0.1 / August 17, 2013
(3.9/5) ()


This app helps the user to remind the longlist of acupuncture back-shu points, in an easy and logical way. Itwas just while searching a trick to memorize the back-shu pointsthat the author noticed that acupuncture might have a very strongrelation with gross anatomy. So he understood the importance of thecomparative approach in acupuncture research, meridian path shapecompared to anatomical organ shape, in men and other vertebrates,gross anatomy books face to TCM books. The very base of medicine isanatomy, plus other disciplines: microscopy, blood analysis,x-Rays, CT, MR and so on. Many functions of what today we call the"man" seem to be invisible: thoughts and feelings, for example. Tobe precise, today they are invisible. That's according to author'sfindings, after the discovery of the fire and the regular use of itmeridians have become invisible day by day. Possibly the ancient"wo-men" (curiously in Chinese this world means the pronoun "we")could see the meridians anatomy as a part of anatomy. Please visitthe complete collection of the anatomical comparative approachapplied to acupuncture research at www.geneticacupuncture.com.Thank you.

AANVULLENDE INFORMATIE Acupuncture Back Shu Points

  • App naam
    Acupuncture Back Shu Points
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    August 17, 2013
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Installaties
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Categorie
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Visit website Email cbgxma@gmail.com
    Dr Stefano Marcelli Via Caravaggio 7 25047 Darfo Boario Terme (BS)
  • Google Play Link

DocMarcelli Meer...

Acupuncture Back Shu Points 0.1 APK
This app helps the user to remind the longlist of acupuncture back-shu points, in an easy and logical way. Itwas just while searching a trick to memorize the back-shu pointsthat the author noticed that acupuncture might have a very strongrelation with gross anatomy. So he understood the importance of thecomparative approach in acupuncture research, meridian path shapecompared to anatomical organ shape, in men and other vertebrates,gross anatomy books face to TCM books. The very base of medicine isanatomy, plus other disciplines: microscopy, blood analysis,x-Rays, CT, MR and so on. Many functions of what today we call the"man" seem to be invisible: thoughts and feelings, for example. Tobe precise, today they are invisible. That's according to author'sfindings, after the discovery of the fire and the regular use of itmeridians have become invisible day by day. Possibly the ancient"wo-men" (curiously in Chinese this world means the pronoun "we")could see the meridians anatomy as a part of anatomy. Please visitthe complete collection of the anatomical comparative approachapplied to acupuncture research at www.geneticacupuncture.com.Thank you.
Agopuntura Scientifica 1.0 0.1 APK
Un solo week-end full immersion nei “trucchidel mestiere” dell’agopunturista medico. Un corso PRATICO e TEORICOconcepito per poter trattare SUBITO la maggior parte dei sintomi dicomune riscontro nel lavoro medico di tutti i giorni, dalla riniteallergica al dolore articolare, dalla cefalea alla colicaaddominale.Only a weekend fullimmersion in "tricks" dell'agopunturista doctor. And a coursePRACTICAL THEORETICAL designed to treat symptoms IMMEDIATELY mostcommonly found in the medical work of everyday life, from allergicrhinitis to joint pain, headache from the gripes.
Darwin Acupuncture 0.3 APK
Darwin Acupuncture launches thecrediblehypothesis that the ancient Chinese civilization alreadyknew -unconsciously - Darwin's theory of the evolution ofspecies.
Acupuncture Qi Flow Cycle PRO 1.2 APK
According to the Acupuncture MeridianSystem,discovered by the first philosophers and practitionersofTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the vital fluid named Qibuildsand permeates all things in Nature, shaping minerals, plantsandanimals. Qi flows within the acupuncture meridian systemandrelated organs with a 24-hour cycle and a 2-hour passage foreachmeridian/organ, with maximum and minimum peaks. Initiallytheauthor drew this diagram for his exclusive use and research,butseen that everyone who saw it asked him to get a copy, he begantheprocedure of the publication on the smartphone app market. Nowitis considered one of the best conceivedpicture/diagramrepresenting the 24-hour Qi-Flow in the 12 mainmeridians. Oncestarted, the app rotates till stopping over theslice of theacupuncture meridian, in which the Qi is at its climax,accordingto the solar time zone of the smartphone countrylocation.After clicking the icon with yin/yang dolphins, tap the phonetostart the app. The figures of the 12 Main Meridians are newandhigh definition. Scroll and zoom them to see all the pointsaddedto the paths.For each meridian all point names and numbers are listed in asinglecolumn. The most useful points are specially marked:xi-cleftpoints, yuan-source, luo-connection, horary points,meeting of 3 yinand 3 yang of arm and leg, generaltonification/sedation, and pointsto needle with caution. In aspecial box, four points are suggestedfor immediate treatment ofthe patients: the first two: Pain(xi-cleft point) and Lack(yuan-source point) respectively alleviatepain/relieve Qi excessor block of any cause, and fill thevoid/restore the Qi flow in theconcerned channel. The second twopoints have been chosen accordingto their good reputation and widerange of functions againstillness. Solar (not legal) time zone ofthe smartphone countrylocation has been applied.The completecollection of the 8Extraordinary Meridians’ pictures have been alsoadded: Dumai,Renmai, Chongmai, Daimai, Yangqiaomai, Yinqiaomai,Yangweimai andYinweimai. To open the series tap the button at thetop of themeridian slice. For each of them all coalescent pointsare listed,with mention of special functions. A box recalls thechannel withwhich each one is paired, and the master and coupledpoints thatopen it.Please give the author and developer your opinion, and suggestwhatyou’d like to see refined or added in future updates.Enjoy your app!
Corsi di Mesoterapia 0.2 APK
La mesoterapia è una tecnica di iniezionechepermette di ridurre la quantità dei farmaci necessari per unadataterapia. Ad esempio, in un dolore articolare o tendineodellaspalla o del piede, il farmaco antinfiammatorio chenormalmenteverrebbe assunto in compresse o iniezioni intramuscolarivieneridotto a un decimo e diluito con soluzione fisiologica oaltrifarmaci, e iniettato nella spalla o nel piede con un ago diappena4 mm. In questo modo il fegato e gli altri organi filtrovengono"scavalcati" e risparmiati da possibili effetti tossici, inquantoi farmaci non passano per l'intestino ma sono portatidirettamentedove si trova il problema. Come diceva il suo inventoreMichelPistor: "La mesoterapia è un metodo per avvicinare il luogodellaterapia al luogo della patologia, per un maggior beneficiodelpaziente."La mesoterapia viene utilizzata anche in medicina estetica,inparticolare per il trattamento di cellulite, rughe,alopecia,varici e smagliature.La mesoterapia è una tecnica che in medicina umana puòesserepraticata esclusivamente da medici e odontoiatri.Chi si appresta a ricevere delle sedute di mesoterapiadovrebbeaccertarsi che chi la effettuerà sia laureato in medicinaechirurgia.La Scuola Italiana di Mesoterapia fa capo al Dr. Stefano Marcellieorganizza Corsi di formazione in mesoterapia BASE (I livello)eMASTER (II livello).Tutte le informazioni su www.meso.itMesotherapy isaninjection technique that allows to reduce the amount ofdrugsneeded for a given therapy. For example, in a joint or tendonpainor the shoulder of the foot, the anti-inflammatory drug thatwouldnormally be taken in tablets or intramuscular injections isreducedto one tenth and diluted with saline or other drugs, andinjectedinto the shoulder or in the foot with a needle just 4 mm.In thisway, the liver and other organs filter are "bypassed" andsparedfrom possible toxic effects, because the drugs do not passthroughthe intestine but are taken directly to where the problemlies. Inthe words of its creator Michel Pistor, "Mesotherapy is away tobring the place to the place of treatment of the disease, amajorbenefit of the patient."Mesotherapy is also used in cosmetic medicine, in particular forthetreatment of cellulite, wrinkles, hair loss, varicose veinsandstretch marks.Mesotherapy is a technique in human medicine can be practicedonlyby physicians and dentists.Who is going to receive sessions of mesotherapy should ensurethatthose who will be graduated in medicine and surgery.The Italian School of Mesotherapy is part of the Dr.StefanoMarcelli and organizes training courses in mesotherapy BASE(levelI) and MASTER (level II).All information about www.meso.it