Lergen Style LLP ئاپەکان

ROY Prizm Wallet 2.0.2
Lergen Style LLP
ROY PRIZM Wallet wallet is specially created by the ROY Clubcommunity for simple and convenient use of cryptocurrency by bothcommunity members and other people who own PRIZM cryptocurrency. Wemade the application as simple, convenient, but at the same timefunctional and safe. Now you can carry out any operations withPRIZM directly on your phone, without fearing the safety of yourfunds. Simplicity and usability • Free - there are no commissionsto the service. • You can log in to an existing wallet using amnemonic phrase or create a new wallet in seconds: the systemgenerates a mnemonic phrase that can be saved and immediatelylogged into the wallet. • Instant transaction sending. • Supportfor a QR code for conveniently receiving and sending payments(scanning a QR code and reading a QR code from an uploaded image).• Automatically filling out the public key when sending funds, ifthe recipient wallet address is activated. Checking thecorrespondence of the address and the public key. • Detailedtransaction information: number of confirmations, comments, etc. •Message signature: used to confirm that it is you who own thewallet and control the funds stored on it. • Address book forstoring wallet details (Address, Public Key, Transaction Comment)to which you often send funds: fill out the sending form instantly.• The ability to add multiple wallets in the Settings - YourWallets section to manage them all from one application. • Loggingin using the address as on the web version, when you get accessonly to view publicly available information about the address, andto display, sign or view a comment on the transaction, you mustenter a mnemonic. High security • Only you have access to yourfunds: the wallet does not store private keys. • Ability toconfigure authorization and send funds via PIN-code or Face-ID.Additional features • Node selection: you can not use the ROY PrizmWallet node, but synchronize with another node specified by you. •Support for multiple languages ​​(Russian, English, Turkish, Hindi,Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, French, Khmer,Bengali, Czech, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Burmese, Thai,Filipino). • Web version on the platform ROY.club.
ROY Club 2.6.2
Lergen Style LLP
Now the whole ROY Club is in your smartphone! This application isafully functional Personal Account of the ROY Club. Now you cangetquick access to your referral link and monitorregistrationstatistics. Follow UMI coin staking and PRIZMparamining in realtime. All information on your UMI structuralwallet is available inthe application, as well as a convenientwithdrawal of PRIZM coinsfrom the ROY Club. Follow the course inreal time, check themovements in your structure, learn about theaccrued bonuses andmuch more. This is the same Personal Account ason a PC, only onyour mobile device. Increase UMI and PRIZM moreefficiently,control your coins and be sure of your safety thanks toourapplication!
UMI Wallet 1.5.8
Lergen Style LLP
UMI is an open source, versatile monetary instrument. Aninnovativedecentralized cryptocurrency that allows instant, freeandcompletely secure transfers. Staking on a smart contract allowsyouto increase the amount of UMI coins up to 40% per month bysimplykeeping them in your wallet. Thanks to the officialmobileapplication, the UMI cryptocurrency is always at yourfingertips: •Create and manage your UMI-wallets (the ability to useseveralwallets at once); • Send and receive UMI coins; • Connecttostructures for staking up to 40% per month; • View the historyoftransactions; • Sign messages. Also for you: • Blockchain witheasynavigation and search engine; • Technical support; •Convenientauthorization by Face ID, fingerprint or PIN-code; •Current UMIrate in USD / RUB / EUR / BTC; • Support for English,Russian,Chinese and Spanish languages. The UMI mobile applicationprovidesall the necessary functionality right in yoursmartphone.Convenient, fast, safe. Welcome to the future! 🖖
SIGEN.pro 2.6.8
Lergen Style LLP
The official mobile application SIGEN.pro - platforms fortradingcryptocurrency for any currencies in the world. Take fulladvantageof the platform anytime, anywhere - as convenient,understandableand reliable as possible. SIGEN.pro is safetransactions withoutcommissions, reliable protection of youraccount, automatic deposit/ withdrawal and round-the-clocktechnical support. SIGEN.pro isnot only a multifunctional tradingplatform, but also yourconvenient crypto wallet, as well as aservice for miningcryptocurrency. Increase the number of UMI andPRIZM coins bysimply keeping them in your wallet at SIGEN.pro.SIGEN.pro mobileapplication is: • Full platform functionality withall settings andnotifications (except for the automatic exchanger).• Wallet ofpopular cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, UMI, PZM, TON,BIP. •Trading on the stock exchange and p2p-platform 24/7. •Passivegrowth of cryptocurrencies: UMI staking up to 40% per monthandPRIZM paramining up to 10% per month. • Two-factorauthentication(2FA) by e-mail, GA or code table. • 0% commission. •Transactionsfor cryptocurrencies and fiat money: rubles, hryvnia,dollars andother currencies. • Support for bank transfers andelectronicpayment systems (PayPal, Webmoney and so on). •Protection oftransactions by the ESCROW systems (depositing theseller'scryptocurrency before the buyer pays) and Social TrustScoring (theability to see the rating of another user). • Livechat. • Supportfor QR codes for convenient receiving and sendingpayments. • Fastauthorization via PIN, Face ID or Touch ID. •Support for multiplelanguages. • Completely free app from a to z.SIGEN.pro is your newlook at cryptocurrencies. Download theapplication and see foryourself right now!
GLIZE Community 1.0.0
Lergen Style LLP
GLIZE Personal Account now in your smartphone! Use your tokenforbonuses, staking and get ready to dive into the NFT universe.Inthe app, you'll find a personalized link that allows you togetbonuses for inviting friends. Build your team and track yourtokeninput and output stats. Learn about GLIZE staking Stages,calculatetoken growth at each stage and get quick access to yourwalletaddresses. Everything is the same as the browser-basedversion,only in a convenient package for your smartphone. Be amongthefirst to join the upcoming GLIZE NFT Marketplace and get readytoget the most out of digital art objects. Achieve more, createyourown NFTs and collect the most valuable objects. It's allcomingsoon! Conquer new space horizons with GLIZE!