Bola Apps ئاپەکان
Super Dubstep HD 1.0.7
Application created for those who lovedubstep, with this app you can play and createdubstep music with the best beats and rhythms in a loop, you canmake a dubstep party at home with his cell phone.Dubstep application super light and easy to play, just hit the padsand loops, the application has a manager loops, for you to createincredible music of dubstep.The application has more than 60 loops and sounds, HD images, aclean and simple graphic to understand.The super dubstep do not need internet to function.It works on all phones and resolutions, even the most simple.For those who like dubstep and electro music is unmissable, be sureto comment and make suggestions for improvements to future versionsof super dubstep.
Mensagens para compartilhar 1.0.9
O aplicativo mensagens para compartilhargrátis conta com muitas mensagens prontas para você enviar paraseus contatos e redes sociais, são diversas categorias de mensagensdatas comemorativas mensagens de alegria e diversos statusprontos.Aplicativo super leve e rápido para enviar mensagens quando nãoestiver com criatividade, o aplicativo ocupa pouco espaço nocelular e não precisa de internet para funcionar.Compartilhe as melhores mensagens e frases prontas com apenas umtoque usando o mensagens para compartilhar grátis.The messaging applicationto share free account with many ready for you to send messages toyour contacts and social networks, are different categories ofmessages holidays joy messages and several ready status.Application super lightweight and quick to send messages whilecreatively, the application takes up little space on the cell phoneand do not need internet to function.Share the best messages and set phrases with just one touch usingthe free messages to share.
Cricket Sounds 1.0.9
Cricket Sounds is a fun app for you to use intimes of silence, whether in meetings or classes, that moment noone says anything.Lightweight and compact application to work on all phones andtablets, the application has less than 3mb in HD application anddigital sound, loop feature for you to release the sound cricket aslong you like.Best app with cricket sound for mobile, enjoy very leading cricketsound wherever you are.Do not need internet to use cricket sound.
Jogo de perguntas cristão 1.0.5
Jogo de perguntas do Cristão, é um jogo superlegal para todo os cristãos do brasil, sejam adultos ecrianças.Para quem gosta de jogos bíblicos de religião, e querem conhecermais a palavra de Deus e os acontecimentos da históriabíblica.São centenas de perguntas do antigo e novo testamento juntamentecom perguntas históricas super interessantes de se conhecer, vocêtem quatro possíveis respostas a cada pergunta.Você conta no jogo com botões para pular perguntas que nãosouber.Um rank online para saber sua classíficação nacional.Você poderá sempre conferir sua pontuação e sua melhor pontuaçãogeral no Jogo de perguntas do Cristão.Com este jogo você irá conhecer muito mais sobre a história bíblicae todas as pessoas que ajudaram Deus a divulgar sua palavra.Respondendo as perguntas do jogo, mesmo quando errar o jogo exibe aresposta e onde encontrar a resposta, para você a cada dia conhecermais sobre a bíblia, sem contar a diversão de testar seusconhecimentos e ver seu nome nop rank do jogo.O Jogo de perguntas do Cristão será sempre atualizado com novasperguntas bíblicas e mais recursos.Não deixe de conferir este jogo para todos os critões crentes emDeus, deixe seus comentários e sugestões para melhorarmos cada vezmais o jogo.Set of Christianquestions, is a super cool game for all the Christians of Brazil,are adults and children.For those who like biblical religion games, and want to know moreabout God's word and the events of Biblical history.Hundreds of old and new testament questions along with superinteresting historical questions to know, you have four possibleanswers to each question.You game account with buttons to skip questions that do notknow.An online rank to know their national classification.You can always check your score and your best overall score in theChristian questions game.With this game you will know a lot more about the biblical storyand all the people who helped God to spread his word.Answering questions from the game, even when missing the gamedisplays the answer and where to find the answer for you every dayto know more about the Bible, not to mention the fun to test yourknowledge and see your nop rank name of the game.The Christian questions game will always be updated with new Biblequestions and more features.Be sure to check this game for all believers in God critões leaveyour comments and suggestions to improve more and more thegame.
MPC Funk Game 1.0.2
The funk Mpc game was created for you to testyour skills and have fun at the rhythm of the best BrazilFunk.Super cool game and easy to play the guitar style game but with aninstrument of MPC.You can compare your score online and try to be the best DJ ofBrazil's funk Mpc getting in the top 10.The game works on all phones and tablets, does not need internet towork, just to see your online score.The game is with HD pictures and digital sound for a betterexperience when playing.You can challenge your friends and see who can go further in thisgame to funk rhythm.While you play you play incredible Brazil funk rhythms, if you canconnect your phone to a sound box and make a real houseparty.Be sure to check the best Funk Mpc game completely free and Brazilwith online rank, every phase you unlock a new level of play.
Loops Electro HD 1.0.6
With Loops for Electro you have a musicalmachine in the palm of your hand, are different beats andelectronic music loops for you to touch and feel a DJ.Application super light and fast, works on all phones.The account application with studio sound and more than 1,000possible conbinações for you tivertir while enjoying the soundelectro created.Be sure to check the best loops application of electronicmusic.
Lightsaber HD Free 1.0.2
Lightsaber in HD for you to become a warriorof the stars coming straight from space,lightsaber with sound and resolution in HD, sabers are many anddifferent colors.Sabre simple and easy to play, do not need internet to work.Works on all phones and does not occupy much space in memory.Make challenges with your friends using lightsaber, funguaranteed.
Hero berimbau capoeira 1.0.2
The game berimbau hero was created for all thefans and practitioners of capoeira, in this gameyou play a berimbau the best capoeira rhythms, you win stages tounlockNew levels are different stages for you to enjoy.By winning every stage you can send your score and try to be thebest capoeira Brazil,the game is super lightweight and does not require internet towork, it runs on phones and tablets.The berimbau game hero's with HD images and sound with digitalquality for a better player experience.Play with your friends and decided to dance capoeira at the soundof the game.Now you can play berimbau hero anywhere you are and have fun withthis gameabout capoeira.
Capoeira Brazil hero 1.0.2
The hero Brazil capoeira was created for allwho enjoy and participate in capoeira groupsBrazil at the outside, in the game you have several stages to gothrough and you can submit your scorefor online rank.The game capoeira hero is in HD and digital sound for added fun,yet he is super light and works on all phones, you do not needinternet to play.You can challenge your friends and see who can go further and domore points.While you play it is possible to enjoy the game sound to dance realcapoeira,The game simulates the berimbau touches to show that you have therhythm of capoeira to finish a level you unlock the next and havethe option to submit your score.Show that you are the greatest of Brazil capoeira master and takethe hand in this fun game created for all the barns completely freeBrazil.
Dubstep loops HD 1.0.6
The Loops application was created for thosewho like this style of music, you can create multipleof dubstep music combinations, the application is super easy touse, simply combine the pads and loops.More than 60 touches and more than 1,000 possible combinationsmusic, the app does not need internet tofunction.It works on all phones, with application and with hd picture, foryou to create Dubstep music.
Flashlight 1.0.4
Simple application and aim to use the phone'sflash without many complications.With this light application you will be able to use your phone as areal flashlight using just one button.With clean and elegant designer this application will help you whenyou need something light, very good for power outages andwhen you do not want to ascend the house of light.
Mensagens de Boa noite 1.0.14
Mensagens de Boa noite é um aplicativo que foidesenvolvido para você ter sempre a mão as melhores mensagens efrases para enviar, sejapara seus contatos,amigos,namorada,namorado, etc.São mais de 400 mensagens prontas e variadas para se despedir edesejar um ótimo boa noite.Aplicativo super leve e não ocupa muito espaço no celular, menos de3 Mb, não precisa de internet para funcionar.Muito fácil e divertido de usar, não fique de fora e tenhamensagens para desejar boa noite por muitos e muitos meses sempagar nada.Melhor aplicativo de Mensagens de Boa noite para celular.Good night Messaging isan application that was developed for you always have to hand thebest messages and phrases to send, eitherfor your contacts, friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc.Over 400 messages ready and varied to say goodbye and wish you agreat good night.Super lightweight application and does not occupy much space onmobile, less than 3 Mb, does not need internet to work.Very easy and fun to use, do not miss out and get messages to wishgood night for many months without paying anything.Best Goodnight Messaging mobile application.
Jungle Lion Run 1.0.14
Jungle Lion Run or jump and run Lion is a game of classic stylejump and run. The lion running on a certain day went out to theforest and got lost, the jungle is full of challenges and the lioncorridor needs to come home house. Run, run and jump, cross theobstacles and defeat the dangers and wildlife, have too much funwith this amazing and challenging game to do the lion run and jump,collect all the food to pass hunger lion. Super light and fun gamefor all public, does not need internet to work and works on allphones to the simpler. Gameplay easy just touch the screen.Features: Classic mode racing and jump There are various stages andlevels for you to enjoy Graphic arts in HD Super easy for childrenBest racing game for android, will always be updated with newlevels to run and new challenges.
FUNK bases for Shooting 1.0.22
Funk bases application to write brings a lot of great bases foryouto play while singing and creates its funk music. The app issuperlightweight and easy to use, designed for DJs and MCs, youhave theoption to record their music while singing with soundquality cdwhen finished recording it gets saved on your phone andyou getseveral options how to listen to your recording delete orshareyour music in mp3 format, you can share any applicationinstalledon the phone or by Bluetooth. They will always be addedmore basesand funk kits in the application for you to have morehits optionsto create his music. Your only job will be to write theletter ofyour funk, else you can do on the touch application ofsound andrecording his music in mp3. The application has a step bysteptutorial on how to create and record your funk music. Theparttouching the base is very similar to a funk of MPC, being easytouse for both djs as mcs. You'll be able to play and sing torecordmany funky styles, from funk to boast romantic funk.Theapplication does not need internet to work, it's super lightandworks on all phones and tablets, and the result of the recordingismade with the highest quality supported by phone, after makingarecording of his song va to meufunk folder on your card andcopyyour music, because to reduce the number of files theapplicationworks with a recorded file at a time, not to take up toomuchmemory space. Now it's time for you to produce anddisseminatetheir funk music with a single application, will soon beadded theoption to upload their own bases for it. Be sure to checkthe bestproducer and MPC shop funk.