2 / July 29, 2016
(4.8/5) (5)


Esta aplicación te ayudará a decidir quesihacer o que no hacer. Sólo haz una pregunta de si o no y agitaelcelular o toca el boton y recibirás la sabiduría milenaria delacaracola mágica con un estilo muy mexicano.
Recuerda sólo agita y escucha sus divertidas respuestas.
This application willhelpyou decide if you do or do not do. Just ask a question ofwhether ornot and shake the phone or touch the button and get theancientwisdom of the magical conch shell with a very Mexicanstyle.
Remember only waves and listen to their funny answers.

AANVULLENDE INFORMATIE Caracola Mágica en Español

  • App naam
    Caracola Mágica en Español
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    July 29, 2016
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Installaties
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Categorie
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Email prim.dgose1.nuno.eduardo@gmail.com
    calle puerto dimas #26 Ecatepec Edomex C.P. 55450
  • Google Play Link

SamyMoro Meer...

Cuanto me conoces? Amigometro 7 APK
"Conocidos hay mucho pero amigos se cuentanconlos dedos de una mano", eso es algo que solían decirnuestrosabuelitos, pues esta app te ayudara a encontrar a esosamigosverdaderos e incluso ver si tus hermanos, papás novias onovios teconocen tan bien como dicen hacerlo.¿Cómo funciona?Muy fácil,*Primero el dueño del celular o tableta tiene que completarunaserie de preguntas básicas sobre el mismo (ingresarinformacion).Esta información se quedará guardada y ya no tendrásque volver ameterla. Si necesitas modificarla puedes hacerlo desdeel menu"Actualizar mi información"*Segundo dale tu celular a un amigo y pidele que entre alaopcion "A jugar ¿Cuánto me conoces? "Tu amigo tendrá que contestar todas las preguntas "sobre ti"nosobre él.*Una vez que halla terminado de contestar lo que según sabesobretí, es hora de evaluar. La app mostrará sus respuestas y lastuyas,y de ahi tu las evaluaras sus respuestas con "0 puntos" sies que surespuesta no se parece en nada a la tuya, "2 puntos" sitenía unavaga idea sobre la respuesta, y "5 puntos " si es querealmenteacertó en sus respuesta.*Al final de todas las preguntas la app le pedira que anotesunombre a tu amigo "para guardar su puntuacion" y después de esolesdira cuantos puntos obtuvo y te dirá su descrip´cióncomoamigo!Ojala disfruten esta app y la prueben con sus amigos y familia!Yno olviden visitar nuestro canal "Samy y Moro" en YoutubeSaludos!*******************************Notasimportantes**************************************************************** Importante si tenías tu informacion guardada y entras de nuevoalmenu Ingresar datos se borrarán todos tus datospersonalesguardados.** Para borrar records de amigos, accede a la lista y toca sobreelrecord que quieras borrar"There are known a lotbutfriends are counted on the fingers of one hand", that issomethingwe used to say our grandparents, because this app willhelp you findthose true friends and even see if your brothers,dads girlfriendsor boyfriends know you so well do as they say.How does it work?Very easy,    * First the owner of the phone or tablethasto complete a series of basic questions about it(enterinformation). This information will be saved and no longerhave toget her back. If you need to change it you can do it fromthe menu"Update My"   * Second give your phone to a friend andaskhim to enter the option "to play How much you know me?"Your friend will have to answer all questions "about you" notabouthim.  * Once finished answering found what about you asyouknow, it's time to evaluate. The app will show your answersandyours, and hence your the evaluaras your answers with "0 points"ifyour answer does not look anything like yours, "2 points" if hehada vague idea about the answer, and "5 points" if they reallyhittheir response.  * At the end of all questions the app will promptyouto enter your name to your friend "to save your punctuation"andafter that tell them how many points scored and tellyourdescrip'ción as a friend!I hope you enjoy this app and try it with your friendsandfamily! And do not forget to visit our channel "Samy and Moro"onYoutubeRegards!  *******************************Importantnotes**************************************************************** Important if you had your saved information and walk back tothemenu Enter data saved all your personal data will beerased.  ** To erase records of friends, go to the list andtouchon the record that you want to delete
Stop! The Categories Game 8 APK
Stop! (basta!) is a word game where a letteris Randomly selected to start and type a word for each of thedifferent categories.This is the electronic version of the popular game for kids, nowinstead of paper you use this app.The game is fun to play with friends or family.Important:To play the game each player has to install the game in their owndevices.First one of the payers use the button to pick a random letter.Then everybody press start and write the words with the selectedletter, don't forget to press the save buton every time you finisha word. You have to complete all the categories as soon aspossible.When you finish press the STOP! button and wait for your friendsand then you set the points for all your words.100 points. When no one wrote the same word.50 points. 2 players have the same word25 points. more than 2 players have the same word0 points. You didn't write a word.This game is really fun and it is excellent to increase yourvocabulary or just to have fun with family or firends. Stop!(basta!) is a game where you interact with friends or family, thecellphone or tablet is just used instead of the paper. So you aresaving trees! Enjoy Stop! Basta!
Jumping Dinosaur 2 APK
This is the classical run and jump game. Witha cute pink dinosaur who is running and has to jump over the ballscoming to HER? It is a pretty simple but fun and some of the besttime wasting time game!
Baby Animals 1 APK
See the most beautiful baby animals.You can swipe left o r right to see more than 30 images ofthecutest baby animals. The images have a elastic effect to makethemlook more interesting for your children.There's also a Memory Game Included:Watch carefully.Images dissapear and then you are asked to remember wehre apicturewas.Easy and motivating for kids to use memory!
Halloween sounds of Horror 1 APK
More than 20 High-Quality Spooky Sounds!togive life (or dead) to your story telling during Halloween,summercamps or sleepovers with friends. You can use your deviceandconnect it to some speakers and get ready to scream!! Features:Onthe left side you have Monster sounds, from zombies,animatronicsto evil witches, spooky ghosts and even scary dinosaursounds. Onthe right you will find scary things like glass, chains,wind,metal, guns, knifes, etc., making sounds of horror. In the topyouwill have some loops, Ambience loop Sounds to make yourstoryworse..or better? and also some drama sounds (upper rightpart) tohighlight a special moment in your story! ENjoy and Scare:)Features:• High quality sounds• Monster sounds• Object sounds• Suspense sounds• Scary music loops* Robotic animatronic sounds
Let's play Charades | SamyMoro 4 APK
More than 11 categories, nowinEnglish!!!!!Olimpic games, youtubers, School, scarythings,heroes,TipicalValentine's gifts, animals,what am I doing?What am I Like? Actit!, People,Movies etc etc,This is a Funny party game where you never know the character,foodor thing you are until you start to ask questions or someoneactsfor you! This game is also known as Charades or charadas(inSpanish) It is a boardgame to play with friends or family.wherethe main objective is to GUESS words by using either questionsorwatching someone play a hidden word for the player .It is very easy :a) Choose the category.b ) Select the time ( from 30 seconds to 120 seconds) andhitstartc ) Turn your phone to your playmates before the word appears itisnot necessary to put it on your head ( as that would be alittleuncomfortable )d ) Ask questions to them or ask them to act or mime and trytoguess before time runs out.e) If you guess correctly touch with your right hand the screen(notlooking at ) hear to the applause sound, and a new word willappearand you get a point, your teammates will see the new wordand helpagain until you finish your turn.f ) at the end of your turn will hide from you until yournextturn.g ) player who guesses more will win the game h ) there is alsoa"Pass" button if you could not guess the word , use it bytouchingthe screen with your left hand and you will get a new word.• more than 100 words• funny categories (for example What am I doing?WHat amIlike?)• English and Spanish supported.• Easy to use• Sensor mode included. !!!!Tilt front to say yes, tilt it backwards to say no.
Flappy Friends 1.0 APK
To control this flappy friend. 3 thingswillhelp you during the game:1) Tap on the screen to flap your friend's "wings" and make itgoup.2) Avoid the greay blocks.3.- You can get more points if you bounce with the floor!Coming updates:More characters to choose.Improve speedMove backgroudBetter design for blocks!
Novio Perfecto Test del Novio 1.0 APK
¿te gustaría saber si el chico con el queandases el novio perfecto? O tal vez, ¿te gustaría saber si elchico quequiere ser tu novio es el indicado? Pues aplicales estesencillotest del Novio perfecto.Encontarr a la persona ideal se basa en cuanto llegas a conocerbiena una persona y cuanto el conoce de ti. El test consiste enque tunovio o "futuro" novio tendra que contestar una serie depreguntas(18 preguntas) sobre ti (que tu habrás completadopreviamente) Alfinal se compararán tus respuestas con las de elNovio. Por cadarespuesta correcta el tendrá 2 puntos. Al final seles dará elresultado del test y podras comprobar si el chico conel que andas oquieres andar es el PERFECTO para ti.Instrucciones:Primero. Ingresa tus datos.Tendrás que contestar mas de 20 preguntas sobre tiseleccionandoCierto, falso o no lo se. después toda esa informaciónse guardará(ya no tendrás que volver a ingresarla).Segundo. Dale el celular o tableta a tu amigo y el tendráquecontestar 18 preguntas seleccionadas al azar usando cierto,falso ono lo se.Tercero. Al final de las preguntas la APP analizará tus respuestasylas de tu novio o amigo y te dará un análisis del resultadoobtenidopor tu novio o amigo.Esperamos te guste y te diviertas! Felices resultadosWould you like to knowifthe guy that litter is the perfect boyfriend? Or maybe, wouldyoulike to know if the guy who wants to be your boyfriend is theone?For this simple test you aplicales the perfect boyfriend.You find again the ideal person is based on how well you get toknowa person and how he knows you. The test is that your boyfriendor"future" groom will have to answer a series of questions(18questions) about you (that you will have previously completed)Atthe end of your answers will be compared with those oftheBridegroom. For each correct answer the will 2 points. At theendthey will be given the test result and you can check if the guyyouwant to walk or litter is perfect for you.Instructions:First. Enter your information.  You'll have to answer more than 20 questions aboutyouselect True, false or do not know. after all this informationissaved (and not have to re-enter).Second. Give him the phone or tablet and your friend will havetoanswer 18 questions randomly selected using true, false or donotknow.Third. At the end of the questions the APP will analyze youranswersand your boyfriend or friend and give an analysis of theresultobtained by your boyfriend or friend.We hope you like and have fun! happy results