The Ken Blanchard Companies ئاپەکان

SLII® 2.0.79
The Ken Blanchard Companies
The SLII App is for people and their team members who have receivedan app activation code as part of participating in one ofBlanchard’s programs that uses the SLII Model. A quick go-toreference tool, this app will help leaders and team members improverelationships and performance by applying SLII to the real world.It helps at critical leadership moments—when preparing for aconversation with a team member or when asking for what you needfrom your leader to help you succeed. The app features: • Adiagnosis wizard to diagnose an individual’s development level onimportant goals or tasks • Tips on what to do and what to say tohelp implement the principles of SLII • An interactive SLIIModel shows the key characteristics of each development level andmatching leadership style • Expanded information availableon-demand throughout the app
SLII® Diagnosis 1.1
The Ken Blanchard Companies
If you’ve been trained on SituationalLeadership® II (SLII®), or are about to be, and have been sent apassword for the SLII Diagnosis app, then you’ve come to the rightplace.This app is a quick reference tool for managers. It helpsmanagers by focusing on a critical leadership moment—when theleader is preparing for a conversation with their team members.This app will reinforce your SLII training while it helps youimprove your team’s relationships and performance. The appfeatures:A diagnosis wizard that leads you through the process of diagnosingyour people on important goals and tasksLeadership style tips, including what to do and say, that matchyour people’s development levels and help you partner forperformanceA brief, interactive overview of SLII to remind you of thebasicsAn interactive SLII Model that shows the key characteristics ofeach development level and matching leadership styleThis app will help you use the right leadership style at theright moment in time.
How2Lead 1.0
The Ken Blanchard Companies
Stay In Step. In Tune.Tips that help you lead at a higher level. All free.How2Lead from The Ken Blanchard Companies allows you to stayup-to-date with the latest in leadership, staff development, andmanagement practices. Read Blanchard blogs, access videos, andreceive updates on new thought-leadership and research.The Ken Blanchard Companies is a global leader in workplacelearning, productivity, performance, and leadership trainingsolutions. For over 30 years, we have helped companies improvetheir performance, productivity, and bottom-line results.The How2Lead App aggregates real-time feeds from:LeaderChat: A weekly blog about managing in today's workenvironment and what leaders can do to create an engaged,motivated, and productive workforce that gets results.Ken's Blog - HowWeLead: Written by Ken Blanchard, leadershipguru and author of over 50 business books, including The One MinuteManager. Ken writes weekly about issues related to personal growth,leadership and organizational development, motivation, and anythingelse that is on his mind.New Leaders - WhyLeadNow: Whether you are Gen Y, a Millennial, aStudent, or just someone who is new to the concept of leadingyourself and others, the thoughts and ideas expressed in WhyLeadNoware designed to help you understand the basic concepts ofleadership, and to develop your own personal and professionalstyle. Written by a group of today's young leaders, postings aremade from real-life examples and experiences, allowing you to readand comment on topics that affect you today, or will affect youtomorrow.Coaching: The Coaching Source blog is focused on coaching inorganizations, and the application of coaching for effectivemanagement, inspirational leadership, better business results, andfor raising the quality of life at work. Written by coachingexecutives, this blog features practical tips and concepts thatmanagers and leaders can use to work more effectively with theirpeople.Twitter - @leaderchat and @kenblanchard: Leadership and peoplemanagement updates and resources from The Ken BlanchardCompanies.YouTube: Official feed from the YouTube channel of The KenBlanchard Companies. Get quick video insights and information onSituational Leadership II, leadership development, motivation,change management, customer service, and much more.
Blanchard Events
The Ken Blanchard Companies
Blanchard Events is the official mobile appforBlanchard Channel Conference 2016This mobile app allows you to:* View conference agenda, explore sessions, and network withotherattendees.* Access location and speaker information at your fingertips.* Interact with real-time feed of all event activity, thatshowcaseswhich sessions are trending, most popular photos, andpopulardiscussion topics.* Earn points and badges for being active on the app and theevent.Check the Leaderboard to see how you compare tootherattendees.* Expand your professional network and have fun!Features of the App:* Update – a quick way to share photos, comments and whichsessionyou’re attending* Activity Feed – a real-time pulse of the event. See whatpeopleare saying, view photos from the event, and find trendingsessionsand topics.* Agenda – view the full agenda and related information(sessiontime, speaker info, etc.)* Users – see who’s at the event, and connect with them ontheapp* Live Polls - participate in live polls duringspeakersessions* Feedback – fill out session and speaker surveys in real timetohelp improve future eventsRemember as you use the app, you’ll earn points and badgesforparticipation. Enjoy the app and have a great show!This app was created by DoubleDutch, the leading providerofbranded mobile applications for events, conferences and tradeshowsworldwide.
Team Leadership 1.0.9
The Ken Blanchard Companies
This application is for people who have received an appactivationcode as part of participating in Blanchard’s TeamLeadershipprogram. A quick go-to reference tool, this app will helpleadersand team members improve relationships and performance byapplyingTeam Leadership concepts to the real world. The appfeatures: • Adiagnosis wizard to determine a team’s stage ofdevelopment on itspurpose or goal • Tips on what to do and what tosay to help a teamreach high performance • An interactive TeamLeadership Model,which shows the key characteristics of each teamstage ofdevelopment and matching leadership style • Expandedinformationavailable on-demand throughout the app
Blanchard Exchange 0.8.6
The Ken Blanchard Companies
Access your Blanchard Exchange courses and tools.