App Information nada sms lucu
- App Namenada sms lucu
- Package Namenada.sms.lucu
- UpdatedMarch 30, 2016
- File Size5.8M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version5.8
- DeveloperBlacx Knights
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryMusic & Audio
- Developer
- Google Play Link
nada sms lucu Version History
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nada sms lucu 5.8 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /11/29Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 5.8 MBTested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)File Sha1: 2e2806b4eed9291d779aaf7f9639a1a1d62dfb5b -
nada sms lucu 2.8 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /11/3Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)File Size: 3.8 MBTested on: Android 4.4 (KitKat, API: 19)File Sha1: c43734c39414f6732b5189213d3fe2e83ee8340b
Blacx Knights Show More...
Pengusir Nyamuk Sonic Attack 7.8 APK
aplikasi pengusir nyamuk anda tidak terbuktibekerja?Ini Solusinya. aplikasi Pengusir Nyamuk Sonic Attackbenar benar bekerja dengan baik. sudah uji coba di daerah kami danbekerja sempurna.dengan di uji dalam beberapa tempat dan keadaanumumnya nyamuk akan terbiasa jika bekerja dalam frekuensi yangmonoton itu itu saja dalam beberapa saatmaka dari itu kamu memberikan solusi dengan mode sonic brutalattack.dengan tekhnis melakukan penyerangan pada nyamuk karena mampumenghasilkan beberapa frekuensi yang berbeda secara acak danterorganisir. dalam sekali pengeluaran suara sehingga menciptakaneffek yang sangat ditakuti nyamuk.-Aplikasi ini memiliki kemampuan memproduksi beberapa frekuensisecara bersamaan untuk mencegah berbagai macam nyamuk dan seranggamendekat.- bukan hanya nyamuk dalam beberapa uji coba kami. aplikasi inimampu menjadi pengusir lalat , pengusir tikus , dan pengusirserangga . anda hanya perlu mengatur frekuensi yang sesuai- seberapa bagus efek yang dihasilkan sebenarnya tergantung padagetaran frekuensi speaker anda. semoga perangkat anda mendukungdengan baik. sehingga dapat bekerja dengan optimal. dan sulusi bagipernagkat anda yang tidak mendukung aplikas ini mampu melakukankalibrasi menggunakan headsheat atau earphone sebagai penggantinya. namun pastikan aksesoris tersebut mendukung frekuensi nyadengan baik- Aplikasi secara otomatis akan menyesuaikan model seranganbahkan pada frekuensi tinggi yang tidak dapat manusia dengar.sehingga cukup nyaman untuk bersantai dan tidur karena tidakmenggangu- disediakan beberapa pilihan frekuensi sesuai yang andaperlukan- pendamping untuk kegiatan luar rumah, di gunung, hutan, mendaki,kemping dan perjalanan lainya aplikasi ini sangat mendukungPERHATIAN...!!Beberapa speaker buatan perusahaan dalam perangkat tidak dapatmenghasilkan suara frekuensi yang diinginkan sesuai dengan programini sehingga hasil kurang memuaskan. solusi gunakan headseat yangmendukung frekuensi tersebutdengan menggunakan aplikasi ini secara penuh anda bertanggungjawab atas konsekuensi suara frekuensi tinggi yang dihasilkan.semoga bermanfaatapplication of mosquitorepellent you are not proven to work?This solution. Sonic Mosquito Repellent app Attackreally worked well. had trials in our area and it worksperfectly.with tested in some places and circumstancesmosquitoes will generally accustomed to when working in amonotonous frequency it was only in a few momentstherefore you provide a solution to the brutal sonic attackmode.with technical assault on the mosquito because it can produceseveral different frequencies at random and organized. in a soundexpenditure so as to create the effect dreaded mosquito.-Application Has the ability to produce multiple frequenciessimultaneously to prevent various mosquito and insectapproaching.- Not just a few mosquitoes in our trial. This application isable to be a fly repellent, repellent rat and insect repellent. youjust need to set the corresponding frequency- How well the resulting effect actually depends on thevibration frequency of your speakers. Your device may support thewell. so it can work optimally. and pernagkat solution would be foryou who do not support this app's able to perform the calibrationusing headsheat or earphones as her substitute. but make sure theseaccessories to support its frequency is well- The application will automatically adjust attack model even athigh frequencies that humans can not hear. so it is quitecomfortable to relax and sleep because it does not interfere- Provided some frequency options as you need - Companion for outdoor activities, in the mountains, forests,hiking, camping and other trips this application is verysupportiveATTENTION...!!Several speakers made by companies in the device can not producethe desired sound frequency in accordance with this program so thatthe results are less satisfactory. headseat use solutions thatsupport these frequenciesby using this application you are fully responsible for theconsequences of high frequency noise generated.may be useful
Kalkulator Konversi Unit 7 APK
Ini dia master aplikasi kalklulator lengkapkonversi unit dengan Fitur Yang Melimpah dan Paling Lengkap selainberguna sebagai kalkulator aplikasi ini mampu meng konversi matauang , konversi berat , konversi suhu , konversi , konversifahrenheit ke celcius , konversi satuan , konversi lbs ke kg ,konversi tekanan , konversi volume , konversi berat , konversipanjang , konversi data , konversi ukuran , konversi suhu , satuan, mata uang dan laianya semua komplit dalam satu paket. tanpa basabasi dan bertele tele lagi silahkan untuk di gunakan sesuaikeperluan anda. dan semoga bermanfaatHe is the masterapplication kalklulator complete conversion unit with the featuresAbundant and Most Complete addition is useful as a calculatorapplication is able to convert your currency, the conversion ofweight, temperature conversion, conversion, conversion Fahrenheitto Celsius, unit conversion, conversion lbs to kg, the conversionpressure , volume conversions, weight conversion, lengthconversion, data conversion, size conversion, temperatureconversion, units, currency and laianya all in one completepackage. no strings attached and long winded again just to be usedaccording to your needs. and hopefully useful
Tensi Darah Digital 3.8 APK
Dengan aplikasi ini anda dapat mengecektekanan darah anda atapun pasientanda dapat mengetahui tekanan sistolik dan diastolik dengan cepatdan mudahbahkan tanpa alat sekalipun ke akuratan aplikasi ini mencapai 90 %Tekanan darah adalah tekanan Jantung yang Memompa darah padadinding arteri. Yang melewati nadi menuju arteri dan pada prosesini akan terasa denyutan. maka dari metodi ini lah dapatmemperkirakan pengukuran tekanan darah. dari jumlah tekanan denyutyang terdapat pada Arteri inilah akan memperkirakan Nilai sistolikdan diastolik. maka cukup masukan nilainya pada program ini danakan menunjukan hasilnya pada anda.Denyut nadi per menit (BPM) dapat dihitung dari pergelangantangan. Tempatkan telunjuk dan jari tengah bersamaan di sisi kiridari pergelangan tangan Anda dan kemudian rasakan denyutnya. LaluHitung lah denyut selama satu menit atau anda dapat melakukanpengukuran selama lima belas detik dan kalikan jumlah hitungandengan empat maka Anda akan mendapatkan denyut nadi per menit(BPM).PERHATIAN: Aplikasi ini Memiliki tingkat akurasi 90% Namun bisasaja terjadi kesalahan. untuk lebih Akurat silahkan datang padaDokter.With this application youcan check your blood pressure atapun pasientYou can determine the systolic and diastolic pressures quickly andeasilyeven without tools even if the accuracy of this application reaches90%Blood pressure is the pressure of the pumping heart blood in theartery wall. Which passes into the arteries and veins in thisprocess will feel a pulse. then from this Metodi was able toestimate the blood pressure measurement. of the amount of pressurepulse contained in this artery will estimate the value of systolicand diastolic. then simply input the value in this program and willshow the results to you.Pulse per minute (BPM) can be calculated from the wrist. Placethe index and middle fingers simultaneously on the left side ofyour wrist and then feel the pulse. Then count the one pulse forone minute or you can take measurements for fifteen seconds andmultiply the number of counts by four then you will get the pulseper minute (BPM).ATTENTION: This application Has a 90% accuracy rate but errorsmay occur. for more Accurate please come to the doctor.
Tes IQ Indonesia 2.1 APK
Tes IQ IndonesiaAnda Hanya Merlu Melihat, amati, perhatikan, lalu jawab sesuaipersepsi fikiran anda sendiriKecerdasan atau yang biasa dikenal dengan IQ dalam bahasaInggris: intelligence quotient adalah istilah umum yang digunakanuntuk menjelaskan sifat pikiran yang mencakup sejumlah kemampuan,seperti kemampuan menalar, merencanakan, memecahkan masalah,berpikir abstrak, memahami gagasan, menggunakan bahasa, danbelajar. Kecerdasan erat kaitannya dengan kemampuan kognitif yangdimiliki oleh individu. Kecerdasan dapat diukur dengan menggunakanalat psikometri yang biasa disebut sebagai tes IQ. Ada jugapendapat yang menyatakan bahwa IQ merupakan usia mental yangdimiliki manusia berdasarkan perbandingan usia kronologis.apikasi ini bisa untuk perbandingan tes kepribadian psikologi,tes kepribadian, atau tes kejiwaanIQ tests IndonesiaYou Only Merlu Look, observe, note, and responsible according tothe perception of your own mindIntelligence or commonly known in English IQ: intelligencequotient is a general term used to describe the nature of the mindwhich includes a number of capabilities, such as the ability toreason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas,using language and learning. Intelligence is closely related tocognitive abilities possessed by individuals. Intelligence can bemeasured using psychometric tools are commonly referred to as IQtests. There are also suggestions that IQ is a mental age of humanbeings based on the comparison of chronological age.This apikasi able to compare psychological personality tests,personality tests, or psychiatric assessments
nada sms lucu 5.8 APK
pilihan efek nada sms unik, keren, dengansuara yang bagus,membuat perangkat Anda berbeda dari yang lain. Mengejutkan danmenghibur teman-teman dan keluarga Anda dengan nada deringefektivitas. yang memberikan nuansa baru dari musik yang tidakmenarik. Program ini datang dirancam memanjakan Anda dengan nadadering cepat langsung pengaturan, nada SMS, nada alarm maupunpribadi. mudah hanya dengan memilih tap dan kliksms tone effect optionsunique, cool, with a good voice,make your device is different from the others. Shocking andentertaining friends and family with ringtones effectiveness. whichgives a new nuance of the music that is not attractive. Thisprogram comes dirancam spoil you with a ringing tone, quicklysetting, SMS tones, alarm tones and personally. easily just byselecting taps and clicks
Perang Mahabharata Kurukshetra 3.5 APK
Perang Mahabharata di Kurukshetra yangmerupakan bagian penting .dilatarbelakangi perebutan kekuasaanantara lima putra Pandu (Pandawa) dengan seratus putra Dretarastra(Korawa). Dataran Kurukshetra yang menjadi lokasi pertempuran inimasih bisa dikunjungi dan disaksikan sampai sekarang. Kurukshetraterletak di negara bagian Haryana, India.Pertempuran tersebut tidak diketahui dengan pasti kapanterjadinya, sehingga kadang-kadang disebut terjadi pada "EraMitologi". Beberapa peninggalan puing-puing di Kurukshetra (sepertimisalnya benteng) diduga sebagai bukti arkeologinya. Menurut kitabBhagawadgita, perang di Kurukshetra terjadi 3000 tahun sebelumtahun Masehi (5000 tahun yang lalu) dan hal tersebut menjadireferensi yang terkenal.Meskipun pertempuran tersebut merupakan pertikaian antar duakeluarga dalam satu dinasti, namun juga melibatkan berbagaikerajaan di daratan India pada masa lampau. Pertempuran tersebutterjadi selama 18 hari, dan jutaan tentara dari kedua belah pihakgugur. Perang tersebut mengakibatkan banyaknya wanita yang menjadijanda dan banyak anak-anak yang menjadi anak yatim. Perang ini jugamengakibatkan krisis di daratan India dan merupakan gerbang menujuzaman Kaliyuga, zaman kehancuran menurut kepercayaan Hindu.Mahabharata war atKurukshetra which is the important part. Motivated struggle forpower between the five sons of Pandu (Pandavas) with Dhritarashtraa hundred sons (Kauravas). Plains of Kurukshetra is the site ofthis battle can still be visited and seen till now. Kurukshetra islocated in the state of Haryana, India.The battle is not known exactly when it happened, so it issometimes referred to occurred on the "Era of Mythology". Somerelics of debris in Kurukshetra (such as the castle) is suspectedas the archaeological evidence. According to the book Bhagawadgita,in the Kurukshetra war happened years before the year 3000 BC (5000years ago) and it became a famous reference.Although the battle is a dispute between two families in onedynasty, but also involves various kingdoms in mainland India inthe past. The battle occurred during the 18 days, and millions ofsoldiers on both sides died. The war resulted in many women whobecame widows and many children became orphans. This war also ledto a crisis in the Indian mainland and is the gateway to the age ofKali Yuga, the time of the destruction by Hindu beliefs.
Pijat Refleksi Tangan 6.3 APK
Dengan aplikasi ini anda akan di bimbing dalampengenalan titik titik pijat refeksi atau pijat reflexi pada tubuhanda. sehingga menambah untuk pengetahuan anda dimana dalam keadaantertentu baik keluarga atau kerabat yang membutuhkan darurat dengansegera anda bisa memberikan pertolongan dengan baik.Setelah mengetahui dengan tepat beberapa titik pijat refleksikaki, kemungkinan hasilnya akan maksimal. Jangan lupa untuk membuatkaki rileks terlebih dahulu agar pemijatan lebih optimal danseluruh peredaran darah yang tersumbat kembali normal.di tangan terdapat Tepatnya ada sekitar 35 titik saraf telapakkaki yang masing-masing memiliki hubungan dengan anggota tubuhtertentu.Efek Pijat Refleksi Kaki Untuk Pengobatan Penyakit Tertentu,efek pemijatan ini tidak langsung terlihat sesaat setelah titikpijat refleksi kaki dilakukan. jadi bersabarlah untuk mendapatkanhasilnya karena semua membutuhkan proses tubuh pun perlubeadaptasi.berikut titik titik refleksi di tangan manusiakepala, nyeri wajah , mata, Perut, Mata, Hati, Telinga, Hormon,Telinga, organ seksual, hidung, sinus hidung, leher, kelenjargondok, bahu, Dada, paru-paru, hati, kerongkongan, perut, pankreas,ginjal, Kelenjar adrenal, hati, Kandung empedu, limpa, solarplexus, kandung kemih, usus kecil, sekum, usus besar naik, ususbesar melintang, usus besar menurun, kolon pengeluaran, dubur, alatkelamin, tulang belakang, panggul, siku, lutut,With this application youwill be guided in the introduction of the points refeksi massage ormassage reflexi on your body. thus adding to your knowledge incertain circumstances where either family or relatives who needimmediate emergency you can provide help with both.Once you know exactly some point foot reflexology, the likelyresult will be maximum. Do not forget to create a relaxing footmassage in advance in order to be optimized and the entirecirculatory clogged back to normal.Precisely at hand there is no nerve point of about 35 soles eachof which has a relationship with members of a particular body.Effects Foot Reflexology For Treatment of Certain Diseases, themassage effect is not directly visible shortly after the point offoot reflexology done. so be patient to get the result because allrequire the body also needs beadaptasi.The following point reflex points in the hands of manhead, facial pain, eye, stomach, eyes, liver, ears, Hormones, ears,sexual organs, nose, nasal sinus, neck, thyroid, shoulders, chest,lungs, liver, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, The adrenalglands, liver, gallbladder, spleen, solar plexus, bladder, smallintestine, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, the largeintestine decreases, colon expenditure, anus, genitals, spine,hips, elbows, knees,
Belajar Berhitung Anak 9 APK
Ingin anak anda smart cerdas dan pintar.ajarilah berfikir baik dan ajak ia bermain sambil belajar denganmenyenangkan itulah metode yang cukup ampuh untuk berinteraksidengan anak. dan pada kesempatan kali ini karena begitu banyak nyapermintaan pembelajaran untuk anak kecil maka kami dedikasikanmemberikan sebuah aplikasi yang akan membantu anda dalam mendidikanak anda ataupun mempermudah ibu bapak guru untuk mengajari anakdalam hal matematika baik anak kecil PAUD ataupun TK. aplikasi inisangat interaktif dalam mendidik metode menghitung karena selaintampilan yang variatif. kami desain dengan mengenal nama nama satwaataupun benda, sambil belajar menghitung dengan baik danbenar.Want your child smartintelligent and smart. teach thinking well and encourage him toplay while learning with fun that method powerful enough tointeract with the child. and on this occasion because so much ofits demand learning for small children so we dedicate providing anapplication that will help you in educating your child's mother orfather make it easier for teachers to teach children in earlychildhood mathematics good little boy or kindergarten. Thisapplication is very interactive in educating the method ofcalculating because in addition to a varied appearance. Our designby getting to know the names of animals or objects, as he learnedto count properly.
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Nada Dering Komplit 5.8 APK
pilihan efek nada dering lucu, unik, keren,seram, horor, dan setan, hantu, komplit dalam satu aplikasi dengansuara yang bagus,membuat perangkat Anda berbeda dari yang lain.Mengejutkan dan menghibur teman-teman dan keluarga Anda dengan nadadering efektivitas. yang memberikan nuansa baru dari musik yangtidak menarik. dalam aplikasi ini terdapat 45 nada dering yang unikProgram ini datang dirancam memanjakan Anda dengan nada deringcepat langsung pengaturan, nada SMS, nada alarm maupun pribadi.mudah hanya dengan memilih tap dan klikselection effectsringtones funny, unique, cool, spooky, horror, and the demons,ghosts, complete in one application with a good voice, make yourdevice is different from the others. Shocking and entertainingfriends and family with ringtones effectiveness. which gives a newnuance of the music that is not attractive. in this applicationthere are 45 unique ring tones This program comes dirancam spoilyou with a ringing tone, quickly setting, SMS tones, alarm tonesand personally. easily just by selecting taps and clicks
nada sms lucu binatang 5.8 APK
Terbar nada dering sms lucu dan unik anekasuara binatangcocok untuk pilihan efek nada sms mapupun nada telpon unik, keren,dengan suara yang bagus,membuat perangkat Anda berbeda dari yang lain. Mengejutkan danmenghibur teman-teman dan keluarga Anda dengan nada deringefektivitas. yang memberikan nuansa baru dari musik yang tidakmenarik. Program ini datang dirancam memanjakan Anda dengan nadadering cepat langsung pengaturan, nada SMS, nada alarm nada deringpribadi. mudah hanya dengan memilih tap dan klik, jadikan nadadering anda unik dab berbedaFunny sms on the latestringtones and unique variety of animal soundssuitable for selection effects mapupun sms tone telephone toneunique, cool, with a good voice,make your device is different from the others. Shocking andentertaining friends and family with ringtones effectiveness. whichgives a new nuance of the music that is not attractive. Thisprogram comes dirancam spoil you with a ringing tone, quicklysetting, SMS tones, alarm tones personal ringing tone. easily justby selecting taps and clicks, make your ringtone different uniquedab
Ringtone Lucu 1.0 APK
Ringtone Lucu adalah aplikasi android untukmemberikan hp anda memiliki suara yang lucu dan menggemaskan.Aplikasi Ringtone Lucu juga bisa memberikan beberapa fitur untukanda gunakan, antara lain :1. Anda dapat melihat list ringtone lucu setelah itu dapatdigunakan untuk default ringtone hp anda.2. Dapat dijadikan ringtone kontak, jadi tiap-tiap orang dalamkontak anda akan memiliki ringtone sendiri-sendiri3. Ringtone lucu ini juga dapat dijadikan sebagai pengingat waktuatau ALARM4. Anda juga dapat menghapus ringtone lucu yang telah anda pilihdengan ringtoon lucu lainnya.Semoga aplikasi Ringtoon lucu ini dapat bermanfaaat buatanda.Mainkan sekarang juga, GRATIS!!Funny Ringtone is androidapplication to give your phone has a voice that is funny andadorable.Funny Ringtone app can also provide some of the features for youto use, among other things:1. You can see a funny ringtone list after the default ringtonecan be used for your phone.2. Can be used as a contact ringtone, so each person in yourcontacts will have their own ringtone3. Funny Ringtone can also serve as a reminder of the time orALARM4. You can also delete a funny ringtone you have chosen to ringtoonother funny.Hopefully this funny Ringtoon application can bermanfaaat foryou.Play right now, FREE !!
Funny SMS Ringtones 3.6 APK
Say goodbye to the boring sms sounds! GetFunny SMS Ringtones and free sounds and you will laugh every timeyou receive sms.These funny ringtones are guaranteed to make you smile and laugh.Try Funny SMS Ringtones app and enjoy new, cool and latestringtones! Just one keyboard click and this funny sms app with bestringtones and free sounds will make you laugh and keep you in agood mood all day. Get free application with the most popular smsringtones which you can set as alarm sound or phone ringtone. Sureto make you laugh every time you get a message or email. Enjoythese free funny ringtones and best sms tones! They're funny,they're free, and made for great fun! Download the best app today,IT'S FREE!FEATURES★ Set sound as default or contact ringtone★ Set sound as SMS or notification melody★ Set as alarm sound★ Set led light to blink on call or SMS★ All ringtones are free and legal to own and use★NEW! MP3 cutter section to create ringtones from any audiofileCOMPATIBILITYFunny SMS Ringtones has been tested on HTC One M8, Samsung GalaxyS5, Google Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy Note S3, LG G2 and Sony XperiaZ1S, among other phones. Compatible with Verizon, AT&T and allother providers. Please report any bugs INFO AND LICENSESounds and tones used in Funny SMS Ringtones are under CreativeCommons license (CC0 1.0, CC BY 2.0, CC BY 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0, CC BY4.0), credited in the app, where appropriate. For any questions orconcerns regarding license, please contact us used for the icon in Funny SMS Ringtones is underCreative Commons Licence (CC0 1.0). Credits go to:Ryan McGuire -
SMS Ringtones 2.0 APK
Cool ringtones and the best SMS sounds areready for you. Top "SMS Ringtones" and the best message ringtonesyou will have with this app. Want top ringtones for your hone? Noproblem. These are latest ringtones with carefully selected messagetones that you will listen all the time. Old SMS sounds are boringand very similar one to another. But this popular SMS Ringtones aresomething completely new. With our best app you will find out newringtones and you will enjoy in messaging with cool SMS Ringtones.Our team of experts have been working very hardly all night andday and, as a result, we have list of the most popular "SMSRingtones" just for your Android™ phone. With new message ringtonesmessaging will be so much interesting. No more the same old SMSsounds. Now you will have best message sounds with top SMSRingtones. You like to text with your friends and you are happyevery time you receive message? Be happier with this popularnotification sounds end enjoy in it. Messaging will be more funnierto you if you have best SMS tones. You will love that much thiscool SMS Ringtones that you will want to use this great sounds likecool ringtones on your Android™ phone. And we make it possible toyou. Only choose which melody you like the most and your phone willring like that. We make your dreams come true. So we make possibleto you to put some of these cute SMS Ringtones like alarm sounds onyour phone and when your alarm rings you will be thinking that youare still dreaming. All of this cool ringtones and top SMS tonesyou can get for free if you download "SMS Ringtones" application.Enjoy in sending and receiving messages with free ringtones.Features of SMS Ringtones:★ set as ringtone for Android™ phone★ set as contact ringtone★ set as notification sound★ set as alarm sound★ set as SMS sound tone★ share sounds on Facebook or TwitterAdditional features:Now you can make a best ringtone, alarm or notification sound froman existing audio mp3/ogg file or record a new one directly on thedevice.1. Select mp3/music from your mobile or from Recordings2. Select area to be chopped from your audio3. Save as Ringtone/ Music/ Alarm/ smsThis amazing application can, also, be your own mp3 cutter, playerand mp3 audio recorder or just your sound maker for newringtones.License:Sounds used in this application are under Public Domain or CreativeCommons license attribution 3.0: app contains library based on Ringdroid code:™ is a trademark of Google IncUltimate Ringtones created SMS Ringtones app just for you. Reportbugs and contact us @
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ViNyL Music Player 1.2.9 APK
The Top Music Player for Android. is amusthave music player for smart phones.Built-in powerful Bass Booster and Equalier, Quick scan allmusicfiles and The New Interactive Experience you have never hadbefore.HD Vinyl Playback, Over 10 gorgeous background skins to makeyourmusic player look more outstanding.And more than 3 desktop widgets make your music play never beensoeasy.Free to get this best music player pro.,b>Key Features:- Browse and play your music quickly by albums, artists,songs,playlists, and folders- HD Vinyl Playback style- 10 beautiful default skins or custom with your own photos- High quality decoding with mp3,mp4/m4a,wma,flac and ape- 3 home screen WIDGETS(4*1, 2*2, 4*1)- Music Library wide search. Find all your music never beensoeasy.- Audio Recorder- Sleep mode- Lock screen support.- Five band graphic equalizer and Bass Booster- 10 types of pre-set music one for you choice, or you canmanuallyadjust the equalizer- Lyric support, Automatic scanning all the lyric files ,andmatching the most appropriate lyrics file for your songs.- Headset support. Support one button and multiple buttonsheadsets.Leave your device in the pocket!- Notification STATUS support: display album artwork, titleandartist, play/pause, skip forward and stop CONTROLS innotificationstatus.To learn more about the advanced settings, please feel free todownand have a try. You won't be disappointed.
القران الكريم الحصري بدون نت 1.0 APK
تلاوة القران الكريم بصوت الشيخمحمودخليلالحصريبدون انترنتتلاوة عذبة ونقية للقارئ الشيخ محمود خليل الحصريلاتحتاج للاتصال بالانترنتقراءة الية للسور دون الحاجة للتدخل منك , امكانية اعاداةتلاوةالسورمناجل الحفظتشغيل تلاوة السور حتى لو كان الجهاز مغلقاارجو ان تنسونا من خالص دعاؤكم و لاتنسوامشاركةالتطبيقمعاصدقائكمQuranrecitationbySheikhMahmoud Khalil exclusive without InternetSolemn fresh and pure the reader,SheikhMahmoudKhalilexclusiveDo not need to connect to the InternetRead the mechanism of the wall without the needforinterventionfromyou, the possibility of Aadah recitationfenceforconservationRun recitation of the fence, even if the device isswitchedoffI hope that you forget the sincere prayers and not forgettosharetheapplication with your friends
Cat Sounds Ringtones 2.0 APK
Cat Sounds Ringtones is a brand newappthatbrings all the best cat sounds to your phone! All youcatloversout there are going to be so pleased with this greatapp.CatSounds is a collection of most adorable cat noises,kittysoundsand cat meowing sounds. You will find every possiblesoundthatyour favorite animal makes right here! You can choose fromarichselection of all natural cat sounds and set your favoritesoundasa ringtone, SMS notification or alarm sound. Wake upeverymorningwith your phone purring just like a real cat does!DownloadCatSounds Ringtones for free now and turn your smartphoneintomeowingcat![ Features ]- Hold the play button to set sound as ringtone,notificationsound(SMS/email) or alarm.- Assign as ringtone to specific contact in your contactlist.- Easy to use UI, Cat Sounds Ringtones works inlandscapeandportrait mode, optimized for all tablets andsmartphones.- Most popular cat sounds on the market!Kids are the biggest animal lovers and they are goingtoadorethese cat sounds! They will have so much fun hearingthesebestringtones. You will put a smile on their face every timeyouplay afunny cat sound. You will be surprised how much joythesecatsounds can bring. Browse through an extensive selectionofvariouslovely free ringtones. Pick your favorite free soundfromthis catsound effects soundboard and set it as a SMSalertnotification,chat notification, ringtone or alarm sound!Download“Cat SoundsRingtones” and enjoy them with your family!It’s time to turn your phone into your favorite animal!Youwillbe the center of attention whenever your phone makes asound.Alltrue cat lovers are going to be thrilled when they hearyourphoneringing. Share Cat Sounds Ringtones with your friendswhoadorecats! They are going to be most thankful and willappreciateyoufor discovering and sharing these cool ringtones withthem.CatSounds Ringtones is the best collection of topringtones,meowingSMS notification sounds and purring alarm tones.Bedelightedwhenever your phone meows! Download Cat SoundsRingtonesfor freenow.Feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback.
Emma for Spotify (TV) 1.00 APK
*** Spotify PremiumAccountisnecessary***Info that Emma will shut down on Jan 28, 2017.All + features are free starting from now (November 2016)***************************************************You need a Spotify Premium Account to use this software.- Access to top playlists (Top 100, Viral, Pop, Rock, etc.)- Access to New Releases, New Albums and Featured PlayLists- Play album, top songs, start radio, play any Playlistviavoicecommand- save songs to your Library & follow playlists.***If this app does not work for you, don't buy the+version,because it will not solve the problem*** Some userhaveproblemsusing it on Sony Bravia TVswith Emma for Spotify+ you will get:- more Categories, more Featured Playlists, Recent Playlists- MyLibrary screen with your Songs, Artists,AlbumsandPlaylistsincl. features to remove tracks from Libraryandunfollowplaylists.- Shortcuts on mediaplayer screen (Play Artist TopSongs,StartArtist Radio, Play full Album, Save Tracks)- a feature to add tracks to your own playlists.Examples for Voice Commands:Systemwide Voice Commands like "Play Coldplay" or"PlayMyloXyloto"In App-Voice Commands:- "Play Coldplay" plays Top Songs from Coldplay- "Album Coldplay Live 2012" plays specific Album- "Radio Coldplay" starts radio based on similar Artists- "Playlist Chill Out" plays a playlist named chill out- "Dance Music" or "Chill Out" searches andshowsspecificplaylists.This app is designed to work on AndroidTV!This app uses the official spotify beta sdkforandroid( endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any waybySpotify.Spotify is the registered trade mark of theSpotifyGroup.
Best Car Sounds 2.1 APK
Best Car Sounds delivers theultimateexperiencewhen it comes to expensive and high-quality, topnotchvehiclesounds. This new app is bringing you the bestcollection ofthehottest incoming call alert melodies, SMSnotification soundsandloud alarm tones. Car lovers will startloving their favoritecarseven more because of these realistic andloud engine sounds.Yourmobile phone will sound so cool, like neverbefore, and yourheartwill beat faster when you hear that thrillingsound ofengineignition or the sound of tires screeching onasphalt. DownloadBestCar Sounds for free now and start your race!- Best new futuristic ringtones & SMS sounds!- Set as ringtone, notification sound (SMS/email) or alarm.- Assign as ringtone to specific contact in your contactlist.- Easy to use UI, Best Car Sounds App works in landscapeandportraitmode.Best Car Sounds is the newest most popular app foryoursmartphone!Assign different tunes for each contact and enjoythesepowerfulblasting sounds on daily basis. It is a loud andamusingway to getthe best out of every phone call or SMS you getand todraweveryone`s attention. Get your daily dose of adrenalinewiththesecrazy new roaring ringtones right now! If you feel theneedforspeed, these ringtones will awaken the passion in you andyouwillbe under the impression that you’re racing with anothercarthat isspeeding up right next to you. Go “fast and furious”withBest CarSounds! Anyone with passion for fast cars andpowerfulvehicleswill go crazy about these ringtones.Feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback.
Lagu Natal 2017 1.2 APK
Natal (dari bahasa Portugisyangberarti"kelahiran") adalah hari raya umat Kristen yangdiperingatisetiaptahun oleh umat Kristiani pada tanggal 25Desemberuntukmemperingati hari kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Nataldirayakandalamkebaktian malam pada tanggal 24 Desember; dankebaktianpagitanggal 25 Desember. Beberapa gereja Ortodoksmerayakan Natalpadatanggal 6 Januari (lihat pula Epifani).Dalam tradisi barat, peringatan Natal jugamengandungaspeknon-agamawi. Beberapa tradisi Natal yang berasaldari Baratantaralain adalah pohon Natal, kartu Natal, bertukarhadiah antaratemandan anggota keluarga serta kisah tentang SantaKlausatauSinterklas.Kata “natal” berasal dari ungkapan bahasa Latin DiesNatalis(HariLahir).Dalam bahasa Inggris perayaan Natal disebutChristmas,dariistilah Inggris kuno Cristes Maesse (1038) atauCristes-messe(1131),yang berarti Misa Kristus. Christmas biasapula ditulisΧ'mas, suatupenyingkatan yang cocok dengan tradisiKristen, karenahuruf X dalambahasa Yunani merupakan singkatan dariKristus ataudalam bahasaYunani Chi-Rho.Untuk menyambut natal dan tahun baru, makakamimengembangkansebuah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan lagu-laguNatalyang populerbaik di Indonesia maupun Dunia, adapun lagu-lagunatalyang kamisajikan pun cukup lengkap, antara lain :♦ Jingle Bells♦ We Wish You Merry Christmas♦ Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru♦ Telah Datang♦ Kita Rayakan Hari Natal♦ Oh Holy Night♦ Malam Sunyi Senyap♦ Sebab Dia Lahir Bagi Kita♦ Christmas is Here♦ Angel We have heard on High♦ Malam Kudus♦ Gita Surga Bergema♦ Hai Mari berhimpun♦ The first Noel♦ Twelve days of Christmas♦ Oh come little children♦ Hark the herald angels sing♦ Natal Pertama♦ dllFitur :♦ Bisa dijadikan ringtone hp♦ Bisa dijadikan alarm♦ Bisa dijadikan nada notifikasi♦ Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet♦ Sudah menerapkan android 7♦ Aplikasi GratisSemoga dengan hadirnya aplikasi Lagu Natal 2017inibermanfaatbagi anda yang merayakan, jangan lupa ratedanreviewnya!!Christmas(fromPortuguesemeaning "birth") is a Christian holiday whichiscelebrated annuallyby Christians on December 25 to commemoratethebirth of JesusChrist. Christmas is celebrated in theeveningservice on December24; and service in the morning ofDecember 25.Some Orthodoxchurches celebrate Christmas on 6 January(see alsoEpiphany).In the western tradition, Christmas warningalsocontainsnon-religious aspects. Some Christmas traditions fromtheWestinclude Christmas trees, Christmas cards, exchanginggiftsbetweenfriends and family members as well as the story ofSantaClaus orSanta Claus.The word "Christmas" comes from the LatinphraseAnniversary(Birthday) .In English Christmas celebrationcalledChristmas, fromthe old English term Cristes Maesse (1038)orCristes-messe (1131),which means Mass of Christ. Christmasusuallyalso written Χ'mas, ashortening that fits with theChristiantradition, because theletter X in Greek is an abbreviationof theChrist or the GreekChi-Rho.To welcome Christmas and new year, we developedanapplicationthat contains a collection of Christmas songsarepopular inIndonesia and the World, while the Christmas songsthatwe serve isquite complete, among others:♦ Jingle Bells♦ We Wish You a Merry Christmas♦ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year♦ Has Come♦ We Celebrate Christmas♦ Oh Holy Night♦ Silent Night Silent♦ Because He is Born for Us♦ Christmas is Here♦ Angel We Have Heard on High♦ Holy Night♦ Gita Heaven Bergema♦ Hi Mari rally♦ The first Noel♦ Twelve days of Christmas♦ Oh come little children♦ Hark the herald angels sing♦ First Christmas♦ etc.Features:♦ Can be used as a ringtone hp♦ Can be used as alarm♦ Can be used as a notification tone♦ Does not require an internet connection♦ Already applying android 7♦ Free AppsHopefully with the presence of a Christmassong2017application is beneficial for those who celebrate, donotforgetrate and the review !!
Amex UNSTAGED: Taylor Swift 1.2.0 APK
Step inside acinematicinteractivemusicalexperience starring Taylor Swift. Choosewhereyou go, whoyoufollow and what you explore in a stunninghousefilledwithcharacters, objects and scenes.Shot with groundbreaking 360° cameras and scored witharichaudiosoundtrack based on Taylor’s single ‘Blank Space’fromhernew album1989, the experience is an immersivejourneywithintertwinedstorylines, multiple rooms and dozensofhiddeninteractive featureswaiting to be unlocked andexplored.The app also features the original ‘Blank Space’musicvideo,1989album purchase details and tour ticketinginformation.You canalsoexplore exclusive behind the scenes footagefrom theTaylorSwiftshoot, as well as the archive of Amex UNSTAGEDliveeventsand filmswith other top artists.The American Express UNSTAGED app is intended for ages 13+.