAl-Jalil and RaadAl-Kurdi. Reading Surat Al-Kahf on a FridayReciting Surat Al-Kahfon a Friday has many virtues, while some ofthem are explained: *Surat Al-Kahf is a light for those who readit, and many hadithshave been mentioned which indicate this.Including: What wasnarrated on the authority of Abu Sa`idal-Khudri - may God bepleased with him - that the Prophet - mayblessings and peace beupon him - said: (Whoever recites SuratAl-Kahf as it was revealed,he will have light on the Day ofResurrection, from his station toMakkah, and whoever recites tenverses from the end of it) He didnot harm him), and what Al-Suyutireported in Al-Jami` Al-Sagheer:(Whoever recites Surat Al-Kahf onFriday, the light shines betweenhim and the old house), SuratAl-Kahf is a light between the twoFridays, as reported on theauthority of Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri - mayGod be pleased with him -:(Whoever recites Surah On Friday, thecave was lit by the lightbetween the two Fridays). * It isdesirable to recite Surat Al-Kahfevery Friday, as the greatcompanion Abdullah bin Omar used to readit. Because it has a greatreward and reward, yet most of thehadiths that are mentioned inexplaining the merit of reading themare weak, but they are takeninto account in the virtues of deeds,and they support some of them,so reading Surat Al-Kahf on Fridayis Sunnah. * Surat Al-Kahf is alight that illuminates the Muslimthe path of guidance, as it stopsthe Muslim from sins and sins,and guides him to the path ofgoodness and righteousness, and itmay be a real, sensual light, aswas reported by Abdullah bin Omar- may God be pleased with him -that the Prophet - upon him beblessings and peace - said: (Who isHe recited Surat Al-Kahf onFriday, and a light shone for him fromunder his feet to the sky ofthe sky, with which he would shine onthe Day of Resurrection, andhe was forgiven between the twoFridays. * Surat Al-Kahf protectsand pays its reader, and protectsit from the temptation of theAntichrist, by memorizing the firstten verses of it, and manyhadiths confirm this. Including: What wasreported on the authorityof Abu Al-Dardaa - may God be pleased withhim - that the Prophet -may blessings and peace be upon him - said:(Whoever memorizes tenverses from the first Surah of the Cave willbe protected fromantichrist), and what the Imam made to you in hisSahih is relatedto a long hadith: So let him recite to him theopening verses ofSurah Al-Kahf), and before it is the last tenverses of SurahAl-Kahf, as mentioned in the narration produced byIbn Hibban:(Whoever recites ten verses from the end of the cavewill be keptfrom the Dajj). Surat Al-Kahf written and audible appneeds yourevaluation and support to provide more and more Thank youso much.
Songs of Ali Muhammad Zaher 1.0
Al-Jafari Apps
An app contains wonderful songs with a beautiful voice forAliMuhamad Zahir