Mybooks ئاپەکان

Delicious Fried Rice Recipes 1.0
This book contains a collection ofdeliciousfried rice recipe and easy to make , using this book youcan makeyour loved ones happyGOOD LUCKThis book containsacollection of delicious fried rice recipe and easy to make,usingthis book you can the make your loved ones happyGOOD LUCK
Delicious Cupcakes Recipes 1.0
This book contains a collection ofcupcakerecipes are very tasty and easy to make it, I hope this bookcanhelp you in learning the recipesThis book containsacollection of cupcake recipes are very tasty and easy to make it,Ihope this book can help you in learning the recipes
Easy Lunch Recipes 1.0
This application give a collection ofrecipeseasy and delicious lunch , it can be a reference for you whoarelearning to cook .enjoy thisThis application giveacollection of recipes easy and delicious lunch, it can beareference for you who are learning to cook.enjoy this
Tips & Teknik Wawancara Kerja 1.0
Wawancara atau interview adalah salah satuhalwajib saat seseorang akan mengajukan diri sebagai pekerjaataupegawai dalam perusahaan tertentu, banyak sekali jenissertapertanyaan yang akan di ajukan kepada calon pekerjasehinggaterkadang anda akan merasa gugup dalam menghadapinya,buku ini memberi panduan anda tentang teknik serta tatacaradalammenjawab setiap pertanyaan dengan baik dan benarInterviews or interviewisone of the things required when someone will ask themselvesasworkers or employees in a particular company, as well as manytypesof questions that will be submitted to prospective employeesthatsometimes you feel nervous in the deal,This book gives you guidance on techniques and proceduresinanswering every question properly
Cara Cepat Meninggikan Badan 1.0
buku ini merupakan buku panduan olahraga caracepat meninggikan badan dengan gerakan-gerakan tertentuThis book is a guidebooksports quick way elevate the body with certain movements
Bank Soal UN SMP Lengkap 1.0
aplikasi ini merupakan kumpulan soal-soalUNuntuk SMP Lengkap semua pelajaran dengan soal beserta jawabandanterdapat juga latihan soal yang akan mengasah kemampuananda.This application isacollection of questions UN for SMP Complete all lessonswithquestions along with the answers and there are also exercisesthatwill hone your skills.
Bank Soal UN SMA Lengkap 1.0
Aplikasi ini memudahkan anda dalammempelajarisoal-soal untuk UN Mendatang dengan mudah dan dapat dibawa kemanasajaThis applicationallowsyou to learn the questions to UN Upcoming easily and cancarryanywhere
The Best Waffles Recipes 1.0
The aplication "The Best WafflesRecipes"contains a collection of recipes waffles are delicious andeasy tomake, hopefully usefulberisikan kumpulan resep waffles yang lezat dan mudah untukdibuat, semoga bermanfaatThe aplication "TheBestWaffles Recipes" contains a collection of recipes wafflesaredelicious and easy to make, hopefully usefulcontains a collection of recipes waffles are delicious andeasyto make, hopefully useful
Warisan Dalam Islam 1.0
buku ini membahas tentang pembagianhartawarisan menurut syariat Islam yang baik dan benarThis book discussesthedivision of inheritance according to Islamic law is goodandright
The Best French Food Recipes 1.0
This book Beris collection of frenchfoodrecipes are easy and delicious , there are more than 30 frenchfoodrecipes in itThis book Beriscollectionof french food recipes are easy and delicious, there aremore than30 french food recipes in it
Dating Tips For Women 1.0
This book contains a collection of thebesttips to start a date , the book is given to the women in theworldwho are confused or do not trust yourself to do a date.buku ini berisi kumpulan tips terbaik untuk memulaisebuahkencan, buku ini di berikan kepada wanita-wanita di duniayangbingung atau tidak percaya diri melakukan sebuah kencanGOOD LUCKThis book containsacollection of the best tips to start a date, the book is giventothe women in the world who are confused or do not trust yourselftodo a date.This book contains a collection of the best tips to start adate,the book is given to the women in the world who are confusedor donot trust yourself to do a dateGOOD LUCK
Best Motivation Stories 1.0
In this book contains a collectionofmotivation stories that are good for you , either increasethevalue of one's motivationdidalam buku ini terdapat berbagai macam kumpulan certiatentangmotivasi, semoga dengan adanya buku ini dapat memotivasiandalebihIn this book containsacollection of motivation stories that are good for you,eitherincrease of the value of one's motivationin this book there are various collection certiaaboutmotivation, hopefully with this book can motivate you more
Delicious Chinese Food Recipes 1.0
This book contains a collection of Chinesefoodis easy and delicious that often you have encountered andsuitablefor use during the holidaysGOOD LUCKThis book containsacollection of Chinese food is easy and delicious that Oftenyouhave encountered and suitable for use during the holidaysGOOD LUCK
Buku Saku Pagar Nusa 1.0
Pagar Nusa merupakan salah satu alirandalamseni beladiri asli indonesia yang merupakan seni beladiriataupencak silat orang Nahdiyyin dan buku ini wajib bagi andayangingin serta telah bergabung dengan keluarga besar pencaksilatPagar NusaPagar Nusa is one ofthestreams in the native Indonesian martial art which is a martialartor pencak silat Nahdiyyin person and this book mandatory forthosewho want and have joined the big family of martial artsPagarNusa
Delicious Cookies Recipes 1.0
This book contains a collection ofDeliciousCookies Recipes are very tasty and easy to make it, I hopethisbook can help you in learning the recipesThis book containsacollection of Delicious Cookies Recipes are very tasty and easytomake it, I hope this book can help you in learningtherecipes
The Best Noodle Recipes 1.0
In this book contains a collection ofrecipesnoodles were delicious and easy to make , I hope this bookwill beuseful for youIn this book containsacollection of recipes noodles were delicious and easy to make,Ihope this book will be useful for you
Silat Merpati Putih 1.0
Buku ini merupakan buku saku yangsangatbermanfaat bagi anda yang ingin mempelajari seni beladiritangankosong yang merupakan salah satu pencak silat yang terkenalyaitumerpati putihThis book is apaperbackbook very useful for those of you who want to learn themartial artof empty hand, which is one of the famous martial artsnamely whitedove
Aqidatul Awam & Terjemah 1.0
Kitab ini merupakan suatu kitab yangmenkajitentang ilmu aqidah dalam islam yang sangat berguna bagikitaThis book is a bookaboutscience menkaji aqidah in Islam that is very useful forus
Latihan Soal SBMPTN Lengkap 1.0
Dengan Aplikasi ini anda dapat memulailatihandalam menjawab soal-soal yang brkaitan dengan tes SBMPTNyang mudahdan praktis dan disertai dengan jawaban dan penilaiaanyangbenarWith this applicationyoucan start training in answering questions that test SBMPTNbrkaitanwith an easy and practical and is accompanied by thecorrectanswers and penilaiaan
Fingerstyle Lesson & TABS 1.0
In this application contains lessons on fingerstyle guitar is easyto understand and there is also a set of tabs that are easy to beplayed GOOD LUCK Di dalam aplikasi ini berisikan pelajaran tentangguitar fingerstyle yang mudah dipahami & terdapat pula kumpulanTABS yang mudah untuk di mainkan
Membuka Mata Ketiga 1.0
Buku ini merupakan suatu buku yangmemberikanpanduan membuka mata ketiga atau kemampuan alam bawahsadarkitaThis book is a bookthatprovides guidance open the third eye or the ability ofourunconscious
Kisah Abu Nawas Sang Pujangga 1.0
buku ini berisi kumpuan kisah menarik darisangpujangga arab abu nawas, Abu nawas adalah seorang tokohyangterkenal sangat cerdas dan cerdik dalam hidupnya abu nawassangatterkenal dan memiliki berbagai macam kisah yang patut untukdibacaThis book containskumpuancompelling story of the poet arab ash nawas, Abu Nawas isawell-known figure is very smart and clever in his life nawasashare well known and have a wide variety of story that deserves toberead
Delicious Ice Cream Recipes 1.0
This book Beris collection of ice creamrecipesare easy and delicious , there are more than 30 ice creamrecipes initThis book Beriscollectionof ice cream recipes are easy and delicious, there aremore than 30ice cream recipes in it
Ajaran & Kisah Wali Songo 1.0
buku ini menceritakan kisah-kisah dariparapejuang agama Islam dalam mengajarkan serta menyebarkan agamaIslamdi indonesia yang lebih kita kenal dengan sebuatan para WaliSongoatau Wali SembilanThis book tellsthestories of fighters for Islam in teaching as well as the spreadofIslam in Indonesia is more familiar with the Wali Songo sebuatanorGuardian Nine
Kajian Seks Dalam Islam 1.0
buku ini berisikan kajian tentangtatacaraserta adab dalam berhubungan suami istri menurut sunnahsertaajaran dalam agama Islam.SEMOGA BERMANFAATThis book contains astudyon the procedure and etiquette in sexual relationshipsaccording tothe Sunnah and teachings of Islam.MAY BE USEFUL
Dzikrul Ghofilin & Terjemah 1.0
Merupakan sebuah kitab yangberisidzikir-dzikir yang sangat bermanfaat dan menangkan hatiyangbernama Dzikrul GhofilinIs a book thatcontainsthe dhikr-dhikr very beneficial and win hearts namedDzikrulGhofilin
Trik Sulap Sang Master 1.0
aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan trik-triksulapyang sering kali muncul dan di pertontonkan oleh master sulapuntukmenghibur penonton, aplikasi ini akan membongkar rahasia dibaliktrik-trik tersebutThis applicationcontainsa collection of magic tricks that frequently arise andinpertontonkan by the master of magic to entertain the audience,thisapplication will reveal the secrets behind these tricks
Delicious Pizza Recipes 1.0
In this book contains a collectionofinteresting and delicious recipes of pizza , the recipe isveryeasy and can be done by anyoneIn this book containsacollection of interesting and delicious recipes of pizza,therecipe is very easy and can be done by anyone
Akhlaq Dalam Islam 1.0
buku ini berisi kajian tentang ilmu akhlakyangbaik dalam agama Islam dan semoga dapat membantu andadalammendidiki putra-putri anda menjadi manusia yang lebihbaikThis book contains astudyof the science of good morals in Islam and hopefully can helpyou inmendidiki your children become better human
Best Dessert & Pudding Recipes 1.0
This book contains a collection ofdessertrecipes and the best in the world puddings were deliciousand easyto makeThis book containsacollection of dessert recipes and the best in the worldpuddingswere delicious and easy to Make
Tea Blands Recipes 1.0
contains a collection of recipes blend thebesttea in the world , this recipe is very easy to understand andcan bedone by anyoneberisi kumpulan resep racikan teh terbaik di dunia, resep inisangatmudah di pahami dan dapat dilakukan siapa sajacontains a collectionofrecipes blend the best tea in the world, this recipe is veryeasyto understand and can be done by anyonecontains a collection of recipes blend the best tea in theworld,this recipe is very easy to understand and can be donebyanyone
Bible Stories Book 1.0
di dalam buku ini berisi kumpulankisah-kisahdari bible yang sudah sangat terkenal. buku ini di buatdengantujuan agar para penganut agama ini dapat lebih mengetahuitentangkisah-kisah dari bible.In this book contains a collection of stories from the bible thatisvery famous . This book created with the aim that the adherentsofthis religion can be more aware of the stories of the bible.In this book containsacollection of stories from the bible that is very famous. Thisbookcreated with the aim that the adherents of this religion canbemore aware of the stories of the bible.In this book contains a collection of stories from the bible thatisvery famous. This book created with the aim that the Adherentsofthis religion can be more aware of the stories of thebible.