Top 50 Games Similar to Leap Day
Bullet Boy
The coolest game you'll play this year!An incredibly fun adventure across a floating world, where youfireyourself out of powerful cannons!Meet Bullet Boy, the courageous kid who rushes to escape adeadlytornado, while he tries to collect the missing pieces of someverymysterious, and fascinating statues.Packed with highly dynamic mechanics. Avoid birds, buildingsandweird machines, tap rapidly to dodge fast-moving obstacles,aimprecisely to get to the next cannon, or shoot to the sky toeludemultiple obstacles altogether, and quickly get to yourgoal!You'll spend hours engaged in the action and the challenge oflotsof levels, with randomly generated sections, andexcitingprogression along the whole game.Unlock awesome power-ups to increase the fun and thepossibilitiesof blasting your way through this peculiar andbeautifulworld.The 7 reasons why you'll love Bullet Boy:- Incredibly FUN!- Fast-paced action and super dynamic game mechanics.- More than 60 beautifully crafted levels.- Charming 3D graphics and super-engaging soundtrack.- Hours of challenging and delicious gameplay.- Three amazing powerups to give a twist to thegamemechanics.- Upcoming updates with more levels, amazing new zones andmoregameplay!Bullet Boy is free to download. Some items in the game areavailablefor purchase.Download Bullet Boy and have a blast!For questions and suggestions, please drop us a
King of Thieves 2.60
Steal gems, build your defense and winguildwars in this unique blend of arcade, platform game andPVPmultiplayer!Compete with more than 50 million users around the world andcreateyour own clan of thieves. Break into enemy’s dungeon andstealtheir gold.Prove you’re the smartest and the most skillful thief intheworld!PLEASE NOTE: the game is extremely addictive and inevitably leadstoincreasing the number of your friends.KEY FEATURES:STEAL PRECIOUS THINGS. Stealing is fun! Collect gold and gemsfromother players to become the wealthiest thief in theworld.DEFEND YOUR LOOT. Design a dungeon defense, place trapsandplatforms to prevent others from stealing your treasure. Seethembeing caught in your traps. No escape, muhaha!CLAIM THE THRONE. Dive into action, boost your skills andcompetewith other players worldwide to jump on top oftheleaderboards.JOIN GUILD. Find some reliable dudes and proclaim war onotherguilds. Win epic clan battles!CUSTOMIZE YOUR OUTFIT. Choose a cool costume which perfectlysuitsyour personality. Be a stylish thief, stand out fromthecrowd!TRAVEL AND EXPLORE. Test your agility through 112 single-modelevelsor dive into an underground world of user-generatedcontent._________________________________________________________SUBSCRIPTION. Subscribe to get an opportunity to progress fasterandaccess exclusive costumes!By subscribing to King of Thieves, you get:- x10 lock picks (maximum capacity increase)- Lock picks restoration is x10 faster- Gold mine also produces "tears" every day- 3 unique costumes_________________________________________________________Ready to meet the challenge? Game on!Join the community, find friends and check“King of Thieves is a well designed multiplayer challenge whichwillkeep you coming back and is definitely a steal of a deal fortheentertainment value for free.” - Apple'N'Apps“King of Thieves is the most compelling PvP game to come around inalong time. It’s good to be bad, so go ahead and indulge.”-Gamezebo
Wayward Souls
Wayward Souls is an action-adventure gamebuiltfor quick playthroughs and massive amounts of replay value.It wasinspired by Spelunky, Secret of Mana, and our previous game,MageGauntlet.Procedurally generated random levels mean that every time youplaythe game, it's a different experience. Control one ofsixcharacters, all with their own unique playstyles, abilities,andequipment. Explore and fight for survival, in combat whereyourtactics, positioning, and timing matter.More Features:- Fancy control scheme with no virtual buttons or sticks tofumbleover.- Unlock new areas, for increasingly punishing difficulty.- 13 area types, all with different monsters, potential traps,andrare encounters.- Each character can find equipment combinations that changetheirgameplay.- Victory is based on your increasing skill as a player, notsolelyon grinding.- Hats.- No IAP ever, even for the hats. All content updates will befreefor our fans.- Unprecedented scope and variety for an action-adventure gameonAndroid, maybe anywhere.Second Update Plans: MFI controller support, some sort of savesync,boss health bars, more character tweaks, Rogue buffs, andmore! Youcan reach us on twitter or facebook to give requests orfeedback onthe game:@NoodlecakeGames / /
Tiny Tomb: Dungeon Explorer 1.11
This is one of those games that truly transportsyou:Fourbeautifully rendered ethereal worlds float on the edgeoftheuniverse. To save your friends you’ll have to crawlthroughthemall… while also keeping a bad-tempered and picky monsterwellfed.(On your way, try and figure out why Birdman is soconfused,too 😜)Tiny Tombs features classic dungeon-crawling as it’smeant tobe,flanked with: 💥 an off-the-wall story with great,quirkycharacters💥 cute, classic voxel art 💥 stop-motion styleanimations💥ever-changing tombs 💥 25+ special items to collect 💥4crazy,dreamlike worlds to explore Crazy amounts of fun arewaitinginthis fast-paced, easy to start game. For long playsessionsorshort bursts, this game delivers. 😃Download now, and divedowndeepinto the immense world of Tiny Tombs! 😃