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Villager Agent Mod MCPE 1.0
Villager Agent Mod MCPE aren’t known fortheirbravery. Usually they just try to run away if some monsterscomeattacking them. But no more of that! With this mod villagerswillshapeshift into villager agents whenever they are killed andtry toavenge their killers.How does it work?Willy Villager lives a happy life but soon his life will takeadrastic turn.A zombie attacked a village. Eventually it got inside one ofthehouses and killed a villager. Before using this add-onthatvillager would have turned into a zombie but now (as you cansee inthe image below) the villager turned into an agent.The villager agent is equipped with a bow and will try tokillany hostile mobs it sees.Changelog (latest update):More villager typesThey now protect against husks tooSupport for the official 0.16 versionDISCLAIMER: This Villager Agent Mod MCPE is anunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are allproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. All rightsreserved. In accordancewith
GigaMobs Mod MCPE 1.0
GigaMobs Mod MCPE will completely changeyourperspective of chickens, pigs and other animals whichpreviouslyhave been smaller than yourself. This addon will makethem larger,stronger and also run faster. Some of them you can ridesuch aschickens and rabbits. Almost all mobs have had their sizemodifiedand this makes the world look kind of funny but also muchmoredangerous.How does it work?Even though the horse is Godzilla-sized it’s stillentirelypossible to ride. Just make sure to set camera perspectivein videosettings to Third Person Back. I also recommend setting FOV(fieldof view) to max (51 is default in case you want to resetitlater).The horse is not only bigger but it’s also has more healthandruns faster. And when it jumps it can literally jump over hillsandsmall mountains.Chickens and rabbits are also much bigger. And you can alsoride(Android, iOS = long-tap + press Feed, Windows 10 =right-click)these mobs. Hold a carrot (for rabbits) or seeds (forchickens) inyour hand to control them.Don’t play around with creepers. Their explosion hasbeenslightly increase to cause some more damage.You can tame a skeleton by tempting it with a bow. As soon asitis tamed it will turn into a wither skeleton. It will thenfollowyou around and protect you whenever you are beingattacked.You really don’t want to mess around with polar bears unlessyouwant to get stomped in the head by a giant, vicious animal.Here is a list of all mobs which are much larger thanbefore.Most of them also have more health and the hostile onesarestronger.New (1.0 only): Ender DragonNew (1.0 only): ShulkerNew (1.0 only): Polar BearChicken (supports two riders) (control with seeds)CowPigSheepWolfBat (supports two riders)Rabbit (control with carrot)Horse (supports two riders)Skeleton HorseCreeperEndermanSlimeSpiderZombieWitchWither Boss (new!)Ocelot (new!)Villager (new!)Mooshroom (new!)Donkey (new!)Stray (new!)Blaze (new!)Squid (new!)Cave Spider (new!)Magma Cube (new!)ChangelogsLatest update (24 November, 2016):More big mobs:Ender DragonShulkerPolar BearSupport for 0.16 and 0.17Previous update (29 October, 2016):Mobs are 7x larger compared to 4x (hitboxes included)10 new giga mobsBats support two ridersSkeletons are stronger have wear iron armorSpiders attack skeletonHorses jump higher and run fasterAll mobs are fasterSeat position fixedFloating baby mob heads fixedDISCLAIMER: This GigaMobs Mod MCPE is an unofficialapplicationfor Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is notaffiliated inany way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand andthe Minecraft Assets are all property of MojangAB or theirrespectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Zombie Apocalypse Mod MCPE 1.0
Zombie Apocalypse Mod MCPE is an add-onwhichmakes survival mode much more difficult. Hostile mobs suchaszombies are both stronger and faster and they are nolongeraffected by the sunlight. This means that you can run intozombiesany time during the day. Humans, villagers, animals – noneof youare safe in this world. Watch out! Zombies are out there toeatyou!How does it work?Anything alive is a target to zombies. This includes bothplayersand animals such as pigs and chickens. Zombies are nolongeraffected by the sunlight and this means that they can growintomassive numbers quickly.One time I found myself hiding in a tree top and whenIeventually got down they quickly came after me.Turn your survival world into a post-apocalyptic world. Ifyouwatch The Walking Dead then this addon is a must-have!All FeaturesDown below you can find all features which this add-on changesoradds.NEW: Zombie spawning increasedNEW: Villager & zombie villager looks more like humansNEW: If a zombie kills an animal it drops inedible itemsNEW: If a zombie kills a horse it turns into a zombie horseZombies, zombie villagers and husks: don’t burn insunlight,stronger, faster, poison victimsThe baby size for mobs is largerPigs, sheep, and chickens run away from both monstersandplayersTextures are darker (makes the world more gloomy and doomy)Map SuggestionsThis add-on can be used for normal survival worlds or you cantryone of the recommended maps below:DISCLAIMER: This Zombie Apocalypse Mod MCPE is anunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are allproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. All rightsreserved. In accordancewith
More Baby Mobs Mod MCPE 1.0
This More Baby Mobs Mod MCPE addsthepossibiliy to find 17 different baby mobs. Some of the newbabymobs inclue a baby creeper and a baby skeleton. You can eitherfindthem spawning in your worlds or use spawn eggs to find them.How to find the baby mobs?There is a 35% chance that a baby mob spawns. You can usespawneggs to spawn them or find them in the natural world.If you find a baby mob and want it to grow and become anadultthen you can feed them one of the following items.Blaze (grow up: Blaze Rod)Cave Spider (grow up: Spider Eye)Creeper (grow up: Gun Powder)Enderman (grow up: Glowstone Dust)Guardian (grow up: Prismarine Shard)Guardian Elder (grow up: Prismarine Crystals)Skeleton (grow up: Bone)Spider (grow up: Spider Eye)Stray (grow up: Bone)Wither Skeleton (grow up: Coal)Wither Boss (grow up: Coal)Ghast (grow up: Ghast Tear)Iron Golem (grow up: Iron Ingot)Silver Fish (grow up: Clay)Snow Golem (grow up: Snowball)Witch (grow up: Sugar)For example, to make a baby grow up to become an adult you canfeedthe baby its mob item which can be found in the list above.DISCLAIMER: This More Baby Mobs Mod MCPE is anunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are allproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. All rightsreserved. In accordancewith
Hunter Weapons Mod MCPE 1.0
This Hunter Weapons Mod MCPE changesthebehavior and textures for 7 different items to make themmoreuseful for hunting. For example, the bow will be turned into anoldfashioned pistol and the arrows are turned into bullets.You’llalso be able to throw a new explosive item known as adynamite. Ifyou are looking to upgrade some of the weapons inMinecraft PocketEdition then this mod is a perfect solution forthat.How does it work?Each new weapon and item replace some of the default items.Hereis a list of the new weapons and the ones they replace:Pistol = BowBullet = ArrowWooden Stick = Wooden SwordBig Sword = Diamond SwordMachete = Gold SwordKnife = Stone SwordDynamite = SnowballAlso the textures look quite a bit different than before. Iwon’tshowcase the swords as they are basically the same besides thenewtextures.The pistol (also known as bow) has a much greater rangethanbefore. You can stand very far away from a mob but still get agoodaim and good hit precision. The sound of the weapon isalsodifferent to really make it sound as if you were firing agun.The dynamite (also known as snowball) is probably one ofthefunniest items to use. It’ll explode and cause a minor fire. Intheimage down below I threw a bunch of them and caused aforestfire.It’s probably a little bit too dangerous to play aroundwithanywhere close to your important creations, so be careful.DISCLAIMER: This Hunter Weapons Mod MCPE is anunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are allproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. All rightsreserved. In accordancewith
Mod FalloutCrafter MCPE 1.0
FalloutCrafter Mod MCPE is an addon whichisbased on the popular Fallout games. The idea is to turnMinecraftinto a much more harsh environment. Most armors, items,mobs andblocks have got complete new textures to make everythinglook moreas an apocalyptic world.How does it work?Ghouls (previously zombies) are both stronger and fasterthanmost mobs in Minecraft. They roam the earth both day and nightandif they can smell bodies of flesh in their surroundings theyaresoon going to kill and then eat it. Here you can see apoorvillager being chased off a bridge by an evil ghoul.Everyone are vulnerable to this vicious creature,includingyourself. If they see you they will try to kill you. Someof themare even armed with weapons. And because of their bad health(andbreath I’d imagine) they have a tendency to spread diseases.Theirpoison can be your death if you aren’t careful.It’s impossible to survive in this harsh world without afriend.Anyone would go nuts. Make sure to save all bones you canfind asyou will be able to use them to tame wild dogs (also knownasdogmeat).You will need a couple of dogs before you can walk aroundsafelybecause one ghoul is still far superior to one dog.But you’ve got to look after yourself too. There are plentyofweapons and armor to craft. Don’t walk around without at leastacouple of weapons and a full armor on. (All weapons and armorstillhave the same features. It’s just the textures which arenew.)Will you be able to sleep at night? Make sure to barricadethedoors and keep your weapons near your bed because you neverknowwhat monster will wake you up.DISCLAIMER: This FalloutCrafter Mod MCPE is anunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are allproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. All rightsreserved. In accordancewith
Mine-Car Mod MCPE 1.0
The Mine-Car Mod MCPE replaces fivemobsin-game with five brand new cars. The vehicles are quite fastandoffer a great opportunity to more easily move around inMinecraft.The vehicles are very efficient as they require no fueland can bedriven in almost any kind of terrain. In that sense, it’sa car ofthe future.How to drive a car?First off you need to find a car. The easiest way is probablytospawn one in creative mode. There are five different cars andeachof them replaces a mob in-game:Red Car = StrayBlue Car = Wither SkeletonGreen Car = SkeletonOrange Car = Zombie PigmanYellow Car = HuskUse a mob spawn egg to spawn the cars. In this case, I decided togowith the red car. There should be no difference in terms ofspeed nomatter which you pick. Perhaps that is something thecreator couldadd in the future.Tap on the car (or right-click if you are on Windows 10) toenterthe vehicle. To start the vehicle you will need a key (orrather acarrot on a stick). Then just turn in the direction whichyou wantto go.But be careful! You don’t wanna hit anyone with your car,right?It’s a great way to get around in the Minecraft world andlike amodern alternative to riding horses.Down below you’ll find two download links to two differenttestmaps. They are great maps to use for trying outtheaddon!ChangelogThis update is called The Halloween Update!Two new mine-cars (yellow & orange)Cars no longer take fall damageSpawn eggs for cars have texturesAdded one helmetTesting map looks spookyBug fixesDISCLAIMER: This Mine-Car Mod MCPE is an unofficialapplicationfor Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is notaffiliated inany way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand andthe Minecraft Assets are all property of MojangAB or theirrespectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Hardmode Mod MCPE 1.0
This Hardmode Mod MCPE is an add-on whichaimsto make the survival world in Minecraft much more difficultthanwhat it currently is like. For example, as a player you will beaneasier pray for predators such as creepers as they have theabilityto see farther away (among with a set of other newfeatures).Currently there is just a handful of changes to the gamebuthopefully this add-on will grow into something more complexsoon!FeaturesBlazes have almost 10 times more health than before andtheirattack damage is doubled. It shoots larger fireballs and itsspeedis slightly faster when attacking. Water is no longer an issueforthem as it doesn’t hurt them anymore.It does have one weakness and that is snowballs. If they gethitby one they will instantly drop dead. Also, every time you throwasnowball there is a chance a snow golem might spawn and helpdefeatthe blazes.The creeper causes an explosion about three times largerthanbefore. It has slightly more health and has the ability to spotaplayer from almost twice as far away.The TNT has a much longer fuse. After it has been ignitedittakes one minute before it explodes. The explosion is muchgreaterand it will also cause lots of fire.Every time you throw a snowball there’s a slight chance thatasnow golem will spawn.Other Features:Zombies are fastSkeletons have machine gunsGhasts and strongerZombie pigmen are stronger and more dangerousPassive mobs teleport in order to make it more difficult tofindfoodSome chests which spawn naturally in the world have theirlootdoubled (not all chests yet, work in progress)Next UpdateThere are more things which are being worked on to increasethedifficulty in-game. Here are some other things which you canexpectin a later update:Changes to more mobsEndermen will teleport faster and more oftenDISCLAIMER: This Hardmode Mod MCPE is an unofficialapplicationfor Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is notaffiliated inany way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand andthe Minecraft Assets are all property of MojangAB or theirrespectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Plus Explosion Mod MCPE 1.0
Plus Explosion Mod MCPE is an addonwhichchanges the default settings for explosions whenever a creeperor aTNT block explodes. This makes the world in Minecraft slightlymoredifficult to live in as the chance of dying from an explosionhasdrastically increased. But at the same time it’s kind ofexcitingas it makes the future less predictable.How does it work?Every time a creeper (or TNT block) is ignited andexplodesyou’ll never know about the severity of the explosion untilithappens. This makes creepers much more unreliable anddangerousthan what they already are.As soon as a creeper is ignited it will grow either largeorsmall depending on what kind of explosion it will cause. Thisisthe only hint of indication you’ll get.Sometimes (as you can see in the image down below) it causesacomplete hellfire.And on other times the explosion is more normal. Sometimestheyare much smaller than this though. You never really know.The same thing goes for TNT blocks. They are just asunreliableas creepers. You never know what kind of explosion theywill cause.It’s fun and scary at the same time.DISCLAIMER: This Plus Explosion Mod MCPE is anunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are allproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. All rightsreserved. In accordancewith