Ibra-app ئاپەکان

A story and a verse by Sheikh 1.0
The application contains a story and a verse from the Holy Quran
Al-Raqia Al-Sharia for Ahmed Al-Ajami without Net 1.0
This application contains the legal ruqyah from the Noble Qur’anandthe legal roqyah is used with the introduction of the reasonsin thevoice of Ahmed Al-Ajami without the net and the reader AhmedAl-Ajmifrom the beautiful voices in the Arab world And the legalruqyah isa bulwark for a Muslim from the eye, envy and magic Andthere aremany sheikhs that you can listen to while they arereciting versesand supplications for the sake of legal ruqyah,such as NabilAl-Awadi, Muhammad Al-Muhaisini, Ahmed Al-Ajami,Yasser Al-Dosari,Mishari Al-Afasy, Wadih Al-Yamani, MaherAl-Muayqili, HazaaAl-Balushi and Khaled Al-Qahtani And theapplication of thelegitimate ruqya in the voice of Ahmed Al-Ajamiwithout the netenables you to listen to the legitimate ruqyah withthe voice ofAhmed Al-Ajami without the need to stay inside theapplication whereyou can listen to the legitimate ruqya in thevoice of AhmedAl-Ajami and use your phone as you wish And one ofthecharacteristics of the application of the legal ruqyah in thevoiceof Ahmed Al-Ajami without the net is that you listen tothelegitimate ruqyah in the voice of Ahmed Al-Ajami without theneedto connect to the Internet Download the application now and donotforget to evaluate the application to support us to continue,Godbless you
Al-Ruqyah Al-Sharia - Maher Al 1.0
This application contains the legal spell for Maher Al-Moaikaly
Surat An-Nisa Reading and List 1.1
This application contains a surah which is Surat AlNisa Read andListen
Arabian Nights Story Part VII 1.0
contains a book and novel Arabian Nights Part VII complete withoutNet
Arabian Nights complete third part without Net 1.0
This application contains the third part of a book and the novelofA Thirteen Nights and Nights, which is a series that I presenttoyou consisting of thirteen parts in each application, a wholepartwith what it contains from stories and the book A ThousandNightsand Nights is a huge collection of stories of examples ofthese Thestories contained in A Thousand and One Nights, the storyof Goder,the story of the daughters of Baghdad, the story of themoon oftime, the story of Marouf al-Skafi, the story of Sinbad thesea,the story of Ali Baba and the forty thieves, the story ofAlial-Mercury and the fraudulent Delilah, the story of Abual-Hassanand his maid of courtesy, the story of a computer and Thestory ofwomen’s plots and men's plots, the story of Ali Nour al-DinandMaryam al-Zinari, the story of Nehma and his maid, yes, thestoryof Nour al-Din and Anis al-Jales, the story of the hunchbackandthe tailor, the story of Khalifa al-Sayyad with monkeys, thestoryof the merchant and the imp and the story of Ali bin BakkarandShams al-Nahar And the story of the Crown of Kings, the storyofAbu Qir and Ayu Sir, the story of Ala 'al-Din Abu al-Shamat,thestory of the hunter and the goblin, the story of ScheherazadeandDaniyazadu, the story of Badr Basim, the story of Hassanal-Basri,the story of Hassan al-Shater, the story of the city ofal-Nahhas,the story of Abdullah al-Berri and Abdullah al-Bahri Thestory ofAbu Muhammad the Slothful, the story of Aladdin, thestrange lamp,the story of Gharib and Ajeeb, the tears of the night,and manyothers Lear one of the interesting and fun stories verywonderfulAnd the Book of One Thousand Nights and its eventsrevolves aroundKing Shahriar and Scheherazade, where King Shahryarwas married,and during his marriage his wife was betraying him, sohediscovered her betrayal and murdered her, and he becameintolerableto women, and every night he married a woman and killedher untilhe arrived at Scheherazade. Marrying King Shahryar with aplan inher package so that he would not kill her, and her plan wasto tellthe stories to King Shahryar every night without ending themsothat the king would remain eager to hear the end of the storyandit continued in this manner for a thousand nights and nightsandfor this it was called the book of a thousand nights andnightswith this The name And the application of the stories ofthestories of a thousand nights and nights, the third part withoutthenet, allows you to enlarge and shrink the pages of the book ofathousand nights and nights in the face that suits you And oneofthe characteristics of the application of the stories ofthestories of a thousand nights and nights part three without thenetis that it allows you to browse the pages of the story ofathousand nights and nights without the need for the InternetAndthe application of a thousand nights and nights part threewithoutthe net contains a set of stories and it is the story ofGoder, thestory of the moon of time and the story of the daughtersof BaghdadDownload the application now and do not forget toevaluate theapplication with 5 stars to support us to continue andprovide whatis better
Al-Raqia Al-Sharia - Mashary Al-Afasy 1.1
This application contains the legal ruqyah without the net andtheapplication contains the legal ruqyah listening to the voice ofthereciter Sheikh Mishary Al-Afasy and the legitimate spell as awayto ward off harm such as the eye and envy, and thislegitimatespell is from the Holy Qur’an and the Noble Qur’an is thebesthealing for the eye and envy that were mentioned in the Qur’anIhope you benefit from this legal spell in the voice ofSheikhMishary Al-Afasy The legal ruqyah is a cure for diseases andthelegal spell is a cure from the eye, and the legal spell is acurefor envy and the legal spell is a cure for magic Andtheapplication of the legal ruqyah of Mashari Al-Afasy enables youtolisten to the legal ruqyah in the voice of Mashary Al-Afasyandwork on the phone at the same time And one of the advantages oftheapplication of the legal ruqyah of Mashari Al-Afasy is thatitallows you to listen to the legitimate ruqyah in the voiceofMashary Al-Afasy without the need for the Internet AndSheikhMishary Al-Afasy was born in Kuwait, Mishary Al-Afasy wasborn in1976, Mishary Al-Afasy has a sweet voice, Mishary Al-Afasyhas agreat ability to control the voice and Mashary Al-Afasyisspecialized in the ten readings Download the application now anddonot forget to evaluate the application to support us to continue
Stories of the Arabian Nights 1.0
The application contains a book of stories Arabian Nights NightPart VI complete
Stories of Arabian Night Part 1.0
The application contain stories of book Arabian Nights partThirteen without Net
الرقية الشرعية كامله - علي الح 1.0
This application contains the legitimate ruqyah with the voice ofAli Al-Hudhaifi
Al-Ruqyah AlSharia by Yasser A 1.0
application of the legal spell without net from the Holy QuranYasser Al-Dosari
Al-Raqia Al-Sharia - Saad Al-Ghamdi without Net
The application contains Al-Raqia Al-Sharia without the net SaadAl-Ghamdi
Stories of Arabian Nights Part V without Net 1.0
This application contains the fifth part of the book AThousandNights and Nights, for which we make applications for eachpartseparately from the first part to the thirteenth part, and thebookA Thousand Nights and Nights is a nonfiction book that containstwohundred stories and revolves around events and stories bookathousand One night in the original on the story of KingShahriarand Shahrazad, and King Shahriar was married, and one dayhediscovered his wife's betrayal of him, so he killed her andbecamevery hate for women, and every night he married a woman andkilledher until he arrived at Scheherazade, who was aware That therolewould come to her, so she prepared a plan for her and the restofthe women to escape from King Shahryar, and her plan was basedontelling King Shahryar every night a story and not ending ituntilKing Shahryar was eager to hear the rest of the story,andScheherazade kept telling King Shahryar about the storiesandanecdotes for a thousand One night and one night and forthisreason the book of one thousand and one nights was called bythisname And among the well-known stories in the Book of OneThousandand One Nights is the story of Abu Al-Hassan and hisslave-girlcourtship, the story of Hassib, the story of Sindbad theSea, thestory of Hassan Al-Shater, the story of Hassan Al-Basri,the storyof the moon of time, the story of Marouf Al-Skafi, thestory of AliAl-Mercury and Delilah the fraudster and the story ofAli Baba Andthe forty thieves, the story of Al-Ahdab and thetailor, the storyof the merchant and the goblin, the story ofScheherazade andDuniyazad, the story of Ali bin Bakkar and the sunof the day, thestory of Abdullah al-Berri and Abdullah al-Bahri,the story of Alaal-Din and the strange lamp, the story of thehunter and the goblinAnd one of the advantages of the applicationof stories A ThousandNights and One Nights Stories Part V withoutthe Net is that itallows you to enlarge and shrink the pages of thebook A ThousandNights and Nights in the manner appropriate for youAnd one of thecharacteristics of the “Thousand Nights and OneNights Stories”application, Part V without the Net, is that itallows you tobrowse the pages of the Book of One Thousand and OneNights withoutthe need for the Internet And the application ofStories of AThousand Nights and Nights Part V without Net containsa set ofstories contained in the book A Thousand Nights and Nights,whichis a story about Shar and the maid, Zumurud, the story of thethreeapples, the story of Nour al-Din and his brother Shams al-Din,thestory of Maarouf al-Skafi and these The story is the main titleforthis part Download the application now to support us tocontinueand provide the best
Al-Raqia Al-Sharia - Saud Al-Shuraim without Net
The application contains the legal spell and supplications andremembrance
Stories of a Thousand Nights and Night without Net 1.0
This is an application that contains the eleventh part of the bookAThousand Nights and Nights, which is a series. We have madeanapplication for each part of the book A Thousand Nights andNightsby itself from the first part to the thirteenth part, whichis aseries that contains many stories and tales, and it is knownthatthe book Night and Layla wrap is a huge collection ofinterestingand very wonderful stories and tales Examples of thestories in thebook A Thousand and One Nights, which we haveincluded in the OneThousand Nights and One Night series, are thestory of AbuAl-Hassan and his maid of courtesy, the story ofHaseeb, the storyof Sinbad the Sailor, the story of Ali al-Zurjurand the fraudulentDelilah, the story of the humpback and thetailor, the story of thefisherman and The Elf, the story of AliBaba, the forty thief, thestory of Aladdin and the strange lamp,the story of Scheherazadeand Dunyazad, the story of Maroufal-Skafi, the story of the moonof time, the story of Abdullahal-Beri and Abdullah al-Bahri, thestory of the merchant and thegoblin, the story of Ali bin Bakar,the sun of the day and the storyAjeeb, Gharib, Sahim al-Layl, thestory of the three apples, thestory of the Crown of Kings, thestory of Nour al-Din and hisbrother Shams al-Din, the story of AliShar and the slave girlZumurud, the story of Hassan al-Basri, thestory of Badr Basim, thestory of al-Shater Hassan, the story ofAbu Muhammad al-Kaslan, andmany others Stories The origin of thebook A Thousand and One Nightsrevolves around King Shahriar andShahrazad, so the king was marrieduntil he discovered his wife’sbetrayal of him, so he killed her,and every night he married awoman and killed her. Scheherazade knewthat the turn wouldinevitably come to her, so she prepared a smartplan to survive Sheand the remaining women, including her sister,Donyazad, andScheherazade's plan was based on telling King Shahryarevery nighta story and not ending the story on the same night, andthis keptthe king eager to hear the rest of the story the nextnight, andScheherazade kept telling King Shahryar the stories for athousandOne night and one night, which is what made the book AThousand andOne Nights with this name the book One Thousand and OneNights withits Stories is known in the West as Arabian Nights Andtheapplication of stories of a thousand nights and nightsparteleventh without the net allows you to enlarge and shrink thepagesof the book A Thousand and One Nights in a manner that suitsyouAnd one of the features of the Thousand and One Nights Storiesapp,part eleven, is that you can browse the pages of the OneThousandand One Nights Book without the need for the Internet Andtheapplication of the stories of the stories of a thousand nightsandnights part eleventh without the net contains the story ofAlial-Mercury and the fraudster Dalila Download the applicationnowand do not forget to follow the entire series and evaluatetheapplication to support us to continue
Arab and international food recipes and salads 1.0
This application contains Arab and international food recipesandvarious salads as it contains cooking basics for beginners,tipsfor learning to cook easily, methods for washing chicken, waystowash meat and fish, marinating fish, recipes for dinner,recipesfor breakfast and fast food such as burger recipes Broasted,crispychicken, potato wedges, chicken breasts for diet, a trayofpotatoes with cheese, lemon and garlic chicken breasts,Greekchicken burger, beef burger, Sudanese falafel, falafel in theoven,and there are also main dishes such as chicken fatteh, a trayofchicken in the oven, vegetables, molokhia and All kinds ofmaqloubawith potatoes, flowers, eggplant, red beans, egg beans,chickenpressed, moussaka with minced meat, meat pressed, okrarecipe, lambrib cooking method, Jordanian mansaf, musakhan,musakhan rolls,meat mandi in the house and with barrel, and amethod of cooking aneck Lamb and a recipe for cooking lamb thighsand cooking rabbits.You also find recipes for making shawarma suchas Turkish shawarma,meat and chicken shawarma, how to make shawarmagarlic, in additionto salad recipes and salad dressing Download theapplication nowand do not forget us to evaluate the application tosupport us tocontinue
The story of the prophets, sto
the stories of the prophets, story of Idris and story of Noah,Nabil Al-Awadi
complete biography of the Prophet Nabil Al-Awadi 1.0
The application contains the biography of the best ofpeoplebiography of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peaceOurmaster Abu Al-Qasim Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalibwasborn in Makkah Al-Mukarramah in the month of Rabi` Al-Awwal oftheyear of the Elephant three and fifty years before themigration(migration from Mecca to Medina) and the Prophet of mercywas born,the prayers of my Lord and peace be upon him, the father'sorphan,and his mother Amna daughter Abi Wahb, who is six years old,wasraised in the custody of his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, theninthe custody of his uncle Abu Talib, and in this applicationyoufind the biography of the Prophet in a more beautiful way thanthebest books of the Prophet’s biography And in this applicationyouwill find: Biography of the Prophet the birth of theMessengerMigration of the Messenger from Mecca to Medina NabilAl-AwadiBiography of the Prophet mp3 The conquest of Mecca Battleof BaniAl-Mustalq The foray of the red lion Battle of Banial-QaynuqaBiography of the Prophet, the battle of the trench One'sincursionBattle of Khaybar Biography of the Prophet the Battle ofBani NadirBiography of the Prophet Hira cave The Great Battle ofBadr AndSheikh Nabil Al-Awadi was born in Kuwait and Nabil Al-Awadiwasborn in 1970 and Nabil Al-Awadi holds a BA in Education intheDepartment of Mathematics and Nabil Al-Awadi holds a master'sanddoctorate degrees in curricula and teaching methods fromBritainand Nabil Al-Awadi is famous for his narration of thestories ofthe prophets and the biography of the Prophet, where Hehas his ownstyle of storytelling And the application of theProphet'sbiography complete with the voice of Nabil Al-Awadi allowsyou tolisten to the biography of the Prophet with the voice ofNabilAl-Awadi and you are using your phone without the need tostayinside the application And one of the advantages of theapplicationof the Prophet's biography complete with the voice ofNabilAl-Awadi is that you listen to the biography of the Prophetwiththe voice of Nabil Al-Awadi without the need to connect totheInternet Download the application now and do not forget toevaluatethe application, may God bless you, to support us tocontinue
The story Hood, and the people of Ad Nabil AlAwadi 1.0
The stories of the prophets are many, and in this applicationIchose for you the story of our master Hood, peace be upon him,andhis people, a people who came back with the voice of SheikhNabilAl-Awadi, the whole story with Sheikh Nabil Al-Awadi AfterGoddrowned the earth for the sake of his prophet Noah, peace beuponhim, only Noah’s offspring, peace be upon him, remained ontheearth, and the people began to multiply until a peopleappearedamong them known as a people who returned and began toworshipidols in them, so God sent them the Prophet of God Hood, whois anArab prophet, and the Arab prophets are Four Hoods, peace beuponhim, Shaaib, peace be upon him, and Saleh, peace be upon him,andthe last of the prophets Muhammad, may God bless him and granthimpeace, and the first Arab prophet was Hood, peace be upon him,andthere was a very old people called Irm Hood, peace be uponhim,called them to monotheism and not to polytheism, so he saidtothem, "Worship God," You have no other god All these eventsarefrom the story of Hood, peace be upon him, with his people,peoplewho returned to listen to them in the voice of Nabil Al-Awadiinhis interesting way And Nabil Al-Awadi is known for his wayoftelling the stories of the prophets and his beautiful voice,asNabil Al-Awadi narrates stories and the verses that accompanythemmentioned in the Holy Quran And the application of the story ofOurMaster Hood, peace be upon him, and the people of AadNabilAl-Awadi allows you to return to the story of Hood from theplacewhere you stopped the audio clip with the voice of NabilAl-AwadiAnd also the application of the stories of the prophets,the storyof Hood, peace be upon him, and the story of a people whocame backwith the voice of Nabil Al-Awadi. You can listen to thestory ofHood, peace be upon him, and his people. And theapplication of thestory of Hood, peace be upon him, and a peoplewho returned withthe voice of Nabil Al-Awadi, one of itscharacteristics is that youlisten to the story of Hood in the voiceof Nabil Al-Awadi withoutthe need for the Internet Download theapplication now and do notforget to evaluate the application tosupport us to continue
قصص حكايا الف ليلة وليلة الجزء الثاني عشر بدون نت 1.0
يحتوي هذا التطبيق على كتاب رواية الف ليلة و ليلة و كتاب و روايةالفليلة و ليلة يحتوي على مجموعة كبيرة من القصص و في هذا التطبيقالذيبين ايديكم و ضعت لكم الجزء الثاني عشر كاملا بدون انترنت و سأذكرلكمالان بعض القصص و الحكايا الموجودة في كتاب الف ليلة و ليلة و منهذهالقصص على سبيل المثال قصة حاسب و قصة ابو الحسن و جاريته تودد وقصةعلى نور الدين و مريم الزنارية و قصة كيد النساء و كيد الرجال وقصةنعمة و جاريته نعم و قصة نورالدين و انيس الجليس وقصة الاحدب والخياطو قصة خليفة الصياد مع القرود و قصة التاجر و العفريت و قصةالسندبادالبحري و سفراته السبعة و قصة ابو قير و ابو صير و قصة تاجالملوكوقصة علاء الدين ابو الشامات و قصة الصياد و العفريت و قصة حسنالبصريو قصة بدر باسم و قصة شهرزاد و دنيازاد الاخوات و قصة وعبداللهالبحري و قصة مدينة النحاس و قصة ابو محمد الكسلان و قصةمعروفالسكافي و قصة قمر الزمان و قصة علي الزئبق و دليلة المحتالة وقصةعلاء الدين و المصباح العجيب و قصة عجيب و غريب و سهيم الليل وقصةعلي بابا و الحرامية الاربعون و غيرها الكثير من القصص و تطبيققصصحكايا الف ليلة و ليلة الجزء الثاني عشر بدون نت يحتوي على قصتينهماقصة عجيب و غريب و سهيم الليل و قصة علاء الدين و المصباح العجيب ومنمميزات تطبيق قصص و حكايا الف ليلة و ليلة الجزء الثاني عشر انهيتيحلكم تصفح صفحات كتاب الف ليلة و ليلة بدون انترنت و من خصائصتطبيققصص و حكايا الف ليلة و ليلة الجزء الثاني عشر بدون نت انه يسمحلكمبتكبير و تصغير صفحات كتاب الف ليلة و ليلة عاى الوجه المناسب لكمواحداث كتاب و رواية الف ليلة و ليلة تدور حول قصة رئيسية وهيقصةالملك شهريار و شهرزاد حيث ان الملك شهريار كان متزوجا و اكتشفخيانةزوجته له فقتلها و اصبح يتزوج في كل ليلة و يقتل من يتزوجها وتوقعتشهرزاد انه سيأتي الدور في يوم من الايام عليها او على اختهادنيازادفاعدت اخطة لذلك اليوم و فعلا جاء ذلك اليوم و تزوج الملكشهرياربشهرزاد و كانت خطة شهرزاد تقوم على إخبار الملك شهريار في كلليلةقصة و حكاية و لا تنهيها في نفس الليلة و استمرت شهرزاد تسردللملكشهريار القصص و الحكايا الف ليلة و ليلة و لهذا سمي الكتاب باسمالفليلة و ليلة حمل التطبيق الان و لا تنسو ان تدعمونا بتقييم التطبيقب5 نجوم
Stories of Arabian Nights Part X without Net 1.0
The application contains stories and tales of a thousand nightsandnights written to enjoy reading and the stories in this part,whichis the tenth part divided into short stories with main titlesandthe rest of the parts in this series, a series of stories ofathousand nights and nights, which contain thirteen parts TheBookof One Thousand and One Nights is considered a book of storiesthatcontains many stories such as the story of the merchant,thegoblin, the story of the hunter and the goblin, the story ofKingYunan and the wise man Royan, the story of Nima and hisslave-girl,yes, the story of Ali Baba, the forty thieves, the storyof thesailor Sinbad and the story of Alaa Al-Din, the strange lamp,thestory of Abu Al-Hassan and his slave-girl courtship, the storyofScheherazade and the Donyazad, the story of Ali Zuraj andDalilathe fraudster, the story of the moon of time, the story ofMaroufal-Iskafi, the story of the hunchback and the tailor, thestory ofthe crown of the Kings, the story of al-Rasheed and thethree menand the story of the three apples And the story of theenchantedhorse, the story of Abdullah al-Berri and Abdullahal-Bahri, thestory of Ali bin Bakkar, the sun of the day, the storyof Omaral-Nu'man, the story of Jan Shah, the story of the enchantedyoungman, the story of the son of the king, the story of Baghdad'smaid,the story of Ali Nur al-Din and Maryam al-Zinari and the storyofHaseb And the story of women’s plots and men's plots, the storyofKhalifa al-Sayyad with monkeys, the story of Nur al-Din,Anisal-Jales, the story of Abu Qir and Abu Sir, the story of Alaal-DinAbu al-Shamat, the story of Hasan al-Basri, the story ofBadrBasim, the story of al-Shatir Hassan and the story of GhanembinAyy And the story of the city of copper and the story ofthestrange and strange and the sails of the night and a story andmostof these stories and tales are in There are some short andshortstories and tales of A Thousand Nights and Nights writtenforenjoyment of reading The events of stories and tales of athousandnights and nights revolve around the story of King ShahriarandShahrazad, as King Shahriar was married and one day hediscoveredhis wife's betrayal of him and he killed her and hemarried a womanevery night and killed her from his hatred of womenafter hediscovered betrayal His wife was his for him, andScheherazade knewthat the turn would come for her inevitably, soshe thought of aplan so that it would not happen with the same fateas the one whomKing Shahriar married, and indeed it was the turn ofScheherazadeto marry King Shahriar and Scheherazade's plan was totell KingShahriar every night a story and not end Scheherazade thatstory onthe same night so that King Shahryar is eager to hear therest ofthe story. And the application of stories and tales of athousandnights and nights part ten offers you a book of a thousandnightsand a night written for reading The application of storiesandtales of a thousand nights and a night of the tenth partwithoutthe net allows you to enlarge and shrink the pages of thebook of athousand nights and nights in the way that suits you Andone of thecharacteristics of the application of stories and talesof athousand nights and one night part ten without the net is thatyoucan read stories and stories of a thousand nights andnightswithout the need for the Internet And the application of AThousandNights and Nights Part ten without the net contains thestory ofAli bin Bakkar, Shams al-Nahar, the story of Omar al-Numanand thestory of Jan Shah Download the application now and do notforget toevaluate the application to support us to continue
Stories of Arabian Nights part nine without net 1.0
This application is a continuation of the book series AThousandNights and One Night, all parts from the first part up tothethirteenth part, and the book One Thousand Nights and Nights isalarge collection of stories estimated at about two hundredstoriesand many poetry pieces said to be 1,420 pieces of poetryExamplesof the stories contained in the book A Thousand Nights andOneNight are the story of Abu Al-Hassan and Jarrett Courting thestoryof the Sword of Kings and Badia Al-Gamal, the story of themerchantAli Al-Masry, the story of the enchanted horse, the storyof Haseb,the story of Ali Nour Al-Din and Maryam Al-Zinnaria andthe storyof the woman’s plot and the kid The men, the story of thehumpbackand the tailor, the story of Nima and his maid, yes, thestory ofNur al-Din, the Anis al-Jales, the story of the merchantand theimp and the story of the fisherman's caliph with monkeys,the storyof Sinbad the sea, the story of Ali Baba and the fortythieves, thestory of Prince Ashraf and the king of the jinn and astoryAl-Rasheed and the three men, the story of the three apples,thestory of Ali ibn Bakkar, the sun of the day, the storyofScheherazade and Duniyazad, the story of Maarif al-Skafi, thestoryof Aladdin and the strange lamp, the story of Ajeeb andGharib, thenight seals, the story of the time moon, the story ofthe hunterand the goblin and The story of Abdullah Al-Beri andAbdullahAl-Bahri, the story of Ali Al-Mercury, Dalila thefraudulent, thestory of Al-Nahhas City, the story of Ghanem binAyyub, the storyof Abu Muhammad Al-Kaslan, the story of Nour Al-Dinand his brotherShams Al-Din, and many other stories The book, AThousand and OneNights, revolves around its story based on thestory of KingShahriar and Shahrazad, whom he married after hekilled his wifeafter discovering her betrayal to him, whereby KingShahriar gotmarried every night and kills whoever marries her, andScheherazadewas aware that the turn would come On her, she prepareda plan forher and the remaining women, including her sister,Donyazad, andScheherazade's plan was based on telling King Shahriarevery nighta story and not ending it until King Shahryar was eagerto hear therest of the story, and Scheherazade remained in this waytellingKing Shahriar every night The story of the duration of athousandnights and nights, and this is the reason why the book OneThousandand One Nights is called this name And the application ofstoriesand tales of a thousand nights and nights part nine withoutthe netallows you to enlarge and shrink the pages of the book AThousandNights and Nights according to your convenience And one ofthecharacteristics of the “Thousand Nights and One NightStories”application, the ninth part without the net, is that youcan browsethe pages of the book “A Thousand Nights and One Night”part ninecomplete without the need for the Internet And the storiesin theapplication of stories and tales of A Thousand Nights andNightsPart Nine without the net are the story of the sword of thekingsand the beautiful beauty and the story of the merchant AliAl-Masryand the story of the enchanted horse Arabian Nights, thebook knownas One Thousand Nights and Nights in the West Downloadtheapplication now and do not forget to evaluate the applicationtosupport us to continue
Surat AlAnam Reading and liste 1.0
This application contains Surat Al-Anam
Al-Ruqyah Al-Sharia - by Abdel-Basit 1.0
This application contains the legal ruqyah listening without thenetand it contains the legal ruqyah from the noble Qur’an withthevoice of the reciter Sheikh Abdul Basit and the legitimateruqyahare used for prevention and to ward off harm from eye orenvy. Thelegal ruqyah from the Holy Qur’an is an effectivetreatment for theeye and envy, as it is a cure for people asmentioned in the HolyQur’an
Al-Raqia Al-Sharia - Khaled Al 1.0
This application contains the legal spell without Net KhaledAl-Qahtani
Surat AlImran read and listen AlAjami without Net 1.0
This application contains a surah from the surahs of the HolyQuran,which is Surat Al Imran, and this application contains SurahAlImran reading and listening without the net and the applicationalsocontains Surah Al Imran listening with the voice of the readerAhmedAl-Ajmi and the reciter Ahmed Al-Ajmi is considered one ofthe mostbeautiful readers in the world Al-Arabi, I hope that theapplicationof Surat Al-Imran will please you Download theapplication now anddo not forget to evaluate the application tosupport us to continue
The story of Saleh, and the ca 1.0
The stories of the prophets, the story of Saleh and the camel NabilAl-Awadi
AlRuqyah AlSharia Muhammad Al- 1.0
The application contains the legal spell without Net MuhammadAl-Muhaisni
Surat AlBaqara Reading and listening Ahmed AlAjami 1.1
This application contains Surah Al-Baqarah which is one ofthesurahs of the Holy Quran and contains Surah Al-Baqarah readingandlistening in the voice of Ahmed Al-Ajami and Surah Al-Baqara oneofthe greatest surahs of the Holy Quran and this surah containsAyatAl-Kursi and reciter Ahmed Al-Ajami of the most beautifulvoices inthe Arab world One of the advantages of Surat Al-Baqarahis readingand listening to Ahmad Al-Ajami without the net that itallows youto listen to Surat Al-Baqarah in the voice of AhmedAl-Ajamiwithout the need to stay inside the application. Anotherfeature ofthe Surah Al-Baqara application - reading and listeningto AhmadAl-Ajami without the net is that it allows you to listen toSuratAl-Baqara in the voice of Ahmed Al-Ajami without the need tobeconnected to the Internet And Ahmed Al-Ajami is known forhisbeautiful voice, and Ahmed Al-Ajami has a wonderful voice,AhmedAl-Ajami, born in 1968, Ahmed Al-Ajami, was born in SaudiArabia inthe city of Khobar, and Ahmed Al-Ajami, who holds adoctorate ininterpretation, and the reason for Ahmed Al-Ajmi's fameis hisbeautiful voice in reading the Holy Quran And if you aresearchingfor Surah Al-Baqarah and Surah Al-Baqarah in the voice ofAhmadAl-Ajami and Surat Al-Baqara in full and Surat Mp3 cowSuratAl-Baqarah by Ahmad Al-Ajmi is complete, Surat Al-Baqarahiswritten and Surat Al-Baqara is audible. Download thisapplicationnow and do not forget to evaluate the application tosupport us tocontinue, God bless you
Marital happiness 1.0
This app contains tips for marital happiness
Morning and evening remembranc 1.1
morning and evening supplications daily supplications, and varioussupplications
A successful married life in I 1.0
contains tips for happy married in Islam and some tips for privaterelationship
The most beautiful Islamic rin 1.1
application contain Islamic tones and ring tones
The full story of our Master Shuaib,Nabil Al-Awadi
The story of our master Shuaib, complete and brief in NabilAl-Awadi's voice
The full story of the Antichrist, heard by AlAwadi 1.0
The application contains the story of the Antichrist fromhisappearance to his death at the hands of Jesus, peace be uponhim,and the coming out of the awaited Mahdi and the Antichrist wasnotmentioned in the Holy Qur’an and Ibn Hajar answered that inhisbook Fath al-Bari that it is the wisdom of not mentioningtheAntichrist or as some call it The antichrist or the antichristinthe Noble Qur’an with what is mentioned in it of evil andthegreatness of sedition with him and the warning of the prophetsfromhim and the command to seek refuge from him even in prayer Andthetrial of the Antichrist is one of the greatest temptations thattheprophets warned their people about And the Antichrist in Judaismisthe son of Satan from the tribe of Dan, based on the accountofJacob and the prophecy of John in chapter seven. And theAntichristappears at the end of time, as reported by the Prophet,may Godbless him and grant him peace And the application of thestory ofthe Antichrist, fully heard in the voice of Nabil Al-Awadiwithoutthe net allows you to run the story of the Antichrist andlisten toit in the voice of Nabil Al-Awadi without the need to stayinsidethe application And one of the characteristics of theapplicationof the story of the Antichrist in full with the voice ofNabilAl-Awadi is that you can listen to the story of the Antichristinthe voice of Nabil Al-Awadi without the need for the InternetAndSheikh Nabil Al-Awadi narrates the story of the Antichrist,theappearance of the awaited Mahdi, the descent of Jesus, peacebeupon him, and the horrors that accompany these events on the DayofResurrection in a way that attracts the listener to the storyofthe Antichrist Download the application now and do not forgettoevaluate the application to support us to continue
The story of Lot, without Net 1.0
The application contains story of Lot, without net in the voice ofNabil AlAwadi
Surat Al-A'raf - Ahmed Al-Ajmi without Net 1.0
This application contains Surat Al-A'raf, which is one of thesurasof the Holy Quran, and the application contains SuratAl-A'raf,reading and listening without the net The applicationcontainsSurat Al-A'raf, listening to the voice of Sheikh AhmedAl-Ajami,the reciter, and Sheikh Ahmed Al-Ajami is one of thereaders knownfor their beautiful voice in the Arab world And theapplication ofSurat Al-A'raf by Ahmed Al-Ajami allows you withoutthe net tolisten to Surat Al-A'raf with Ahmed Al-Ajami's voicewithout theneed to stay inside the application. And Sheikh AhmadAl-Ajmi wasborn in 1968 and Ahmed Al-Ajmi was born in Al-Khobar inSaudiArabia and Ahmed Al-Ajmi received a BA in Sharia, AhmedAl-Ajmiholds a master's degree from the University of Lahore andAhmedAl-Ajmi holds a doctorate degree in interpretation andAhmedAl-Ajmi is famous for his recitation of the Holy Quran withhisvoice The beautiful And the application of Surat Al-A'raf byAhmadAl-Ajami also allows you without the net to listen toSuratAl-A'raf in the voice of Ahmed Al-Ajami without the need tostayconnected to the Internet Download the application now and donotforget to evaluate the application
The story of Suleiman, without 1.0
The application contains the story of Suleiman, Nabil Al-Awadiwithout the net
Surat Al-Anfal Read and Listen 1.0
The application contains Surah Al-Anfal from the Holy Quran
Various religious questions ge 1.0
The application contains various religious questions to educatereligion
Story of Prophets, our master 1.0
the application contain the story of Adam and creation and Cain andAbel AlAwadi
The story of Ayoub, with voice 1.0
The application contains story of Ayoub, complete with voice ofNabil AlAwadi
The events of the end of the world with AlAwadi 1.0
This application contains the events of the end of the worldheardin the voice of Nabil Al-Awadi When will the world end? Areweabout to end this world in which we live? Whoever reads whoreadsthe writings of researchers specializing in all religions,Islam,Judaism and Christianity, everyone agrees that the worldhasapproached its end and that we are in the last period of thistimenot arguing about this And some people have come to see the endofthe world in their dreams, because they think about the end oftheworld and the horrors of the end of the world And the end oftheworld means that the Day of Resurrection has become a realityAndthe application of the events of the end of the world withthevoice of Nabil Al-Awadi without the net enables you to listentothe events of the end of the world with the voice of NabilAl-Awadiwhile you use your phone as usual without the need to stayinsidethe application itself And one of the characteristics oftheApocalypse Events application with Nabil Al-Awadi's voicewithoutthe net allows you to listen to the story of the end of theworldwith Nabil Al-Awadi's voice without the need for the InternetAndSheikh Nabil Al-Awadi was born in 1970, and Nabil Al-Awadi wasbornin Kuwait, and Nabil Al-Awadi holds a Bachelor's degreeinEducation in the Department of Mathematics, and NabilAl-Awadiholds a master's degree in curricula and teaching methodsfromBritain, and Nabil Al-Awadi holds a doctorate in curriculaandteaching methods from Britain Also, Nabil Al-Awadi is known forhisfaith-based style of storytelling Download the application nowanddo not forget to evaluate the application to support us To carryon
Tales of Arabian Nights, the f 1.0
The application contains storiesof the book Arabian Nights fullpartwithout Net
Surat Al-Maeda - Ahmed Al-Ajam 1.1
The application contains Surat Al-Ma’idah reading and listening