DSN Productions Limited ئاپەکان

Shotokan Karate Kihon Kumite 1.0
Shotokan Kihon Ippon Kumite techniques aretaught throughout the worlds karate dojo's from 10th Kyu up toShodan and beyond.This App shows each attack, be that Jodan, Chudan, Mae geri,Kekomi or Mawashi geri, laid out in an easy to use format givingboth a description and demonstration videos of the moves, it can beused not only as a handy reference tool outside of the dojo but asa useful addition to your practice when preparing for agrading.A useful translation facility is included, giving both theEnglish and Japanese terminology. We also detail the mostfrequently used stances in Shotokan, together with a practice drilland a video showing the most common mistakes and how to correctthem.Whether you are a beginner, an experienced student or a clubinstructor Shotokan Kihon Ippon Kumite will be a worthwhileaddition to your learning library.