GameSticky Apps
Lift Safety For Kids : Child Safety Games 2.0.1
Lift Safety For Kids is a good game to teach your little onesaboutlifts. In this safety game, you can learn how to use theliftproperly will ensure fun for everyone. Here we can add tonssafetylevels for you, In the first level, you can learn If theelevatoris full Be patient and wait for the next ride, Wait tilleveryonegets off the elevator. At the next level, you can learnabout liftbuttons and many more learning tips. Next level kids willlearnwhat to do when the lift is stuck and also learn how to exitfromthe elevator. After that, you can learn what to do in case offirein the elevator. So visit each and every level in thiskidslearning game and learn tons safety tips in a fun way. Playandenjoy this Kids Safety game and don't forget to share it withyourfriends and all the family members. List of safety tips:-Unshoulder your bag before entering into the elevator -Standstraight facing the elevator's door - Press the button ofthedesired level - Keep the elevator neat and clean - Standpeacefullyand wait till your desired level - Stand still till thedoor iscompletely open - Prefer stairs in case of fire Lift SafetyForKids is pre toddler and early age educational game. The safetygameis designed specifically for kids. We will be glad withyourresponse. Contact us anytime for any questions and
Kids Computer Preschool Activities Toddlers Games 1.1.8
Kids Computer Preschool Activities For Toddlers is a collectionofeducational games. In this child game, We include lotsofeducational activities that will increase your child skillsinlearning new things using the mobile phone in a fun way.KeyFeatures of Kids Computer Preschool Activities For ToddlersGame: -More than 10 different educational games that teach kidsaboutshapes, colors, letters, etc., - Learn letters with picturesandvoices - Attractive design! It is suitable for all ages kids-Dozens of sounds of animals, letters, fruit names, shapes andmuchmore - Improve child memory and enjoy free learning games forkids- A delightful way for kids to learn the words - Thispreschoolgame is loved by little kids all over the world We will begladwith your response. Contact us anytime for any questionsandsuggestions at