
With recruiting powerful heroes and leading invincible armies.

App Information Mini Warriors

  • App Name
    Mini Warriors
  • Package Name
  • Updated
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
  • Version
  • Developer
    Triniti Interactive Studios Limited
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

Mini Warriors Version History

Select Mini Warriors Version :
  • 2.4.0 (61)
  • 2.3.6 (60)
  • 2.3.0 (58)
  • 2.2.1 (54)
  • 2.1.3 (50)
  • 2.1.2 (49)
  • 2.1.1 (47)
  • 2.0.1 (46)
  • 2.0.0 (42)
  • 1.9.1 (41)
  • Mini Warriors 2.4.0 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /4/19
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 50.1 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: b85416ef33994561ed67d509ffa8bfb2f8eec7b6
    APK Signature: 9712c2d39adfd1cea2419765e2ac04da8d331dad
  • Mini Warriors 2.4.0 OBB Main File

    File Size: 128.0 MB
    Data: main
    Fetch Date: 2017/4/19
    File Sha1: 81e001a0d111a8d30f48354f030542788e340c94
  • Mini Warriors 2.3.6 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /3/7
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 49.9 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: 317794e04bad068975fb1f998dadfabe49a6c44f
    APK Signature: 9712c2d39adfd1cea2419765e2ac04da8d331dad
  • Mini Warriors 2.3.0 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /1/7
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 49.7 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: ce256e83f5c915fca03f852a9b1779831ee9049e
    APK Signature: 9712c2d39adfd1cea2419765e2ac04da8d331dad
  • Mini Warriors 2.2.1 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /8/3
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 50.1 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: 4f712a6f96e93188681603a0ab4db23ebe1d0ba1
    APK Signature: 9712c2d39adfd1cea2419765e2ac04da8d331dad
  • Mini Warriors 2.1.3 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /6/7
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 49.6 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: 25edb26b6f169ea9f045e7e92dae48a991e4c5a9
    APK Signature: 9712c2d39adfd1cea2419765e2ac04da8d331dad
  • Mini Warriors 2.1.2 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /5/11
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 49.6 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: 09f0b0d8d06025c6ec549afec65e914a98808582
    APK Signature: 9712c2d39adfd1cea2419765e2ac04da8d331dad
  • Mini Warriors 2.1.1 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /4/7
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 49.5 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: 4dc9b2454eacdbaf73a72611f89a91158e272395
    APK Signature: 9712c2d39adfd1cea2419765e2ac04da8d331dad
  • Mini Warriors 2.0.1 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /3/17
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 48.9 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: 233943032344ace89f783b207244e864caaa1d4f
    APK Signature: 9712c2d39adfd1cea2419765e2ac04da8d331dad
  • Mini Warriors 2.0.0 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /2/3
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 48.7 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: 7cf47bb7e2288c59e442aded43b268bcf18a9ca6
    APK Signature: 9712c2d39adfd1cea2419765e2ac04da8d331dad
  • Mini Warriors 1.9.1 APK File

    Publish Date: 2015 /12/23
    Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)
    File Size: 45.9 MB
    Tested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)
    File Sha1: dde0d543618452b79ee5514960fec6e6fcda9d15
    APK Signature: 9712c2d39adfd1cea2419765e2ac04da8d331dad

How to Install the OBB File (APK Expansion File)

  1. Firstly, Download APK file of the app Mini Warriors for Android.
  2. Copy the APK file to your Android device's SD card and Install it. (Don't open it after installation)
  3. Download Obb files and copy the *.obb file named '' into the required location:
  4. The full/absolute path of the obb file should look like as the following (Case-sensitive):

    If there is no such location, you need to create the path or folder manually on your SD card.

Triniti Interactive Studios Limited Show More...

Call of Mini: Brawlers 1.5.3 APK
it’s a ZOMBIE OUTBREAK and the only cure is good old-fashioned HEADBUSTING!
미니군단: 삼국 연합전 1.0.0 APK
전란속에서 겨루는 궁의 위용1000인으로 이루어지지않은 전장의 화면은 볼만한 것이 되지못합니다!진정한 전장에서 빠질수없는 병사들과 무장!유머스러운 삼국의 캐릭터들로 모바일에서 “전면전”을 즐겨보세요!25vs25의 무장들의 대치 구도와 ,2000명의병사들이펼치는 스릴감 넘치는 전쟁!역사상 가장 많은 군단으로 이루어지는 대전으로 놀라운 전장의 스릴감을 느낄수있습니다!긴박한 전장에서 시험되는 임기응변자동 전투만으로 진행되는 방식은,No!진정한 실시간 전투의 예측불허의 상황!그저 생각없이 진행되는 것이 아닌 전장의 무한한 가능성을 직접 체험해 보세요!변화무쌍한 전장으로 가득한스릴감을즐길수있습니다!손가락 하나로 전장을 지원하고 이끌어 보세요, 오늘부터 전략가로 상황을 자신의 마음대로 컨트롤할 수 있습니다!군사를 움직여 겨루는 지혜배진이 변하지않는다면 전략게임이라고 할수없습니다!탐구하면서 전략적으로 즐겨보세요!300명이 넘는 삼국의 무장들이 아기자기하게 등장합니다,32종류의 개성있는 병종양성으로 자신만의 군단을만들어보세요!25명의 장군들이 빈 진을 매우고 진의 공격과 방어또한 마음대로 정할수있습니다. 적군의 진형에 따라 새로운전략을짜 도전하세요!남북정벌에서 도모하게될 나만의 천하스크린 가득 펼쳐진 천하와 뜨거운 전장의 열기를 느껴보세요!진정한 패업은 중원에서 시작됩니다!삼국 중원을 재현하여 주공의 신분으로 영토를 개척할수있습니다!남북정벌로 명장들을 만나 주유 제갈량등의 인재를찾아내등용할수있습니다!역사속 유명한 성지들을 점령해 군사,농업,내정까지 한손으로 경영하여 전세계의 플레이어와겨루어보세요정통 후속작으로 고전적인 재미를 느끼실수있습니다《미니군단:삼국 연합전은》Triniti Interactive가 심혈을 기울여 만든 전세계 두번째의 전략형 실시간전쟁게임입니다.《미니군단》의 정통 후속작으로 독특한 기술과 깨끗한 그래픽 화면으로 다시끔 삼국새대의 난세의전쟁을재현하였습니다. 새로운 전략게임으로 정통성과 고전적인 재미를 느끼실수있습니다!【게임특징】•1000VS1000대규모, 스크린에서 진행되는 실시간 전투! 전장이 혼란이 순간순간 재현되고 손끝으로 직접 생생한전투의짜릿한 스릴감을 느끼실수있습니다•깨끗한 그림체로 그려진 정교한 인물들과 생동감 넘치는 특수효과로 전장의 그 특유의 느낌을 재현하였습니다. 긴박하게바뀌는변화무쌍한 전장의 모습을 감상해보세요.•전세계의 플레이어 한곳에 모여 경쟁하고 주공의 신분으로 성지를 공략하여 자신의 성지의 내정관리 및 경영으로자신만의삼국의 역사를 창조할 수 있습니다.•25명의 무장이 동시에 전장에 등장합니다. 병사들을 골라 배진하는 전략의 묘미를 느낄수있습니다. 전투 중에실시간으로스킬을 컨트롤 할수있으며 전원 AI모드로 진행됩니다.•수백번의 역사에 남았던 전쟁이 완벽하게 재현됩니다. 스토리를 따라 전란의 삼국에서 직접 전장을 체험해 보세요. 승과패는모두 당신의 손에 좌우됩니다.
Mini Warriors APK
With recruiting powerful heroes and leading invincible armies.
War & Conquer APK
The best WWII real-time strategy game on mobile platforms.
Call of Mini™ Dino Hunter 3.2.5 APK
Fight with giant lizards by updating weapons,and win a victory toget loots!
Tiny Legends: Heroes 1.4.9 APK
the DARK LORD has RISEN, and only YOU can PUT HIM DOWN!
Mini Warriors: Three Kingdoms 2.5.5 APK
• In a chaotic battlefield, strength lies in numbers. Onlybattleswith thousands of participants are worth fighting! CuteThreeKingdom characters will help you take over the world on yourmobilephone! 2000 mini soldiers fight alongside one another in25vs25battles! Experience the thrill of a battle with the greatestnumberof participants in history! • In real-time, it’s allaboutpreparedness. Auto-fight? That’s not a real battle! Saygoodbye tobattles that don’t require brain power and discover theinfinitepossibilities on the battlefield! Amazing real-time battleensuresa suspenseful, electrifying experience! With Mini Warriors™ThreeKingdoms, you can become the king of the battle, and it’s allatyour fingertips! • When forming your lineup, intelligence iswhatmatters most. Always use a same battle formation? The real funliesin your intelligence, not wealth. Choose your dream legionfromover 300 cute Three Kingdoms heroes and 32 warrior types! With25slots, the possibilities are endless. Adjust your lineup andcrushyour foes! • The goal of conquest: world domination. Buildrenownedcities around the world and become the new ruler! The landof ThreeKingdoms your oyster! Visit and recruit famous heroes,manage stateaffairs, and challenge enemies the world over! • A trueclassic!The game’s unique engine, outstanding animation andexcellentgameplay brings you the chaos of the Three Kingdomsperiod, makingit the new MMO strategy classic. • [Features]-Grand-scale1000VS1000 battle! Real-time battle calculationsdeliver the mostriveting battles. -Cute characters with vividspecial effects bringan entertaining experience on the battlefield.-Players managetheir own territory and battle one another to writetheir very ownlegend. -Dispatch 25 heroes at once for a uniqueformation.Real-time control with AI delivers more exciting battles.-Hundredsof classic battles take players back to the glorious ThreeKingdomsperiod, where they can take fate into their hands andchange thecourse of history.
Heroes vs Monsters 3.4.3 APK
Trinit Interactive 10th Anniversary, ALL IAP FREE! For 10years,Triniti Interactive Studios have published 150 games onmobileplatform. Out of gratitude for your long support, we decidedtobring the most popular games in the past back on theGoogleStore.What’s more, All in-app purchases of these games arenow free! Inother words, all players can enjoy the full content ofthe gamesfor free! Have a good time and enjoy! See the list below:Call ofMini™ Zombies Call of Mini™ Zombies 2 Call of Mini™DinoHunter Callof Mini: Sniper Call of Mini™ Brawler TinyLegends™HeroesTinyLegends™ Monster Crasher TinyLegends™ Crazy KnightDevilDark:The Fallen Kingdom Call of Mini™ Squad Call of Mini™Double ShotHeroes vs Monsters DinoCap 3 Survivors WarCom: GauntletiSniper 3DArctic Warfare Dungeon Crasher Call of Mini™ BattleField!KungFuWarrior Doodle Truck 2 MiniGlider ★★★★★ HACK 'n SLASHthroughHORDES OF MONSTERS! gain POWERFUL SKILLS + GODLY ITEMS inaMASSIVE, BEAUTIFUL WORLD on an EPIC FANTASY ADVENTURE! ★★★★★anevil sorcerer has unleashed vile monsters to prowl thecountryside.pit your party of 4 extraordinary heroes against theevilpestilence and restore peace to the land. level up, collectawesomearmor and weapons, and destroy hordes of monsters and bossesinthis epic rpg adventure. ★★★★★ ✓ build your own 4 HERO PARTY✓challenge other players and capture castles! ✓ explore a hugeandSTUNNING WORLD ✓ fully customize your hero avatars with EPICLOOT★★★★★ ✓ 300+ pieces of EPIC GEAR ✓ 100+ unique and powerfulHEROSKILLS ✓ 7 fully customizable HERO CLASSES ✓ 100+ savageMONSTERS& BOSSES ✓ exciting MONSTER ENCOUNTER system ✓ DUNGEONCRAWLfor even more bosses and loot ★★★★★▶ ▶