App Information La Liga - Argentinian Football
- App NameLa Liga - Argentinian Football
- Package
- UpdatedApril 2, 2017
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid Varies with device
- Version11.3.3
- DeveloperKinetia
- Installs1,000,000 - 5,000,000
- PriceFree
- CategorySports
- Developer
- Google Play Link
La Liga - Argentinian Football Version History
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La Liga - Argentinian Football 11.3.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2023 /6/19Requires Android: Android 5.0+ (Lollipop, API: 21)File Size: 13.2 MBTested on: Android 13 (Tiramisu, API: 33)File Sha1: 90a4955a62505ff281697eed7c8aa567944dae21 -
La Liga - Argentinian Football 4.4 APK File
Publish Date: 2018 /4/29Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)File Size: 6.7 MBTested on: Android 7.1 (Nougat, API: 25)File Sha1: 5b512f6f2fc1813f49a850a2e1ccd86717868107 -
La Liga - Argentinian Football Liga Argentina 2.3.2 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /3/20Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 5.4 MBTested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)File Sha1: baf1d4211037dd35f9a09706add389082d8cb295 -
La Liga - Argentinian Football Liga Argentina 2.1.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /9/1Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)File Size: 4.8 MBTested on: Android 5.1 (Lollipop, API: 22)File Sha1: a9731c8fe795eba6d51f6176cdde076b78dd49d5
Kinetia Show More...
La Liga - Argentinian Football 11.3.3 APK
Welcome to La Liga! The best application tofollow live Argentine soccer tournaments, International Cups andEuropean Leagues with Argentinian players.With La Liga, you get all the live information during the match andyou can read the latest news of Argentinian Football.Follow your team and you will stay informed of everything: fromreceiving live notifications during the match to the most importantnews during the week.With La Liga you can access complete fixtures of Primera A,Nacional B, B Metropolitano, Federal A, Federal B Primera C,Primera D Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana, 2018 World Cup,World Cup Qualifying 2018 European tournaments (Europa LeagueChampions League, Spain, Copa del Rey, Italy Cup, England, FA Cup,France and Germany Bundesliga Ligue 1) and their respectivestandings and scorers.For each game, you can check team formations and full fixturedetail with cards, goals, changes, referees and stadiums.You'll also be able to follow matches lives, to receivenotifications of every major event and goals!All notifications are configurables to bring you the best of LaLiga and find out instantly what is happening in the livegames.
La Liga - Liga MX y Ascenso MX 3.0 APK
¡Bienvenido a La Liga! La mejor aplicaciónpara seguir en vivo los torneos del fútbol mexicano, copasinternacionales y ligas de europa con jugadores mexicanos.Sigue los partidos, lee las últimas noticias y recibe lasnovedades minuto a minuto.Elige además los equipos de los que quieres mantenerte informado ydiariamente recibirás las noticias más importantes.La Liga es una aplicación de noticias gratuita que te acerca entiempo real toda la información que necesitas de las ligas másimportantes del Fútbol Mexicano, de los torneos internacionales enlos cuales participan equipos mexicanos y de los torneos de europadonde juegan jugadores Mexicanos!Con La Liga podrás acceder a fixtures completos de MX Prmera, MXAscenso, Copa América, Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana,Mundial, torneos europeos con jugadores mexicanos (ChampionsLeague, España, Italia, Inglaterra), y sus respectivas tablas deposiciones y goleadores.También puedes seguir Los Juegos Olímpicos Brasil 2016 y laEurocopa 2016.Durante cada partido, te puedes informar de las formaciones decada equipo y el detalle completo con tarjetas, goles, cambios,árbitros y estadios.También vas a puedes seguir los partidos en vivo, recibirnotificaciones de cada evento importante y los goles que se hacen¡minuto a minuto!Todas las notificaciones son configurables para que saques elmáximo provecho a La Liga y entérate al instante que está pasandoen los partidos en curso.La Liga es una versión beta totalmente gratuita.Fútbol de México.Welcome to La Liga! Thebest application to follow live Mexican soccer tournaments,international cups and leagues of Europe with Mexican players.Follow the matches, read the latest news and receive newsminute.also select the teams you want to stay informed and daily receivethe most important news. The League is an application of free news that brings you real timeall the information you need from the major leagues Mexican Soccer,international tournaments in which participating Mexican andEuropean tournaments teams where they play Mexican players!With La Liga you can access complete fixtures of MX prmera, MXRise, Copa America, Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana, World,European tournaments with Mexican players (Champions League, Spain,Italy, England), and their respective standings and scorers .You can also follow Brazil 2016 Olympics and Euro 2016.During each game, you can you report each team formations andfull detail with cards, goals, changes, referees andstadiums. You'll also can follow the games live, receive notifications everymajor event and the goals that the minute true!All notifications are configurable to bring out the most of LaLiga and find out instantly is happening in the games inprogress. The League is a free beta version.Mexico Football.
La Liga - Fútbol de Chile 3.1 APK
¡Bienvenido a La Liga ! La mejor aplicaciónpara seguir en vivo los torneos del fútbol chileno, copasinternacionales y ligas de europa con jugadores chilenos.Sigue los partidos, lee las últimas noticias y recibe lasnovedades minuto a minuto.Elige además los equipos de los que quieres mantenerte informado ydiariamente recibirás las noticias más importantes.La Liga es una aplicación de noticias gratuita que te acerca entiempo real toda la información que necesitas de las ligas másimportantes del Fútbol Chileno, de los torneos internacionales enlos cuales participan equipos chilenos y de los torneos de europadonde juegan jugadores Chilenos!Con La Liga podrás acceder a fixtures completos de Copa Chile,Primera División, Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana, Mundial,torneos europeos con jugadores chilenos (Champions League, España,Italia, Inglaterra), y sus respectivas tablas de posiciones ygoleadores.También puedes seguir Los Juegos Olímpicos Brasil 2016, la CopaAmérica Centenario 2016 y la Eurocopa 2016.Durante cada partido, te puedes informar de las formaciones decada equipo y el detalle completo con tarjetas, goles, cambios,árbitros y estadios.También vas a puedes seguir los partidos en vivo, recibirnotificaciones de cada evento importante y los goles que se hacen¡minuto a minuto!Todas las notificaciones son configurables para que saques elmáximo provecho a La Liga y entérate al instante que está pasandoen los partidos en curso.La Liga es una versión beta totalmente gratuita.Futbol de ChileWelcome to La Liga! Thebest application to follow live Chilean soccer tournaments,international cups and leagues of Europe with Chilean players.Follow the matches, read the latest news and receive newsminute.also select the teams you want to stay informed and daily receivethe most important news. The League is an application of free news that brings you real timeall the information you need from the major leagues of Chileanfootball, international tournaments in which participating Chileanteams and tournaments in Europe where they play playersChilenos!With La Liga you can access full Cup fixtures Chile, PrimeraDivision, Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana, World, Europeantournaments with Chilean players (Champions League, Spain, Italy,England), and their respective standings and scorers.You can also follow Brazil 2016 Olympic Games, America's Cup andEuro 2016 Centenario 2016.During each game, you can you report each team formations andfull detail with cards, goals, changes, referees andstadiums. You'll also can follow the games live, receive notifications everymajor event and the goals that the minute true!All notifications are configurable to bring out the most of LaLiga and find out instantly is happening in the games inprogress. The League is a free beta version.Soccer Chile
La Liga - Liga Aguila 3.0 APK
¡Bienvenido a La Liga ! La mejor aplicaciónpara seguir en vivo los torneos del fútbol colombiano, copasinternacionales y ligas de europa con jugadores colomianos.Sigue los partidos, lee las últimas noticias y recibe lasnovedades minuto a minuto.Elige además los equipos de los que quieres mantenerte informado ydiariamente recibirás las noticias más importantes.La Liga es una aplicación de noticias gratuita que te acerca entiempo real toda la información que necesitas de las ligas másimportantes del Fútbol de Colombia, de los torneos internacionalesen los cuales participan equipos de Colombia y de los torneos deeuropa donde juegan jugadores Colombianos!Con La Liga podrás acceder a fixtures completos de Copa Aguila,Liga Aguila, Torneo Aguila, Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana,Mundial, torneos europeos con jugadores de Colombia (ChampionsLeague, España, Italia, Inglaterra), y sus respectivas tablas deposiciones y goleadores.También puedes seguir Los Juegos Olímpicos Brasil 2016, la CopaAmérica Centenario 2016 y la Eurocopa 2016.Durante cada partido, te puedes informar de las formaciones decada equipo y el detalle completo con tarjetas, goles, cambios,árbitros y estadios.También vas a puedes seguir los partidos en vivo, recibirnotificaciones de cada evento importante y los goles que se hacen¡minuto a minuto!Todas las notificaciones son configurables para que saques elmáximo provecho a La Liga y entérate al instante que está pasandoen los partidos en curso.La Liga es una versión beta totalmente gratuita.Futbol de ColombiaWelcome to La Liga! Thebest application to follow live Colombian football tournaments,international cups and leagues of Europe with colomianos players.Follow the matches, read the latest news and receive newsminute.also select the teams you want to stay informed and daily receivethe most important news. The League is an application of free news that brings you real timeall the information you need from the major leagues FootballColombia, international tournaments in which teams from Colombiaand European tournaments where they play Colombian players !With La Liga you can access complete fixtures de Aguila Cup LigaAguila, Tournament Aguila, Copa Libertadores, Copa Sudamericana,World, European tournaments with players from Colombia (ChampionsLeague, Spain, Italy, England), and their respective leaderboardsand scorers.You can also follow Brazil 2016 Olympic Games, America's Cup andEuro 2016 Centenario 2016.During each game, you can you report each team formations andfull detail with cards, goals, changes, referees andstadiums. You'll also can follow the games live, receive notifications everymajor event and the goals that the minute true!All notifications are configurable to bring out the most of LaLiga and find out instantly is happening in the games inprogress. The League is a free beta version.Soccer Colombia
Liga - Brasileirão Série A e B 3.0 APK
Bem-vindos à Ligal! O melhor aplicativo paraseguir os torneios e obter as últimas notícias do futebolbrasileiro: Brasileirão Série A, Série B, Copa do Brasil, CopaLibertadores e Copa América.Siga as partidas e receba novidades minuto a minuto.Liga é um aplicativo de notícias gratuito, que te traz em temporeal toda a informação necessária sobre os torneios internacionaismais importantes do futebol mundial.Com Liga você pode acessar:- Copa do Brasil,- Brasileirão Série A- Brasileirão Série B- Brasileirão Série C- Brasileirão Série DCampeonatos regionais:- Campeonato Baiano- Campeonato Carioca- Campeonato Catarinense- Campeonato Cearense- Campeonato Gaúcho- Campeonato Mineiro- Campeonato Paranaense- Campeonato Paulista- Campeonato Pernambucano- Copa do NordesteTorneios internacionais:- Campeonato Francês- Campeonato Inglês- Campeonato Italiano- Copa Italia- Campeonato Espanhol- Copa del Rey- Champions League- Campeonato Germany- Eliminatórias Copa do Mundo 2018- Europa League- Eurocopa 2016E muito mais informação:-Tabelas de posições-Tabelas de goleadores-Tabelas de cartões amarelos e vermelhos-Escalações dos times-Descrição completa das partidas em curso e de partidas históricas.Cartões, gols, substituições, árbitros, estádios e eventosTambém poderá seguir as partidas ao vivo, receber notificaçõessobre cada evento importante e os gols feitos minuto a minuto!Amplamente configurável, tire melhor proveito da Liga einteire-se instantaneamente das partidas em curso.Escolha também os times sobre os quais você deseja informações ereceba diariamente as notícias mais importantes.Precisamos da sua ajuda para melhorar. Esperamos seuscomentários e recomendações no Se gostar daLiga, não esqueça de avaliar o aplicativo e comentar arespeito.Muito obrigado!!Welcome to ligal! Thebest application to follow the tournament and get the latest newsfrom the Brazilian Soccer: Brasileirão Serie A, Serie B, BrazilCup, Copa Libertadores and Copa America.Follow the matches and get news every minute.League is a free news app that brings you real-time all thenecessary information about the most important internationaltournaments in world football.With Connect you can access:- Brazil's Cup,- Brasileirão Série A- Brasileirão Serie B- Brasileirão Série C- Brasileirão Série Dregional championships:- Baiano Championship- Campeonato Carioca- Santa Catarina State Championship- Campeonato Cearense- Campeonato Gaúcho- State Championship- Campeonato Paranaense- Paulista championship- Campeonato Pernambucano- Northeast CupInternational tournaments:- French Championship- English Premier League- Italian Championship- Copa Italia- La Liga- Copa del Rey- Champions League- Championship Germany- World Cup 2018- Europa League- Euro 2016And more information:-Tables Positions-Tables Of goalscorers-Tables Of yellow and red cards-Escalações Of times-description Full matches in progress and historical matches.Cards, goals, substitutions, referees, stadiums and eventsYou can also follow the matches live, receive notifications foreach major event and the goals scored by the minute!Widely configurable, take better advantage of the League andfinds out instantly the ongoing matches.Also choose the teams on which you want information and dailyreceive the most important news.We need your help to improve. We hope your comments andrecommendations If you like the League, donot forget to evaluate the application and comment on.Thank you very much!!
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BeSoccer - Soccer Live Score APK
Follow live games, news, comment with otherusers, receive notifications and so much more in any of our morethan 10,000 soccer competitions.Your suggestions and comments help us improve and we keep workingto continue being the best application of soccerscores. FEATURES★Follow top international leagues with our app (Premier League,MLS, Primera Division, Bundesliga, Ligue 1, etc).★ 2016-2017 soccer calendar of games, teams, scores and seasontables.★ Push notifications for games events.★ Weekly schedule of games★ All teams like Manchester United, Manchester City,Barcelona, Real Madrid, PSG, Bayern Munchen, etc.★ All players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, James Rodriguez,Suarez, Neymar, Iniesta etc.★ Football score (MLS, Premier, etc).★ Video Goals (MLS, Primera Division, etc).★ More competitions and teams than other soccer app (included MajorLeague Soccer, etc)★ Live individual and team stats (Manchester United, ManchesterCity, Barcelona, Real Madrid, PSG, Bayern Munchen, etc)★ Choose your favorite soccer teams, competitions or games.★ Interact with other users and make comments about thematch.★ Live commentary★ BeSoccer will offer you the most famous sports newspapers coversin the world.★ Find here all the transfers to know about the latest news of yourfavorites teams.★ Easier and updated interface.★ Faster and more efficient than everLIVE SCORES AND TABLES FROM EVERY COMPETITIONS IN THE WORLD,LIKE- MLS (US Soccer)- NASL- US Open- Premier League- Primera division (Spain)- Champions League- Europa League- WorldCup- Confederations Cup- Copa America USA 2016- Euro France 2016And so on!!***IF YOU CAN’T FIND YOUR COMPETITIONS, CONTACT US AND WILL ADDIT! For a better experience, use 3G, 4G or WiFiIf you need scores, you need to BeSoccer!
FC Barcelona Official App 4.0.2 APK
Download the official FC Barcelona app! Followthe latest Barça news, get real-time match updates, highlights andvideos from the best soccer team in the world as they meet theirrivals in La Liga, Copa del Rey and Champions League.FC Barcelona App Features:- Official Futbol Club Barcelona news for all sports- Access BarçaVIDEO to watch the latest match highlights andinterviews- Sports selector to follow your favorite FCB teamsincluding Soccer, Barça B, Women’s Soccer, Basketball, Handball,Futsal and Roller Hockey- Real-time scores, match reports, notifications- Buy tickets to upcoming matches and the Camp Nou Tour and BarçaMuseum- Match schedules and results- Follow the squad and get updates about your favorite players,such as Messi, Neymar and Suárez- Access the official FCB Store to buy Barça jerseys and otheraccessoriesFollow FC Barcelona on:Facebook:
365Scores - Sports Scores Live 13.2.4 APK
365Scores - Livescore App with Football,Soccer, Basketball, Tennis and other Sports scores, news,tournament bracket, live notifications, standings, videos andhighlights. All in ONE PLACE with a unique experience.FEATURES● Live sport TV guide - Know exactly on which TV channels you canwatch your game!● PERSONALIZED sports scores, aggregated sports news, alerts andvideos in real time.● Fastest push notification with real time updates from yourpreferred teams and leagues.● Watch the video of the goal 5 minutes after it happens.● Get all your sports news from your favorite local sport sites inone place.● All game events, live match statistics, lineups and goalhighlights.● Live tables and Fixtures.● Completely customizable push notifications, define by league,game or event (goal, touchdown, yellow card, tennis serve breaketc.).● All football (USA Soccer) and worldwide coverage!● Live Match Tracker, the best way to be in the game when youcan't see the game!SUPPORTS 10 DIFFERENT SPORTS:Football, Basketball, Cricket, Rugby, Tennis, Ice Hockey, Baseball,Volleyball, American football and Handball.AND MORE THAN 1000 COMPETITIONS:● NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, NCAA March Madness, La Liga, PremierLeague, FA Cup. Bundesliga, Champions League, Serie A, US Open,Roland Garros, Wimbledon, Davis Cup and much more!For feedback or questions please email us orvisit us onFacebook:
Sports Top Show More...
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team 1.7.0 APK
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team by EA SPORTS featuresover 10,000 players from over 500 licensed teams. Plus, over 30real leagues and stadiums! Build a dream squad of footballers andput them to the test. From the English Premier League, La Liga, andMLS, to the German Bundesliga and beyond. Take the thrills with youwherever you are with the most authentic soccer game on GooglePlay.This app offers in-app purchases. You may disable in-apppurchasing using your device settings.** This game has superior graphics and is packed with tons ofreal football leagues, teams, and players. Please make sure youhave at least 1.35GB of free space on your device. **BUILD YOUR ULTIMATE TEAMEarn, trade, and collect superstars like Lionel Messi and EdenHazard to create your own fantasy team. Choose your play style,formation, kits, and more.PLAY IN QUICK SIMULATION MODEPut your management skills to the test with new Quick Simulations.Set up your squad, start the match, and watch it unfold. Make smartsubs, tactical tweaks, and gauge team effort along the way. Yourmatch results depend entirely on your ability to manage playerskills and chemistry – taking authenticity to the next level.OR TAKE IT TO THE PITCH!If you’re new to FIFA on mobile, try out our “Casual Controls”,with elegantly simple buttons like “shoot”, “pass”, or “sprint”.Once you’re feeling comfortable, move on to “Classic Controls”,which let you add either “through passes” or “skill moves” to yourgaming arsenal. Or, you can interact with your team directly,tapping on players to pass the ball and swiping towards the net toshoot. Plus, if you have an external controller – don’t miss thechance to use it on the pitch for the first timeREAL WORLD MATCH UPSPlay your favorite team’s next fixture, plus 3 other majormatch-ups happening around the world – every week!Jump into the action and feel the passion of your favorite sportwith FIFA 15 Ultimate Team!NOTES:Terms of Service: & Cookie Policy: EULA: for assistance orinquiries.EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’ noticeposted on Consumer Information: This app: Requires acceptance ofEA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy, TOS and EULA; Includes in-gameadvertising; Collects data through third party ad serving andanalytics technology (See Privacy & Cookie Policy for details);Contains direct links to the internet and social networking sitesintended for an audience over 13.
Real Football 2012 1.6.1d APK
Real Football is back for the new season,bringing football on mobile to a new era! Join the community offans as you create and share content with the Custom Kit Editor.Experience the ultimate football game on smartphone thanks to manymajor improvements and the addition of the most complete andenjoyable community-oriented features.Love football. Share football. Join the community.REPLAY THE GAME YOU JUST WATCHED ON TVEver wish you could control the outcome of a game you watched onTV? Now you can, thanks to Hypergame technology! With just thepress of a button, you can recreate any match-up from the in-gamenews feed and play!STAND OUT ON THE FIELD WITH CUSTOM KITSCreate your own custom team jerseys, shorts and more using adetailed editor, then share it with the rest of the community, orlook for cool designs made by other players and use themyourself.THE BIGGEST, MOST ENJOYABLE FOOTBALL COMMUNITYGet the latest football news thanks to official RSS feeds, and Send your comments, interact withfriends, upload pictures and videos.FOOTBALL AT ITS FINESTEnjoy smoother and more realistic graphics for both players andstadiums.Over 700 motion-capture-based animations that adjust to players’skills and positions on the field.Smarter moves for your teammates and opponents on the field thanksto an improved AI.New effects and cutscenes during the games for an even more TV-likefootball experience.THE OFFICIAL FIFPRO LICENCEThousands of real players’ names, 350 teams and 14 leaguechampionships to play including England, Spain, France, Germany andSouth America.Online updates of the database will keep your game up to date withthe most recent player transfers and lineup changes.MANY GAME MODES TO ENJOYAccess many different game modes including Exhibition, League andvarious International Cup modes, or practise your skills inTraining mode.You can also take over your favourite team as a manager and lead itto glory, or replay the best games of the past by entering Historymode.Certain apps allow you to purchase virtual items within the appand may contain third party advertisements that may redirect you toa third party site.Privacy Policy : of Use : User License Agreement :
Real Football 2013 1.6.8b APK
The newest edition of the free footballsimulation is back to score another win for the franchise with awhole new set of moves.Take part in the most immersive free football simulation and showthat you are the best on the pitch. Reinforce your team ofchampions by developing your club’s facilities, hiring new staffmembers, dealing with sponsors and more.Join world football champions like our cover athlete, Falcao, onthe pitch. YOU ARE FOOTBALL, YOU ARE REAL FOOTBALL!LEAD YOUR CLUB TO THE TOPTake control of your team on the field during league games or cupgames. Starting with a rookie team, you’ll need to improve yourplayers’ abilities to reach the top league and compete against thebest teams in the world for the championship and the cup.REALISM PUSHED FURTHERFor the first time in Real Football games, see names and portraitsof over 3,000 top Euro and international champions thanks to theofficial FIFPro licence. Updates for the application will keep yourgame up to date with the most recent player transfers and rosterchanges.DEVELOP YOUR CLUBThe best teams in the world have the most modern facilities. It'stime to be a good fantasy manager. Get your players in shape bydeveloping your training grounds to increase your players’physical, technical and tactical skills as a real manager. Earnmore money and attract fans by expanding your stadium, filling itwith shops and signing big-name sponsors.THE MOST IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCESmooth and realistic graphics make every player come to life onyour screen during games. Witness over 700 motion-captureanimations as you take on an improved AI for a TV-like experienceof games with spectacular effects and cutscenes. It's just likewatching real sports!RF13 is a free simulation sport game in which you'll be able towin a league or cup championship, play with world champions, be amanager of a fantasy team, and more. We're bringing you a real,free fantasy simulation and a comprehensive manager game, all inone soccer package.Whether you like soccer simulations, fantasy manager games oryou're simply a fan of the sport, this free game is for you.----Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or like us onFacebook at to get more infoabout all our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailers on our blog at for theinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Certain apps allow you to purchase virtual items within the appand may contain third party advertisements that may redirect you toa third party site.Privacy Policy : of Use : User License Agreement :
The "PES" soccer simulation game has beenplayed by more than 23 million users around the globe.After a major update, the game's cover now features the prestigiousGerman club, BORUSSIA DORTMUND. In addition, the renewal of theentire training mode allows you to enjoy an in-depth playertraining experience.Official players and teams have also been updated to the latest2016/17 winter season.Match commentary is available in 9 different languages (English,Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, etc.) so you can enjoy thistop-quality free-to-play soccer simulation game anytime,anywhere.Test your management skills as the team's manager, owner, andscout. Challenge rival managers around the globe in every aspect ofsoccer![PES Console Game Engine on Mobile Devices]Enjoy playing realistic soccer matches with high-quality 3Dgraphics and analyzing tactics in realtime on an animated 2Dscreen.[Licenses Around the Globe]Official licenses for popular European and Southern Americanteams/leagues are included, with more than 5,000 authenticplayers.[Soccer Simulation Enjoyable for Core Strategists (Basic GameplayAll Free)]Simple controls allow you to easily set tactics during matches. Thetide of matches will change based on your management skill.Experience gripping matches in which you are in totalcontrol.[Try out your Soccer Theory in Player Training Mode]Train players however you want by assigning them to a qualitytrainer and the training venue of your choice. You can competeagainst rivals around the world with the team built under your teamconcept.[User-Driven League]No need to log in at a fixed time. Play each season at your ownpace.[Play the Global Standard of Soccer Games for Free]Winning matches with your own tactics/skills is more satisfying.Win League/Cup rewards to build your team. Bid for players on themarket at the lowest price.We recommend PES CLUB MANAGER if you:・For those who want to construct a great stadium that will beiconic to the club's fans, just like how Borussia Dortmunddid.・Possess a soccer philosophy like FC BARCELONA.・For those who are attracted to clubs like Borussia Dortmund, ateam that contributes to their hometown and is loved by their localfans.・Believe tradition is important for a soccer club.・For those who want to improve their soccer tactics by makingflexible tactical changes during matches like Borussia Dortmund'smanager, Tuchel.・Think a soccer club can become something more than a "club".・Believe "winning in a style" is the ideal victory.・Think soccer is all about tactics.・Want to manage a dream team with your favorite players.・Want to become an owner of a soccer club with a longhistory.・Want to test out new soccer tactics.・Are curious about young soccer stars.・Are curious about mid-season transfers.・Watch national matches.・Root for young players in international tournaments.・Think training young generations is important.・Think philosophy is necessary for strong clubs.・Soccer is your favorite sport.* PES CLUB MANAGER is a free-to-play app. No purchases arerequired. All users can play the entire game free of charge,although purchasing PES Coins can speed up gameplay and help tostrengthen your club faster. In-app purchases can be disabled by“limiting in-app billing” on the device used.Required OS: Android 4.2.0 or later*Operation is not guaranteed on other OSes.Compatible devices:*Please note that support is not offered in response to inquiriesthat involve non-compatible devices.This is an online game only. Users must be connected to theinternet (3G,4G,or Wi-Fi) to play. Internet connection charges maybe incurred separately depending on the user's networkenvironment.Use of this app requires agreement to the app’s Terms of Use,Virtual Currency Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy.License Rights:
Top Eleven 2017 - Be a Soccer Manager 10.9.2 APK
Join over 150 million players worldwide tobecome the best soccer manager with the unbeatable excitement ofTop Eleven! Run your own soccer team - apply Mourinho’s besttactics, use his brilliant line-up or create your own strategies tobeat the competition.Play Top Eleven and experience all the excitement of managing areal soccer clubTop Eleven is the most-played online soccer manager game - Createyour own world-famous soccer team. Test and improve your skillswhile playing against other managers from around the globe. Formyour soccer team in the spirit of the best clubs. Choose officialjerseys and emblems of the best soccer clubs from the PremierLeague, Bundesliga, MLS, the legendary Champions League and manymore soccer leagues.Begin your journey to become a soccer manager today!Join forces with friends, talk tactics, compare with other soccerteams and beat the competition in this one-of-a-kind freemultiplayer game! Organize the best training sessions, level-up andwin bonuses to encourage your team's progress. Pick your topplayers to create the best team possible. Motivate your players onand off the pitch and start scoring goals! Top Eleven brings youthe most socially engaging soccer manager experience as youchallenge real people worldwide or collaborate with them using ournew associations social feature!★Bid for players as you follow the live soccer transfermarket★Build your own winning strategies★Follow your team’s performance in live matches★Develop a stadium with all surrounding facilities★Challenge other soccer managers in competition andfriendlies★Win Cups and qualify to play in the Champions League★Create your very own soccer association and invite friends tojoin in as you compete against others!Top Eleven is translated into 30 different languages!---For any issues or suggestions regarding the game, simply contact usat https://nordeus.helpshift.comOur Player Support team offers support in 10 languages.
ICC Pro Cricket 2015 2.0.23 APK
ICC Pro Cricket 2015Play the Official Game of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015.This game features over 150 official players from the 14 teams ofthe ICC Cricket World Cup 2015.****Nominated by the FICCI BAF AWARDS 2016****_________________________________________________________"The game is optimized for Quad core ARM 7 Devices with 2GB of RAM,Android 4.2 and above. There might be visual and functionaldiscrepancies on lower devices."Support id: Support@procricket2015.comConnect with us on: you want a taste of Real Cricket?One of the most detailed and realistic cricket simulationexperiences of its kind, “ICC Pro Cricket 2015” is a gamers delight– equipped with 2 game play cameras and over 25 in-game cameraangles, the cricket fever never stops.Bored of playing the usual fantasy league, county cricket and testmatch games?Don’t stick to the old cricketing format; move on to the T20 styleof big shots and big plays.Taking inspiration from ICC Champions Trophy 2016 we have a new andimproved game for our fans.ICC Pro Cricket 2015 is a real Cricket 3d simulation game where youcan get the excitement of an ODI match on your mobile screen.Play different modes, get your favorite players and make sure youbeat your opponent to ashesBuild your dream team with players like Chris Gayle, Virat Kohli,Steve Smith, AB de Villiers and Rohit Sharma to name a few.You might be a WWE or a Fifa fan, you might even love Basketball,but this will surely make you feel like you’re playing the WorldCricket Championship.Features:• First ever cricket game with real simulation and cardmanagement.• Modes: ICC Cricket World Cup Tournament, World Tour Mode (Dreamteam) and Quick Match Mode• All 14 participating ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 Countries withthe original Player names.• Motion captured animation to get the real cricketingexperience.• Intuitive batting Controls & Innovative Bowling controls.Control the speed, line and length.• Complete your daily objectives to earn gold which will help youstrengthen your squad.IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION:ICC Pro Cricket 2015 respects your privacy and does not store anypersonal informationWe do require a few additional Permissions to make your gamingexperience better:• We need access to photos media and files to install thegame• Contacts to access Google play• Phone for game pause on receiving calls• Location for relevant advertisement servingPRIVACY POLICY:To read our complete privacy policy please visit the below URL Pro Cricket 2015 and Indiagames Cricket Card Battle areproduced by Indiagames Ltd., an affiliate of the Walt DisneyCompany.About Disney India’s Interactive Business:Disney India’s Interactive business is a hub for creation anddistribution of high-quality digital content reaching out tomillions of users in India. It develops and delivers multi-platformgames and digital products including apps for multi-brands underDisney India - Indiagames, UTV, Disney, Marvel, and Disney.Pixarand distributes the content via mobile operators and various OEMapp stores in India and globally.Copyrights:The ICC symbol, name style, typeface, colors and logo and those ofthe ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 (any or all of which are referred toas the “ICC Identity”) are trade marks and (as appropriate)copyright works of ICC Development (International) Limited (“IDI”)© 2001-2015. All rights in the ICC Identity remain the property ofand are reserved to IDI. All proprietary names, logos and marksrelating to the ICC Identity, the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 andthe participating teams that appear in this game remain theproperty of their respective owners and are used herein underlicense.
Dream League Soccer 2.07 APK
Top 10 Sports Game in Italy, Singapore,Belgium & Turkey!Soccer as we know it has changed! Dream League Soccer is YOURchance to build THE best team on the planet. Recruit new Players,upgrade your Stadium, and train your team as you march towardsglory, on your road to Soccer Super Stardom!Download Dream League Soccer for FREE now!* Includes Tablet Support! ******************************************BUILD YOUR TEAMUse our in depth transfer system to build the team of your choice!Sign players using coins or even spot a bargain in the freetransfer market! Develop a team of up to 32 players for theultimate experience, including the ability the create your ownplayers!INTELLIGENT AI, RAPID GAMEPLAY & SHARP VISUALSSmart defensive and attacking player AI form a challenging andaddictive experience. With intuitive controls & excellentvisuals, Dream League Soccer is the perfect Soccer package whichcaptures the true essence of your favourite sport.COMPETE ACROSS 4 LEAGUES IN A BID TO RISE TO THE TOP!Got the skills to gain promotion into the Elite Division? Or ifthat’s not enough, it doesn’t just end there...Friendly matches,the Global Challenge cup and a few extra prestigious competitionsawait the very best Dream Teams out there!DEVELOP YOUR PLAYERS TO REACH THEIR FULL POTENTIALTrain your squad members in our unique player development program.Increase Ball Skills, Fitness, Distribution and much more!MEET YOUR TARGETSStrive every match to achieve your board’s season and matchobjectives, also keep your fans happy with our very own fan ratingsystem!GET INVOLVED!Watch matches come to life with over 60 unique celebrations,realistic cameras and ultra smooth animations.CRAMMED FULL OF ACHIEVEMENTS!Unlock challenging achievements to keep you engaged for hours, eachone giving you in-game currency to help build the ultimate dreamteam!*****************************************Exclusive soundtrack provided by Charly Coombes & the NewBreed, Dance à la Plage, We Outspoken & Secret Rivals.We hope you enjoy playing Dream League Soccer; this titlewouldn’t be possible without valued fan feedback.PLEASE NOTE: This game is free to play, but additional contentand in-game items may be purchased for real money.Coins can be earned during gameplay or gained by watchingvideos, but can also be bought in packs ranging from $1.99 -$54.99.This app contains third party advertising. Advertising isdisabled if you purchase in game currency from the shop.VISIT US: firsttouchgames.comLIKE US: US: US:
Star Sports Live Cricket Score 4.8 APK
The Star Sports App is the official free livevideo streaming app with live match coverage spanning across sevensports (Cricket, Football, Kabaddi, Tennis, Formula1, Badminton,Hockey).Nobody covers live matches like we do!Streaming Now: Vivo Indian Premier League 2016 (IPL), EnglishPremier League 2016, Bundesliga 2016, Formula1 2016.What do you get with Star Sports:- Match Video Streaming, absolutely free, across seven sports- Live cricket & football scores with complete match centrecoverage- Cricket's finest video scorecard, fastest score & ball byball updates- Match schedules, fixtures & results, standings & pointstally for all tournaments- The official live match streaming app for the Pro KabaddiLeague- Great collection of videos: full match replays, match highlights,in-match clips, match preview & review, batsmen & bowlersperformance, goals, etc.We truly believe the only way to improve ourselves is bylistening to sports fans like you. Please send us your suggestionsand feedback at You can also on your browser.Please note:Videos will only work on 3G and Wifi connectivity.