Cris87 ئاپەکان
INFORMAZIONI:* Icon Pack Minimal Super Definito;* Altissima Definizione (256x256)Px;* Doppio processo di renderizzazione delle icone;* L'Anello Rosso che contorna le icone è stato creato in 3D;* Ogni icona è stata disegnata con Estrema Cura dei Dettagli;* Oltre 450 app supportate;* Calendario Dinamico per app stock e Google Calendar;* Update Periodici se il progetto verrà supportato;* Assistenza, Supporto & Donazioni sul mio sito:www.cris87.altervista.orgINFO UTILIZZO:• Questo Icon Pack necessita di un custom launcher per poter essereapplicato. Pixel Launcher, Google Now Launcher e qualsiasi altrolauncher che è preinstallato sul dispositivo NON supportano gliIcon Pack( Fatta eccezione per Asus ZenUI, LG Home, Xperia Home).Non c'è possibilità di applicare il tema su launcher che nonprevedono la possibilità di cambiare le icone. Per questo si pregadi controllare prima il proprio launcher o provvedere al downloaddi un launcher compatibile!!!• Con il nuovo sistema operativo Android 7.0 Nougat, LG Home harimosso il supporto alle icone di pacchetti esterni e non supportagli icon pack standard;• Per richiedere le icone mancanti, basta andare sul mio sito nellasezione Richiesta Icone e mandarmi un messaggio con il nome delleicone che desiderate; Dopo aver fatto la richiesta, bisognaattendere il tempo necessario per l'organizzazione e larealizzazione delle icone stesse e relativo codice xml..pertantopasseranno dei giorni tra un update e l'altro;COMPATIBILITÀ:Sono compatibili la maggior parte dei maggiori launcher presentisul PlayStore,ABC, Action, ADW, Apex, Atom, Aviate, GO, Holo, HoloHD, iTop, KK,LG Home, Lucid, M, Mini, MN, New, Next, Nougat, Nova, S, Smart,Solo, V, ZenUI, Zero.Può comunque essere usato con molti altri launcher che supportano ipacchetti icone ma non sono specificati all'internodell'applicazione stessa, come ad esempio Arrow, ASAP, Evie, Cobo,Line, Mesh, N, Peek e Z Launcher, con Xperia Home e con ilCyanogenMod Theme Engine, APPLICANDOLO DIRETTAMENTE NEL MENUIMPOSTAZIONI DEL LAUNCHER UTILIZZATO TRAMITE SEZIONETEMI/ICONE;L'Icon Pack è stato testato personalmente senza problemi con:NOVA LAUNCHER;APEX LAUNCHER;EVIE LAUNCHER;ACTION LAUNCHER 3;HOLA LAUNCHER;YANDEX LAUNCHER;ZEN UI LAUNCHER;Un ringraziamento particolare a D. Mahardhika per laCandyBar.INFORMATION:* Icon Pack Minimal Super Defined;* Very high definition (256x256) Px;* Double rendering process of the icons;* The Red Ring that surrounds the icons is created in 3D;* Each icon is designed with Extreme care of details;* Over 450 supported apps;* Dynamic stock Calendar app and Google Calendar;* Update Periodicals if the project will be supported;* Assistance, Support Donations on my website:www.cris87.altervista.orgABOUT USE:• This icon pack needs a custom launcher to be applied. PixelLauncher, Google Now Launcher and any other launcher that ispreinstalled on the device do NOT support the Icon Pack (Except forZenUI Asus, LG Home, Home Xperia). There is no possibility to applythe theme of launcher that do not provide the ability to change theicons. For this please check before your launcher or provide fordownloading a launcher compatible !!!• With the new operating system Android 7.0 Nougat, LG has removedthe Home icon support external packages and does not supportstandard icon pack;• To request missing icons, just go on my website under RequestIcons and send me a message with the name of the icons you want;After making the request, you have to wait as long as necessary forthe organization and implementation of the same icons and relatedxml..pertanto code will pass the days between one update and theother;COMPATIBILITY:They are compatible to most of the major launcher on thePlayStore,ABC, Action, ADW, Apex, Atom, Aviate, GO, Holo, HoloHD, iTop, KK,LG Home, Lucid, M, Mini, MN, New, Next, Nougat, Nova, S, Smart,Solo, V, ZenUI Zero.However, it can be used with many other launcher that support iconpacks but are not specified within the application itself, such asArrow, ASAP, Evie, Cobo, Line, Mesh, N, Peek and Z Launcher, withXperia Home and the CyanogenMod Theme Engine, Apply directly intoMENU SETTINGS USED bY SECTION LAUNCHER THEMES / ICONS;The Icon Pack has been tested personally smoothly with:NOVA LAUNCHER;APEX LAUNCHER;EVIE LAUNCHER;ACTION LAUNCHER 3;HOLA LAUNCHER;YANDEX LAUNCHER;ZEN UI LAUNCHER;Special thanks to D. Mahardhika for CandyBar.
Miui Original - Icon Pack 2.1.0
INFORMATION: * 3815 Icons SuperHD Plus! * 3800+SupportedApplications! * 300x300 Pixel...Amazing Icon Resolution! *125 HDWallpapers with Resolution 2K! * Each icon has been designedwithextreme care of details! * Blunt corners faithfully reproducedasthe original! * Triple Icons Rendering Process! * AutomaticMaskingfor Missing Icons! * Dynamic Calendar for App Stock &GoogleCalendar! * Missing Icons Request directly through the app (3Freefor each release)! * Update Periodicals Guaranteed! *Support,Support & Info on Future and Future Projects on USER INFO: • This Icon Pack needsacustom launcher to be applied. Pixel Launcher, Google NowLauncher,and any other launcher that is preinstalled on the devicedo NOTsupport Icon Packs (Except for Asus ZenUI, LG Home, XperiaHome).There is no way to apply the theme to launchers that do nothavethe ability to change icons. So please check your launcherfirst ordownload a compatible launcher !!! • With the new Android7.0Nougat operating system, LG Home has removed support forexternalpacket icons and does not support standard icon packs; •For fullcontrol of the Dimensions of the Icons, you must go to theLAUNCHER/ APPEAR SETTINGS and DISABLE the "NORMALIZE ICONS"function ...Action Required on NOVA LAUNCHER (and All otherLaunchers thatprovide this function) as the icons are Alreadynormalized and donot require this option; If you do not, you mayfind some smallersize icons! COMPATIBILITY: Most of the majorlaunchers on thePlayStore are compatible, ABC, Action, ADW, Apex,Atom, Aviate, GO,Holo, HoloHD, iTop, KK, Lucid, M, Mini, MN, New,Nougat, Nova, S,Smart, Solo, V, ZenUI, Zero. It can still be usedwith many otherlaunchers that support icon packages but are notspecified withinthe application itself, such as Arrow, ASAP, Evie,Cobo, Line,Mesh, N, Peek and Z Launcher, with Xperia Home And withtheCyanogenMod Theme Engine, DIRECTLY APPLICABLE IN THE LAUNCHERSETUPMENU USED THROUGH THEME / ICONS SECTION; NotGuaranteedCompatibility with the LG HOME Stock Launcher (shouldwork untilversion android 6.0 but I have no way of verifyingpersonally), Cannot apply to stock launches of Samsung, Huawei,Nubia, Meizu ...Icon Pack has been personally tested with noproblems with: NOVALAUNCHER; APEX LAUNCHER; EVIE LAUNCHER; ACTIONLAUNCHER 3; HOLALAUNCHER; YANDEX LAUNCHER; ZEN UI LAUNCHER; Specialthanks to D.Mahardhika for CandyBar.
Pixel Limitless 3D - Icon Pack 2.1.3
INFORMATION: * 5145 Icons Resolution 2K SuperHD+(350 X 350)Pixel! *5100+ Supported Applications! * 85 HD Wallpapers with Resolution 2K(1440x2560) Pixel! * Each icon has been designed with extreme careof the details! * Triple Icons Render Process! * New IconsSaturation System! * Detail Cleaning and Sharpness of Icons! *Dynamic Calendar for App Stock & Google Calendar! * InquiryIcons Missing directly through the app (3 Free for each release)! *Update Periodicals Guaranteed! * Support, Support & Info onFuture and Future Projects on My Site: www.cris87.altervista.orgINFO USE: • This Icon Pack needs a custom launcher to be applied.Pixel Launcher, Google Now Launcher, and any other launcher that ispreinstalled on the device do NOT support Icon Packs (Except forAsus ZenUI, LG Home, Xperia Home). There is no way to apply thetheme to launchers that do not provide the ability to change icons.So please check your launcher first or download a compatiblelauncher !!! • With the new Android 7.0 Nougat operating system, LGHome has removed support for external packet icons and does notsupport standard icon packs; • For full control of the Dimensionsof the Icons, you need to go to the LAUNCHER / APPEAR SETTINGS andDISABLE the "NORMALIZE ICONS" function ... Action required on NOVALAUNCHER (and All other Launchers that provide this function)because the icons are already normalized and do not require thisoption; If you do not, you may find some smaller size icons!COMPATIBILITY: Most of the major launchers on the PlayStore arecompatible, ABC, Action, ADW, Apex, Atom, Aviate, GO, Holo, HoloHD,iTop, KK, Lucid, M, Mini, MN, New, Nougat, Nova, S, Smart, Solo, V,ZenUI, Zero. It can still be used with many other launchers thatsupport icon packages but are not specified within the applicationitself, such as Arrow, ASAP, Evie, Cobo, Line, Mesh, N, Peek and ZLauncher, with Xperia Home and with the CyanogenMod Theme Engine,DIRECTLY APPLICABLE IN THE SETUP SETUP MENU USED THROUGH THEME /ICONS SECTION; Not Guaranteed Compatibility With the LG HOME StockLauncher (should work up to android 6.0 but I have no way ofpersonally verifying), Can not Apply to Samsung, Huawei, Nubia,Meizu, ... The Icon Pack has been personally tested with noproblems with: NOVA LAUNCHER; APEX LAUNCHER; EVIE LAUNCHER; ACTIONLAUNCHER 3; HOLA LAUNCHER; YANDEX LAUNCHER; ZEN UI LAUNCHER;Special thanks to D. Mahardhika for CandyBar.
MIUl Carbon - Icon Pack 2.5.0
INFORMATION: * 3920 icons with Resolution 2K SuperHD+(360x360)Pixel! * 125 HD Wallpapers with Resolution 2K! * Each iconhas been designed with extreme care of details! * Blunt cornersfaithfully reproduced as the original! * Interior and exteriorcontours with Carbon Effect! * Triple Icons Rendering Process! *Automatic Masking for Missing Icons! * Dynamic Calendar for AppStock & Google Calendar! * Inquiry Missing Icons directlythrough the app (3 Free for each release)! * Update PeriodicalsGuaranteed! USER INFO: • This Icon Pack needs a compatible launcherto be applied (Nova Launcher, Action Launcher, etc.)! Specialthanks to D. Mahardhika for CandyBar.