Top 19 Games Similar to Super Baseball Future

Super Baseball Hitter Race
Happy Day Clash Gaming
Enjoy a very fun super baseballbighitterracing game! Real 3D graphic experience on a baseballfield!Useyour professional skills to hit the ball from a pitcher ashardandas far as possible.You will strike out after missing certain hits.Watchcarefullyand consider wind speed to catch the ball. You willgetpoints bythe distances you made. There are also extra bonus.Playas a superhitter man and show your talent in this popularsports!Try to makea home run!
誰でも簡単お気軽プレイの「Kuma the Bear」から、指一本で楽しめる、本格オンライン野球ゲーム「激闘オンラインベースボール!」が登場!簡単操作で全国のプレイヤーと真剣勝負!投手:投げる球種を決め、ストライクゾーンを目がけてボールをフリック!打者:ボールが投げ込まれるコース・タイミングを見極めてタップ!さらに、通信対戦に勝利すると、選手をカスタマイズできるアイテムを獲得!〈ヘルメット・ユニフォーム・バット・エンブレム〉目指せ最強プレイヤー!《オススメポイント》◆ホームランか三振か!白熱の通信対戦!◆好きなだけ打撃・投球ができるトレーニングモード!◆カスタマイズのパターンがたくさん!-株式会社コロプラ提供-From "Kuma theBear"ofanyone to easily feel free play,You can enjoy with one finger, full-scale onlinebaseballgame"fierce fight online baseball!" Appeared!simple hardball and national playersintheoperation!Pitcher: Determine the type of pitch to throw, to flicktheballaiming at the strike zone!Batter: Tap assess the course timing the ball is thrown!In addition, when you wintheonlinebattle,Earn an item that you can customize the player!Aim strongest player!"Recommended point"◆ or strike out or home run! Communication play incandescent!◆ training mode that can blow-pitching as you like!Customizing the pattern a lot ◆!-CorporationKoropuraprovide -
超逆転!ベースボール 1.0.22
Edia Co.,Ltd.
★★★★★15万ダウンロード突破!ありがとうございます!★★★★★ 超エキサイティング!で 超新感覚!の野球ゲーム「超逆転!ベースボール」! ピッチャーが投げてくる球種に合わせ、スイングするタイミングで左右に打ち分け、「HOME RUN」「HIT」などのランダムに入れ替わるターゲットパネルを狙おう☆ 野球の一番気持ちいい場面を野球が大好きなあなたも!そうでないあなたも!誰でも今すぐ!簡単に!楽しめる新しいタイプの野球ゲームだよ♪■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■週間ランキングで賞金稼ぎ!?毎週月曜朝6時更新!開催中! 【各ランキングボーナス】   1位    ダイヤ 100個   2~10位  ダイヤ 50個  11~30位  ダイヤ 30個  31~60位  ダイヤ 20個  61~100位  ダイヤ 10個■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■週間ランキングにランクインでダイヤ(有料アイテム)をたくさんGET! 【モード概要】①逆転サヨナラゲーム 野球は9回裏から!さぁ、最後の攻撃。ステージ1から最終ステージ15まで、すべて9回裏! 負けている状態から逆転サヨナラ勝ちをしてステージクリアしよう☆ ホームラン数や連続ヒット、打率など複数項目の成績を総合してポイントを稼げるよ~②最多得点ゲーム 3アウトになるまでに何点取れるかを競うよ!点を取って取って取りまくろう!③ホームラン競争 ホームランは野球の花! 3アウトになるまでにホームランをどれだけ打てるかを競うゲームだよ♪ 連続ホームランで獲得ポイントがどんどん増えるのだ☆【ランキング】各モード週間ランキングで100位以内に入ると、「ダイヤ」をたくさんもらえるよ!!ダイヤはプレイする為のコインや、ゲームをより楽しくプレイできるアイテムに交換できるから、たーくさんプレイしてたーくさんGET!しちゃお☆世界王者目指してホームランを打ちまくろう!★選手を育成してペナントを勝ち抜く「超逆転!ベースボール DX」も併せてお楽しみください!--------------------------------------------【アプリ詳細】・タイトル:超逆転!ベースボール・ゲームジャンル:超新感覚野球ゲーム・利用料金:基本プレイ無料 (一部アイテム課金あり)・AndroidOSの要件:Android 2.3.3以上 (「2.3.3以上」となっておりますが、機種/条件によっては正常に動作しない場合もあります。)【ユーザーサポートについて】サポートへの各種お問合せ等は、以下の要領により、メールにてお願いいたします。 ・不具合が発生している場合、下記詳細情報をお書き添え下さい。  1.ご使用の端末機種/Androidのバージョン  2.発生個所  3.具体的な症状  4.招待コード  5.ニックネーム以上の情報をご提供頂くことによりスムーズな確認及び対処が可能となりますので、ご協力お願い致します。・ご対応可能時間:平日の10:00~17:00・内容によりまして、ご返信にお時間いただく場合もございますのでご了承ください。※問い合わせの返信は「」から送られますので、迷惑メール対策の設定をされている方はメール受信の許可設定をお願い致します。(C)2013 Edia Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
BasePinBall 1.1.0
New sense!! Exhilarating sports games! Baseball board and pinballcoalescence of nostalgia! Simple operation! [Attack] Let shakeabat Tap! After that was jumped to play the ball with theflipper![Defense] Let's throw a ball in touch & drag! Is throwna curveball by the location where you want to touch! ■ gameoperationmethod to choose ■ ★ 1 Player I play carefully alone!Amateur mode... normal mode first from here! However, licking Donot take me! ·No shortage for professional mode ... opponent! ...Equivalentformidable! ★ 2 Player In two player, I rise to whyabnormal! ★background design Select the baseball version of GreenGrass ornear future blue honeycomb or SF-style black light ★ gameinningnumber Choose one 3 times for 5 times ★ flipper operationTwin mode(operation at the same time both the left and rightflipper withone hand) Select a single mode (operation the left andrightflipper separately) ■ game introduction ■ · Exhilaratingeffectsand sound, and is a full-fledged game of immersive tostimulate inyour brain! Rules easy! Baseball and pinball I enjoy atthe sametime! [Time of the attack] Pitcher firmly the correspondingtravelbatting in colorful balls that come throw! [Defensive when]Speedchanges in the tensile operation of course, strike, ball,straight,curve, slider, is divided throw a variety of pitches, suchasShoot. Home Run Three base white defense in Crystal! ■flashyeffects and sound! Exhilaration preeminent in the excitingactionthat jet bumper begins to play! Not experience the game playiswaiting for you! I enjoy a wide range regardless of the agefromadults to children. It's this BasePinBall! ※ Please try afteryourestart the terminal when the operation is heavy apps. ◇ ◆SAT-BOXapp ◆ ◇ Pen series clamp 500,000 DL breakthrough totalMonstersCoin 400,000 DL breakthrough total Galaxylaser series300,000 DLbreakthrough total Dark Knight Story Series 100,000 DLbreakthroughtotal Other popular series number! Total 5,000,000 DLbreakthroughapp! Send by mail the following inquiries about
Flick Baseball 1.1.1
Nlabsoft presents to you, anunprecedentedlyunique form of baseball.Flick Baseball is first pitcher game!Experience for yourself most addictive arcade pitching gameonGoogle Play.Flick your finger and make a strikeout! How to Control1. Flick the ball the way you want to pitch2. Curve the ball by drawing a curved line3.  You can curve the ball by flicking it after it’sbeenthrown4.  Try to throw in the strike zone avoiding thebattingcircle Features- Flick control means everyone can play- Customizable characters stuff(Jersey, Pants, Glove....)Leave your reviews and comments and see the game develop basedonthe feedback you give us! Nlabsoft provides thebestapplications.
BVP Baseball 2011 1.0.4
Nalbam Soft
*******************************BVP BASEBALL 2011*******************************-THE BVP BASEBALL returns with more interesting contents. 'THEBVPBASEBALL 2O11'A new style of a baseball game appears in theandroidmarket.Not too complicated and not too simplistic. Optimized formobilegame users.A real, easy and unique baseball game.Hit and pitch a ball for the win. THE BVP BASEBALL 2011 isanactive baseball game.BVP means 'Batter vs Pitcher'.The main content of 'the BVP BASEBALL 2011' isthe showdown between the batter and the pitcher, the core ofabaseball game.THE BVP BASEBALL describes vividly the thrilling match ofpitchersand batters.Win the game through the best use of your battersandpitchers.--------------------------------------------------------You will play as a pitcher and as a batter.There are two viewpoints. Pitcher view and Batter view.The control of pitching and batting is distinctive.But it's very easy and intuitive.(timely touch)--------------------------------------------------------There are 32 teams.(128 baseball players)-> 29 teams of the American states and one Canada team.Specially Japan team and Korea team(WBC No.1 and No.2).One team has 4 players(2 pitchers and 2 hitters).Every player has his own stats indicating the batting orpitchingability.Use the abilities properly for the win.--------------------------------------------------------Before three outs, make as many hits as you can.If you are a pitcher, do your best not to allow any hits.For 5 innings, make a higher score than your opponent.--------------------------------------------------------※The changes in 2011 ver.-Three outs system. Not ten strikes system.-Two batters show up in turn.-Renewal of the UI design.-AI Upgrade-Add umpire's voice-Super pitchingIn the best condition, if a pitcher throws an 'amazing'gradeball.The super pitching is activated. A batter can't hit thisballeasily.-Guess hittingIf your ball goes into the guess zone, the batter will notleaveit.Throwing a ball to one place repeatedly is very dangerous. Itmakesthis game more realistic.-Two batting typesPower hitting and Contact hitting. you can choose beforeyouswing.-Super battingIn the power hitting mode, the batting cursor of a batter inthebest condition grows bigger.-Homerun derbymake the best homerun record.-You can make the 'amazing' ball control of a pitcher more.-Database changed as the record of 2010.---------------------------------------------------------FEATURES-Various game modes【Arcade mode】【16 team tournament mode】【Pitching training mode】【Hitting training mode】【Homerun derby】-2 viewpoints【offence-> Batter viewpoint】【defense-> Pitcher viewpoint】-Two difficulty level. Novice and Veteran.-Realistic Graphic design.Welcome to the unique and addictive world of 'THEBVPBASEBALL'Never miss this game if you like baseball games orsportsgames.You will never regret.
やきゅコレ-ゆるくてかわいい人気の野球育成ゲーム【無料】 2.2.5
◇◆手軽に遊べる野球育成ゲーム◆◇20万ダウンロード突破!スクエニグループの野球シミュレーションゲームが登場!個性的な選手を集めて、育成して、あなただけのチームを作ろう!◯● ストーリー ●◯ある日、南の島の離島「やきゅコレ島」が発見された!古くから野球好きが住み、野球の頂点がここにあると言い伝えに残る島である。島では今も、野球の頂点を目指し、日々、熱い戦いが繰り広げられているらしい。野球好きのあなたもその熱気に惹き寄せられ、いてもたってもいられず、やきゅこれ島に向かうのであった…。◯● ゲーム内容 ●◯▼監督目線で遊べる選手のスカウト・育成・采配全てアナタにお任せ!チームの勝利はアナタの手にかかっている!▼バラエティ豊かな選手達ゲームを盛り上げる選手は、なんと250名以上!!元力士のパワフルな選手やツンデレなお嬢様選手など個性豊かな選手がいっぱい!もちろん女の子もいっぱい!▼手軽で楽しいスタメンを編成するだけでOK!試合は自動で進むよ!9回まで目が離せないハラハラする試合展開!3分で遊べるから、通勤・通学途中にピッタリ!野球のゲームが苦手な人でも楽しめちゃう!▼ユーザーVSユーザーの熱い戦い『リーグ戦』大事に育てた選手で試合に臨み全国のライバル達を蹴散らそう!ライバルと通信対戦で試合ができる無料スポーツゲーム!▼あの懐かしさがよみがえる夢中になってキャッチボールをした日々…。あの頃に戻った気分で遊べる、昭和テイストの世界観!もちろん、昭和を知らない人も楽しめちゃう!▼新機能追加【アクセサリ】アクセサリとは、スキルとは別に選手に着用させることで特定の能力値をアップできるアイテム!このアクセサリは全6タイプ(技術・腕力・走力・守備・変化・速球)あるよ!5箇所の部位(首・右手・左手・右足・左足)の中から各タイプの対象となる部位にアクセサリを着用させることでユーザー独自の選手育成が可能になるよ!▼おすすめ機能【進化】選手はレベル上限に達すると、アイテムを使って「進化」できるよ!レアリティがアップし、さらに強力なキャラに!「進化」をすると能力だけでなく、見た目も変化!見た目だけでなく選手がもつ能力も多種多彩だから選手たちの意外な「進化」を見守るのも、このゲームのおすすめポイント!◯● 『やきゅコレ』はこんなゲーム ●◯ゆるくてカワイイキャラ(ゆるキャラ)たちがピッチャー(投手)、キャッチャー(捕手)バッター(打者)になって試合をするよ!高校野球の代表である甲子園、プロ野球からメジャーリーグまで好きな方も満足できる、様々な選手が選べちゃう!全国のライバル達とオンライン対戦、通信対戦ができる無料の人気野球ゲーム!監督(カントク)の目線で野球チームを作れる監督ゲームとしても楽しめるよ!ピッチャー(投手)、キャッチャー(捕手)バッター(打者)が活躍する熱い試合に臨んで、どんどん選手達を育成しよう!絵がゆるくてかわいいから草野球のような雰囲気が好きな方も楽しめるベースボールゲーム!スポーツゲームでメジャーな「野球ゲーム」をかわいいキャラたちで遊べるよ!プロ野球選手を目指して選手を育成してあげる、監督目線の野球監督ゲームとしても楽しめる!様々なゆるくてカワイイキャラ(ゆるキャラ)を育てて、野球チームを作ろう!スマホゲームならではの試合ができる無料スポーツゲーム!自分がバッター(打者)になってバッティングできるバッティングゲームとしても楽しめるよ!草野球をしていたあの頃のように、高校野球部のあの頃のように・・・と、どこか懐かしいゲーム!◯● 『やきゅコレ』はこんな方におすすめ ●◯・野球選手を育てるスポーツゲームがほしい・キャッチボール、草野球のように気軽に遊べる野球ゲームを無料で遊びたい・自分の野球チームで優秀なピッチャー(投手)、キャッチャー(捕手)を育成してベースボールゲームで優勝したい・スマホゲームの野球部で甲子園を目指してみたい・プロ野球を見るのが好き、高校野球の甲子園を見るのが好き・自分がカントクになってチームをつくる監督ゲームが好き・ピッチャー(投手)、キャッチャ―(捕手)が活躍する試合ができる野球ゲームを探している・プロ野球のように白熱する試合をゲームで実現してみたい・スクエニゲームアプリで全国の野球ゲーム好きとオンライン対戦、通信対戦したい・バッティングゲームが得意!ボールを打つタイミングに自信がある・正確なピッチング、的確なキャッチャーを育てることができるピッチャーゲーム、キャッチャーのゲームで遊びたい・キャラが可愛いスクエニゲームアプリのベースボールゲームでプレイしたい・野球ゲームで人気があるスクエニゲームアプリでピッチャー(投手)、バッター(打者)、キャッチャー(捕手)を育てたい・メジャーなスポーツゲームであるベースボールで、メジャーリーグのような白熱する戦いをしたい・ホームランが打てるような選手を育てる監督目線の監督ゲームがほしい・高校野球の甲子園を目指す野球部のように熱くなれる無料スポーツゲームがほしい・試合ができる人気野球育成ゲームをオンライン対戦、通信対戦で遊びたい・メジャーの選手やプロ野球選手のようにホームランが打てる人気野球選手を育てたい・オンラインで通信対戦ができるベースボールゲームで最強の野球選手を育成したい・バッター(打者)になって爽快なホームランが出せるバッティングゲームをやりたい・高校野球部の甲子園を目指すときのような戦いができるベースボールゲームがほしい・ピッチングゲームやバッティングゲームのほかに、オリジナルの草野球部を作れる育成ゲームで遊びたい・選手のバッター(打者)がホームランを打てるように監督として育てる育成ゲームをしたい・オンライン対戦で全国のカントクたちと戦える監督ゲーム、育成ゲームがほしい野球チームの監督となって選手を集め対戦を重ねながら選手を育成しリーグ戦で優勝を目指そう!スクエニグループの大人気野球シミュレーションゲーム!◯● 公式Twitter 更新中 ●◯やきゅコレ島の人気者「村長」がつぶやくよ!ゲームに関係ない事もつぶやくけど、よろしくね!ハッシュタグ:#やきゅコレ+-+-+-+ 価格 +-+-+-+アプリ本体:無料※一部有料アイテムがございます。+-+-+-+ 対応OS +-+-+-+Android4.0以上(一部非推奨端末あり)※タブレットは非推奨です。※推奨端末以外でのサポート、補償等は致しかねますので何卒ご了承ください。
Baseball Kings 2015 1.5
★ Paid version = Free version + Infinite stamina ($5 worth) ★Baseball Kings is a Real 3D game you've ever seen before !“Fun in Your Pocket” - 9.7)“Amazing 3D baseball game” -“Taking the Action off the Ballpark diamond”“Excellent game for die hard MLB baseball fans” -ZaheerShaikh“Perfect example of how a baseball game shouldbe”“Best sports game ever!”-Freddy Rivera“Very Engaging and Fun!”-Andy Wu“Perfect baseball game for mobile”-“Fun mechanics I dig the feel of pitching”- Ian Jones♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Try Real 3D Baseball Simulation Game TODAY! ♦ ♦♦♦Baseball Kings | Real Baseball Simulator Game features:• Easy, fun and realistic• Uses real data, photos, and stats• Real Baseball Strategies• Different game modes and difficulty levels• Individual player statistics▶ SIMPLE and EASY yet FUN !Simple controls and short game play sessions let youplayanywhere, anytime!High-End 3D quality performance with low capacity storage(under50MB).▶ REAL BASEBALL OUTCOMES / STRATEGYStrikeouts, Double Plays,Slugger, Perfect Inning,Homerun derby/Flies and more happen exactly as much as fans would expect!Inshort, a super-realistic 3D baseball simulator▶ PROGRESSIONRookie - Single A- Double A – Triple A – Major LeagueRegular Season – Division – Champion Ship Series –WorldSeriesCompile lots of wins and qualify for intense Playoff Games in3Dbaseball stadium.▶ STATSMore SAVE / Blown SAVE,Loss, ERA,RBI,IP and IndividualPlayerStats than any other game!Even K per 9 inning,CYP point as a MVP allstar pitcher!▶ UPGRADE YOUR TEAMGet your players in shape so that they can play at theirmaximumperformance.You can also raise batting average and improve the pitchingball’sspeed up to 110MPH !Work hard and build yourself an unbeatable team. Lead your teamtoWorld Series Champion !16 USA Major team included : Newyork,Chicago,LosAngeles,Pittsburgh,Philadelphia,Sanfransisco,ST.Lous,Baltimore,Boston,Detroit,Minnesota,Oakland,Texas,Atlanta,CincinnatiandToronto.Baseball Kings | Real Baseball Simulator Game it is a greatandrealistic game for you to play in your spare short time due toitsshort gameplay sessions.HOW TO PLAY :Pitching/Batting guide for pitcher/batter- Put your finger on the ball and flick forward.- Throw the ball following the pitching guideline and in adirectionwhere the catcher is leading to.- If you flick your finger a shorter, the ball is thrown low.- The gauge of the arrow shows ball's amount of spin.- The ball curves toward the direction of the arrow, so throw ittothe opposite direction to fix it.- The larger the amount of spin on the ball, throw it bytiltingyour finger at a proper angle .- Press the fireball button you can pitch an extremelypowerfulball.◈ google + will be a great help to the developer. ◈
Crazy Batting Center 1.0.16
hap Inc.
It is a game to be batting in various characters.
R.B.I. Baseball 14 1.0
MLB Advanced Media, L.P.
"R.B.I. Baseball '14 is here in all its simple, perfectglory"-YahooSports "R.B.I. Baseball could become an instantclassic."-BleacherReport "I am wildly excited about the relaunchof R.B.I.Baseball"-Seth Meyers "Within a single exhibition game ofRBI 14,we got intoit." -Polygon "The game is super fun. They'vedone aterrific jobwith it." -Sports on Earth "Pure arcade fun,look nofurther" -PocketGamer Simple. Fun. Classic. The retrobaseballgameplay you’ve beencraving is back and updated withmoderngraphics, 2014 players andall 30 MLB teams. PlaySeason,Postseason and Exhibition modes.Experience PURE FUN thateveryonecan enjoy on the go! - Full gamecomplete with all 30 MLBteams and480 current MLB players - Playentire 9 inning games inunder 20minutes - Easy-to-use classiccontrols, two buttons tomanagegameplay - Player characteristicsbased on real stats -Unlockspecial retro jerseys by completingcustom team challengesinseason mode © 2014 All rightsreserved. ©MLBPA-OfficialLicensee, Major League Baseball PlayersAssociation.All othertrademarks and copyrights are the property oftheirrespectiveowners.
Baseball Star 1.7.4
playus soft
Enjoy a real Full 3D baseball game without internet access !
Baseball Game 1.1
Download and play free Baseball Game.=======================Addicting Games is the largest source of BaseballGame,includingbaseball games, baseball games free, baseball gamesfree2014,baseball games that kids can play, baseball games 2014freeandmore. A comprehensive best Baseball Game collection, Easyofaccessand installing. Ranking by number of downloads andratingfromusers.**It is 100% FREE, runs smoothly on your devices! andrequiresanInternet connection
本格野球ゲーム・奪三振王 - 無料の人気野球ゲームアプリ 1.6.3
liica Inc.
業界初!伝説の打者から三振を奪う真剣勝負(ガチンコ)系奪三振競争!! さまざまなアイテムを駆使してひたすら打者をねじ伏せろ!
Mr. Referee 3.0.2
Counter Strike for the trial application ofthebaseball ball, count out manually. Essentials of baseball withanimmersive audio! !
Bat & Pitch Baseball 2017
Bambo Studio
The ultimate baseball game is here. Batterhita home run at the stadium. Ninth inning is close to win thematch.The pitcher can make incredible effects with the ball toavoid thebatter. Every baseball fan should play this game becauseit´s thefunniest baseball game ever. Take control of every aspectin thebaseball diamond from the home plate to the pitchermound.★ Perfect physics that makes your home run even better thanreallife★ Pitcher throw the ball performing stunning effects to forceastrike★ Pro Baseball game with lots of levels to never get bored★ Major League players involved in every inning★ Career improved with every successThis is definitely the best baseball game. Any of the batteropitcher are real life known players, it´s just fiction. Becomethebest pro baseball player and challenge your friends battingandpitching. Batter up for the home run of your life.Fastball,knuckleball and braking balls.
Baseball Players Fight 2016
Bambo Studio
Baseball players fight 2016 is anaggressivefighter in the field of Baseball. Fight to the end bykicking andpunching without penalty. Feel the action in the fieldwithoutreferee. Choose any of the players most of the murdererbaseballworld to win the tournament in story mode. The excitementat itsbest when you fight with your classic rival. The ball, batandgloves are not required, only your kit, spiked shoes andcuffs.Many players are in the bank ready to fight for theirequipment andkeep going until the end of the cup !. There are noinjuries andfailures will never be punished by the referee becausethis is agame of street fight knockout style.+ Babi sports legend Ruth and baseball for his career by BostonandNew York. He mastered all martial arts since he was achild.+ Micki Fantle baseball, high power switch hitter and one ofthemost popular players in the history of the big leagues.+ Simmi Soso home run leader of all time among players bornoutsidethe United States.+ Vonds Bari is a retired player, holds the record for home runsina single season and holds the absolute record for home runsbatted762 for life.+ Trince Tielder is an old glory of the fight. He knows allthetechniques of street gangs and knows all aboutstreetfighting.+ Jose Lauer is considered one of the best receiversinmajors.Remember that this is just fiction. Do not try to fight inthestreet and even in the base ball field. Play on your mobilewhenyou try to fight enemies. Baseball players who fight 3rounds,striker, pitcher, catch, batter, home run, base!Multiple combos to defeat your enemy, vital waves, martialarts,karate, kick boxing, thousands of tricks and combinations ofkicks,punch, air strikes, multiple kicks, infinity punch knockoutsairstrikes and many more to discover.Three game modes, World, Flying Start and Training.Realisticscenario, the Tier encourages public and encourages youwith theirwhistles and applause on the side of the diamond.Choose your favorite team player, everyone has skills, movementsanddifferent tricks, plus a different way to fight in thefield.The gameplay Cup Baseball season is a tie between the best teamsinthe world, you have to beat your rivals, but will beeliminatedfrom the World Cup.The training mode will help you learn tricks and martial arts,youcan see this by pressing the buttons and checking the effectofyour shots.Actual combat in this fighting game of baseball where playersengagein a fight, one of the best hitters in the world ofinternationalteams.
Baseball Games 1.00
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MLB 9 Innings Manager 2.4.1
Assemble your championship team in MLB9Innings Manager! As the architect of an MLB franchise, useyourbaseball know-how to pick the best players that will guideyourteam to victory. This is baseball management simulation withafantasy sports twist!COLLECT MLB PLAYER CARDSCollect all of your favorite MLB players. Open packs early andoftenso you always have the hottest players in your activeroster.MAKE THE RIGHT MOVESIn LIVE Mode, your players' performance is based off their reallifestats. Just like in fantasy baseball, you're tasked withstartingthe team that will yield the most points on any givenday.DEVELOP A WINNING TEAMDraft, trade, and scour the free agent market in GM(GeneralManager) Mode, where you'll be at the helm of an MLBfranchise.With the freedom to develop your team's playstyle andidentity,you're the one calling the shots.In MLB 9 Innings Manager, get closer to the game thaneverbefore!© 2016 MLB Advanced Media, L.P. Major League Baseball trademarksandcopyrights are used with permission of MLB Advanced Media, L.P.Allrights reserved. All rights reserved. Visit,TheOfficial Site of Major League Baseball.OFFICIALLY LICENSED PRODUCT OF MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLPLAYERSASSOCIATION-MLBPA trademarks and copyrighted works,including theMLBPA logo, and other intellectual property rights areowned and/orheld by MLBPA and may not be used without MLBPA’swritten consent.Visit, the Players Choice on theweb.Authorization Requests* Save (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE): Used to change the profile picture and to attach photoswhensending messages to friends on the Com2uS Platform on deviceswithLollipop (OS 5.1.1) or below.MLB 9 Innings Manager requires the authority as it supports OS2.3and above.* Contacts (GET_ACCOUNTS): Authority to sync the Google account info.* Phone (READ_PHONE_STATE, READ_CONTACTS) :1) Provides services to help the user and the user's friendsplaythe game together- Game friends registered on the Com2uS platform and the friendsonthe user's contact list will be matched (This function wasalwaysprovided.)2) Utilizes the user's contacts to increase the usability ofthefriend invite system.* MLB 9Innings Manager is the new version of the gamepreviouslyknown as 9 Innings Manager.* Requires internet connection to play. There will be anadditionalresource download when launched for the first time.* This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay realmoneyfor extra items. Please note that some purchases may notberefundable.* Available in 한국어, Engilsh, 日本語, 中文繁體.* Minimum RequirementRuns on any device that has at least 1 GB memory.* Please visit our Terms of Service for more information onourRefund Policy, Revocation of Contract, and etc. byvisiting:* For questions or customer support, please contact ourCustomerSupport by visiting────────────────Play with Com2uS!────────────────Follow us! us on Facebook! and Updates