Paul Holt ئاپەکان

Kodi Volume Control 1.3
Paul Holt
I was sick of searching for, loading andnavigating through the Kore remote control app and using the fiddlyvolume buttons. This app has big fat buttons, and only does onething. Perhaps you will find it as useful as I have.This app will work sub-optimally if you do not, in fact, possessan xbmc media player.
Maritime Flags 1.3
Paul Holt
Learn your maritime flags with this fun andeasy simple application! Tap on the top region to change betweenfour different quiz types.
Pseudoblepsis 1.2.16
Paul Holt
Fire positive and negatively charged ballsinto the targets. Fire positive balls with a left tap and negativeballs with a right tap. Move the bat by tilting the phone. Getpositive points for positive balls in positive targets or negativeballs in negative targets. Get negative points for positive ballsin negative targets or negative balls in positive targets. Positiveballs attract negative balls, positive balls repel positive ballsand negative balls repel negative balls.It's just that simple!Try for the highest or lowest score you can get!
Azured Demo 0.2.3
Paul Holt
Adventure game disguised as asimpleplatform-hopping game. Many levels and worlds toexplore!
Azured Full Game 0.0.1
Paul Holt
The full game of Azured, with extra levelsandmore being added with every update.
Rock Dodger beta1.3b
Paul Holt
Look out! Space Rocks!Fire your laser, watch out for space rocks. Your laserisn'tpowerful enough to destroy the rocks immediately, it takes afewhits to heat them up until their volatile chemical contentsflashinto gas and they explode. Best to just avoid them atfirst.
Cherenkov 1.2
Paul Holt
Ten percent pachinko, thirty percentbreakout,ten percent physics sim, fifty percent pinball, TWOHUNDRED PERCENTFUN!Fire positive and negatively charged particles fromyoupaddle/gun and get them into the targets to score points. Youhaveonly SIXTY SECONDS! No game lasts more than a minute.Uses your google account to record the highest and lowestscores.Compete with your friends and frenemies.