Top 24 Apps Similar to Ejercicios para Embarazadas

Embarazo dieta y ejercicios 1.1
Si estás embarazada y tienes dudas sobrequétipo de alimentación es la más completa tanto para ti como paraelcorrecto desarrollo del bebé, aquí tienes unas cuantas ideassobrelos nutrientes que has de introducir en tu dieta y en quéalimentospuedes encontrarlos. Encontrar el equilibrio correctoentre unaalimentación sana y la ganancia de peso adecuada esposible. Habrásde intentar adquirir la costumbre, desde el primertrimestre degestación, de llevar una dieta saludable y continuarcon ella a lolargo de todo el embarazo.Los beneficios de la actividad física son muchos, sobre tododuranteel embarazo cuando el cuerpo cambia notablemente. Y es enesta etapaen la que los ejercicios harán las veces de sosténfísico yemocional brindándole a la embarazada mayor bienestar. Enestautilidad encontrarás una valiosa información sobre esteaspecto yuna serie de ejercicios a realizar para explicados pasoapaso.En esta herramienta encontrarás los siguientes temas:✔ Consejos✔ Dieta sana✔ Dieta equilibrada✔ Dieta vegetariana✔ Recetas✔ Cómo comenzar✔ Plan adecuado✔ Beneficios✔ Tipo de ejercicios✔ Ejercicios a evitar✔ Ejercicios de Kegel✔ Gráfica ejercicos✔ Fortalecer el suelo pélvicoSi llegas al embarazo pensando que hay cosas queprobablementepodrías hacer mejor, descarga Embarazo Dieta yEjerciciosencontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre unadieta sana yequilibrada y los mejores ejercicios para realizardurante elembarazo.-------------------------------------------------------------------** Si te gusta la aplicación, valórala, por favor, nos ayudaamejorar. Gracias** Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de proteccióndedatos comunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en: you are pregnantandhave questions about what kind of food is the most complete foryouand for the proper development of the baby, here are a fewideasabout the nutrients that you introduce into your diet andwhatfoods you can find. Finding the right balance between ahealthydiet and proper weight gain is possible. You'll have to tryto getinto the habit, from the first trimester of a healthy dietandcontinue with it throughout pregnancy.The benefits of physical activity are many, especiallyduringpregnancy when the body changes dramatically. And it is inthisstage where the exercises will serve as physical andemotionalsupport to pregnant providing more welfare. In thisutility youwill find valuable information on this and a series ofexercises todo for explained step by step.In this tool you will find the following topics:✔ Tips✔ Healthy Diet✔ Balanced Diet✔ Vegetarian Diet✔ Recipes✔ Getting started✔ Right Plan✔ Benefits✔ type exercises✔ Exercises to avoid✔ Kegel exercises✔ Graphic ejercicos✔ strengthen the pelvic floorIf you get pregnancy thinking that things could probably dobetter,download Pregnancy Diet and Exercise you will findeverythingyou need to know about a healthy, balanced diet and thebestexercises to do during pregnancy.-------------------------------------------------------------------** If you like the app, value it, please help us improve.Thankyou** To comply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
Embarazo Semana a Semana 6.0.2
MoviliXa SAS
Information for weeks, exercises and monitoring of pregnancy widget
Pregnancy Exercises 1.1
Easy Style Design App
Do you want to learn those special andsafepregnancy exercises now?Pregnancy exercises is so beneficial that recommends thathealthywomen with uncomplicated pregnancies exercise at moderateintensityfor at least 30 minutes a day on most or all days of theweek. Theideal workout gets your heart pumping, keeps you limber,controlsweight gain, and strengthens your muscles without causingunduephysical stress for you or the baby. Exercise during pregnancyisimportant, because it's the perfect path to fasterpostpartumweight loss and recovery. Here you'll find easy pregnancyexercisesand fitness plans to get you moving (even when it's thelast thingyour swollen feet want to do). The more active and fityou areduring pregnancy, the easier it will be for you to adapt toyourchanging shape and weight gain. It will also help you to copewithlabour and get back into shape after the birth. Exercisedoeswonders during pregnancy. It boosts mood, improves sleep,andrelieves aches and pains. It also prepares you for childbirthbystrengthening muscles and building endurance. And stayingactivenow makes it that much easier to get back in shape after yourbabyis born. Research suggests that prenatal exercise may evenloweryour risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. If youalreadyhave gestational diabetes, exercise can help you managethecondition and prevent additional complications. Keep up yournormaldaily physical activity or exercise (sport, running, yoga,dancing,or even walking to the shops and back) for as long as youfeelcomfortable. Exercise is not dangerous for your baby – thereissome evidence that active women are less likely toexperienceproblems in later pregnancy and labour. To get the fullbenefits,you'll need to exercise at least three times a week,ideally more.Try to find something that you enjoy, as you'll bemore likely tostick to it in the longer term. Build activity intoyour dailylife, too. For example, taking the stairs instead of thelift, anddoing housework or gardening, counts as exercise. Avoiddoingsports where there's a risk of hitting your bump, or ofslippingand falling, such as squash, gymnastics, rollerblading,horseriding and skiing. Having a fit pregnancy doesn’t have to meanabig time commitment or fancy equipment. The followingpregnancyworkouts are simple, can be done at home, and are safe todo ineach trimester. Now is the most crucial time to get yourhealth inorder so you can have the healthiest and happiest babyandpregnancy possible. Prevent pains, aches, nausea, cramping,morningsickness and excess weight gain with the ONLY system provento helpwomen enjoy their pregnancy and create a healthy baby.DownloadNow!!Features:Exercise Help in PregnancyThe Best Kinds of Exercise for PregnancyExercise isn't RecommendedSigns Should Stop ExercisingStep UpsSide PlanksWall PushupsV Sits with Balance TrainerOne Leg V SitsSupported V SitsSeated Rowing with Resistance TubingPregnant Yoga PosesSeated Dead Lifts with Resistance TubingSquats with Fitness BallLeg LiftsOne Arm RowPlankPlieCurl and LiftSide Lying Inner and Outer ThighRelieve Pregnancy Back PainCore TwistDeadlift To CurlTriangle PoseThe pregnancy exercises provided by this application areusuallysafe for expectant moms, although some may not work for youduringthe last few months or weeks of your pregnancy. Alwaysconsult yourhealthcare provider before beginning any new exerciseregimen. Ifyou get the go-ahead to workout, listen to your body andbe carefulnot to overdo it – stop if anything hurts or feelsuncomfortable.If you have any of the following symptoms, stopexercising and callyour doctor right away:- Contractions- Chest pain- Dizziness- Calf pain or swelling- Less movement by the baby- Headache- Muscle weakness- Fluid leaking from the vagina- Vaginal bleeding- Notice an irregular or rapid heartbeat
Pregnancy yoga Exercises 2.9
Home Fitness
Fun and effective daily Exercises designed for pregnancy.
Prenatal & Postnatal Workout 2.7.1
Power 20
A subscription app that gives a new workout every day. 7 dayfreetrial.
Tu Embarazo 1.4
Clinical Zuatzu App that lets you know everything you needaboutyour baby
Pregnancy Exercises 6.0
B6Squad Dev.
Discover the best and safest ways to workout while pregnant
Pregnancy Pilates 1.10
We Love Free Apps
Pilates exercises for pregnancy. Alllessonscontained in this app are for pregnant women, classifiedbytrimester.This is a Pilates for Pregnancy app. All classes taughtbyphysiotherapists, prenatal and postnatal pilates,pregnancyexercise classes, with tutorials manually selected.Can pregnant women do Pilates? Yes! Pilates is a non-impactworkoutthat increases flexibility, strength, and muscle tone.Because itfocuses on your core, practicing Pilates on a regularbasis canimprove posture, alleviate backaches, and ultimately helpwithlabor and delivery.Download Pilates for Pregnant Women today. It is free!
Pregnancy Tracker Free
Fitness Circle
Pregnancy time is the most important timewhichwe should give extra care and safety. Better care to the bodywillgive a good and perfect health to child. Sometimes we are notableto give much care. Pregnancy care is a completely free appwhichhelps pregnant women's to know about their pregnancy progressandother changes that occur in the body.App Features1. Detailed pregnancy trimester calendar1.1 General pregnancy calendar1.2 Personalized pregnancy calendar2. Pregnancy weight gain calculator3. Conception Calculator4. Ovulation calculator5. Due date calculator(Considering last day of firstmenstrualperiod)6. Pregnancy workoutsThis free app will be the best companion for pregnancywomen.Pregnancy care includes pregnancy calendar, weight gaincalculator,conception calculator, due date calculator etc.The calendar integrated in the app helps women's to know aboutthebaby's growth, current baby's information, baby's health ,whatfood want to eat and what not to eat, tablets which helpsbaby'sgrowth etc. We have a wide information on each week. Theweight ofpregnant women should be different in each week. Everyoneis notaware about the weight gained in each week. So weightgaincalculator help pregnant women to know about the respectiveweightwhich should be gained. Due date calculator helps to knowabout thedelivery date. There are personalized and generalcalendar.Personified calendar helps to acquire the personalinformation andgeneral calendar helps to know about the generalinformation. Howmany days you're already pregnant, the currentapproximate size andweight of your baby and a few other importantbits of informationsuch as the date of the first prenatal visit,your body's weight,baby's weight etc . Pregnancy Guide is one ofthe best freepregnancy week by week guide. If you are a first timepregnant thenthis app will be your best personal trainer. This appguides youthrough pregnancy day-by-day and week-by-week. Based onyour duedate, you'll receive personalized information.Download the best pregnancy care : week by week app today !! Ababyis a god's gift and we should give a proper care from theinitialstage itself.
Music for Pregnancy Relaxation 1.4
Ultimate Mobile
Music for Pregnancy is a hand-picked collection of tracksforpregnant women.
Pregnancy Calendar Free 3.0
Rodo SoftWare
Free Pregnancy Calendar is the mostpowerfuland simple application to inform you every week aboutyourembrazo- Enter the date of your last period and the app will give youtheinformation you need- Week by week information- Share the details of your week with your partner,friends,family.- You can go to an earlier or later date and see alltheinformation.- Multilingual (google translator) in Spanish, German,French,Portuguese and English
Ejercicios en embarazo PRO 1.0
Qué onda city
Ejercicios para embarazadasNoviembre 18, 2016By Queondacity EditorUncategorized0ejercicios para embarazadasLos beneficios del ejercicio durante el embarazoEl ejercicio durante el embarazo hace maravillas. Aumentaelestadode ánimo, mejora el sueño y reduce dolores y dolores.Tambiénteprepara para el parto mediante el fortalecimiento de losmúsculosyla resistencia del edificio, y hace que sea mucho másfácilvolvera la forma después de que su bebé nace.La investigación sugiere que el ejercicio prenataltambiénpuedereducir el riesgo de desarrollar diabetesgestacionalypreeclampsia. Si le han diagnosticado diabetesgestacional,elejercicio puede ayudarle a manejar la condiciónyprevenircomplicaciones.El ejercicio es tan beneficioso que el ColegioAmericanodeObstetras y Ginecólogos recomienda que las mujeressanasconembarazos sin complicaciones pretenden ejercer al menos 20a30minutos al día con intensidad moderada en la mayoría otodoslosdías de la semana. El entrenamiento ideal hace quesucorazónbombee, lo mantiene relajado, maneja el aumento de pesoypreparasus músculos para manejar las demandas físicas delembarazoy elperíodo postparto sin causar estrés físico indebidopara ustedo elbebé.ExercisesforpregnantNovember 18, 2016By Queondacity EditorUncategorized0exercises for pregnantThe benefits of exercise during pregnancy Exercise does wonders during pregnancy. It increasesmood,improvessleep and reduces aches and pains. We also prepareforchildbirthby strengthening muscles and building endurance,andmakes it mucheasier to get back into shape after your babyisborn.Research suggests that prenatal exercise can also reducetheriskof developing gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Ifyouhavebeen diagnosed with gestational diabetes, exercise canhelpyoumanage the condition and prevent complications.The exercise is so beneficial to the AmericanCollegeofObstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that healthywomenwithuncomplicated pregnancies seeking to exercise at least 20to30minutes a day of moderate intensity on most or all daysoftheweek. The ideal workout makes your heart pumping,keepsyourelaxed, manage weight gain and prepares your muscles tohandlethephysical demands of pregnancy and the postpartumperiodwithoutcausing undue physical stress for you or the baby.
Pregnancy exercises at Home 1.1
Stay fit and strong throughoutyourpregnancyand get your body ready for delivery. ThisPregnancyexercises atHome app full version gives you access to alltheworkouts for eachtrimester, along with a briefstretchingroutine.. In this Pregnancy exercises at Home app you will findsomeposesand exercises yoga and other relaxation techniques tododuringpregnancy. Yoga exercises good for mother and baby.Pregnancy Exercise Video will help you to stay fit and strongthis Pregnancy exercises at Home is safe, fun andeffectiveroutinesthat can be done without any equipment. Safe forboth momand baby,the Power 20 Prenatal Workout is an indispensabletoolfor moms whovalue fitness and health.If you want to start with prenatal Yoga, orleanrelaxationexercises, you can start with this app. Get thebenefitsof YogaExercises when you are pregnant. Relaxation is goodfor youand thebaby. Just follow our Prenatal Yoga Lessonsandexercises,dedicated specially for pregnant women.- The pregnancy exercises provided by this applicationareusuallysafe for expectant moms, although some may not work foryouduringthe last few months or weeks of your pregnancy.Alwaysconsult yourhealthcare provider before beginning any newexerciseregimen. Ifyou get the go-ahead to workout, listen to yourbody andbe carefulnot to overdo it – stop if anything hurtsorfeelsuncomfortable.Thisapp Pregnancy exercises at Home will make it easier foryoutoget back in shape after your baby is born.
Pregnancy Exercises 1.0
Expert Lab Team
Pregnancy Exercise and Nutrition is vital for the health ofmomandbaby. Now is the most crucial time to get your health inordersoyou can have the healthiest and happiest babyandpregnancypossible. Prevent pains, aches, nausea, cramping,morningsicknessand excess weight gain with the ONLY system provento helpwomenenjoy their pregnancy and create a healthy baby.Performallexercises at least three times a week, on alternate days,on afirm(but not too hard) surface, such as an exercise mat.Performthemin the following order. Be sure to breathe normallyduringallexercises; don't hold your breath. During abdominalexercises,itmay be easier to exhale on exertion, that is, inhalewhen youaredown and exhale briskly as you perform the lift.Thefollowingexercises work all major muscle groups. Don't skipany!KeyFeatures : Squat Stretch Chest Muscle Exercise SquatsWallPressStep Ups Side Lunge Forward Lunge Forward bendNeckRotationHamstring Lift Inner Thigh Lift Outer Thigh LiftPelvicThrustDromedary Droop Pelvic Tilt **Disclaimer: Of course,yourdoctor’spermission for exercise is essential as therecanbecontraindications to exercise during pregnancy.Additionally,themost important thing you can do is tune in to yourbody andgiveyourself some grace. Be aware of what your body istelling you–does that exercise feel good? Keep it up. Doesn’t feelsogood?Probably best to stop and adjust.
Embarazo semana a semana 2.0
En estas primeras semanas deembarazoquizásestés un poquito asustada con la perspectiva de sermamá, ytengasmuchas preguntas e incluso sentimientoscontradictorios. Conlaayuda de esta herramienta podrás saciar todastus dudas yestarinformada de todo lo relacinado contigo y con tubebé.Embarazo semana a semana es una aplicación conlaquecualquier embarazada podrá hacer un seguimiento intensivodesuestado de manera semanal. Si quieres controlar elprocesodegestación esta herramienta te permitirá conocer al detalletodoloque te depara en cada etapa del embarazo.Esta herramienta está dividida en tres trimestres, que a suvezsedividen en las semanas respectivas que dura cada uno deellos.Siaccedes al contenido de las fichas podrás leer cómo vaeldesarrollode tu bebé, para que te hagas una idea de cómo avanzalagestación ypuedas entender cada etapa con información útilsobrecosas tanvariadas como tu estado anímico, cambios físicos oporqué sufresdeterminados problemas, típicos en cualquiermujerembarazada.Aprende por qué sube tu temperatura, cómo dormirmáscómodamentecuando tu estado es avanzado o por qué orinas tanto,porejemplo,de una manera simple y sin necesidad de buscarinformaciónendistintas páginas webs. Disfruta de tu embarazoconociendocadadetalle y cada cambio sin ninguna preocupaciónconEmbarazosemana a semana.Si deseas tener la mejor información alrespecto,descargaembarazo semana a semana y mantente al díasobre tuestadode gestación.In these firstweeksofpregnancy maybe you're a little scared at the prospect ofbeingamom, and have many questions and even contradictoryfeelings.Withthe help of this tool you can satisfy all your doubtsandbeinformed of everything relacinado you and your baby.Pregnancy week by week is an application that canmakeanypregnant intensive monitoring of their status on a weeklybasis.Ifyou want to control the process of gestation this tool willletyouknow in detail everything that holds you at everystageofpregnancy.This tool is divided into three trimesters, which inturnaredivided into the respective week period each. If youaccessthecontent of the chips you can read how you develop yourbaby,togive you an idea of ​​how the pregnancy progressesandcanunderstand each stage with useful information aboutthingsasvaried as your mood, physical changes or whysuffercertainproblems, typical for any pregnant woman.Learn why your temperature rises, how to sleepmorecomfortablywhen your status is advanced or why urines Thus,forexample, in asimple manner and without searching forinformationon differentwebsites. Enjoy your pregnancy knowingevery detailand changewithout any concern with Pregnancy week byweek.If you want to have the best information,downloadpregnancyweek by week and stay up to date on yourstateofgestation.
Embarazo Mes a Mes 4.0
El Nono
Pregnancy Month by Month from the moment of conception until birth
Diet for Pregnant Women 1.0
Elder Alonso Castro
Feeding during pregnancy is a major factorwhyIcreated this app "Diet for Pregnant Women", my goalisdefinitelybanish the myths that abound out what to eat or whatnot.In this app you will find the following.1. Myths most spoken:    * Eating fish is really good ?.    * Your body should consume folateandfolicacid no.    * The problem of hemorrhoids.    * Adapt your needs.2. List of the main foods that contain:    * Omega-3 (DHA).    * ?, Folic acid is folate    * hill    * Vitamin H (biotin).    * and more.3. Menu (for now more than 10 all-natural recipes)Finally tell you I've seen on the internet andotherapplications,how they can recommend to women or anyone,milk,yogurt or juice orbread, mayonnaise and salt.To be strict you should eliminate these foods because theyarehighis preservatives, preservatives, gluten, lactose orphosphorus,orexcess sugar, remember it is not only your baby, buttheimportantthing is you, both.Therefore, in these recipes you will never find theseingredients,infact almost all instead of vegetable oil oil extravirgincoconut isused, also almost no is using milk instead I putfreshvegetablesdark green colo.PDTA: Application Now get down, and I will bedoingupdateslater.
Embarazo Plus 1.0
Embarazo Plus es una aplicación conlaque las futuras madres podrán hacer un seguimiento de suembarazode una manera controlada a través de la información útilque serecoge en esta aplicación. Contiene información útil sobrelassemanas de gestación así como prácticos consejos para la mamá.Con esta herramienta tendrás al alcance de tu mano todaslasrespuestas a las dolencias más comunes que se te iránpresentando alo largo de los nueve meses de gestación. La app estádividida entres categorías; embarazo, semanas y consejos. En laprimera opciónencontrarás una serie de malestares comunes y cómoponerlessolución.La pestaña de semanas te aportará información acerca delestadoen el que se encuentra tu bebé y cómo evoluciona durante losmesesde gestación y la última, la de consejos, hará especialhincapié enayudas que te permitirán llevar mejor el embarazo yenfrentarte asituaciones cotidianas o difíciles.Encontrarás, entre otros temas, información para:✔ Pica✔ Nariz Tapada✔ Salivación excesiva✔ Falta de aire✔ Mareos✔ Estreñimiento✔ Cansancio✔ Ganas de orinar✔ Contracciones Braxton✔ Síntomas del partoGracias a Embarazo Plus podrás disfrutar de tuembarazodesde una óptica más cercana, con una visión más extendidatanto dela evolución del feto como de la evolución de tu cuerpo.Ayúdate detodos los consejos que encontrarás aquí y no te preocupespor lasdolencias comunes en tu estado; soluciónalas mediantelasrecomendaciones que leerás aquí.Disfruta de tu embarazo y consulta cualquier duda enEmbarazoPlus para sentirme más segura.Pregnancy Plus isanapplication that mothers can keep track of your pregnancy inacontrolled manner through the useful information contained inthisapplication. It contains useful information about the weeksofgestation and practical advice for mom.With this tool you have at your fingertips all the answerstothe most common ailments that you will be presenting throughoutthenine months of gestation. The app is divided into threecategories;pregnancy, weeks and advice. In the first option youwill find anumber of common ailments and how to findsolutions.The tab weeks will provide information about the stateinwhich is your baby and how it evolves during the monthsofgestation and the last, the tips, will emphasize aids thatallowyou to better carry the pregnancy and face everyday situationsordifficult.You will find, among other things, information:✔ Pica✔ Blocked Nose✔ Excessive salivation✔ Breathlessness✔ Dizziness✔ Constipation✔ Tiredness✔ urination✔ Braxton✔ Symptoms of laborThanks to Pregnancy Plus you can enjoy your pregnancy fromacloser perspective, with a widespread view of both the evolutionofthe fetus and the evolution of your body. Help yourself to allthetips you'll find here and do not worry about common ailmentsinyour state; soluciónalas by the recommendations you'llreadhere.Enjoy your pregnancy and consult any doubt Pregnancy Plustofeel safer.
Pregnancy Exercises Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Safe ExerciseduringYour Pregnancy! Maintaining a regular exercise routinethroughoutyour pregnancy can help you stay healthy and feel yourbest.Exercising during pregnancy lifts your spirits and preparesyou forlabor and childbirth, but it's important to be extracautiousduring your workouts. Get fit before, during, and afteryourpregnancy with the exercises demonstrated by fitness expertinthese Application workout videos. Here you'll find easypregnancyexercises and fitness plans to get you moving (even whenit's thelast thing your swollen feet want to do). ✰✰✰ Support Us ByRatingUs 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you haveanyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
Doula Labour Coach | Pregnancy 2.0.0
The Doula Labour Coach app will help you deliver your baby.
Pregnancy Yoga 1.20
We Love Free Apps
If you are pregnant, yoga exercises areforyou.In this application you will find some exercises, yogaandotherrelaxation techniques to do during pregnancy. Yogaexercisesgood formother and baby. Learn with our yoga andmeditationforpregnancy.
Track Pregnancy week by week: 6.61
Pregnancy due date calculator, pregnancy calendar and much more!
Embarazo Semanal 1.1
Embarazo Semanal esunaherramientadestinada a aquellas mujeres embarazadas quequieranhacer unseguimiento de su gestación de manera controlada, yaccederainformación útil e interesante sobre el desarrollo de subebé yloscambios que experimentará durante los nueve meses.Esta aplicación divide su contenido en trescategorías:bebé,mamá y consejos. En el primero de ellosencontrarástoda lainformación acerca del desarrollo del feto, demanera quesepas,semana a semana, qué partes de su cuerpo sedesarrollan, cómolohacen y cómo va evolucionando su percepciónsemanalmente.Lacategoría de mamá incluye información acerca deporquéexperimentas los cambios físicos y psicológicosqueestássufriendo, y te ayuda a sentirte mejor durante las tresetapasdegestación. Por último, la pestaña de consejos tepermitirárecogerideas para hacer el embarazo algo másllevadero.Tanto si eres madre primeriza como si no,EmbarazoSemanalte permitirá mantenerte tranquila duranteestos nuevesmeses tanimportantes de tu vida, de manera que sepassiempre cómoactuarfrente a determinados problemas o situaciones.Además,podrásentender todos los cambios que sufres y encontrarrespuestaa todastus dudas de una manera sencilla.Pregnancy Weeklyisatool for those pregnant women who want to track theirgestationina controlled manner, and access useful and interestingaboutthedevelopment of your baby information and changesyouwillexperience during the nine months.This application divides its content intothreecategories:baby, mom and tips . In the first one you find alltheinformationabout the development of the fetus, so you know,everyweek, whatparts of your body develop, how they do and howtheirperceptionevolves weekly. Mom category includes informationaboutwhyexperience physical and psychological changes thataresuffering,and help you feel better during the three stagesofgestation.Finally, the tab will allow you to gather ideas tipstomake morebearable pregnancy.Whether you're a new mother or not, Pregnancy Weeklyallowsyouto keep quiet during these nine months so important inyourlife, soyou always know how to deal with certain problemsorsituations. Andyou can understand all the changes that yousufferand find answersto your questions in a simple way.
Step by Step Pregnancy Care 1.0.4
The Step By Step Pregnancy APPNo One Cares More About Your Baby Than You!This App lets you take charge of your pregnancy care. Itwasadesigned by a medical professional with 26 years ofexperiencetoempower women and families. The free version shows allofthestandard prenatal care tests. Every test or sonogram canbeclickedon to get an explanation of what it is. You can emailthewholelist to yourself or anyone. The Prenatal Flowsheet isjustlike theone your health care provider uses to track yourvitalsigns ateach visit: fetal heart rate, size of your abdomen,bloodpressureand more. You can also email this list downloaded ittoyour homecomputer or tablet to keep forever. Try 2 visits forFREE,then pay$4.99 once to keep using the app. You can alsosendmessages tofriends & family through Facebook™ and Twitter™.They willenjoy following your baby’s progress. My List gives youaplace tokeep all of you questions for your next pregnancy visit.Weare soexcited to guide you through your pregnancy Step by Step.SeetheSpanish version Embarazo Paso a Paso cuidad.This application utilizes licensed Intellectual PropertyoftheGeneral Electric Company.