1.0 / December 15, 2011
(4.3/5) (20)


旧本题晋郭璞撰。璞有《雅注》,已著录。葬地之说,莫知其所自来。周官冢人、墓大夫之职称皆以族葬,是三代以上葬不择地之明证。《汉书〃艺文志〃形法家》始以宫宅地形与相人、相物之书并列,则其术自汉始萌,然尚未专言葬法也。《後汉书〃袁安传》,载安父没,访求葬地,道逢三书生,指一处,当世为上公,安从之,故累世贵盛。是其术盛传於东汉以後。其特以是擅名者,则璞为最著。考璞本传,载璞从河东郭公受《青囊中书》九卷,遂洞天文五行卜筮之术。璞门人赵载尝窃《青囊书》为火所焚,不言其尝著《葬书》。《唐志》有《葬书地脉经》一卷,《葬书五阴》一卷,又不言为璞所作。惟《宋志》载有璞《葬书》一卷,是其书自宋始出,其後方技之家,竞相粉饰,遂有二十篇之多。蔡元定病其芜杂,为删去十二篇,存其八篇。吴澄又病蔡氏未尽蕴奥,择至纯者为内篇,精粗纯驳相半者为外篇,粗驳当去而姑存者为杂篇。新喻刘则章亲受之吴氏,为之注释。今此本所分内篇、外篇、杂篇,盖犹吴氏之旧本。至注之出於刘氏与否,则不可考矣。书中词意简质,犹术士通文义者所作。必以为出自璞手,则无可徵信。或世见璞葬母暨阳,卒远永患,故以是书归之欤。其中遗体受荫之说,使後世惑於祸福,或稽留而不葬,或迁徙而不恒,巳深为通儒所辟。然如乘生气一言,其义颇精。又所云葬者原其起,乘其止,乘风则散,界水则止诸条,亦多明白简当。王祎《青岩丛录》曰:择地以葬,其术本於晋郭璞。所著《葬书》二十篇,多後人增以谬妄之说。蔡元定尝去其十二而存其八。後世之为其术者分为二宗,一曰宗庙之法。始於闽中,其源甚远。至宋王伋乃大行。其为说主於星卦,阳山阳向,阴山阴向,不相乖错,纯取八卦五星以定生克之理。其学浙中传之,而用之者甚鲜。一曰江西之法。肇於赣人杨筠松,曾文迪及赖大有、谢子逸辈,尤精其学。其为说主於形势,原其所起,即其所止,以定位向,专指龙穴砂水之相配,而他拘泥在所不论。今大江以南无不遵之者。二宗之说虽不相同,然皆本於郭氏者也云云。是後世言地学者皆以璞为鼻祖。故书虽依托,终不得而废欤。据《宋志》本名《葬书》,後来术家尊其说者改名《葬经》。毛晋汲古阁刻本亦承其讹, 殊为失考。今仍题旧名,以从其朔云。


舊本題晉郭璞撰。璞有《雅注》,已著錄。葬地之說,莫知其所自來。周官冢人、墓大夫之職稱皆以族葬,是三代以上葬不擇地之明證。《漢書〃藝文志〃形法家》始以宮宅地形與相人、相物之書並列,則其術自漢始萌,然尚未專言葬法也。《後漢書〃袁安傳》,載安父沒,訪求葬地,道逢三書生,指壹處,當世爲上公,安從之,故累世貴盛。是其術盛傳於東漢以後。其特以是擅名者,則璞爲最著。考璞本傳,載璞從河東郭公受《青囊中書》九卷,遂洞天文五行蔔筮之術。璞門人趙載嘗竊《青囊書》爲火所焚,不言其嘗著《葬書》。《唐志》有《葬書地脈經》壹卷,《葬書五陰》壹卷,又不言爲璞所作。惟《宋志》載有璞《葬書》壹卷,是其書自宋始出,其後方技之家,競相粉飾,遂有二十篇之多。蔡元定病其蕪雜,爲刪去十二篇,存其八篇。吳澄又病蔡氏未盡蘊奧,擇至純者爲內篇,精粗純駁相半者爲外篇,粗駁當去而姑存者爲雜篇。新喻劉則章親受之吳氏,爲之注釋。今此本所分內篇、外篇、雜篇,蓋猶吳氏之舊本。至注之出於劉氏與否,則不可考矣。書中詞意簡質,猶術士通文義者所作。必以爲出自璞手,則無可徵信。或世見璞葬母暨陽,卒遠永患,故以是書歸之欤。其中遺體受蔭之說,使後世惑於禍福,或稽留而不葬,或遷徒而不恒,巳深爲通儒所辟。然如乘生氣壹言,其義頗精。又所雲葬者原其起,乘其止,乘風則散,界水則止諸條,亦多明白簡當。王祎《青岩叢錄》曰:擇地以葬,其術本於晉郭璞。所著《葬書》二十篇,多後人增以謬妄之說。蔡元定嘗去其十二而存其八。後世之爲其術者分爲二宗,壹曰宗廟之法。始於閩中,其源甚遠。至宋王伋乃大行。其爲說主於星卦,陽山陽向,陰山陰向,不相乖錯,純取八卦五星以定生克之理。其學浙中傳之,而用之者甚鮮。壹曰江西之法。肇於贛人楊筠松,曾文迪及賴大有、謝子逸輩,尤精其學。其爲說主於形勢,原其所起,即其所止,以定位向,專指龍穴砂水之相配,而他拘泥在所不論。今大江以南無不遵之者。二宗之說雖不相同,然皆本於郭氏者也雲雲。是後世言地學者皆以璞爲鼻祖。故書雖依托,終不得而廢欤。據《宋志》本名《葬書》,後來術家尊其說者改名《葬經》。毛晉汲古閣刻本亦承其訛, 殊爲失考。今仍題舊名,以從其朔雲。


keywords: 葬书 葬書


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周易 正/繁體版 1.0 APK
Ming Shen
《周易》包括兩個部分:《易經》與《易傳》。《易經》是西周時代的一本占卜書,內容包括有八卦(幹、坤、震、巽、坎、離、艮、兌)、六十四重卦、三百八十四爻,以及卦辭和爻辭。相傳八卦為伏羲所畫。《易傳》是戰國時代的儒者對《易經》的解釋,包括《彖》上下、《象》上下、《繫辭》上下、《文言》、《序卦》、《說卦》、《雜卦》十篇。《易傳》的思想有一套獨特的世界觀,蘊含深刻的哲學意義,對後來宋明理學的發展有重大影響。---------------”周易正/繁體版“是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:anadroid@mingsh.com"Book ofChanges" consists of two parts: the "Book of Changes" and "easy topass.""Book of Changes" is a book of divination Zhou era, includinggossip (dry, Kun, earthquake, Sunda, Hom, from, Burgundy, against),sixty-four heavy Gua, three hundred eighty-four Yao, and Guaci andCi. Legend has it that gossip is Fuxi painted."Easy pass" is the Warring States era of Confucian "Book ofChanges" explanation, including the "hog" up and down "like" up anddown, "copulative" up and down, "classical", "Xu Gua", "said Gua","Miscellaneous Gua "ten. "Appendices" thinking has a unique view ofthe world, contains profound philosophical sense, have asignificant impact on the later development ofNeo-Confucianism.---------------"Book of Positive / Traditional" instance of the application isbased on the nine-step application platform. Nine Steps is the nameShanghai Shanghai Science and Technology to create and maintaincontent application platform, the goal is to publish a variety ofbook content, is not limited to books already published orunpublished book content, the biggest beneficiaries of all thecontent you want to publish books and have their own Andr Author ofbooks oid applications, content collectors and editors. People donot need to be an application by publishing institutions in ninesteps quickly publish to mobile content readers to present theirown work, the publisher inserted directly through the in-app adclick profit.Nine Steps is a publication of the contents of books Andr oidapplication templates, you can publish e-books, has many powerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible and personalizedsettings, fast and direct the process of creating profit model, soAndroid content creation and publishing applications, everyone canbecome a simple job done. Nine simple steps to complete Andr oidapplications without programming skills, there are things you canpublish!Content the author or publisher is publishing e-books on theirown through a simple and easy to operate steps. On the technologydoes not have to be Android developers do not need to master anydevelopment technology. EBook publishing application specified bythe author previously implanted banner (AdMob), and in the e-bookreader and click on ad banners when they bring cash income for theauthor or publisher. The publisher can be the original author ofthe book, it can be released for free content collector ofbooks.Nine-step process is still in development, has now entered thejunior version of the test phase, limited to internal use, thisapplication is the product of this phase of testing, I hope thereaders for their valuable comments and suggestions. Once the ninesteps to enter the beta stage, we will announce the nine-stepexamples of application publishing site, when we enthusiasticallywelcome to publish their own works, to achieve its own mobileapplications and get direct economic benefits through theapplication of the product. After nine steps to determine the finalversion, will then inform the majority of authors and contentpublishers.Visit http://aoandroid.com view nine-step releasestates.© 2010-2011 Shanghai name Shanghai Science and Technology Co., Ltdhttp://www.mingsh.comFeedback: anadroid@mingsh.com
周易 1.0 APK
Ming Shen
《周易》包括两个部分:《易经》与《易传》。《易经》是西周时代的一本占卜书,内容包括有八卦(干、坤、震、巽、坎、离、艮、兑)、六十四重卦、三百八十四爻,以及卦辞和爻辞。相传八卦为伏羲所画。《易传》是战国时代的儒者对《易经》的解释,包括《彖》上下、《象》上下、《系辞》上下、《文言》、《序卦》、《说卦》、《杂卦》十篇。《易传》的思想有一套独特的世界观,蕴含深刻的哲学意义,对后来宋明理学的发展有重大影响。keywords: yi jing 易经 yijing zhouyi---------------”周易“是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:anadroid@mingsh.com"Book ofChanges" consists of two parts: the "Book of Changes" and "easy topass.""Book of Changes" is a book of divination Zhou era, includinggossip (dry, Kun, earthquake, Sunda, Hom, from, Burgundy, against),sixty-four heavy Gua, three hundred eighty-four Yao, and Guaci andCi. Legend has it that gossip is Fuxi painted."Easy pass" is the Warring States era of Confucian "Book ofChanges" explanation, including the "hog" up and down "like" up anddown, "copulative" up and down, "classical", "Xu Gua", "said Gua","Miscellaneous Gua "ten. "Appendices" thinking has a unique view ofthe world, contains profound philosophical sense, have asignificant impact on the later development ofNeo-Confucianism.keywords: yi jing I Ching yijing zhouyi---------------"Book" is based on the nine-step application platformapplication instance. Nine Steps is the name Shanghai ShanghaiScience and Technology to create and maintain content applicationplatform, the goal is to publish a variety of book content, is notlimited to books already published or unpublished book content, thebiggest beneficiaries of all the content you want to publish booksand have their own Andr Author of books oid applications, contentcollectors and editors. People do not need to be an application bypublishing institutions in nine steps quickly publish to mobilecontent readers to present their own work, the publisher inserteddirectly through the in-app ad click profit.Nine Steps is a publication of the contents of books Andr oidapplication templates, you can publish e-books, has many powerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible and personalizedsettings, fast and direct the process of creating profit model, soAndroid content creation and publishing applications, everyone canbecome a simple job done. Nine simple steps to complete Andr oidapplications without programming skills, there are things you canpublish!Content the author or publisher is publishing e-books on theirown through a simple and easy to operate steps. On the technologydoes not have to be Android developers do not need to master anydevelopment technology. EBook publishing application specified bythe author previously implanted banner (AdMob), and in the e-bookreader and click on ad banners when they bring cash income for theauthor or publisher. The publisher can be the original author ofthe book, it can be released for free content collector ofbooks.Nine-step process is still in development, has now entered thejunior version of the test phase, limited to internal use, thisapplication is the product of this phase of testing, I hope thereaders for their valuable comments and suggestions. Once the ninesteps to enter the beta stage, we will announce the nine-stepexamples of application publishing site, when we enthusiasticallywelcome to publish their own works, to achieve its own mobileapplications and get direct economic benefits through theapplication of the product. After nine steps to determine the finalversion, will then inform the majority of authors and contentpublishers.Visit http://aoandroid.com view nine-step releasestates.© 2010-2011 Shanghai name Shanghai Science and Technology Co., Ltdhttp://www.mingsh.comFeedback: anadroid@mingsh.com
道德经 1.1 APK
Ming Shen
- 如果是更新版本,请卸载老版本再下载安装,否则无法加载修改的内容!《道德经》,又称《道德真经》《老子》《五千言》《老子五千文》,是中国古代先秦诸子分家前的一部著作,为其时诸子所共仰,传说是春秋时期的老子李耳(似是作者、注释者、传抄者的集合体)所撰写,是道家哲学思想的重要来源。道德经分上下两篇,原文上篇《德经》、下篇《道经》,不分章,后改为《道经》在前,《德经》在后,并分为81章。是中国历史上首部完整的哲学著作。-------”道德经“是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:anadroid@mingsh.com- If it isa newer version, please uninstall the old version and then downloadand install, or can not load the content changes!"Moral", also known as the "moral Scriptures" "I" "thousandwords" "I thousand text", is an ancient Chinese book before theseparation of the pre-Qin thinkers, philosophers of belief forwhen, The legend is the Spring and Autumn Period I Lier (seems tothe author, commentator, who make private copies of a collection)written, is an important source of Taoist philosophy. Moral anddown two points, on the original article "De Jing", Part II, "Dao",divided into chapters, later renamed the "Dao" in front, "De Jing"in the post, and is divided into 81 chapters. China's first everfull-length philosophical writings.-------"Moral" is based on a nine-step example application applicationplatform. Nine Steps is the name Shanghai Shanghai Science andTechnology to create and maintain content application platform, thegoal is to publish a variety of book content, is not limited tobooks already published or unpublished book content, the biggestbeneficiaries of all the content you want to publish books and havetheir own Andr Author of books oid applications, content collectorsand editors. People do not need to be an application by publishinginstitutions in nine steps quickly publish to mobile contentreaders to present their own work, the publisher inserted directlythrough the in-app ad click profit.Nine Steps is a publication of the contents of books Andr oidapplication templates, you can publish e-books, has many powerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible and personalizedsettings, fast and direct the process of creating profit model, soAndroid content creation and publishing applications, everyone canbecome a simple job done. Nine simple steps to complete Andr oidapplications without programming skills, there are things you canpublish!Content the author or publisher is publishing e-books on theirown through a simple and easy to operate steps. On the technologydoes not have to be Android developers do not need to master anydevelopment technology. EBook publishing application specified bythe author previously implanted banner (AdMob), and in the e-bookreader and click on ad banners when they bring cash income for theauthor or publisher. The publisher can be the original author ofthe book, it can be released for free content collector ofbooks.Nine-step process is still in development, has now entered thejunior version of the test phase, limited to internal use, thisapplication is the product of this phase of testing, I hope thereaders for their valuable comments and suggestions. Once the ninesteps to enter the beta stage, we will announce the nine-stepexamples of application publishing site, when we enthusiasticallywelcome to publish their own works, to achieve its own mobileapplications and get direct economic benefits through theapplication of the product. After nine steps to determine the finalversion, will then inform the majority of authors and contentpublishers.Visit http://aoandroid.com view nine-step releasestates.© 2010-2011 Shanghai name Shanghai Science and Technology Co., Ltdhttp://www.mingsh.comFeedback: anadroid@mingsh.com
狼图腾 1.1 APK
Ming Shen
《狼图腾》一书由几十个有机连贯的“狼故事”一气呵成,情节紧张激烈而又新奇神秘。读者可从书中每一篇章、每个细节中攫取强烈的阅读快感,令人欲罢不能。那些精灵一般的蒙古草原狼随时从书中呼啸而出:狼的每一次侦察、布阵、伏击、奇袭的高超战术;狼对气象、地形的巧妙利用;狼的视死如归和不屈不挠;狼族中的友爱亲情;狼与草原万物的关系;倔强可爱的小狼在失去自由后艰难的成长过程——无不使我们联想到人类,进而思考人类历史中那些迄今县置未解的一个个疑问:当年区区十几万蒙古骑兵为什么能够横扫欧亚大陆?中华民族今日辽阔疆土由来的深层原因?历史上究竟是华夏文明征服了游牧民族,还是游牧民族一次次为汉民族输血才使中华文明得以延续?为什么中国马背上的民族,从古至今不崇拜马图腾而信奉狼图腾?中华文明从未中断的原因,是否在于中国还存在着一个从未中断的狼图腾文化?于是,我们不能不追思遥想,不能不面对我们曾经辉煌也曾经破碎的山河和历史发出叩问:我们口口声声自诩是炎黄子孙,可知“龙图腾”极有可能是从游牧民族的“狼图腾”演变而来?华厦民族的“龙图腾崇拜”,是否将从此揭秘?我们究竟是龙的传人还是狼的传人?"WolfTotem" by dozens of organic and coherent "wolf story coherent plotintense and strange and mysterious. Readers from each chapter ofthe book, every detail grab a strong reading pleasure, addictive.Mongolian steppe wolf elves roared out at any time from the book:every wolf reconnaissance lineup, ambushes, superb tacticalsurprise; wolf clever use of meteorological, terrain; wolf unafraidof death and unyielding; wolf fraternity affection; wolf andprairie relationship of all things; stubborn cute coyotes toughgrowing up in the loss of freedom - without exception, so we thinkof human beings, and then think about those so far in the historyof mankind County home one question unanswered: when a mere whyhundreds of thousands of Mongol horsemen swept across Eurasia?Chinese nation today vast territory of origin of the underlyingcauses? The history of Chinese civilization conquered the nomads,or nomads again and again for the Han ethnic blood transfusionbefore the Chinese civilization can survive? Why ethnic Chinesehorseback, avers horse totem worship and believe in Wolf Totem?Chinese civilization has never been interrupted, that still existin China a never interrupt the wolf totem culture? Thus, we can nothelp but memorial Way back, must face our once glorious mountainsand rivers and have also broken the history issue Inquiries: weclaim prides itself on being the Chinese people, we can see thedragon totem pole may from nomads "Wolf Totem "evolved? Edificesnation "dragon totem worship, whether from this Secret? Whether weare the heirs of the descendants of the dragon or wolf?
古文观止 1.0 APK
Ming Shen
《古文观止》是清人吴楚材、吴调侯于康熙三十三年(1694年)选定的古代散文选本。二吴均是浙江绍兴人,长期设馆授徒,此书是为学生编的教材。除本书外,二吴还细著了《纲鉴易知录》。《古文观止》由清代吴兴祚审定并作序,序言中称“以此正蒙养而裨后学”,当时为读书人的启蒙读物。康熙三十四年(1695年)正式镌版印刷。书名“古文观止”意指文集所收录的文章代表文言文的最高水平,学习文言文至此观止矣。创作背景《古文观止》的编者是清初山阴(今浙江绍兴)人吴乘权、吴大职叔侄俩。乘权,字楚材。一生研习古文,好读经史。康熙十五年(1676年)就在福州辅助先生教伯父之子学习古文,后竟以授馆终其一生。除参与选编《古文观止》外,他还同周之炯、周之灿一起采用朱熹《通鉴纲目》体例,编过一个历史普及读本——《纲鉴易知录》。大职,字调侯,也是嗜“古学”而“才器过人”。他一生的主要经历,是在家乡同叔父一道教书。二吴编撰《古文观止》费时有年。起初,他们只是为给童子讲授古文编了一些讲义。后来逐年讲授,对古文的见解越来越深,讲义越编越精,以致“好事者手录”而去,“乡先生”读后有“观止”之叹,劝他们“付之剞劂以公之于世”。这样,他们才“辑平日之所课业者若干首”为一书。书稿编好后,即寄往归化(今呼和浩特市)请吴兴祚审阅。兴祚,字伯成,号留村,为乘权伯父。他官至两广总督,时任汉军副都统。他“披阅数过”,以为此书于初学古文者大为有益,便于康熙三十四年(1695年)端午节为书做序,且“亟命付诸梨枣”。这样就有了《古文观止》最早的刻本。  中华人民共和国成立以后,特别是近十多年来,《古文观止》的许多译注本,都是用中华书局本为底本。中华书局本实有两种:一是1959年本。这是由原古籍刊行社转来的本子,此本“据映雪堂本断句,并校正了个别显著的错字”。二是1987年本,即安平秋点校本。此本虽以1959年本为底本,但用映雪堂原刻本复核过,用文富堂本、怀泾堂本、鸿文堂本参校过,还用相关史书、总集、别集所收古文校勘过,而且补录了二吴之《序》和乘权所撰《例言》。因而它是目前所能见到的最好的版本。作品特点《古文观止》所选之文上起先秦,下至明末,大体反映了先秦至明末散文发展的大致轮廓和主要面貌。其中包括《左传》34篇、《国语》11篇,《公羊传》3篇、《礼记》6篇,《战国策》14篇,韩愈文17篇;柳宗元文8篇,欧阳修11篇,苏轼文11篇,苏辙文3篇,王安石3篇……共222篇。本书入选之文皆为语言精炼、短小精悍、便于传诵的佳作。衡文标准基本上兼顾到思想性与艺术性当然所谓思想性是以不违背封建正统观念为基准的。选者以古文为正宗,也不排斥骈文收入4篇,在当时是难能可贵的;在文章中间或末尾,选者有一些夹批或尾批,对初学者理解文章有一定帮助;体例方面一改前人按文体分类的习惯,而是以时代为经,以作家为纬,值得肯定。  《古文观止》所选以散文为主,间有骈文辞赋,基本上均为历代传诵名篇,具有“永恒的艺术魅力”。编者以“观止”来冠名,恐怕确有当初吴公子季札观赏舞乐时那种由衷赞叹溢于言表的心境。从这点来看,《古文观止》是一部形象的中国历代散文大观,也是一部活生生的散文发展历程。  另一方面,《古文观止》虽为当时的蒙童和普通古文爱好者所选编,但一点也没有媚俗的气息,这些不朽的经典中,蕴含着丰富的历史知识、成熟的人生经验、艰深的文章美学,乃至博远的宇宙哲理。在中国浩森的散文之海里,优秀之作实在太多了,而《古文观止》所选作品真是做到了蒙童读来不高,学人读来不低,很像家喻户晓的《唐诗三百首》一样,这两部选集堪称中国传统文学通俗读物的双璧。  《古文观止》所收以散文为主,兼取骈文。与《文选》以来的古文选本相比,它包括的时代既长,卷帙又不甚多,而且文章的体裁多样,较少派别的偏见,可谓广收博采,而又繁简适中。在编排上,全书按时代先后分为7个时期,每个时期都有重点作家和作品。由此可以纵观古文发展的源流,也可以分析各个作家的不同风格。每篇文章又都有简要的评注,辅助读者理解文义,掌握行文的章法。加以入选的文章多属久经传诵的佳作,所以此书广为流行至今。书目组成《古文观止》所选之文上起先秦,下迄明末,大体反映了先秦至明末散文发展的大致轮廓和主要面貌。其中包括《左传》34篇 ,《国语》11篇,《公羊传》3篇、 《礼记》6篇,《战国策》14篇,韩愈文17篇;柳宗元文8篇,欧阳修11篇,苏轼文11篇,苏辙文3篇,王安石3篇……共222篇。衡文标准基本上兼顾到思想性与艺术性当然所谓思想性是以不违背封建正统观念为基准的。选者以古文为正宗,也不排斥骈文收入4篇,在当时是难能可贵的;在文章中间或末尾,选者有一些夹批或尾批,对初学者理解文章有一定帮助;体例方面一改前人按文体分类的习惯,而是以时代为经。===================本应用是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:anadroid@mingsh.com
盗墓笔记 全本 1.0 APK
Ming Shen
50年前由长沙土夫子(盗墓贼)出土的战国帛书,记载了一个奇特战国古墓的位置,50年后,其中一个土夫子的孙子在他的笔记中发现这个秘密,纠集了一批经验丰富的盗墓贼前去寻宝,谁也没有想到,这个古墓竟然有着这么多诡异的事情:七星疑棺,青眼狐尸,九头蛇柏。这神秘的墓主人到底是谁,他们到底能不能找到真正的棺椁?故事悬念重重,情节跌荡,值得一看。作者:南派三叔===================本应用是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:anadroid@mingsh.comWarring States 50 yearsago unearthed in Changsha soil Teacher (grave robbers) silkmanuscripts, records a peculiar location of the Warring Statestombs, 50 years later, the grandson of a soil Master found in hisnotes the secret, gathered a group of experienced The rich graverobbers go treasure hunting, no one thought that this tomb turnedout to have so many strange things: Seven suspected coffin, blueeyes fox corpse, Hydra Bo. This mysterious tomb of who, in the endthey can not find the real coffin? Unconventional heavy suspense ofthe story, the plot, worth a visit.Author: Southern Pine Uncle===================This application is an instance of the application built on thenine-step application platform. The nine step is to name applicantto create and maintain the contents of the application platform,the goal is to publish a variety of book content, not limited toreading materials have been published or unpublished book content,the biggest beneficiaries of all you want to publish a book contentand has its own Andr author of the oid books application,collectors and editors. People do not need publishers to quickly inthe nine-step release an application to present their own work tothe mobile content readers, publishers earnings inserted directlythrough the application of ad clicks.Nine step is to publish content books Andr oid applicationtemplates, e-books can be published, and has many powerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible and personalizedsettings shortcut creation process and direct profit model, soAndroid the contents of the application to create and publisheveryone can complete simple tasks. Nine simple steps, completeAndr oid application without programming skills, there are thingsyou can post!The content author or publisher to self-publish the book throughsimple operation steps. The author does not have to be the Androidtechnology developers, do not need to master any developmenttechnology. Published e-book applications pre-implantation ofspecified advertising banner (AdMob), reading e-books and click onthe ad banners, we will bring in cash for the author or publisher.The publisher is the original author of the books can alsodistribute free books content collection.The nine steps still in development, has entered the testingphase of the primary version, for internal use only, thisapplication is the phase of the test product, and hope that readersvaluable comments and suggestions. Once the nine steps to enter thebeta stage, we will announce the release site of the nine-stepexamples of application, to welcome you all to publish their ownworks, and owned their own mobile application products and forfinancial gain by applying the product directly. Identified thenine steps of the final version will then inform the majority ofauthors and content publishers.The visit http://aoandroid.com view the nine-step releasestate.© 2010-2011 Shanghai from the Shanghai Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved http://www.mingsh.comFeedback: anadroid@mingsh.com
英语词汇的奥秘 1.0 APK
Ming Shen
本书旨在帮助读者了解英语单词的内在规律,向读者介绍一种学习英语单词的有效方法,以便使读者能迅速地掌握大量单词,并通过揭示英语单词的奥秘,使读者认识到:学习、记忆英语单词并非难事,原有捷径可循。  本书从构词法入手,通过对单词的分析,阐明单词的核心是词根,并使读者了解词根的重要性:认识一个词根,就可认识一群单词。  书中选用252个词根作为基础,把同根词集中在一起,配以单词分析实例,使读者了解单词是如何构成的,词义是如何产生的。读者一旦掌握分析单词的能力以后,便可掌握大量词汇。  书的后一部分是词缀,包括124个前缀和165个后缀。凡较常用的词缀均已收入。多义的词缀均按义分条举例解释。例词都选用常用词,以利辨认和理解。keywords: 英语词汇的奥秘 英语学习材料 英语单词 词汇 托福复习 雅思词汇 考试辅导 英语900句不会英语也会讲!英语句型 英语单词 词汇 托福 雅思 考试辅导 英語句型 英文句型 学习 外语学习 英语口语 英語900句 英語口语英語单词英語詞匯的奧秘 英語學習材料 英語單詞 詞匯 托福復習 雅思詞匯 考試輔導 英語900句 不會英語也會講!英語句型 英語單詞 詞匯托福 雅思 考試輔導 英語句型 英文句型 學習 外語學習 英語口語 英語900句 英語口語 英語單詞-------------------”英语词汇的奥秘“是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:anadroid@mingsh.comThis book aims to helpreaders understand the inherent law of English words, an effectiveway to introduce the reader to learn English words, so that thereader can quickly grasp a lot of words, and by revealing themysteries of English words, so that readers understand: learning,remember English words is not difficult, the original shortcut.This book from the start of word formation, through the analysis ofthe word, the word to clarify the core root, root for the reader tounderstand the importance and: know a root, you can recognize agroup of words.The book as a basis for selection of 252 root, the same root wordstogether, with the word analysis example, so that readersunderstand how words are formed, how meaning is produced. Once thereader grasp the analytical capabilities of words, you can master alarge vocabulary.Part affix the book, including 124 165 prefix and suffix. Where arethe more commonly used affixes income. Ambiguous meaning ofsub-section, for example according to affix explanation. Examplewords are common words chosen to facilitate the identification andunderstanding.keywords: mysteries of English vocabulary learning materialsreview TOEFL IELTS English vocabulary word vocabulary testcounseling English 900 will not speak English! English LearningEnglish vocabulary words in English sentences TOEFL IELTS tutoringlearning English sentence spoken English language learning English900 English spoken English wordsMystery English vocabulary learning materials review IELTS TOEFLvocabulary words in English vocabulary test counseling English 900will not speak English! English Learning English vocabulary wordsin English sentences TOEFL IELTS tutoring learning English sentencespoken English language learning English 900 English spoken Englishwords-------------------"English vocabulary mystery" is built on a nine-step exampleapplication application platform. Nine Steps is the name ShanghaiShanghai Science and Technology to create and maintain contentapplication platform, the goal is to publish a variety of bookcontent, is not limited to books already published or unpublishedbook content, the biggest beneficiaries of all the content you wantto publish books and have their own Andr Author of books oidapplications, content collectors and editors. People do not need tobe an application by publishing institutions in nine steps quicklypublish to mobile content readers to present their own work, thepublisher inserted directly through the in-app ad click profit.Nine Steps is a publication of the contents of books Andr oidapplication templates, you can publish e-books, has many powerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible and personalizedsettings, fast and direct the process of creating profit model, soAndroid content creation and publishing applications, everyone canbecome a simple job done. Nine simple steps to complete Andr oidapplications without programming skills, there are things you canpublish!Content the author or publisher is publishing e-books on theirown through a simple and easy to operate steps. On the technologydoes not have to be Android developers do not need to master anydevelopment technology. EBook publishing application specified bythe author previously implanted banner (AdMob), and in the e-bookreader and click on ad banners when they bring cash income for theauthor or publisher. The publisher can be the original author ofthe book, it can be released for free content collector ofbooks.Nine-step process is still in development, has now entered thejunior version of the test phase, limited to internal use, thisapplication is the product of this phase of testing, I hope thereaders for their valuable comments and suggestions. Once the ninesteps to enter the beta stage, we will announce the nine-stepexamples of application publishing site, when we enthusiasticallywelcome to publish their own works, to achieve its own mobileapplications and get direct economic benefits through theapplication of the product. After nine steps to determine the finalversion, will then inform the majority of authors and contentpublishers.Visit http://aoandroid.com view nine-step releasestates.© 2010-2011 Shanghai name Shanghai Science and Technology Co., Ltdhttp://www.mingsh.comFeedback: anadroid@mingsh.com
鬼吹灯 II.4 之 巫峡棺山 1.1 APK
Ming Shen
“鬼吹燈”是部奇書,小說中作者首創歷史上四大盜墓門派 -摸金,卸嶺,發丘,搬山,其中摸金是技術含量最高,規矩最多的門派。“人點燭,鬼吹燈“是傳說中摸金派的不傳之秘...-----”鬼吹灯 -巫峡棺山“是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:anadroid@mingsh.com"Ghost Blows" is theDepartment of Masterpieces, the first novel in the history of theTomb of the four sects - touch of gold, unloading Ridge, hairmound, moving mountains, which is the highest-tech touch of gold,most of the rules of martial art. "People light candles, GhostBlows" is the legendary golden touch to send secret does not pass...-----"Ghost Blows - Gorge coffin Mountain" is based on the nine-stepapplication platform application instance. Nine Steps is the nameShanghai Shanghai Science and Technology to create and maintaincontent application platform, the goal is to publish a variety ofbook content, is not limited to books already published orunpublished book content, the biggest beneficiaries of all thecontent you want to publish books and have their own Andr Author ofbooks oid applications, content collectors and editors. People donot need to be an application by publishing institutions in ninesteps quickly publish to mobile content readers to present theirown work, the publisher inserted directly through the in-app adclick profit.Nine Steps is a publication of the contents of books Andr oidapplication templates, you can publish e-books, has many powerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible and personalizedsettings, fast and direct the process of creating profit model, soAndroid content creation and publishing applications, everyone canbecome a simple job done. Nine simple steps to complete Andr oidapplications without programming skills, there are things you canpublish!Content the author or publisher is publishing e-books on theirown through a simple and easy to operate steps. On the technologydoes not have to be Android developers do not need to master anydevelopment technology. EBook publishing application specified bythe author previously implanted banner (AdMob), and in the e-bookreader and click on ad banners when they bring cash income for theauthor or publisher. The publisher can be the original author ofthe book, it can be released for free content collector ofbooks.Nine-step process is still in development, has now entered thejunior version of the test phase, limited to internal use, thisapplication is the product of this phase of testing, I hope thereaders for their valuable comments and suggestions. Once the ninesteps to enter the beta stage, we will announce the nine-stepexamples of application publishing site, when we enthusiasticallywelcome to publish their own works, to achieve its own mobileapplications and get direct economic benefits through theapplication of the product. After nine steps to determine the finalversion, will then inform the majority of authors and contentpublishers.Visit http://aoandroid.com view nine-step releasestates.© 2010-2011 Shanghai name Shanghai Science and Technology Co., Ltdhttp://www.mingsh.comFeedback: anadroid@mingsh.com