Top 20 Apps Similar to Kursy123 z Orange

Lerni. Learn languages. 3.1.2
Lerni sp. z o. o.
English, German, French, Italian and Spanishonyour favourite device! Choose your course and learn at any timeandwherever you want to! You can choose one of the ninelanguageversions of the interface: Polish, English, German,French,Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic and Russian!“One of the best prepared programmes for teaching languagesformobile devices available in Google Play.” -“If you are looking to learn a new language this is a greatappto assist in that process.“ - the first days after its launching, the app hasreachedthe top of Google Play rankings for Educational apps forexample inMexico, France and Canada!We make learning languages with Lerni as engaging asyourfavourite game!Listen to dialogues, solve flashcards and memoryactivities,solve interactive exercises! Use the unlimited access totheeducational multimedia base.Get points, collect badges, reach the top of theusersrankings!Learn and play at the same time! Memorize words and followyourlearning progress! Use the course tailored to your needs!Choose a language you want to learn and begin yourmultimediaadventure with Lerni!Do you have any questions? That's not a problem!Contact us: kontakt@lerni.usFollow the news the web wersion of Lerni:
HG Intelligence S.A.
Future Internet of Things, Rozwój rynkuM2M,IoT, IoFSatysfakcja Klienta jako klucz do sukcesu w sprzedażyusługM2M05-06.10.2016 r. Hotel Mikołajki, Aleja Spacerowa 11,11-730MikołajkiMACHINE TO MACHINE jest to zdolność maszyn, urządzeń i obiektówdokomunikowania się z ludźmi i ze sobą nawzajem online wceluusprawnienia procesów zarządzania zasobami. Taka komunikacjamożeodbywać się bezprzewodo lub przewodowo, jednak M2M jestzwykleutożsamiane z transmisją danych w sieciach GSM.TEMATYKA KONFERENCJI- Rozwój rynku M2M dziś i jutroPrzykładowe wdrożenia Internetu rzeczy w PolsceSmart Energy & Mesh netowrkingInteligentne miasta i inteligentna energetykaRozwój i modernizacja sieci GSMStrategia rozwoju sieci 2025+Big Data - badanie jakości dróg w PolsceFuture Internet ofThings,M2M market development, IoT, IOFCustomer satisfaction as the key to success in sellingservicesM2M05-06.10.2016 r. Hotel Mikołajki, Aleja Spacerowa 11,11-730MikolajkiMACHINE TO MACHINE is the ability of machines, devices andobjectsto communicate with people and with each other online inorder toimprove resource management processes. Such communicationmay bewired or wireless Internet access is, however, M2M isusuallyequated with data transmission in GSM.CONFERENCE TOPICS- The development of the M2M market today and tomorrowExamples of implementation of the Internet of Things inPolandSmart Energy & Mesh netowrkingSmart cities and intelligent energyDevelopment and modernization of the GSM networkThe development strategy of the network 2025+Big Data - examination of the quality of roads in Poland
SUNY Orange
A mobile app for current SUNYOrangestudents.This app will provide quick, easily accessibleinformationto ourstudents for the most commonly accessed servicesandinformation.We appreciate all feedback, recommendations,problemsandadditions. Thank you for checking it out!
Английский язык за 7 уроков. S 3.4.1
Free English course for 7 lessons is simple, logical,understandableand brief.
English Lessons - Gymglish 8.8.2
Gymglish delivers short, personalized and fun English lessons.Ourgoal: your motivation, participation and progress. TestGymglishfor free and get a level assessment and a personalizedpedagogicalreport! ..... ...... ...... ✓ More than 5,000,000 usersaround theworld ✓ Long-term results ✓ A personalized approach ✓Modern,business English ..... ...... ...... Each morning, youreceive alesson in English with a variety of written and audioexercises.Gymglish lessons take 10 minutes to complete, and includea storyfrom the Delavigne Corporation, dialogues to listen to,questionsto answer, 'mini-lessons', humour, business English,variedaccents, and a personalised revision program. Once you havesentyour answers, you will receive a correction with your score fortheday's lesson, personalised explanations, the Englishvocabularythat interests you, scripts for the audio files, etc. Astory.Growing up as an apprentice to his perfumer grandfatherinMontmartre, Bruno Delavigne had dreams of starting his ownbusinessin San Francisco and expanding it. But when a suspicious"accident"robbed him of his sense of smell, Bruno was forced totake adifferent route to success... Learning English isn'tsimplylearning a list of words or a set of rules - language isalsoculture. For each one of our language courses, we offer asettingthat includes diverse characters and personalities,variousaccents, professional and personal situations, all with atouch ofhumor. Assess your level and get certified. Our free trialincludesa complete level assessment (containing an outline of yourcurrentstrengths and weaknesses). You'll get a personalizedlearningreport when you finish the course. Motivation. With adiversity ofcontent, Gymglish motivates and encourages its users tocontinuetheir progress by making e-learning as fun aspossible.Memorization. To consolidate acquired English knowledge,ourlearning method takes into account our natural tendency toforgetthings over time. For long-term memorization, our systemdesigns anoptimized revision schedule for each student. Explore anewculture. Each of our English lessons ends with a "dessert":anauthentic clip of can't-miss anglophone culture. Film,music,literature or television allow you to finish your workout instyle.For web, tablet and mobile. With apps available for iOSandAndroid, enjoy your English lessons whenever and wherever youlike...... ...... ...... You can try Gymglish for 7 days free ofcharge.This test is limited to the first seven days of the program,and isabsolutely free and non-binding. Under no circumstances willyou beregistered for the full, paying version of our Englishlessonswithout your explicit consent. We guarantee theconfidentiality ofyour personal details. The program is designed sothat you canlearn English efficiently in the long run. Gymglish isdesigned,edited and developed in its entirety by A9 SAS.
Speeq Polish | English free 1.61-1
SPEEQ provides:★ superbly selected vocabulary at 4 levels of advancementwithalmost10,000 words and phrases★ advanced repetition algorithm based on the forgettingcurve*★ unique learning modes: Memorizing , Spelling and Playback★ all words and phrases are recorded by professionalnativespeakersspecializing in voice-overSPEEQ facts:★ 4800 cards at 4 levels - almost 10,000 words and phrases★ an application to learn English and Polish★ the possibility to create your own vocabulary collectionsandusethe same device with your familySPEEQ FREE version includes:★ sample Beginner★ sample Pre-intermediate★ sample Intermediate★ sample BusinessSPEEQ FREE version in total - 320 words and phrases, i.e.640soundrecordings!MEMORIZINGA unique mode which automates the learning process. Speeqwillgiveyou successive cards according to a special algorithm.SPELLINGOnce you remember, Speeq will help you with the spelling.PLAYBACKLearn while cycling, driving, relaxing or doing housework.Repeatorlisten to new material through headphones or byconnectingyourdevice to a stereo*MEMORY ANCHORSWe will teach you how to accelerate the process ofrememberingwiththe Keyword Method* and Mnemotechnique* whichperform miraclesinyour memory based on associations.*More on
Orange Connection 2.6.648
Oklahoma State University
The app for members, alumni, students and friends of OklahomaStateUniversity!
Super Flashcards, Learn words 3.7
Memorize anything with flashcards app.
FISZKI Niemiecki na początek
Wydawnictwo Cztery Glowy
Skorzystaj z 11-letniego doświadczenia idołączdo MILIONA zadowolonych klientów.Poznaj FISZKI – profesjonalną aplikację WydawnictwaCzteryGłowy!FISZKI - i nie zabraknie Ci słów!FISZKI to aplikacja do nauki języków obcych, stworzonaprzezdoświadczony zespół redakcyjny, specjalizujący się wpublikacjachjęzykowych.Dzięki niej:* skorzystasz z rzetelnie przygotowanego materiału* zastosujesz sprawdzoną, skuteczną metodę nauki* osiągniesz trwałe rezultaty w krótkim czasiePakiet „FISZKI – Niemiecki na początek” skierowany jest doosóbrozpoczynających naukę lub chcących odświeżyć podstawyjęzykaniemieckiego. Na 100 fiszkach znaleźć można ponad 200praktycznychsłów i zwrotów.Poznaj FISZKINIEZAWODNY SYSTEM – naucz się uczyćAlgorytm MEMOBOX®, oparty na badaniach niemieckiegometodykaSebastiana Leitnera, sprawia, że zapamiętujesz efektywnie izprzyjemnością.PRAKTYCZNE SŁOWA I ZWROTY – postaw na komunikacjęMateriał w aplikacjach FISZKI dobrany jest w taki sposób, abyszybkopodnieść Twoją umiejętność porozumiewania się w językuobcym.WYRAŹNE NAGRANIA AUDIO – mów poprawnieSłówka zostały nagrane przez native speakerów, co pozwoli Cibeztrudu opanować poprawną wymowę.Zaufaj profesjonalistom...FISZKI stworzono z najwyższą dbałością ozagadnieniamerytoryczne.* Jasne przykłady pozwalają poznać kontekst charakterystycznydladanego wyrażenia – masz pewność, że będziesz używał słów izwrotówwe właściwy sposób.* Wyjątki i nieregularności zostały wyróżnione podkreśleniem–zapamiętasz je z łatwością.* Wyrażenia potoczne napisano kursywą – nie popełnisz gafywoficjalnej sytuacji.* Hasła pogrupowano „rodzinami” – umożliwi Ci to łatwą naukęwyrazówpochodnych (np. to act – działać, action –działanie).* Poszczególne tytuły z serii FISZKI dopełniają sięmerytorycznie,dzięki czemu możesz uczyć się kompleksowo.Dowiedz się więcej na i advantage of 11yearsof experience and join MILLION satisfied customers.Learn Flashcards - a professional publishing applicationFourHeads!Flashcards - and do not run out of words!Flashcards is an application for learning foreignlanguages,developed by an experienced editorial team, specializinginlanguage publications.Thanks to: * Go to diligently prepared material * Apply a proven, effective method of learning * Achieve lasting results in a short timePackage "Flashcards - German at the beginning" is addressedtopeople who want to start learning or refresh their basicknowledgeof German. 100 fact sheet can be found more than 200practicalwords and phrases.Learn FlashcardsRELIABLE SYSTEM - learn to teachMEMOBOX® algorithm, based on the research methodology ofGermanSebastian Leitner, makes memorize efficiently andwithpleasure.USEFUL WORDS AND REFUNDS - attitudes to communicationThe material in applications fiche is chosen in such a waytoquickly raise your ability to communicate in aforeignlanguage.CLEAR AUDIO RECORDINGS - speak properlyWords were recorded by native speakers, allowing you to easilylearnthe correct pronunciation.Trust the professionals ...Flashcards created with the utmost attention to issuesofsubstance. * Clear examples allow you to explore the context fortheexpression characteristic - you are sure that you will beusingwords and phrases in the right way. * Exceptions and irregularities have been awarded theemphasis- remember them easily. * Colloquial expressions in italic - will not make blundersinthe official situation. * Passwords are grouped into "families" - allow you toeasilylearn words derivatives (eg. This act - act, action-action). * The individual titles in a series of flashcardscomplementmerits, so you can learn comprehensively.Learn more and
kartoszki - flashcards 3.37
Kartoszki is free flashcards app forandroid,windows phone and web browser. Use it to learn anysubject,especially foreign languages.It allows you to easily create and study flashcards. Youcancreate your own cards or download ready-made decks. You cansharedecks with cards with your friends. You can export and importdatato xml.To manage learning process and deadlines you can userepetitionschedules. Hang the card to the repetitions for a certainnumber ofdaysThe principle of Kartoszki is based on learningthroughrepetition of vocabulary cards. Each card has two pagesfront andback. On each side of the card is a headline and anexample. Thecards are grouped thematically into collections calleddecks. Foreach deck is assigned a schedule that is responsible forcarryingout the method repeats.The application works without the need to use data on yourmobiledevice. Data transmission is only used when synchronizingdata to acentral server, downloading ready-made deck or whenreading thecontents of the card.
Learn Dutch - Speak Dutch
ATi Studios
Learn Dutch in a fun and effective way. Start learning Dutch now!
Orange County Public Schools 5.0.300
Blackboard K-12
The official Orange County PublicSchoolsappgives you a personalized window into what is happeningatthedistrict and schools. Get the news and information thatyoucareabout and get involved.Anyone Can:- View district and school news- Use the district tip line- Receive notifications from the district and schools- Access the district directory- Display information personalized to your interests
FISZKI Angielski Idiomy
Wydawnictwo Cztery Glowy
Skorzystaj z 11-letniego doświadczenia idołączdo MILIONA zadowolonych klientów.Poznaj FISZKI – profesjonalną aplikację WydawnictwaCzteryGłowy!FISZKI - i nie zabraknie Ci słów!FISZKI to aplikacja do nauki języków obcych, stworzonaprzezdoświadczony zespół redakcyjny, specjalizujący się wpublikacjachjęzykowych.Dzięki niej:* skorzystasz z rzetelnie przygotowanego materiału* zastosujesz sprawdzoną, skuteczną metodę nauki* osiągniesz trwałe rezultaty w krótkim czasieAngielski Idiomy – tytuł zawiera sto przydatnych idiomów,którepozwalają na urozmaicenie wypowiedzi i znaczne podniesieniejejwartości.Aplikacja skierowana jest do osób na poziomie średniozaawansowanym(B1 i B2).Przykładowe idiomy: easier said than done, to spread likewildfire,to spend money like water, to lie through yourteeth.Poznaj FISZKINIEZAWODNY SYSTEM – naucz się uczyćAlgorytm MEMOBOX®, oparty na badaniach niemieckiegometodykaSebastiana Leitnera, sprawia, że zapamiętujesz efektywnie izprzyjemnością.PRAKTYCZNE SŁOWA I ZWROTY – postaw na komunikacjęMateriał w aplikacjach FISZKI dobrany jest w taki sposób, abyszybkopodnieść Twoją umiejętność porozumiewania się w językuobcym.WYRAŹNE NAGRANIA AUDIO – mów poprawnieSłówka zostały nagrane przez native speakerów, co pozwoli Cibeztrudu opanować poprawną wymowę.Zaufaj profesjonalistom...FISZKI stworzono z najwyższą dbałością ozagadnieniamerytoryczne.* Jasne przykłady pozwalają poznać kontekst charakterystycznydladanego wyrażenia – masz pewność, że będziesz używał słów izwrotówwe właściwy sposób.* Wyjątki i nieregularności zostały wyróżnione podkreśleniem–zapamiętasz je z łatwością.* Wyrażenia potoczne napisano kursywą – nie popełnisz gafywoficjalnej sytuacji.* Hasła pogrupowano „rodzinami” – umożliwi Ci to łatwą naukęwyrazówpochodnych (np. to act – działać, action –działanie).* Poszczególne tytuły z serii FISZKI dopełniają sięmerytorycznie,dzięki czemu możesz uczyć się kompleksowo.Dowiedz się więcej na i advantage of 11yearsof experience and join MILLION satisfied customers.Learn Flashcards - a professional publishing applicationFourHeads!Flashcards - and do not run out of words!Flashcards is an application for learning foreignlanguages,developed by an experienced editorial team, specializinginlanguage publications.Thanks to: * Go to diligently prepared material * Apply a proven, effective method of learning * Achieve lasting results in a short timeEnglish Idioms - title contains one hundred useful idioms thatallowfor diversity of expression and significantly increaseitsvalue.The application is addressed to the person at the intermediatelevel(B1 and B2).Examples of idioms: Easier said than done, it spread likewildfire,to spend money like water, to lie through yourteeth.Learn FlashcardsRELIABLE SYSTEM - learn to teachMEMOBOX® algorithm, based on the research methodology ofGermanSebastian Leitner, makes memorize efficiently andwithpleasure.USEFUL WORDS AND REFUNDS - attitudes to communicationThe material in applications fiche is chosen in such a waytoquickly raise your ability to communicate in aforeignlanguage.CLEAR AUDIO RECORDINGS - speak properlyWords were recorded by native speakers, allowing you to easilylearnthe correct pronunciation.Trust the professionals ...Flashcards created with the utmost attention to issuesofsubstance. * Clear examples allow you to explore the context fortheexpression characteristic - you are sure that you will beusingwords and phrases in the right way. * Exceptions and irregularities have been awarded theemphasis- remember them easily. * Colloquial expressions in italic - will not make blundersinthe official situation. * Passwords are grouped into "families" - allow you toeasilylearn words derivatives (eg. This act - act, action-action). * The individual titles in a series of flashcardscomplementmerits, so you can learn comprehensively.Learn more and
Fiszki PONS - 1000 słów niemie 1.3
Klett Polska sp. z o.o.
An application that will teach you the basic vocabulary of German
Learn foreign languages with flashcards - Voc App 5.0.53
What is the best way to learn languages (such as English,German,Spanish or Chinese)? The most efficient and proven method iswithflashcards. By using VocApp flashcards maker you can quicklybuildup your vocabulary and language skills. They by faroutperformtraditional language courses that are often dull and leadtodisappointing results. We have created this app because we wanttoshare an awesome product that we are certain will help youachievemany if not all of your language ambitions. Everyone usingourvocab builder will be able to find value in our products. Nomatterif you are a language aficionado, preparing for a proficiencyexamor practicing for an upcoming trip abroad. We havepreparedeverything to aid your language learning quest! It isintimidatingand overwhelming to think about conquering a whole newlanguage,but that is where we come in to give you a hand. Ourflashcardsmaker is user friendly and has been tailored for alllanguagelearners, regardless if you are a beginner, advancedlearner, orsomewhere in between. If you are thinking about taking alanguageproficiency exam, our flashcards will help you feelconfident andready to tackle popular exams such as DELF, DAAD andthe CPE.Fortunately, grammar in general is quite simple. Knowingthe basicsis sufficient and it is not worth spending more of yourtimelearning it, as all of this will come naturally. Withourvocabulary trainer you can learn numerous languages onlinewithmultiple courses created by professionals. In addition, thereisplenty of language lessons created by other users, many of whomarenative speakers. Our app is a free product which can bedownloadedand used right away. You have the options to sample allof ourcourses and languages that we have to offer. You can evencreateyour own flashcards for free! The flashcards have beencompiledinto many forms, such as pronunciation in MP3 format,images,examples of relevant phrases used in natural contexts, aswell assome basic grammar information. Learning languages has neverbeeneasier and more exciting! Our other features include using ourappas a translator or dictionary. Just type a word in yournativelanguage or language you are learning. Apart from thetranslation,you will be able to add this (with the pronunciationand exemplarusage) to your own flashcards. In this way, you can notonly checkmeanings of words but also learn and memorize themforever (as ifit were there all along). Our methods will remarkablybroaden yourvocabulary and in the future you will no longer need tobother withany form of dictionary! Our flash cards maker also helpsyouachieve a systematic approach to learning. Motivationanddiscipline are the key to learning any language successfully andweare here to help you stay on track. We are passionateaboutlanguages and it may seem that we harp on the study andlearningaspect a bit too much, but this app is also meant tobeentertaining and of course fun. We have especially designed ourappto make it feel as if you are not learning, even thoughyouactually are. One great and easy habit to get into issettingreminders for yourself, which you can set as a widget forstudyinglanguages after unlocking your mobile screen. We are leapsahead ofour competition because our methods actually churn outpositiveresults. What separates us from the competition is that wehavefigured out a systematic learning approach that learnerswillappreciate and use as their main method to continue learning.Wecreated an app that actively engages the language learnerratherthan having them passively translate sentences or try tounderstandobscure and impractical sentences. Words and phrases willnot onlybe familiar or ring a bell, but they will stay locked inyourmemory for good. With our vocabulary builder, you now havethepower of language at your disposal to wield and createsentenceswith an impressive level of fluency.
Fiszki PONS - 1000 słów włoski 1.3
Klett Polska sp. z o.o.
An application that will teach you the basic vocabulary of Italian!
Fiszki PONS - 333 słów niemiec 1.01
Klett Polska sp. z o.o.
An application that will teach you basic German vocabulary!
Learn Vietnamese Words Free 3.1.0
Language Course S.L.
Free Vocabulary Trainer & Vietnamese travel phrases,slang,business language...
Busuu: Learn English
Learn English Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation bySpeaking,Writing & More