App Information Muke Gile Maker
- App NameMuke Gile Maker
- Package Namecom.amagine.mukegile
- UpdatedMarch 17, 2015
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version
- DeveloperAmagine Interactive
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryTrivia
- DeveloperVisit website Email amagineinteractive@gmail.comJogja Digital Valley, Jl Kartini No 7 Sagan, Yogyakarta 55223
- Google Play Link
Muke Gile Maker Version History
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Muke Gile Maker 1.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /11/15Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 13.1 MBTested on: Android 4.4 (KitKat, API: 19)File Sha1: 694f2cf3137192a46f3da6ebe82614ecff112e4c
Amagine Interactive Show More...
Colorina Guess The Color 1.1 APK
Let's tickle your brain! Colorina Guess The Color will test yourskill to determine accurately which answer is correct between wordsand color. here's how to play : - in the game there will be coloredword spelling a name of a color - check out the word "COLOR" and"TEXT COLOR" - when it says "COLOR" you must answer with the colorspelled by the word. - but if it says "TEXT COLOR" you must answerthe color of the text itself so is it RED or BLACK? don't be wrong!note : this game inspired from a psychological phenomenon calledStroop Effect/ "In psychology, the stroop effect is a demonstrationof interference in the reaction time of a task. When the name of acolor (e.g., "blue," "green," or "red") is printed in a color notdenoted by the name (e.g., the word "red" printed in blue inkinstead of red ink), naming the color of the word takes longer andis more prone to errors than when the color of the ink matches thename of the color." - Fun! ;)
Muke Gile Maker APK
Yakin Loe Ganteng?Yakin Loe Cantik?Muke Gile Maker! Alat penguji kegantengan dan kecantikan palingakurat di dunia!Cuma dengan memasukkan nama , kegantengan dan kecantikan anda akandapat dianalisis dengan sempurna berkat kecanggihan teknologi yangsudah teruji di IPB, ITB dan UGMShare muke gile loe dan pasang sebagai profile picture di socialmedia.tunjukkan kegantengan loe kepada dunia!Muke Gile Maker adalah hasil kolaborasi Amagine Interactivedengan fanpage facebook yang semfak abies! Kartun NgampusFitur :- ratusan juta kombinasi wajah yang semfak abies!- dandani kegantengan/kecantikan loe dengan berbagai aksesoris danbaju yang tersedia- share dan gunakan muke gile loe sebagai profile picture socialmediajangan lupa like facebook kita :Kartun Ngampus : Interactive : Gile Maker!Yakin Loe Ganteng?Yakin Loe Cantik?Buktikan!Muke Gile! Telolet telolet bener ini game!Loe sure Gant?Loe Pretty sure?Muke Gile Maker! Testers and beauty kegantengan most accurate inthe world!Just by entering the name, kegantengan and your beauty will beanalyzed perfectly thanks to the sophisticated technology that hasbeen tested in IPB, ITB and UGMShare Muke gile loe and tides as a profile picture on socialmedia.kegantengan loe show to the world!Muke Gile Maker is the result of collaboration with theInteractive Amagine that semfak abies facebook fanpage! cartoonngampus features:- Hundreds of millions of combinations of facial semfakabies!- Dressed kegantengan / beauty loe with a variety of accessoriesand clothing available- Share and use Muke gile loe as social media profile pictureDo not forget to like our facebook:Cartoon ngampus: Amagine: Gile Maker!Loe sure Gant?Loe Pretty sure?Prove it!Muke Gile! Ko telolet Telolet this game!
BonBon Gagal Diet 1.1 APK
Mari bermain bersama BonBon, yang biarpun Gagal Diet tapi selaluhappy. Hindari makanan yang berjatuhan dan kumpulkan diamondsebanyak mungkin. Dengan berbagai macam powerup dan kostum yangmenarik, BonBon Gagal Diet akan menantang anda untuk menghindarimakanan sebanyak mungkin dan mendapatkan skor setinggi mungkin.Fitur : - gameplay yang asik dan menantang - karakter yang chubby#hidupChubby - powerup yang dapat diupgrade - berbagai kostum lucuuntuk digunakan - celetukan bonbon yang lucu (bisa lho ditambahin,tulis review disini yuk) - share dan leaderboard BonBon Gagal Diet,Karena Diet Bukan Segalanya. Stay Chubby Be Happy
Hitung Tepat APK
Seberapa pandai anda menghitung?Hitung Tepat, game matematika yang akan menguji kecepatan danketepatan menghitung pemain.Uji kemampuan berhitung anda untuk menghitung soal matematika danmenemukan jawaban yang ... bisa yang benar ataupun yangsalah.Karena dalam game ini anda tidak hanya diuji untuk bisa menghitungcepat, tapi juga menghitung tepat!INGAT :5 x 4 BUKAN 3120 + 15 ADALAH 35Selalu perhatikan kata BUKAN dan ADALAHHitung Tepat hadir dengan banyak game mode dan tingkatkesulitan!2 Game Mode :> COMBO : dapatkan skor sebanyak mungkin tanpa salahmenebak> TIME ATTACK : dapatkan skor sebanyak mungkin dalam 30 detikdengan 3 kali kesempatan salah3 Tingkat Kesulitan :> Mudah> Susah> GilaUji kemampuan berhitung anda sekarang juga!Jadi.. Seberapa pandai anda menghitung?This Game is optimized for Intel x86 mobile devices!How clever youcount?Calculate Right, math games that will test the speed and accuracyof counting players.Test your math ability to calculate math problems and find answers... can correct or incorrect.Because in this game you can not only tested for a quick count, butalso calculates the exact!REMEMBER:5 x 4 INSTEAD OF 3120 + 15 IS 35Always pay attention to the word NOT and ISCalculate Right comes with a lot of game modes and difficultylevels!2 Game Modes:> COMBO: get a score as much as possible without anyguessing> TIME ATTACK: get as many scores as possible in 30 seconds with3 times the chance of false3 Difficulty:> Easy> Hard> CrazyTest your calculation skills now!So .. How clever you count?This game is optimized for Intel x86 mobile devices!
Sakitnya Dimana : Disini APK
Kalo melihat kau selingkuh sakitnya tuh dihati,nah kalau kelilipan Sakitnya Dimana?kalau dikejar deadline Sakitnya Dimana?kalau ditagihin ibu kos Sakitnya Dimana?kalo teriak om telolet om Sakitnya Dimana?kalo bus telolet telolet Sakitnya Dimana?apalagi kalau keselek salak, Sakitnya Dimana Tuh?Sakitnya Tuh Disini... Di dalam game ini!Mari bermain game Sakitnya Dimana : Sakitnya Tuh Disini,tunjuk bagian tubuh yang tepat untuk rasa sakit yangdisebutkan.tapi hati - hati karena kalau salah anda akan langsung gameover!jangan lupa share score anda, ajak teman - teman anda untukbermain!bantu kita juga untuk memperbanyak soal dengan memberikan masukanSakitnya Dimana!Njawab salah, sakitnya tuh disini...karena rasa sakit tidak hanya di hatiom telolet om!
Meme Quiz 2.2 APK
Test your 'Mememory' in this highly addictivememe game!Your aim is to guess the right meme based on the joke-text thatappears on the screen. Swipe the Meme left and right to choosewhich you think is correct! See how much you really master Memesand it's uses!Each question is assigned to a well known meme. From the olddays of Reddit and 9gag to the popular Memes of today. You mightthink you know all of them, and think it's easy, but be careful!Some quiz are tricky and require special analysis to answer.U READY BRO?FEATURES:▶ EASY to use interface!▶ More than 1000 Quizzes AVAILABLE for you to guess!▶ 69 Memes AVAILABLE and more coming soon!▶ Share your score EASILY via Scoreloop and compare them with yourfriend! -and earn the right to BRAG!Follow us on Twitter:@amagineGamesThis game is inspired by our addiction and love to 9gag, Redditand many other meme sites!note : Some permission are required for Scoreloop to work. we donothing to the phone contact and such
Kebakaran Jenggot 1.0 APK
Tolooooooong!!!!!! aye kebakaran!Bantuin si Otong yang lagi kebakaran jenggot buat menyelamatkangenerasi muda dari alaynisasi dan terorisme. Sebenernya emang ganyambung sih…. Tapi gapapa yang penting bantu terus otong buatterus maju keatas buat madamin jenggotnya yang membara kaya apiasmara yang disiram pake cinta.+Ada jenggot kebakar+Ada si otong+Ada penjahatnya+Gamenya asik kalo ga asik bakar aja HPnya+Bisa share record kamu ke temen-temen kamuTolooooooong !!!!!! ayefire!Bantuin the Otong were again on fire for saving the younggeneration of alaynisasi and terrorism. Actually weve obscene hell.... But the important gapapa continue to help move forward Otongmake up for madamin rich beard smoldering fire of romance thatwatered use love.+ There beard on fire+ There is the Otong+ There is a villain+ The game cool cool if fuel ga wrote HPnya+ Can share your records to your friend
Mbaktin Ekstrak Kulit Manggis APK
Kabar gembira untuk kita semuaKulit manggis kini ada di Play Store~Inspired by the song?So are we!That's why we create Mbaktin!Now you can extract Mangosteen skin as much as you please withMbaktin!Don't forget to share the happy news with your friendsKabar gembira untuk kita semuaKulit manggis kini ada di Play Store~Mbaktin hadir, dan bisa dimainkanJadikan hari ini hari MbaktinMbaktin good, Mbaktin goodMbakTin dikembangkan oleh 4 Game Studio dari Jogja yaitu AmagineInteractive (@amaginegames) , Creacle Studio (@Creacle) , AgateJogja (@AgateJogja) dan Enthrean Studio (@Enthrean) . Dikerjakandalam 6 jam sejak Debat Capres ke 5 hingga menjelang subuhFollow mbaktin ya ^^
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Sakitnya Dimana : Disini APK
Kalo melihat kau selingkuh sakitnya tuh dihati,nah kalau kelilipan Sakitnya Dimana?kalau dikejar deadline Sakitnya Dimana?kalau ditagihin ibu kos Sakitnya Dimana?kalo teriak om telolet om Sakitnya Dimana?kalo bus telolet telolet Sakitnya Dimana?apalagi kalau keselek salak, Sakitnya Dimana Tuh?Sakitnya Tuh Disini... Di dalam game ini!Mari bermain game Sakitnya Dimana : Sakitnya Tuh Disini,tunjuk bagian tubuh yang tepat untuk rasa sakit yangdisebutkan.tapi hati - hati karena kalau salah anda akan langsung gameover!jangan lupa share score anda, ajak teman - teman anda untukbermain!bantu kita juga untuk memperbanyak soal dengan memberikan masukanSakitnya Dimana!Njawab salah, sakitnya tuh disini...karena rasa sakit tidak hanya di hatiom telolet om!
Cerdas Cermat 1.77 APK
Selain mendidik, permainan ini jugamengasyikan karena terdiri atas banyak kategori dengan total adaribuan soal di dalamnya yang akan diacak secara otomatis.Kini hadir dengan tampilan dan fungsi baru; lebih menantang danlebih mendidik. Ada 4 jenis permainan yang dapat kamu mainkan didalam game ini.Challenge: Akan menguji kecepatan kamu dalam berpikir, terdiri dari150 level.AB Quiz: Bisa membuat kamu cepat dalam mengambil keputusan, terdiridari 50 level.Cepat Tepat: Akan mengasah kemampuan kamu secara spesifik yangterdiri lebih dari 30 kategori.Tebak Kata: Ini yang paling sulit, tanpa pilihan jawaban danterdiri dari 50 level.Tes IQ: Menguji seberapa tajamnya ingatan kamu.Top Score akan muncul di akhir permainan dan masuk ke dalam skoronline.Kali ini disediakan bantuan jawaban agar kamu tidak mengalamikesulitan dan waktu permainan juga ditambah.Fun Games: Ada 5 buah permainan asyik yang bisa dimainkan jika kamuingin memainkan sesuatu yang santai.Buktikan kecerdasanmu.Dibuat di Yogyakarta,7 Desember 2013SiswaMediaIn addition to educating,the game is also exciting because it consists of many categorieswith a total of thousands of questions on it that will beautomatically encrypted.Now comes with new looks and functionality; more challenging andeducational. There are 4 types of games that you can play in thisgame.Challenge: Will test your speed of thought, consists of 150levels.AB Quiz: Can make you fast in taking decisions, consists of 50levels.Quick Right: Will you specifically hone comprising more than 30categories.Guess the word: This is the most difficult, with no choice answersand consists of 50 levels.IQ Test: Test how sharp your memory.Top Score will appear at the end of the game and get into the scoreonline.This time the answer provided assistance so that you do not havedifficulty and game time is also increased.Fun Games: There are 5 pieces of fun games that can be played ifyou want to play something relaxing.Prove your intelligence.Created in Yogyakarta,December 7th, 2013SiswaMedia
Trivia Top Show More...
SIAPA YANG PALING PINTAR? UNGGULI TEMANMU DANNAIKKAN PERINGKATMU DALAM TOP LIST DUEL OTAK!Duel Otak adalah kuis pintar, penuh warna dan menyenangkan di manakamu bisa menantang teman-temanmu dan pemain lainnya untuk berduel- dan lebih tahu fakta ajaib lainnya!Pilihan Mode Klasik dan Mode Taktis-nya membuat seru berduel dengantemanmu, apalagi dengan grafis yang menyegarkan, avatar, Top Listdan warnanya semua oke!*HIGHLIGHTS*• 30.000+ pertanyaan umum dan bergambar dibuat oleh tim dan parapemain setia Duel Otak. Pilihlah dari berbagai macamkategorinya!• Naikkan peringkatmu - adulah pengetahuanmu melawan pemain toplainnya di Indonesia.• Buatlah pertanyaanmu sendiri dan dapatkan hadiahnya.• Hubungkan dengan akun media sosialmu dan undanglah semua temanmuuntuk berduel.• Desainlah avatar Duel Otak unikmu sendiri.• Duel Otak tidak akan pernah usang. Pertanyaan baru selalu hadirsetiap hari!Ayo mulai berduel!www.feomedia.comTwitter : @duelotak / Facebook : Duel OtakWHO IS THE MOST CLEVER?AND RAISE YOUR outperform your rank DUEL IN THE TOP LIST THEBRAIN!The brain is a quiz duel smart, colorful and fun where you canchallenge your friends and other players to a duel - and betterknow the other magical facts!Classic Mode Mode option and its Tactical create exciting duel withyour friends, especially with a refreshing graphics, avatars, TopList and the color is all okay!* HIGHLIGHTS *• 30.000+ common questions and a picture made by the team and theplayers are loyal Duel Brain. Choose from a variety ofcategories!• Raise your rank - adulah knowledge against other top players inIndonesia.• Make your own question and get the prize.• Connect with your social media account and invite all yourfriends to a duel.• Design your own avatar Duel your unique brain.• Duel brain will never be obsolete. The new question is alwayspresent every day!Let's start a duel!www.feomedia.comTwitter:duelotak / Facebook: Duel Brain
Duel Otak APK
SIAPA YANG PALING PINTAR? UNGGULI TEMANMU DANNAIKKAN PERINGKATMU DALAM TOP LIST DUEL OTAK!Duel Otak adalah kuis pintar, penuh warna dan menyenangkan di manakamu bisa menantang teman-temanmu dan pemain lainnya untuk berduel- dan lebih tahu fakta ajaib lainnya!Pilihan Mode Klasik dan Mode Taktis-nya membuat seru berduel dengantemanmu, apalagi dengan grafis yang menyegarkan, avatar, Top Listdan warnanya semua oke!*HIGHLIGHTS*• 30.000+ pertanyaan umum dan bergambar dibuat oleh tim dan parapemain setia Duel Otak. Pilihlah dari berbagai macamkategorinya!• Naikkan peringkatmu - adulah pengetahuanmu melawan pemain toplainnya di Indonesia.• Buatlah pertanyaanmu sendiri dan dapatkan hadiahnya.• Hubungkan dengan akun media sosialmu dan undanglah semua temanmuuntuk berduel.• Desainlah avatar Duel Otak unikmu sendiri.• Duel Otak tidak akan pernah usang. Pertanyaan baru selalu hadirsetiap hari!Ayo mulai berduel!www.feomedia.comTwitter : @duelotak / Facebook : Duel OtakWHO IS THE MOST CLEVER?AND RAISE YOUR outperform your rank DUEL IN THE TOP LIST THEBRAIN!The brain is a quiz duel smart, colorful and fun where you canchallenge your friends and other players to a duel - and betterknow the other magical facts!Classic Mode Mode option and its Tactical create exciting duel withyour friends, especially with a refreshing graphics, avatars, TopList and the color is all okay!* HIGHLIGHTS *• 30.000+ common questions and a picture made by the team and theplayers are loyal Duel Brain. Choose from a variety ofcategories!• Raise your rank - adulah knowledge against other top players inIndonesia.• Make your own question and get the prize.• Connect with your social media account and invite all yourfriends to a duel.• Design your own avatar Duel your unique brain.• Duel brain will never be obsolete. The new question is alwayspresent every day!Let's start a duel!www.feomedia.comTwitter:duelotak / Facebook: Duel Brain
94% APK
If I say "Something you eat with your hands,"what comes to mind first? Hamburger? Corn on the cob? Ribs? In 94%,the object of the game is simple: find 94% of the givenanswers!Try the third app from Scimob, the creaters of 94 Seconds and 94Degrees with more than 25 million players worldwide!Examples of questions:The first thing you do in the morningSomething you don't have time to doAnimals hatched from an eggSomething that is often out of orderDownload 94% today to discover hundreds of questions based onwords, expressions and images!
Guess The Song - Music Quiz APK
The music game with simple rules and instantfun. Choose your favorite music genre and guess the song or artistas fast as you can. Let this music game to inspire you.Extend your music knowledge♥ A great variety of latest and greatest hit songs♥ 50 diverse categories from popular to niche genres♥ A few thousand songsSocial features♥ Compete with your Facebook friends♥ 2 Players Mode to fight a battle on one device♥ Diverse leaderboardsAddictive gameplay♥ 5 Levels, each crammed full of songs♥ Complete the challenge and get your rewards♥ Collect all achievements♥ Enjoy guessing, learn new triviaCheck if you can name the tune as fast as a real musicmaniac.Download for free and enjoy this trivia quiz game with your friendsand family.Discover new songs, artists and music genres in the songquiz:- The Latest Hot Hits- Decades - 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s and 2000s- Timeless Rock Hits, Hard Rock List, Heavy Metal- Rap, R&B, Hip - Hop- Country and Gospel Music- Love Songs, One Hit Wonders, Female Singers- Movie Themes and Musicals- Latin Songs- K-pop, EDM & Dubstep, Alternative, Funk- Special categories, such as Summer Hits, Christmas Songs andCarols, Teen Choice and many others, updated regularlyEnjoy playing our guessing trivia game and listening to yourfavorite music at the same time.
Trivia Crack 3.202.1 APK
Have fun challenging your friends and enemiesin the hottest trivia game!Let our friendly spinner wheel, Willy, select which questionsyou’ll answer from six different categories. Be the first to getthe six crowns to win, but watch out for the rematch!Reasons you should be playing Trivia Crack right this second:- Hundreds of thousands of exciting questions- You can create your own questions in the Factory- Over 20 game languages- Chat with your opponents- Collectable card collectionNeed more? No problem:- Prove how smart you are- Learn something new while having fun- Make your mother proudSo what are you waiting for? Let’s go! Download the game!Warning: this game may cause an excess of fun. Please consult aprofessional if you notice your knowledge growing at an unusualrate.Visit for more information.Questions? Concerns? Find the solution to all your problems a social being, follow us!:- Facebook: Twitter: @triviacrack- Instagram: YouTube: Google+:
Quizwanie APK
Quizwanie to inteligentna, kolorowa i zabawnagra towarzyska, w której możesz rzucić wyzwanie swoim znajomym ilosowym przeciwnikom. Graj w quiz, który jest pełen ciekawostek ipoznaj wiele niesamowitych nowych faktów!*Nowości w 2015*Nowy design: nowe awatary, grafiki, toplisty oraz interfejs!*Najważniejsze*• 40 000+ pytań tekstowych i pytań z obrazkami stworzonych przezekipę Quizwania oraz naszych graczy. Wybieraj spośród wielu różnychkategorii.• Wspinaj się po liście - porównaj swoją wiedzę z innymi graczami wkraju.• Dodawaj własne oryginalne pytania do gry i zdobądź nagrodę.• Połącz się ze swoimi kontami w serwisach społecznościowych izaproś swoich znajomych do gry.• Stwórz swojego własnego awatara w aplikacji.• Codziennie nowe pytania!Rzuć wyzwanie!www.feomedia.comTwitter: @Quizwanie / Facebook: QuizwanieQuizwanie is a smart,colorful and fun social game where you can challenge your friendsand random opponents. Play the quiz, which is full of curiositiesand explore the many amazing new facts!* New in 2015 *New design: the new avatars, graphics, and interface toplist!* Key *• 40 000+ text questions and questions with pictures created by ateam Quizwania and our players. Choose from many differentcategories.• Climb the list - compare your knowledge with other players in thecountry.• Add your own original questions to the game and win aprize.• Connect to their accounts on social networking sites and inviteyour friends to play.• Create your own avatar in your application.• Every day new questions!Challenge!www.feomedia.comTwitterQuizwanie / Facebook: Quizwanie
Gartic 2.2.16 APK
Gartic is an online drawing game in whichplayers have to guess what the other players are drawing. With upto 10 participants per room, at the start of every round, a playeris chosen to draw a random word, while the other players have totry and guess it. The first player to score more than 120 pointswins.Choose a theme of words of your preference (General, Objects, Food,Animals, Verbs or Professions) and have fun for free!