App Information Lagu Natal 2017
- App NameLagu Natal 2017
- Package Namecom.edukaplay.lagunatal2015
- UpdatedJanuary 7, 2017
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 3.0 and up
- Version1.2
- DeveloperEdukaPlay
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryMusic & Audio
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Lagu Natal 2017 Version History
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Lagu Natal 2017 1.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /12/20Requires Android: Android 2.1+ (clair, API: 7)File Size: 34.0 MBTested on: Android 5.1 (Lollipop, API: 22)File Sha1: 752a869d6ba3af73c706d9e834431cbc63309265
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Lagu Natal 2017 1.2 APK
Natal (dari bahasa Portugisyangberarti"kelahiran") adalah hari raya umat Kristen yangdiperingatisetiaptahun oleh umat Kristiani pada tanggal 25Desemberuntukmemperingati hari kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Nataldirayakandalamkebaktian malam pada tanggal 24 Desember; dankebaktianpagitanggal 25 Desember. Beberapa gereja Ortodoksmerayakan Natalpadatanggal 6 Januari (lihat pula Epifani).Dalam tradisi barat, peringatan Natal jugamengandungaspeknon-agamawi. Beberapa tradisi Natal yang berasaldari Baratantaralain adalah pohon Natal, kartu Natal, bertukarhadiah antaratemandan anggota keluarga serta kisah tentang SantaKlausatauSinterklas.Kata “natal” berasal dari ungkapan bahasa Latin DiesNatalis(HariLahir).Dalam bahasa Inggris perayaan Natal disebutChristmas,dariistilah Inggris kuno Cristes Maesse (1038) atauCristes-messe(1131),yang berarti Misa Kristus. Christmas biasapula ditulisΧ'mas, suatupenyingkatan yang cocok dengan tradisiKristen, karenahuruf X dalambahasa Yunani merupakan singkatan dariKristus ataudalam bahasaYunani Chi-Rho.Untuk menyambut natal dan tahun baru, makakamimengembangkansebuah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan lagu-laguNatalyang populerbaik di Indonesia maupun Dunia, adapun lagu-lagunatalyang kamisajikan pun cukup lengkap, antara lain :♦ Jingle Bells♦ We Wish You Merry Christmas♦ Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru♦ Telah Datang♦ Kita Rayakan Hari Natal♦ Oh Holy Night♦ Malam Sunyi Senyap♦ Sebab Dia Lahir Bagi Kita♦ Christmas is Here♦ Angel We have heard on High♦ Malam Kudus♦ Gita Surga Bergema♦ Hai Mari berhimpun♦ The first Noel♦ Twelve days of Christmas♦ Oh come little children♦ Hark the herald angels sing♦ Natal Pertama♦ dllFitur :♦ Bisa dijadikan ringtone hp♦ Bisa dijadikan alarm♦ Bisa dijadikan nada notifikasi♦ Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet♦ Sudah menerapkan android 7♦ Aplikasi GratisSemoga dengan hadirnya aplikasi Lagu Natal 2017inibermanfaatbagi anda yang merayakan, jangan lupa ratedanreviewnya!!Christmas(fromPortuguesemeaning "birth") is a Christian holiday whichiscelebrated annuallyby Christians on December 25 to commemoratethebirth of JesusChrist. Christmas is celebrated in theeveningservice on December24; and service in the morning ofDecember 25.Some Orthodoxchurches celebrate Christmas on 6 January(see alsoEpiphany).In the western tradition, Christmas warningalsocontainsnon-religious aspects. Some Christmas traditions fromtheWestinclude Christmas trees, Christmas cards, exchanginggiftsbetweenfriends and family members as well as the story ofSantaClaus orSanta Claus.The word "Christmas" comes from the LatinphraseAnniversary(Birthday) .In English Christmas celebrationcalledChristmas, fromthe old English term Cristes Maesse (1038)orCristes-messe (1131),which means Mass of Christ. Christmasusuallyalso written Χ'mas, ashortening that fits with theChristiantradition, because theletter X in Greek is an abbreviationof theChrist or the GreekChi-Rho.To welcome Christmas and new year, we developedanapplicationthat contains a collection of Christmas songsarepopular inIndonesia and the World, while the Christmas songsthatwe serve isquite complete, among others:♦ Jingle Bells♦ We Wish You a Merry Christmas♦ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year♦ Has Come♦ We Celebrate Christmas♦ Oh Holy Night♦ Silent Night Silent♦ Because He is Born for Us♦ Christmas is Here♦ Angel We Have Heard on High♦ Holy Night♦ Gita Heaven Bergema♦ Hi Mari rally♦ The first Noel♦ Twelve days of Christmas♦ Oh come little children♦ Hark the herald angels sing♦ First Christmas♦ etc.Features:♦ Can be used as a ringtone hp♦ Can be used as alarm♦ Can be used as a notification tone♦ Does not require an internet connection♦ Already applying android 7♦ Free AppsHopefully with the presence of a Christmassong2017application is beneficial for those who celebrate, donotforgetrate and the review !!
Masteran Kicau Tengkek Buto 1.0 APK
Halo sobat kicau mania, khususnya penggemarburung tengkek buto, Anda dapat mendownload aplikasi ini sebagaimasteran kicau burung Anda.Tengkek buto merupakan salah satu master andalan untuk burungmurai batu, selain cililin, rambatan, dan siri-siri. Salah satukekhasan burung roller adalah suaranya yang nyerecet kasar. Tetapidibandingkan dengan tiga kerabatnya, tengkek buto bisa dibilangpaling cerewet, dan bagus dijadikan masteran bagi burung berkicaulainnya, terutama untuk menghasilkan cerecetan panjang pada burungtermaster. Jika dikombinasi dengan tembakan cililin, tentu hasilnyaakan lebih baik.Bentuk fisik dari burung tengkek buto ini. Memiliki posturtubuhnya sedang (30 cm), berwarna gelap. Paruhnya lebar danberwarna merah lebar, tetapi ketika muda berwarna hitam. Warna buluseluruhnya abu-abu kebiruan gelap. Tetapi kerongkongan biruterang.Fitur-Fitur yang ditawarkan :* Dapat dijadikan ringtone* Dapat dijadikan alarm* Dapat dijadikan nada notifikasi* Aplikasi Offline sehingga tidak membutuhkan koneksi internetHarapan dari kami semoga hadirnya aplikasi masteran burungtengkek ini dapat dijadikan sebagai masteran bagi burung yang kicaulainnya seperti burung murai batu agar burungnya semakin rajingacorSemoga bermanfaat untuk Anda, khususnya kicau mania.jangan luparate dan reviewnya!!Hello buddy chirpingmania, especially fans shrike Buto, you can download thisapplication as masteran birdsong you.Tengkek Buto is one master mainstay for a humming bird stone,besides Cililin, propagation, and series-series. One of thepeculiarities of bird roller nyerecet voice is rough. But comparedwith the three relatives, tengkek Buto arguably the most talkative,and good for the birds chirping masteran serve others, particularlyto produce long cerecetan in birds termaster. If combined withCililin shot, the result will be better.The physical form of the shrike this Buto. His posture hasmedium (30 cm), dark. Wide and red beak wide, but when young black.Fur color entirely dark bluish gray. But the bright bluethroat.Features offered:* Can be used as a ringtone* Can be used as an alarm* Can be used as a notification tone* Offline applications that do not require an internetconnectionOur expectation of a good presence shrike masteran applicationcan be used as masteran for the chirping of birds such as the birdhumming bird stone that more diligent gacorMay be useful for you, especially chirping mania.jangan forget rateand the review !!
Masteran Kicau Kapas Tembak 1.0 APK
Halo sobat kicau mania khususnya penggemarkicauan burung kapas tembak, Anda dapat menjadikan aplikasi inisebagai masteran bagi burung kapas tembak Anda.Burung kapas tembak merupakan salah satu keluarga cucak-cucakan(Pycnonotidae). Sebagian besar burung dari keluarga ini mudah dalamperawatannya, dan mudah pula berkicau, sepanjang kita memberikanperawatan secara tepat. Banyak sekali kicaumania yang menjadikankapas tembak sebagai salah satu burung masteran handal, terutamauntuk murai batu dan kacer. sebab, burung ini dikenal memilikisuara tembakan yang rapat. Kapas tembak juga memiliki kemampuanbagus dalam meniru berbagai suara kicauan burung jenislainnya.Dewasa ini kapas tembak tidak hanya dipelihara sebagai burungmasteran saja, namun juga popular sebagai burung lomba dengan gayabuka ekornya yang khas. Di Sumatera, kelas kapas tembak bahkanmenempati strata kedua setelah murai batu dan kacer. Banyakpenggemar yang lebih suka memelihara kapas tembak sejak bakalan,dengan harapan bisa memiliki performa suara seperti yangdiharapkan. Meskipun burung ini kurang tenar dari burung kicauanlainnya seperti murai, kacer, ciblek, pleci, cucak dll. Namunburung ini juga mempunyai penggemar tersendiri.Untuk memfasilitasi masyarakat yang memelihara burung kapas tembakyang ingin burung kapas tembaknya gacor selalu dan ingin burungmurai batu dan kacernya juga gacor sehingga menang dalam konteskejuaraan agar burung menjadi juara maka kami selaku pengembangaplikasi android menghadirkan kumpulan suara burung kapas tembakini.Fitur-fitur yang ditawarkan :* Dapat dijadikan ringtone* Dapat dijadikan alarm* Dapat dijadikan nada notifikasi* Aplikasi Offline sehingga tidak membutuhkan koneksi internetSemoga bermanfaat untuk Anda, khususnya kicau mania.jangan luparate dan reviewnya!!Hello buddy chirping birdchirp mania especially fans of cotton shoot, you can make thisapplication as masteran for cotton bird shoot you.Cotton bird shoot is one cucak family-cucakan (Pycnonotidae).Most birds of this family easy to maintain, and easy to singanyway, as long as we provide proper care. Lots kicaumania whichmakes cotton shoot as one of the birds masteran reliable,especially for magpie rock and kacer. because, these birds areknown to have a dense sound of gunfire. Cotton shot also has agreat ability to imitate the sound of birds singing various othertypes.Today cotton shoot not only maintained as masteran birds, but alsopopular as bird race with open tail distinctive style. In Sumatra,cotton grade shoot even occupy the second after magpie rock strataand kacer. Many fans who would rather maintain cotton firing fromgoing, hoping to have a sound performance as expected. Althoughless famous bird chirp of birds such as magpie, kacer, ciblek,pleci, cucak etc. However, this bird also has its own fans.To facilitate people who raise birds who want to shoot birds cottoncotton tembaknya gacor always and would like a humming bird stoneand kacernya also gacor so as to win the championship contest inorder to be a champion bird then we as the android app developerpresents a collection of cotton shoot this bird sounds.These features are offered:* Can be used as a ringtone* Can be used as an alarm* Can be used as a notification tone* Offline applications that do not require an internetconnectionMay be useful for you, especially chirping mania.jangan forgetrate and the review !!
Masteran Kicau Cucak Ijo 1.0 APK
Cucak Ijo merupakan burung yang tidak asinglagi para kicau mania terutama pengemar asli cucak hijau. Tidaksulit untuk mengenali burung ini, ciri khas yang terdapat padaburung ini adalah warna hijau yang menutupi sebagian tubuhnya. danbagian paruhnya berwarna hijau, sehingga burung ini terkesan lebihsegar dan indah tampilannya.Pada umumnya cucak ijo menyebar di pulau-pulau besar diIndonesia, mulai dari jawa, kalimantan, sumatra dan bali habitataslinya adalah di hutan dan hidup berkelompok. cucak ijo memilikisuara yang sangat merdu dan memukau dan bisa menirukan suara burunglain atau kicauan burung masteran, sehingga kami bermaksud membantupara pengemar burung cucak Ijo ini untuk dapat membantu melatihburung mereka agar lebih gacor lagi dengan masteran cucak ijoini.Cucak ijo biasa di ikutkan dalam kontes kejuaraan burung diseluruh Indonesia, suara cucak ijo yang merdu dan suka gacortentunya tidak didapat dengan mudah begitu saja, kita haarusmelatih cucak ijo agar bisa lebih gacor dan berkicau dengan merduagar nantinya saat diikutkan kontes perlombaan kicau cucak ijo kitabisa menjadi juara. Semoga aplikasi Masteran Kicau Cucak Ijo inibermanfaat bagi anda semua khususnya kicau mania.Cucak Ijo is a bird thatis no stranger to the chirping of mania particularly originalpengemar cucak green. Is not difficult to recognize this bird, acharacteristic found in this bird is a green color that coveredmost of his body. green and beak section, so that these birds seemmore fresh and beautiful appearance.In general, green cucak spread in major islands in Indonesia,ranging from Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra and Bali natural habitat isin the forests and live in groups. cucak green has a very melodiousvoice and riveting and can imitate the sound of another bird orbirds singing masteran, so we intend to help the bird pengemar Ijocucak to help train their birds to be more gacor again withmasteran cucak this green.Cucak green at Include in the contest the championship of birdsthroughout Indonesia, sound cucak green melodious and love gacorcertainly did not come easily for granted, we haarus train cucakgreen to be more gacor and chirp with tunable so that later whenexcluded from the contest race chirping cucak green we can becomechampions. Hopefully application Cucak Ijo Masteran chirping isbeneficial to you all, especially the chirping of mania.
Masteran Kicau Pleci 1.0 APK
Burung Pleci merupakan burung kecil yang imutyang mempunyai lingkaran kecil disekitar mata,pleci ini yang hampirmenjadi primadona disetiap daerah.Dahulu burung ini memang tidak masuk dalam nominasi sebagaiburung kicauan dan harganya sangat murah. Kini seiringpopularitasnya yang tengah naik daun , dan apabila juara bisamencapai jutaan rupiah.Untuk burung Pleci yang sudah jadi, meski belum juara bisamencapai 200-500 ribu, padahal harga bakalan hanya 10 ribu-25 ribusaja. Sebelum trend burung pleci bahkan harganya sangat murah yaituhanya 3 ribu sampai 5 ribuan saja. Harga pleci pun akan terusmeningkat dengan seiringnya banyaknya minat dari masyarakat. untukmenjadikan pleci gacor ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhinyaketelatenan dan keterampilan dalam melatihnya.saat ini sebenenarnya lebih mudah untuk menjadikan burung pleciagar gacor dan menjadi juara yakni dengan menggunakan media digitalatau dengan media HP Android Anda, dengan cara mendownload aplikasiini karena dengan aplikasi ini anda tidak perlu menggunakan masterburung asli.sehingga hadirnya aplikasi ini dapat mempermudah Anda dalammelatih burung pleci,agar burung pleci Anda lebih gacor dan menjadipleci juara.Semoga aplikasi Masteran Kicau Pleci ini bermanfaat bagi andasemua khususnya bagi pecinta burung kicau, semoga burung pleci andasenantiasa gacor selalu, kicau pleci anda semoga bisa juara dalamkontes perlombaan.Pleci bird is a cutelittle bird that has a small circle around the eyes, this plecialmost be excellent in every area.In the past this bird was not nominated as the birds chirp andthe price is very cheap. Now as the popularity is on the rise, andif the champion can reach millions of rupiah.For Pleci bird that is so, although not yet a champion can reach200-500 thousand, whereas the price of going to only 10 thousand to25 thousand. Before the bird trend pleci even the price is verycheap at only 3 thousand to 5 thousand only. Pleci prices willcontinue to increase with seiringnya the many interests of make pleci gacor there are many factors that influence thepatience and skill in sebenenarnya easier to make bird pleci order gacor andbecome the champion by using digital media or with your Android HPmedia, by downloading this application because with thisapplication you do not need to use the master native that the presence of these applications can facilitate you intraining pleci bird, that bird you pleci more pleci gacor andbecome a champion.Hopefully this Pleci chirping Masteran applications useful toyou all, especially for lovers of birds chirping, birds may pleciyou always gacor always, chirping pleci you can hopefully racewinner in the contest.
Masteran Kicau Kacer 1.0 APK
------> Kacer Merupakan salah satu burungocehan yang istimewa, burung kacer ini dipelihara karena suaranyayang merdu, aplikasi ini berisi kicauan-kicauan dari kacer juarayang dapat digunakan sebagai masteran atau pancingan agar burungkacer Anda bisa gacor dan menjadi juara.------>burung kacer memiliki jiwa yang bersemangat tempursangat tinggi jika melihat burung kicauan sejenis nya, maka dariitu sudah tidak aneh lagi burung ini sering di miliki oleh parapecinta ataupun penghobi burung kicau mania.Aplikasi kicau kacer ini delengkapi dengan Fitur-fiturdiantaranya :-> Berisi kicau-kicaun dari burung kacer terbaik.-> Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi offline sehingga dapatdimainkan tanpa koneksi internet.-> Dapat diset sebagai ringtone sms maupun nadapanggilan.semoga hadirnya aplikasi Masteran kicau kacer ini dapat membantupara kicau mania untuk melatih burung kacernya dapat gacor danmenjadi juara aplikasi ini juga dapat digunakan untuk terapi burungkacer Anda. jangan lupa rate dan reviewnya ya!!!------> Kacer is onespecial bird chatter, bird kacer is maintained as a melodiousvoice, this application contains chirp-chirp of kacer champion thatcan be used as masteran or inducement so that you can gacor kacerbird and become champion ,------> kacer bird has a vibrant spirit of combat is veryhigh if you see a bird chirp its kind, therefore it is no longerstrange these birds are often owned by lovers of birds chirping orhobbyist mania.This kacer chirping delengkapi application with features suchas:-> Contains chirping of birds kacer-kicaun best.-> This application is an application that can be playedoffline without an Internet connection.-> Can be set as ringtone sms or dialing tone.I hope the presence of chirping kacer Masteran applications couldhelp to train the birds chirping mania can kacernya gacor andbecome the champion of this application can also be used fortherapy kacer your bird. Do not forget to rate and reviewnya yes!!!
Masteran Kicau Cucak Rowo 1.1 APK
Cucak rawa yang dalam bahasa latin disebutPycnonotus zeylanicus merupakan salah satu burung pengicau yangbanyak disuka oleh para pecinta burung. Meskipun populasi spesiescucak rowo masih berstatus rentan (Vulnerable), namun burung cucakrawa ini semakin langka sulit ditemukan di alam bebas, terutama diJawa.Burung cucak rawa (cucak rowo), di daerah Sunda biasa dikenaldengan cangkurawah, sedangkan di Sumatera dan Melayu disebutsebagai barau-barau. Burung cucak rawa dikenal sebagai Straw-headedBulbul, dan Straw-crowned Bulbul dalam bahasa Inggris. Sedangkandalam bahasa latin burung pengicau ini disebut Pycnonotuszeylanicus (Gmelin, 1789).Ciri FisikBurung cucak rawa (Pycnonotus zeylanicus) berukuran sedang denganpanjang tubuh dari ujung paruh ke ekor sekitar 28 cm. Panjangekornya saja sekitar 9 cm.Kepala cucak rawa berwarna pucat dengan kumis hitam mencolok.Mahkota dan penutup telinga jingga jerami, punggung coklat zaitundan bercoret putih. Paruh sepanjang 2,5 cm dengan warna hitammengkilat (dewasa) atau berwarna kemerahan saat masih muda.Sayap dan ekor cucak rawa (Pycnonotus zeylanicus) berwarnacoklat kehijauan, dengan dagu dan tenggorokan putih. Bagian laindari burung cucak rowo seperti dada berwarna abu-abu bercoretputih, perut abu-abu, tungging kuning, iris kemerahan, kaki coklatgelap, dan pantat kuning.Fitur :♦ Bisa dijadikan ringtone hp♦ Bisa dijadikan alarm♦ Bisa dijadikan nada notifikasi♦ Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet♦ Aplikasi GratisTentunya anda semua sudah tahu bahwa animo masyarakat akanburung cucak rowo begitu besar, terutama para kicau mania penggemarloyal burung cucak rowo. Mengingat kicau an cucak rowo yang cukupmerdu, tentunya para penggemar burung cucak rowo akan senang sekaliuntuk melatih burung cucak rowo nya untuk menjadi pintar ber kicaudan gacor ngebren sepanjang hari. Untuk melatih burung cucak rowotentunya dibutuhkan masteran,nah untuk itu kami sebagai pengembangaplikasi android menyediakan kumpulan Masteran Kicau Cucak Rowohanya untuk anda secara cuma-cuma. Semoga dengan hadirnya aplikasiMasteran Kicau cucak Rowo ini burung cucak rowo anda akan semakinlihai dalam berkicau dan gacor atau bahkan ropel. Semoga bermanfaatjanan lupa rate dan reviewnya ya!!Straw-headed bulbul whichin Latin is called Pycnonotus zeylanicus warbler is one of the manypreferred by bird lovers. Although the population is still a rowocucak species susceptible (Vulnerable), but the straw-headed bulbulbird is increasingly rare hard to find in the wild, especially inJava.Straw-headed bulbul bird (cucak rowo), in an area commonly knownas the Sunda cangkurawah, while in Sumatra and the Malay calledBarau-Barau. Straw-headed bulbul bird known as Straw-headed Bulbuland Straw-crowned Bulbul in English. While in Latin warbler iscalled Pycnonotus zeylanicus (Gmelin, 1789).Physical CharacteristicsBird straw-headed bulbul (Pycnonotus zeylanicus) of medium sizewith a body length from tip of beak to tail about 28 cm. Long tailonly about 9 cm.Pale straw-headed bulbul head with striking black mustache.Crown and earplugs orange straw, olive brown back and whitestreaked. Half-length 2.5 cm with a shiny black color (adults) orreddish when young.The wings and tail straw-headed bulbul (Pycnonotuszeylanicus) greenish brown, with white chin and throat. Anotherpart of the bird's chest cucak rowo like gray streaked white, graybelly, upside-down yellow, iris reddish, dark brown legs, andbuttocks yellow.Features:♦ Can be used as a ringtone hp♦ Can be used as an alarm♦ Can be used as a notification tone♦ Does not require an internet connection♦ Application GuideOf course you all already know that the public interest willbe birds cucak rowo so great, especially the birds chirping maniacucak rowo loyal fans. Given an cucak chirping rowo fairlymelodious, of course, the fans cucak rowo birds would be happy totrain his bird cucak rowo to be smart and gacor ngebren berchirping throughout the day. To train the birds cucak rowo courserequired masteran, well for us as it is android applicationdeveloper provides a collection Masteran chirping Cucak Rowo onlyto you free of charge. Hopefully with the presence Masteranapplication cucak Rowo chirping bird rowo cucak you will be moreskilled in singing and gacor or even ropel. Hopefully useful Jananforget rate and reviewnya ya !!
National Anthems of Asia 1.0 APK
Asia is the Earth's largest and mostpopulouscontinent, located primarily in the eastern andnorthernhemispheres. Though it covers only 8.7% of the Earth'stotalsurface area, it comprises 30% of Earth's land area, andhashistorically been home to the bulk of the planet's humanpopulation(currently roughly 60%).Each country would have its own characteristics, ranging fromaregion, ethnic diversity and national anthem, of course, asasovereign state would have a national anthem, here wepresentnational songs countries in the continent of Asiaincluding:- Millī Surūd- Mer Hayrenik- Azərbaycan marşı- Bahrainona- Amar Shonar Bangla- Druk tsendhen- Allah Peliharakan Sultan- Nokor Reach- Yìyongjun Jìnxíngqu- Ýmnos eis tin Eleutherían- Tavisupleba- Jana Gana Mana- Indonesia Raya- Soroud-e Melli-e Jomhouri-e Eslami-e Iran- Mawtini- HaTikvah- Kimigayo- Al-salam Al-malaki Al-urdoni- Meniñ Qazaqstanim- Aegukka- Aegukga- Al-Nasheed Al-Watani- Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn Mamlekettik Gimni- Pheng Xat Lao- Lebanese National Anthem- Negaraku- Gaumii salaam- Mongol ulsiin töriin duulal- Kaba Ma Kyei- Sayaun Thunga Phool Ka- Nashid as-Salaam as-Sultani- Qaumi Tarana- Fida'i- Lupang Hinirang- As Salam al Amiri- As-Salam Al Malaki- Majulah Singapura- Sri Lanka Matha- Humat ad-Diyar- Surudi Milli- Phleng Chat- Pátria- Garassyz, Bitarap Türkmenistanyn Döwlet Gimni- Ishy Biladi- O`zbekiston Respublikasining Davlat Madhiyasi- Ti?n Quân Ca- National anthem of YemenFeatures :The Apps is freeThe apps run in offline modeAnthems can be set into Ringtone and Alarm toneHopefully this application is useful for you all, pleasedon’tforget rate and review guys!!Asia is theEarth'sReviews largest and most Populous continent, locatedprimarily inthe eastern and northern hemispheres. Though it coversonly 8.7% ofthe Earth's total surface area, it comprises 30% ofEarth's landarea, and has historically been home to the bulk of theplanet'shuman population (currently roughly 60%).Each country would have its own characteristics, ranging fromaregion, ethnic diversity and national anthem, of course, asasovereign state would have a national anthem, here wepresentnational songs countries in the continent of AsiaIncluding:- Milli Surūd- Mer Hayrenik- Azərbaycan Marsi- Bahrainona- Amar Shonar Bangla- Druk tsendhen- God Peliharakan Sultan- Nokor Reach- Yìyongjun Jìnxíngqu- Ýmnos eis tin Eleutherían- Tavisupleba- Jana Gana Mana- Indonesia Raya- Soroud-e Melli-e Jomhouri-e Eslami-e Iran- Mawtini- Hatikvah- Kimigayo- Al-salam Al-Malaki Al-urdoni- Meniñ Qazaqstanım- Aegukka- Aegukga- Al-Nasheed Al-Watani- Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn Mamlekettik Gimni- Pheng Xat Lao- Lebanese National Anthem- My Country- Gaumii Salaam- Mongol ulsiin töriin duulal- Kaba Ma Kyei- Sayaun Thunga Phool Ka- As-Salam as-Sultani- Qaumi Tarana- Fida'i- Lupang Hinirang- As Salam al Amiri- As-Salam Al Malaki- Go Singapore- Sri Lanka Matha- Humic ad-Diyar- Surudi Milli- Phleng Chat- Pátria- Garassyz, Bitarap Türkmenistanyn Döwlet Gimni- Ishy Biladi- O`zbekiston Respublikasining Davlat Madhiyasi- Ti? N Quân Ca- National anthem of YemenFeatures:The Apps is freeThe apps run in offline modeAnthems can be set into Ringtones and Alarm toneHopefully this application is useful for you all, please donotforget rate and review guys !!
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Lagu Natal Terlengkap + Lirik 1.0 APK
Dihadirkan aplikasi android kristen "LaguNatalterlengkap". Aplikasi ini berisi koleksi lagu natal yang(relatif)terlengkap jika dibandingkan dengan aplikasi sejenis.Nikmatisyahdunya suasana Natal langsung di gadget androidmu.Nikmatimerdunya lagu-lagu Natal terpopuler sepanjang masa. LaguNatalbahasa Indonesia dan lagu Natal bahasa Inggris.Natal (dari bahasa Portugis yang berarti "kelahiran") adalahhariraya umat Kristen yang diperingati setiap tahun oleh umatKristianipada tanggal 25 Desember untuk memperingati harikelahiran YesusKristus. Natal dirayakan dalam kebaktian malam padatanggal 24Desember; dan kebaktian pagi tanggal 25 Desember. Dalamtradisibarat, peringatan Natal juga mengandung aspek non-agamawi.Beberapatradisi Natal yang berasal dari Barat antara lain adalahpohonNatal, kartu Natal, bertukar hadiah antara teman dananggotakeluarga serta kisah tentang Santa Klaus atauSinterklas."Lagu Natal Terlengkap" berisi:All The Earth Will Sing Your PraiseAngels We Have Heard On HighAuld Lang Syne (Kini Tiba)Ave Maria Ver. 1Ave Maria Ver. 2Bagimu Anak DombaDari Pulau Dan Benua Ver. 1Dari Pulau Dan Benua Ver. 2Dari Pulau Dan Benua Ver. 3Dari Pulau Dan Benua Ver. 4Di Dalam PalunganDi Malam Sunyi BergemaDia Lahir Untuk KamiGita sorga Bergema Ver. 1Gita Surga Bergema Ver. 2Go Tell it On The MountainsHai Betlehem Yang SenyapHai Kota Mungil BethlehemHai Mari Berhimpun Ver. 1Hai Mari Berhimpun Ver. 2Hark The Herald Angel SingHave Your Self A Marry Litle Christmas Ver. 1Have Your Self A Marry Litle Christmas Ver. 2Have Your Self A Marry Litle Christmas Ver. 3Have Your Self A Marry Litle Christmas Ver. 4Hay Dunia GembiralahHe Made A Way In A MangerHow Great Thou ArtI Saw Mommy Kissing Santa ClausI'll Be Home For Christmas Ver. 1I'll Be Home for Christmas Ver. 2Jingle Bells Ver. 1Jingle Bells Ver. 2Joy To The World Ver. 1Joy To The World Ver. 2Joyfull Joyfull We Adore TheeKabar dari SurgaKabar GembiraKado NatalKarena Kita Ver. 1Karena Kita Ver. 2Kesukaan Bagi DuniaKita Rayakan Hari NatalKurindukan NatalMalam Di EfrataMalam Kudus Ver. 1Malam Kudus Ver. 2Malam Sunyi SenyapMalam Yang IndahMary's Boy ChildMelodies Of ChristmasMuliakanlahMy Christmas SongsNatal Di HatikuNatal Sendu Ver. 1Natal Sendu Ver. 2Natal Yang IndahO Come All Ye FaithfulO Come All You FaithfulO Holy Night Ver. 1O Holy Night Ver. 2O Little Town In BethlehemOfferingPat A PanRudolph The Red Nosed ReindeerSanta Claus Is Coming To TownSbab Dia Lahir Bagi KitaSeribu LilinSilent Night Ver. 1Silent Night Ver. 2Slamat Slamat DatangTerangThe Christmas Song Ver. 1The Christmas Song Ver. 2The First NoelWe All Bow DownWe Wish You A Merry Christmas Ver. 1We Wish You A Merry Christmas Ver. 2What Child Is ThisWhen A Child Is BornWhite Christmas Ver. 1White Christmas Ver. 2White Christmas Ver. 3Yesus Putra MariaYesus Tuhankku PenebusYou ShineSelamat menikmati keindahan Natal melalui koleksi laguNatalterbaik. Selamat merayakan hari lahir Yesus Kristus.MerryChristmas.Mengapa harus meng-install?* Koleksi Lagu Natal* Lagu Natal Terlengkap* Lagu Natal Terpopuler* Lagu Natal Terbaik* Lagu Natal Indonesia* Lagu Natal Inggris* Audio berkualitas* Desain sederhana* Mudah digunakan* Lirik lagu* Tanpa koneksi (offline)* Gratis* Android NougatChristianandroidapplication presented "Songs of Christmas complete".Thisapplication contains a collection of Christmas songs(relatively)complete when compared with similar applications. EnjoytheChristmas atmosphere syahdunya directly on your androidgadget.Enjoy sweetly popular Christmas songs of all time.Indonesiancarols and Christmas songs in English.Christmas (from Portuguese meaning "birth") is aChristianholiday which is celebrated annually by Christians onDecember 25to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas iscelebratedin the evening service on December 24; and service in themorningof December 25. In the western tradition, Christmas warningalsocontains non-religious aspects. Some Christmas traditions fromtheWest include Christmas trees, Christmas cards, exchanginggiftsbetween friends and family members as well as the story ofSantaClaus or Santa Claus."Christmas Song Complete" contains:All The Earth Will Sing Your PraiseAngels We Have Heard On HighAuld Lang Syne (Now Arrived)Ave Maria Ver. 1Ave Maria Ver. 2Bagimu LambFrom the island and continent Ver. 1From the island and continent Ver. 2From the island and continent Ver. 3From the island and continent Ver. 4In The MangerSilence in the Evening EchoHe was Born To UsGita heaven Echoing Ver. 1Gita Heaven Echoing Ver. 2Go Tell it On The MountainsBethlehem Hai Yang SilentHi Tiny Town BethlehemHi Mari assemble Ver. 1Hi Mari assemble Ver. 2Hark The Herald Angel SingA Have Your Self Marry Litle Christmas Ver. 1A Have Your Self Marry Litle Christmas Ver. 2A Have Your Self Marry Litle Christmas Ver. 3A Have Your Self Marry Litle Christmas Ver. 4World Hay lightenHe Made A Way In A MangerHow Great Thou ArtI Saw Mommy Kissing Santa ClausI'll Be Home For Christmas Ver. 1I'll Be Home for Christmas Ver. 2Jingle Bells Ver. 1Jingle Bells Ver. 2Joy To The World Ver. 1Joy To The World Ver. 2Joyfull Joyfull We Adore TheeThe news of HeavenGood newsChristmas giftBecause We Ver. 1Because We Ver. 2A For The WorldWe Celebrate ChristmasI miss ChristmasIn the evening EuphratesHoly Night Ver. 1Holy Night Ver. 2Silent Night SilentBeautiful nightMary's Boy ChildMelodies Of ChristmasglorifyMy Christmas SongsChristmas In My HeartSendu Christmas Ver. 1Sendu Christmas Ver. 2Beautiful ChristmasO Come All Ye FaithfulO Come All You FaithfulO Holy Night Ver. 1O Holy Night Ver. 2O Little Town In BethlehemofferingPat A PanRudolph The Red Nosed ReindeerSanta Claus Is Coming To TownSbab He is Born for UsThousand CandlesSilent Night Ver. 1Silent Night Ver. 2Slamat Slamat ComingBrightThe Christmas Song Ver. 1The Christmas Song Ver. 2The First NoelWe All Bow DownWe Wish You A Merry Christmas Ver. 1We Wish You A Merry Christmas Ver. 2What Child Is ThisWhen A Child Is BornWhite Christmas Ver. 1White Christmas Ver. 2White Christmas Ver. 3Jesus Son of MaryJesus Tuhankku RedeemerYou ShineEnjoy the beauty of Christmas through a collection of thebestChristmas songs. Welcome to celebrate the birth of JesusChrist.Merry Christmas.Why should I install?* Christmas Songs Collection* Complete Christmas Songs* Popular Christmas Songs* The Best Christmas Songs* Christmas Songs Indonesia* Christmas Songs English* Audio quality* Simple design* Easy to use* Song lyrics* Without a connection (offline)* Free* Android Nougat
Kumpulan Lagu Natal Terbaik 1.0 APK
Sambut Sang Juru Selamat telah tiba dengankidung pujian lagu rohani natal.lagu lagu natal pada aplikasi ini dapat di gunakan sebagai ringtonemaupun nada alarm.aplikasi ini di susun oleh OMK St.Paulus SambengWelcomes the Saviour hadarrived with hymns of Christmas hymns.Christmas songs on this application can be used as a ringtone oralarm tone.This application collated by OMK St. Paul Sambeng
Kumpulan Lagu Natal Terbaru 1.0.0 APK
Dalam Aplikasi ini anda bisamendengarkanlagu-lagu Rohani Natal Terbaru sambil membacaliriknyaSemoga Aplikasi ini menjadi berkat dan menambah keimanan kitadalammemuji Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus.Adapun judul lagu Rohani Natal Terbaru Indonesia adalahsebagaiberikut :1. Hai Dunia2. Dia Lahir Untuk Kami3. Gita Surga Bergema4. Seribu LilinPada Aplikasi ini Terdapat Banyak Penyanyi Rohani Seperti :Nikita,Maria Shandi, Sari Simorangkir, Franky Sihombing,Judika,Asmirandah Dll.dan anda bisa menikmati lagu ini pada saat teduh, membacarenunganharian saat anda membaca Alkitabdan bisa di nyanyikan untuk anak sekolah minggu.lagu ini juga bisa kamu hafal untuk dinyanyikan padawaktunataldi dalam apllikasi terdapat lirik lagu lengkap offline, playermusikdan video serta radio rohani KristenCatatan:* Jika hanya untuk membaca lirik musik tidak diperlukankoneksiinternet.* Jika ingin membaca lirik lagu lengkap sambil memainkan laguharusmemiliki koneksi internet yang lumayan cepat (minimal 3G,Wifidisarankan)* Seluruh media/gambar/lagu adalah hak cipta dari pemeganghakcipta.* Tidak ada fitur download lagu Mp3 dalam aplikasi inikarnabertentangan dengan kebijakan aturan.In this app you canlistento the songs of Christmas Spiritual Recent while readingthelyricsHopefully this app to be a blessing and add to our faith inpraiseour Lord Jesus Christ.The title song of the Soul Christmas Newest Indonesia areasfollows:1. Hi World2. He was Born To Us3. Gita Heaven Bergema4. Thousand CandlesIn this application are Many Spiritual Singers Like: Nikita,MariaShandi, Sari Simorangkir, Franky Sihombing, Judith,AsmirandahEtc.and you can enjoy the song at a quiet time, reading adailydevotional time you read the Bibleand can be sung to Sunday School.This song also can you memorize to be sung at Christmas timein-app offline there are complete song lyrics, music andvideoplayer as well as Christian spiritual radioNote:* If only to read the lyrics of the music is not requiredinternetconnection.* If you want to read the full song lyrics while playing asongshould have a fairly fast Internet connection (at least 3G,Wifirecommended)* All media / picture / songs are copyright of thecopyrightholder.* No download Mp3 songs feature in this application becausecontraryto the policy rules.
Lagu Natal Terbaru 1.0.1 APK
This application the best listens"LaguDaerah". Best Free troubled western songs Listen, Movie Songs,OldSongs, New Songs, Film Songs, Songs DJ.Lagu Natal Terbaru Vanessa Goeslaw Doa Di Malam Natal LaguKristenTerbaru mp3 ... Pop Natal Abadi Trio Cressendo Doa Di MalamNatalTerbaru 2016, 2017 ... Lagu Natal Terbaru Kevin Karyn JingleBellsDing Ding Dang Christmas Song mp3, Lagu Natal Terbaru KevinKarynJingle Bells Ding Ding Dang Christmas Song free mp3donwload,download mp3, mp3 songs.Natal (dari bahasa Portugis yang berarti "kelahiran") adalahhariraya umat Kristen yang diperingati setiap tahun oleh umatKristianipada tanggal 25 Desember untuk memperingati hari kelahiranYesusKristus. Natal dirayakan dalam kebaktian malam pada tanggal24Desember; dan kebaktian pagi tanggal 25 Desember. BeberapagerejaOrtodoks merayakan Natal pada tanggal 6 Januari (lihatpulaEpifani).Dalam tradisi barat, peringatan Natal juga mengandungaspeknon-agamawi. Beberapa tradisi Natal yang berasal dari Baratantaralain adalah pohon Natal, kartu Natal, bertukar hadiah antaratemandan anggota keluarga serta kisah tentang Santa KlausatauSinterklas.Kata “natal” berasal dari ungkapan bahasa Latin Dies Natalis(HariLahir).Dalam bahasa Inggris perayaan Natal disebut Christmas,dariistilah Inggris kuno Cristes Maesse (1038) atauCristes-messe(1131), yang berarti Misa Kristus. Christmas biasapula ditulisΧ'mas, suatu penyingkatan yang cocok dengan tradisiKristen, karenahuruf X dalam bahasa Yunani merupakan singkatan dariKristus ataudalam bahasa Yunani Chi-Rho.Untuk menyambut natal dan tahun baru, maka kami mengembangkansebuahaplikasi yang berisi kumpulan lagu-lagu Natal yang populerbaik diIndonesia maupun Dunia, adapun lagu-lagu natal yangkamiLagu Natal Terbaru base on best application Top hindi songs,songringtones, ringtones free Hindi, Bollywood Music, HinduBhaktiSongs, Ganesh Top Songs, Top Songs Indo Song, Old HindiSongs,Songs Koplo ...Features:✔ Search music on library✔ Listen Free Music✔ Play Offline Music✔ Daily Update latest music✔ Can be used anytime and anywhere✔ Play music from SD card✔ The best Music Player✔ Awesome User Interface✔ Allow you to customize the equalizer in MP3 Player Offline.✔ The best Android Music Player Application with Animated Lyricin2016.✔ Listen to music without internet connection, without Wifi.(MusicPlayer does not need wifi)✔ Supports all audio formats: mp3, flac, ogg songs withlyric...✔ The best offline music player for Android.✔ Swipe to switch between songs.✔ Organize the songs on your phone Easily.✔ Easily Download MP3 application with small file size.Disclaimer and DMCA:* This application does not host any of the music files displayedonthis site (just files via a proxy server).* This application indexes roomates reviews Reviews These filesarelocated on remote servers roomates Neither this applicationnorit's affiliates have any connection with / control of /associationwith.* You download mp3 files from another host service. (Not frommyserver)* All music on is presented only for fact-finding listening.* You must remove a song from the phone after listening.* If You will not delete files from the computer, You'll breakthecopyrights protection laws.* All the rights on the songs are the property of reviewsReviewstheir respective owners.* This Application is a search engine, but we respect anCopyrightLaws. So if You have found a link to an illegal mp3 fileplease usethe feedback form.Enjoy the Lagu Natal Terbaru.
Lagu Christmas MP3 1.0 APK
Are you passionate about the music"LaguChristmas Songs"? We will satisfy the passion of your music,LaguChristmas Songs Terbaru Full Album.Download Lagu We Wish You Merry Christmas MP3 Secara Gratis DiSitusini Dan Jelajah Musik Kamu Tanpa Batas Mp3 Download. DownloadLaguWe Wish You Merry Christmas MP3 Secara Gratis Di Situs iniDanJelajah Musik Kamu Tanpa Batas Mp3 DownloadListen & search Lagu Christmas Songs. Men-download4sharegratis, Streaming Album Online Lagu Christmas Songs, FullalbumLagu Christmas Songs. DJ Remix Songs, Hindi Remix MP3Songs,Remixes Music, Songs PK, Bollywood RemixEnjoy the gift of music this holiday season with our freemusicdownload section. We have orchestral music and piano music, inbothMP3 and midi formats, aslong with many popularseasonalfavorites.Listen Lagu Christmas Songs is an application that providesacollection of songs from your favorite artists Remix. Guesssongs,Non Stop Best Shabad Gurbani, pop songs, dance songs, rapsongs,Quiz Racing, DJ songs, EDM, DJ Nonstop songs.KEY FEATURES:- Listen for free on mobile- Find new favorites with suggested tracks based on your likesandwhat you listen to most.- Easy SEARCH. Find all your local music files never beensoeasy.- Create and play my playlists.- Listen to your favorite tracks anytime, anywhere, with orwithouta signal.- Play, pause and skip tracks from lock screen.- Create playlists for parties, workouts, on the way to work,orwhatever mood you’re in.- Personalize your listening experience by liking favorite trackstolisten later.- The music player best.- Download music for offline listening.- Enjoy amazing sound quality.- Support notification status: show album artwork, play/pause,skipforward in notification status.***** COPYRIGHT INFORMATION*****- This application uses the API of SoundCloud® and by complyingwiththe SoundCloud® API Terms of Use, we do not provide cachinganddownloading any tracks.- We do not upload or add songs to SoundCloud or in this app.Thisapp is just an organized way to browse and view ReviewsTheseSoundcloud.- This application does not host any of the music files displayedonthis application (just streaming files via SoundCloud®API).- All audio are provided by the public third-party mediaserviceYouTube, Soundcloud ... All trademarks and copyrights belongtotheir respective owners and are used here under the terms ofFairUse and the Digital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).- Since we simply links to content on their service via their3rdParty Developer API, we does not have any direct control oftheircontent. If there are any content that may infringe uponanyone'scopyrights, the following link can be used to report thecontent infeddback form in application.**********Hope everybody can enjoy the different music playexperience.
Kumpulan Lagu Natal Terbaru 1.0.1 APK
Welcome to "Kumpulan Lagu Natal Terbaru"MusicApplication. Download lagu mp3 terbaru, lagu barat, PopIndonesia,Lagu minang, Dangdut remix, House music Dj, full albumziprar.This application the best listens "Kumpulan Lagu NatalTerbaru".Best "Kumpulan Lagu Natal Terbaru", Movie Song, Old Song,New Song,Film Song, Song DJ. Download Lagu gratis 4share, StreamOnlineAlbums and Songs from your Favorite Artists. Free downloadmp3 laguIndonesia terbaru. Download Koleksi Lagu Rita Sugiarto MP3Lengkap.Gudang Download Lagu Mp3 Gratis Terbaru Full Album.Indonesia adalah negara yang terdiri dari berbagai macamsukubangsa. Dari sabang sampai merauke terdapat ratusan sukubangsayang berbeda. Kemajemukan inilah yang membuat Indonesiabegitu kayaakan produk-produk kebudayaan seperti rumah adat,pakaian adat,tarian daerah, dan tentunya adalah Lagu Daerah.Lagu Daerah adalah lagu khas dari suatu daerah di seluruhIndonesia.Setiap Daerah mempunyai Lagu Daerah tradisionalnyasendiri-sendiri,seperti misalnya Lagu Tokecang dari daerah JawaBarat, atau laguMejangeran dari daerah Bali, dan masih banyaklagi. Sebagai warganegara Indonesia yang baik tentunya kita harusmelestarikanbudaya-budaya kita agar senantiasa lestari dan tidakdiklaim olehpihak lain. Menyikapi hal tersebut kami mencoba untukberbagiKumpulan Lagu Daerah ini sebagai bagian dari usaha kamiuntukmelestarikan budaya bangsa dan agar bisa bermanfaat bagiadik-adikkita dalam mempelajari budaya daerah di Indonesia,khususnya dalamhal Lagu Daerah."Kumpulan Lagu Natal Terbaru" base on best application Tophindisongs, song ringtones, ringtones free Hindi, Bollywood Music,HinduBhakti Songs, Ganesh Top Songs, Top Songs Indo Song, OldHindiSongs, Songs Koplo ,Tebak lagu, lagu pop, lagu tari, lagu rap,QuizRacing di, DJ lagu, lagu EDM, DJ Nonstop lagu, top lagulagu,lagu-lagu terbaik lagu, musik top indo,wapka,downloadlagu,lagu,mp3,musik,lagu terbaru,unduh lagu,sumberlagu,lagump3,musik terbaru,lagu korea terbaru,lagudangdutkoplo,bursamp3,bursalagu,stafaband,uyeshare,virusmusik,housemusic,housemusik,dugem,breakbeat terbaru,edm,electro dancemusic,mixtape,hardfunky,mega mix,megamix,house,dance,danceparty,festivaledm,funkot,techno,break mix ...Features:★ Search music on library.★ Set song for Ringtone , SMS, Alarm .★ Enhanced Folder view of all music files.★ Sleep Timer.★ Swipe to change songs in Play Screen.★ Sleek, intuitive and beautifully crafted User Interface andMediaControls.★ Lock screen controls with Full Screen Album Art.★ Cool Seamless transitions and animations.★ Easily Download MP3 application with small file size.★ Listen Free Music★ The best offline music player for Android.★ Play Offline Music★ Listen to music without internet connection, without Wifi,3G,4G.Disclaimer DMCA:1 -Content like Articles, Pictures and video in thisapplicationwere collected from all over the web, so if I haveviolated yourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removedas soon aspossible.2 -This application does not host any of the music filesdisplayedon this site (just files via a proxy server).3 -This application indexes roomates reviews Reviews These filesarelocated on remote servers roomates Neither this application norit'saffiliates have any connection with / control of /associationwith.4 -You download mp3 files from another host service. (Not frommyserver)5 -All music on is presented only for fact-finding listening.6 -You must remove a song from the phone after listening.7 -If You will not delete files from the computer, You'll breakthecopyrights protection laws.8 -All the rights on the songs are the property of reviewsReviewstheir respective owners.9 -This Application is a search engine, but we respect anCopyrightLaws. So if You have found a link to an illegal mp3 fileplease usethe feedback form frorm in app.Wish you happy music.
Koleksi Lagu Natal 1.0 APK
Aplikasi ini menyediakan koleksi lagu natalinstrumental yang bisa digunakan untuk memeriahkan lagunatal.Selain itu aplikasi ini juga menyediakan lirik dari lagu-lagu natalsehingga bisa digunakan juga untuk mengiringi dalam menyanyikannyanyian natal (karaoke).This application providesa collection of instrumental Christmas song that could be used toenliven the Christmas song.In addition this application also provides the lyrics of the songsof Christmas so that it can be used also to accompany the singingof Christmas sing (karaoke).
Lagu Natal Batak 1.1.0 APK
Natal sudah tiba, lengkapi hari harikamudengan mendengarkan lagu natal batak. Jangan sampaiketinggalan,disini terdapat lagu lagu terbaru dari, RobertSimorangkir , RaniSimbolon , Simatupang Sister , Efrata , NurCahaya Manurung danlainnya lagi.Catatan : Ini aplikasi unofficial, bertujuan menghibur fans
Lagu Natal Penuh Berkat 2.0 APK
Hari raya natal merupakan hari raya kelahiranTuhan Yesus. Aplikasi ini berisi tentang kumpulan lagu-lagu natalterbaik. Meriahkan natal anda dengan lagu pujian natal dalamaplikasi Lagu Natal Penuh Berkat. Lagu Natal dalam aplikasi inidapat dijadikan sebagai ringtone maupun alarm di hp kamu. Ayoburuan download aplikasi Lagu Natal Penuh Berkat dan pujilahTuhan.Tuhan memberkatiThe feast of Christmas isthe feast of the birth of Jesus. This application contains acollection of Christmas songs best. Liven Up Your Christmas withChristmas hymns in the application Songs Christmas Blessing.Christmas songs in this application can be used as a ringtone oralarm on your phone. Come game download Christmas Songs appBlessing and praise Tuhan.Tuhan bless
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ViNyL Music Player 1.2.9 APK
The Top Music Player for Android. is amusthave music player for smart phones.Built-in powerful Bass Booster and Equalier, Quick scan allmusicfiles and The New Interactive Experience you have never hadbefore.HD Vinyl Playback, Over 10 gorgeous background skins to makeyourmusic player look more outstanding.And more than 3 desktop widgets make your music play never beensoeasy.Free to get this best music player pro.,b>Key Features:- Browse and play your music quickly by albums, artists,songs,playlists, and folders- HD Vinyl Playback style- 10 beautiful default skins or custom with your own photos- High quality decoding with mp3,mp4/m4a,wma,flac and ape- 3 home screen WIDGETS(4*1, 2*2, 4*1)- Music Library wide search. Find all your music never beensoeasy.- Audio Recorder- Sleep mode- Lock screen support.- Five band graphic equalizer and Bass Booster- 10 types of pre-set music one for you choice, or you canmanuallyadjust the equalizer- Lyric support, Automatic scanning all the lyric files ,andmatching the most appropriate lyrics file for your songs.- Headset support. Support one button and multiple buttonsheadsets.Leave your device in the pocket!- Notification STATUS support: display album artwork, titleandartist, play/pause, skip forward and stop CONTROLS innotificationstatus.To learn more about the advanced settings, please feel free todownand have a try. You won't be disappointed.
القران الكريم الحصري بدون نت 1.0 APK
تلاوة القران الكريم بصوت الشيخمحمودخليلالحصريبدون انترنتتلاوة عذبة ونقية للقارئ الشيخ محمود خليل الحصريلاتحتاج للاتصال بالانترنتقراءة الية للسور دون الحاجة للتدخل منك , امكانية اعاداةتلاوةالسورمناجل الحفظتشغيل تلاوة السور حتى لو كان الجهاز مغلقاارجو ان تنسونا من خالص دعاؤكم و لاتنسوامشاركةالتطبيقمعاصدقائكمQuranrecitationbySheikhMahmoud Khalil exclusive without InternetSolemn fresh and pure the reader,SheikhMahmoudKhalilexclusiveDo not need to connect to the InternetRead the mechanism of the wall without the needforinterventionfromyou, the possibility of Aadah recitationfenceforconservationRun recitation of the fence, even if the device isswitchedoffI hope that you forget the sincere prayers and not forgettosharetheapplication with your friends
Emma for Spotify (TV) 1.00 APK
*** Spotify PremiumAccountisnecessary***Info that Emma will shut down on Jan 28, 2017.All + features are free starting from now (November 2016)***************************************************You need a Spotify Premium Account to use this software.- Access to top playlists (Top 100, Viral, Pop, Rock, etc.)- Access to New Releases, New Albums and Featured PlayLists- Play album, top songs, start radio, play any Playlistviavoicecommand- save songs to your Library & follow playlists.***If this app does not work for you, don't buy the+version,because it will not solve the problem*** Some userhaveproblemsusing it on Sony Bravia TVswith Emma for Spotify+ you will get:- more Categories, more Featured Playlists, Recent Playlists- MyLibrary screen with your Songs, Artists,AlbumsandPlaylistsincl. features to remove tracks from Libraryandunfollowplaylists.- Shortcuts on mediaplayer screen (Play Artist TopSongs,StartArtist Radio, Play full Album, Save Tracks)- a feature to add tracks to your own playlists.Examples for Voice Commands:Systemwide Voice Commands like "Play Coldplay" or"PlayMyloXyloto"In App-Voice Commands:- "Play Coldplay" plays Top Songs from Coldplay- "Album Coldplay Live 2012" plays specific Album- "Radio Coldplay" starts radio based on similar Artists- "Playlist Chill Out" plays a playlist named chill out- "Dance Music" or "Chill Out" searches andshowsspecificplaylists.This app is designed to work on AndroidTV!This app uses the official spotify beta sdkforandroid( endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any waybySpotify.Spotify is the registered trade mark of theSpotifyGroup.
Cat Sounds Ringtones 2.0 APK
Cat Sounds Ringtones is a brand newappthatbrings all the best cat sounds to your phone! All youcatloversout there are going to be so pleased with this greatapp.CatSounds is a collection of most adorable cat noises,kittysoundsand cat meowing sounds. You will find every possiblesoundthatyour favorite animal makes right here! You can choose fromarichselection of all natural cat sounds and set your favoritesoundasa ringtone, SMS notification or alarm sound. Wake upeverymorningwith your phone purring just like a real cat does!DownloadCatSounds Ringtones for free now and turn your smartphoneintomeowingcat![ Features ]- Hold the play button to set sound as ringtone,notificationsound(SMS/email) or alarm.- Assign as ringtone to specific contact in your contactlist.- Easy to use UI, Cat Sounds Ringtones works inlandscapeandportrait mode, optimized for all tablets andsmartphones.- Most popular cat sounds on the market!Kids are the biggest animal lovers and they are goingtoadorethese cat sounds! They will have so much fun hearingthesebestringtones. You will put a smile on their face every timeyouplay afunny cat sound. You will be surprised how much joythesecatsounds can bring. Browse through an extensive selectionofvariouslovely free ringtones. Pick your favorite free soundfromthis catsound effects soundboard and set it as a SMSalertnotification,chat notification, ringtone or alarm sound!Download“Cat SoundsRingtones” and enjoy them with your family!It’s time to turn your phone into your favorite animal!Youwillbe the center of attention whenever your phone makes asound.Alltrue cat lovers are going to be thrilled when they hearyourphoneringing. Share Cat Sounds Ringtones with your friendswhoadorecats! They are going to be most thankful and willappreciateyoufor discovering and sharing these cool ringtones withthem.CatSounds Ringtones is the best collection of topringtones,meowingSMS notification sounds and purring alarm tones.Bedelightedwhenever your phone meows! Download Cat SoundsRingtonesfor freenow.Feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback.
Best Car Sounds 2.1 APK
Best Car Sounds delivers theultimateexperiencewhen it comes to expensive and high-quality, topnotchvehiclesounds. This new app is bringing you the bestcollection ofthehottest incoming call alert melodies, SMSnotification soundsandloud alarm tones. Car lovers will startloving their favoritecarseven more because of these realistic andloud engine sounds.Yourmobile phone will sound so cool, like neverbefore, and yourheartwill beat faster when you hear that thrillingsound ofengineignition or the sound of tires screeching onasphalt. DownloadBestCar Sounds for free now and start your race!- Best new futuristic ringtones & SMS sounds!- Set as ringtone, notification sound (SMS/email) or alarm.- Assign as ringtone to specific contact in your contactlist.- Easy to use UI, Best Car Sounds App works in landscapeandportraitmode.Best Car Sounds is the newest most popular app foryoursmartphone!Assign different tunes for each contact and enjoythesepowerfulblasting sounds on daily basis. It is a loud andamusingway to getthe best out of every phone call or SMS you getand todraweveryone`s attention. Get your daily dose of adrenalinewiththesecrazy new roaring ringtones right now! If you feel theneedforspeed, these ringtones will awaken the passion in you andyouwillbe under the impression that you’re racing with anothercarthat isspeeding up right next to you. Go “fast and furious”withBest CarSounds! Anyone with passion for fast cars andpowerfulvehicleswill go crazy about these ringtones.Feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback.
Amex UNSTAGED: Taylor Swift 1.2.0 APK
Step inside acinematicinteractivemusicalexperience starring Taylor Swift. Choosewhereyou go, whoyoufollow and what you explore in a stunninghousefilledwithcharacters, objects and scenes.Shot with groundbreaking 360° cameras and scored witharichaudiosoundtrack based on Taylor’s single ‘Blank Space’fromhernew album1989, the experience is an immersivejourneywithintertwinedstorylines, multiple rooms and dozensofhiddeninteractive featureswaiting to be unlocked andexplored.The app also features the original ‘Blank Space’musicvideo,1989album purchase details and tour ticketinginformation.You canalsoexplore exclusive behind the scenes footagefrom theTaylorSwiftshoot, as well as the archive of Amex UNSTAGEDliveeventsand filmswith other top artists.The American Express UNSTAGED app is intended for ages 13+.
Lagu Natal 2017 1.2 APK
Natal (dari bahasa Portugisyangberarti"kelahiran") adalah hari raya umat Kristen yangdiperingatisetiaptahun oleh umat Kristiani pada tanggal 25Desemberuntukmemperingati hari kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Nataldirayakandalamkebaktian malam pada tanggal 24 Desember; dankebaktianpagitanggal 25 Desember. Beberapa gereja Ortodoksmerayakan Natalpadatanggal 6 Januari (lihat pula Epifani).Dalam tradisi barat, peringatan Natal jugamengandungaspeknon-agamawi. Beberapa tradisi Natal yang berasaldari Baratantaralain adalah pohon Natal, kartu Natal, bertukarhadiah antaratemandan anggota keluarga serta kisah tentang SantaKlausatauSinterklas.Kata “natal” berasal dari ungkapan bahasa Latin DiesNatalis(HariLahir).Dalam bahasa Inggris perayaan Natal disebutChristmas,dariistilah Inggris kuno Cristes Maesse (1038) atauCristes-messe(1131),yang berarti Misa Kristus. Christmas biasapula ditulisΧ'mas, suatupenyingkatan yang cocok dengan tradisiKristen, karenahuruf X dalambahasa Yunani merupakan singkatan dariKristus ataudalam bahasaYunani Chi-Rho.Untuk menyambut natal dan tahun baru, makakamimengembangkansebuah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan lagu-laguNatalyang populerbaik di Indonesia maupun Dunia, adapun lagu-lagunatalyang kamisajikan pun cukup lengkap, antara lain :♦ Jingle Bells♦ We Wish You Merry Christmas♦ Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru♦ Telah Datang♦ Kita Rayakan Hari Natal♦ Oh Holy Night♦ Malam Sunyi Senyap♦ Sebab Dia Lahir Bagi Kita♦ Christmas is Here♦ Angel We have heard on High♦ Malam Kudus♦ Gita Surga Bergema♦ Hai Mari berhimpun♦ The first Noel♦ Twelve days of Christmas♦ Oh come little children♦ Hark the herald angels sing♦ Natal Pertama♦ dllFitur :♦ Bisa dijadikan ringtone hp♦ Bisa dijadikan alarm♦ Bisa dijadikan nada notifikasi♦ Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet♦ Sudah menerapkan android 7♦ Aplikasi GratisSemoga dengan hadirnya aplikasi Lagu Natal 2017inibermanfaatbagi anda yang merayakan, jangan lupa ratedanreviewnya!!Christmas(fromPortuguesemeaning "birth") is a Christian holiday whichiscelebrated annuallyby Christians on December 25 to commemoratethebirth of JesusChrist. Christmas is celebrated in theeveningservice on December24; and service in the morning ofDecember 25.Some Orthodoxchurches celebrate Christmas on 6 January(see alsoEpiphany).In the western tradition, Christmas warningalsocontainsnon-religious aspects. Some Christmas traditions fromtheWestinclude Christmas trees, Christmas cards, exchanginggiftsbetweenfriends and family members as well as the story ofSantaClaus orSanta Claus.The word "Christmas" comes from the LatinphraseAnniversary(Birthday) .In English Christmas celebrationcalledChristmas, fromthe old English term Cristes Maesse (1038)orCristes-messe (1131),which means Mass of Christ. Christmasusuallyalso written Χ'mas, ashortening that fits with theChristiantradition, because theletter X in Greek is an abbreviationof theChrist or the GreekChi-Rho.To welcome Christmas and new year, we developedanapplicationthat contains a collection of Christmas songsarepopular inIndonesia and the World, while the Christmas songsthatwe serve isquite complete, among others:♦ Jingle Bells♦ We Wish You a Merry Christmas♦ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year♦ Has Come♦ We Celebrate Christmas♦ Oh Holy Night♦ Silent Night Silent♦ Because He is Born for Us♦ Christmas is Here♦ Angel We Have Heard on High♦ Holy Night♦ Gita Heaven Bergema♦ Hi Mari rally♦ The first Noel♦ Twelve days of Christmas♦ Oh come little children♦ Hark the herald angels sing♦ First Christmas♦ etc.Features:♦ Can be used as a ringtone hp♦ Can be used as alarm♦ Can be used as a notification tone♦ Does not require an internet connection♦ Already applying android 7♦ Free AppsHopefully with the presence of a Christmassong2017application is beneficial for those who celebrate, donotforgetrate and the review !!