Frontline Medical Communications, Inc ئاپەکان

Thoracic Surgery News 32.0
Thoracic Surgery News is the officialnewspaper for the American Association of Thoracic Surgery.Over 5,000 thoracic surgeons worldwide rely on Thoracic SurgeryNews for timely and relevant news and commentary about clinicaldevelopments and the impact of health care policy on the professionand on surgical practice. Since 2005, the official newspaper of theworld's premier thoracic surgery association is published inpartnership with the Frontline Medical Communications (FMC), Inc.Content for Thoracic Surgery News is provided by Frontline MedicalNews, a medical news wire service produced by the FMC's MedicalNews Division. News from the Association is provided by theAmerican Association for Thoracic Surgery.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
Vascular Specialist 32.0
Vascular Specialist is the officialpublication of the Society for Vascular Surgery and is produced inpartnership with Frontline Medical Communications. More than 4,900vascular surgeons, interventional cardiologists, vascular andinterventional radiologists, and other vascular medicinespecialists rely on Vascular Specialist to cover the world ofmedicine with breaking news, on-site medical meeting coverage, andexpert perspectives both in print and online. Since 2005, VascularSpecialist has provided independent reporting focused on keepingvascular specialists up to date on the latest developments thatinfluence patient treatment and care and our news from SVS sectionkeeps members up-to-date on educational opportunities, practicetends, and policy initiatives. All articles are researched,written, and produced by a full-time staff of professional medicaljournalists.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
The Oncology Report 20.0
Busy oncologists and cancer care professionalscan access the latest on cancer treatments, emerging trends, andpractice economics, wherever they are and whenever they want, withThe Oncology Report. This monthly, all-digital report includescommentary and analysis, giving busy clinicians news they can useat their convenience, with the ability to quickly share content viaemail and social media. The Oncology Report displays auser-friendly print-like format, but enhances meeting coverage andjournal reports with both audio and video features. Each issueincludes clinical developments arranged by tumor site, commentaryfrom thought leaders and patient advocates, updates on health carepolicy and regulations that affect the physician’s practice, andlinks to related content, online exclusives, and other resources.Readers will be alerted each month by email when a new issue isready for download.The Oncology Report is a product of Frontline Medical Media.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
GI & Hepatology News 32.0
GI & Hepatology News is the officialnewspaper of the AGA Institute.News you need—Nearly 17,000 gastroenterologists and hepatologistsrely on GI & Hepatology News every month to cover the world ofmedicine with breaking news, on-site medical meeting coverage, andexpert perspectives both in print and online. The officialnewspaper of the AGA Institute was launched in partnership withFrontline Medical Communications in January 2007. Our independentreporting focuses on impacting the way gastroenterologists practicemedicine, and news from the AGA Institute keeps active membersup-to-date on educational opportunities and policyinitiatives.GI & Hepatology News and are owned by FrontlineMedical Communications.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
ACS Surgery News 32.0
ACS Surgery News is the official newspublication of the American College of Surgeons. General surgeonsrely on ACS Surgery News every month to cover the world of medicinewith breaking news, on-site medical meeting coverage, and expertperspectives both in print and online. The official newspaper ofthe world’s largest surgical association has been published inpartnership with Frontline Medical Communications since 2005. Ourindependent reporting focuses on impacting the way general surgeonspractice medicine, and news from ACS keeps active membersup-to-date on educational opportunities and policy initiatives. Allarticles are researched, written, and produced by a full-time staffof professional medical journalists.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
Hospitalist News Digital 25.0
Hospitalist News is an independent monthlypublication for specialists in hospital-based medicine. HospitalistNews features clinical, health policy, and regulatory news that isspecifically tailored to the practice needs of hospitalists. Newsarticles focus on the latest studies that affect impatient care incardiovascular medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, infectiousdisease, perioperative medicine, pulmonary medicine, and other keyareas. Articles and videos are produced by professional journalistswho attend hundreds of medical meetings each year, monitor thedeliberations of the Food and Drug Administration advisorycommittees, and talk with the thought-leaders in patient care.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
CHEST Physician 32.0
CHEST Physician is the official publication ofthe American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP). Readers rely onCHEST Physician for breaking news and insightful commentary—in aclear, concise, accessible format—that can be used daily inpractice. All specialists in pulmonary disease and critical caremedicine rely on CHEST Physician to cover the world of medicinewith breaking news, on-site medical meeting coverage, and expertperspectives both in print and online.Launched in partnership between the American College of ChestPhysicians and Frontline Medical Communications in January 2006,CHEST Physician independent reporting focuses on impacting the waythese specialists in chest medicine practice and provides news fromthe ACCP to keep members up-to-date on educational opportunitiesand policy initiatives. All articles are researched, written, andproduced by a full-time staff of professional medicaljournalists.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
Oncology Practice Digital 32.0
Oncology Practice is an independent newssource that provides the practicing oncologist with timely andrelevant news and commentary about clinical developments in thefield and about the impact of health care policy on the specialtyand the physician’s practice. Both the monthly digital edition andthe website include specialty-specific news and commentaries,physician-written columns, MD-IQ quizzes, and Clinical Edge journalarticle summaries. Multimedia coverage includes videos, podcasts,and special reports.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.
Hematology News 32.0
Hematology News is an independent monthlypublication that provides hematologists with timely and relevantnews and commentary on clinical advances as well as business andregulatory issues that impact their daily practice ofmedicine.This application is powered by GTxcel, a leader in digitalpublishing technology, provider of hundreds of online digitalpublications and mobile magazine apps.