Insaneye ئاپەکان

Use Oii to send quickly voice recordedmessages to embarrass, amuse, stun, surprise or even insult yourfriends in awkward situations.Voice record whatever you like, your recipient will get an Oiialert then click to hear your voice recording, its that simple!Your recipient won’t know the contents of the message until theyselect "Listen" Oii app will then shout the message from thedevice, causing many funny and embarrassing moments.Its so quick, just open the app and send your Oii shout in just2 clicks!Save your Oii’s and use them over and over, even save ones youhave received and send them on to other friendsPeople all over the world are loving this simple new app andusing it for 1000’s of reasons, here are just some….What better way to let a loved one know you're thinking of them,not by just texting but sending your voice saying “I love youbabe”Your team scores against your friends team so what better way tostart the banter then sending them “GOAL SCORES WINNING!!”.Everyone has that goofy mate so after another gaff by them sendan Oii to start some banter.Declare its “Coffee Break down tools” with a quick Oii to yourwork mates.Oii also has great business uses; a company can send you an Oiiwith collection details or “orders ready collection no.ABC123”.Taxi drivers can let you know they have arrived with a quick“Taxi Outside” Oii saving them making a phone call.Airports can let you know when the flight is boarding to helpavoid delays.If your feeling like being bad then record some crude messagefor a friend to open in just the wrong place.Oii is the new word in simple instant messagingSo try it now for FREE and unleash the potential of the simpleInstant Message
Social Sweepstake 1.0.6
Host and create Sweepstakes on the ResultsofSporting Events with your friends, family, teammates orco-workers.SOCIAL SWEEPSTAKE is quite simply the best, simplest and mostfunway to host Sweepstakes on the Results of any sporting event,likeFootball, Horse Racing, Motor Racing, Basketball, IceHockey,Baseball, Cricket and much much more.This awesome FREE app allows you to easily create Sweepstakesonany sporting events from around the world Social Sweepstakecomespre loaded with all the most popular sporting events.With the Social Sweepstake app installed on just 1 phone youcanrun a great Sweepstake with your friends, the User simplychooses asporting event then just add family, friends orco-workers, the appwill randomly draw them a team and save theresults, all that’sleft to do is watch the event to see who thelucky winner is.(Only the User requires the app, all ‘friends’ enter via theUsersapp)Social Sweepstake is exactly the same as an old fashionedresultsSweepstake where teams are selected for your friends bybeing drawnout of a hat but now its in app form, saving you theneed to cut outbits of paper and keep a copy of the selections,the app saves allthe event selections for you & emails theresults to yourplayers... saving you time and effort and allowingto enjoy yourfavorite event.Play and create multiple games there’s no limits, for a smallinapp purchase you can also customize the app to easily createyourown Sweepstakes for local, less mainstream events, so anyone inanyplace can have fun with the app.Events are always being added and updated with the latestteams,competitors and schedules so Social Sweepstake is alwaysusefulwhatever the event and country.Install it for free and see for yourself how simple it is touseand how exciting it makes your favorite sporting events!Best of all Its free
Autocroc 1.9
Autocroc FREE Marketplace – Buy and Sell Everything Autos&Parts - No fees - No Time Limits With Autocroc it's quickly&easily to BUY and SELL Vehicles, Parts & Find AutoBusiness forServices for FREE with our simple to use category andsearchfeatures. With Autocroc you can: - Search Autocroc for anyvehicle,new, used or specialist. - Search Autocroc for new and usedparts.- Advertise your vehicle quickly without any fuss or highlistingcosts. - Free to use with no listing fees. - Use ouradvancedcategory system to narrow down searching. - Scroll in andout onvehicle images to see the real close up detail. - Save andfavoriteany advert. - Phone, Text or Email the seller directly fromtheadverts. - Check out the sellers location with built inGooglemaps. - Simply click to view the sellers other adverts. -Visitbusiness sellers Social media pages. - Visit businesssellerswebsites. - Create a specialist business advert. - Findspecialistvehicle businesses. - Add a wanted item listing - Sign inwithSocial media or email - Simple to add premium features likeextraphotos and video - Share listings with social media likeFacebook,Google+ and Twitter. -Share listing with email. We love tohearyour thoughts, feedback or suggestions so feel free to email MORE GREAT REASONS TO USE AUTOCROCSELLINGYou’re frustrated with posting on traditional classifiedadvertsthat take time to fill out and are costly. SAVE TIME Uploadyouitem in a matter of minutes. Not tech savvy? Don’t worry,we’vebuilt Autocroc to be super simple to use, including easyON/OFFoptions, and limited forms to fill out. SAVE MONEYOutrageousposting fees are a thing of the past. We want you toactually makemoney from your pre-loved auto stuff. We don’t chargeyou asubscription fee, or charge you by the length of time youradvertis up. EASY COMMUNICATION You control what info you share,but thebasics are there for you to communicate with your buyers.Let theenquiries come in. SECURE PAYMENTS Your account can belinked upwith major online payment methods including Paypal,andTransferwise. If you’d prefer good ol’ cash then you can alsoagreewith your buyer to sell it for cash. BUYING You’re sickofscrolling through loads of irrelevant adverts, that aremostlyposted by suppliers charging premium prices. Instead, sourceyourparts from the public, and perhaps find that hidden gem. FINDHARDTO FIND ITEMS Need a fuel pump for a 1972 Porsche? Weencouragepeople to post their unique auto parts, barn finds etc. soyou’remore likely to find a rare item on Autocroc. SAVE MONEY Aspeopleare selling their own items, you’re more likely to find somegreatdeals. Avoid pumped up retail prices. EASY SEARCH &ONLINEMANAGEMENT Autocroc is solely for Auto related items, andthesearch has been built to easy sift through the options. Settingupan account is easy. You can also follow certain buyers andcreatewatch lists. Communicating with the seller is easy.Startconnecting with some great people who also share your love ofcars.